


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  data into a spatial and temporal map of the brain slice.
2 CA3 and layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the rat brain slice.
3 tions without detectable cross-talk in mouse brain slice.
4 late individual presynaptic terminals in rat brain slices.
5 striatal population activity, as observed in brain slices.
6 th (3)H-MK-6240 binding patterns on adjacent brain slices.
7 ging of sub-neuronal structures in mammalian brain slices.
8 stribution of phosphorylated tau in human AD brain slices.
9 clamped neurons both in culture and in acute brain slices.
10  and halted U87 spheroid invasion in ex vivo brain slices.
11  electrical monitoring of MCH cells in mouse brain slices.
12 c NMDA receptor activation in the STN of rat brain slices.
13 course of training, and in vitro in striatal brain slices.
14 ts and hippocampal long-term potentiation in brain slices.
15 escence labeling of HA-DAT in acute sagittal brain slices.
16 e product Pyk2, and of NR2B Glu receptors in brain slices.
17  line expressing human mGluR2 and in primate brain slices.
18 l cell action potentials in rat (both sexes) brain slices.
19 tracers as well as intracellular fillings in brain slices.
20 acilitates molecular dynamic analyses within brain slices.
21 pses which excite oriens interneurons in rat brain slices.
22  microscopy in substantia nigra and striatum brain slices.
23 in cornu ammonis (CA) 3 pyramidal neurons in brain slices.
24 ing the excitatory response in ex vivo mouse brain slices.
25 ical and optical approaches in ex vivo mouse brain slices.
26 uronal cultures and metabolically active rat brain slices.
27 to focally deliver pharmacological agents to brain slices.
28 onal (3D) imaging of fluorescent pollens and brain slices.
29 analysis of fine structures in coronal mouse brain slices.
30 mouse substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) brain slices.
31  animals, or in reduced preparations such as brain slices.
32 ltammetry and whole-cell recordings in mouse brain slices.
33 response to neuronal stimulation in amygdala brain slices.
34 leus (RMTg) was selectively activated in rat brain slices.
35 anuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration brain slices.
36 ng depression in voltage-clamp recordings in brain slices.
37 ehensively profile single neurons from mouse brain slices.
38 copy to map nanoscale diffusivity in ex vivo brain slices.
39 oeruleus (LC) neurons contained in acute rat brain slices.
40 onal calcium signals in mouse acute cortical brain slices.
41  areas using whole-cell electrophysiology in brain slices.
42 y on exposure to dietary doses of ethanol in brain slices.
43 artments, such as single dendritic spines in brain slices.
44 rgic neurons using patch-clamp recordings in brain slices.
45 tect single mRNAs deep within thick (0.5 mm) brain slices.
46 ex (PFC), or basolateral amygdala from acute brain slices.
47 ramidal cells in the infralimbic mPFC in rat brain slices.
48  and perform patch-clamp recordings from SCN brain slices across the projected day/night cycle.
49               In murine astrocytes and acute brain slices, activation of CaMKII decreases EAAT2b surf
50 BDNF protein itself is sufficient to protect brain slices against OGD, whereas downstream activation
51 a pars compacta dopaminergic neurons both in brain slice and after acute dissociation, we found that
52 elivery of drugs to a confined region of the brain slice and the application of this chamber to FSCV
53 o control optically the opening of ASIC1a in brain slices and also in awake animals.
54 aptic currents and long-term potentiation in brain slices and assessing the expression of synaptic po
55 n CA1 pyramidal neurons of mouse hippocampal brain slices and autaptic microcultures did not, per se,
56                                     In mouse brain slices and cultured midbrain neurons, menthol redu
57 A2/GluA1 surface expression from hippocampal brain slices and cultured neurons.
58      Endovascular perforation SAH rat model, brain slices and cultured pericytes were used, and inter
59 electrophysiology and imaging experiments in brain slices and enhance data collection and analysis.
60 e electrophysiological recordings from mouse brain slices and found that AgRP neurons do not contribu
61 single-cell electrical excitability in acute brain slices and in somatosensory ganglia in vivo, openi
62 nding in the subcortical regions of human AD brain slices and in the hippocampus/entorhinal cortex of
63  optically evoked activity in vitro in acute brain slices and in vivo in somatosensory ganglia.
64 p3r2(-/-) (also known as Itpr2(-/-)) mice in brain slices and in vivo, occurred in end feet, and were
65 domains in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) in brain slices and in vivo, which is sufficient to modulat
66 emical study of pericytes and capillaries in brain slices and isolated retinae, allowing investigator
67 ctrophysiological diversity of HA neurons in brain slices and the effect of their acute silencing in
68 egions by acute treatment of both tangential brain slices and the isolated guinea pig brain with the
69 be is biased by technical limitations of our brain-slicing and multipatching methods; and (iii) our c
70 cipal neurons and Purkinje neurons in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo.
71 rats in vitro (rat brain proteome), ex vivo (brain slices), and in vivo (intracerebroventricular admi
72 ne viewer in which the experimental rig, the brain slice, and the recorded data are represented to sc
73 nt synaptic depression (APSD) in hippocampal brain slices, and APSD levels were blunted by inhibiting
74 es of receptor localization and proximity in brain slices, and behavioral assays in mice to character
75 of individual channels, action potentials in brain slices, and finally, drinking behavior in the mous
76               Experiments in cultured cells, brain slices, and in living mice demonstrate single-neur
77 ys and electrophysiological experiments with brain slices, and might be used as a tool compound for d
78 y specific cell types in dissociated cortex, brain slices, and the brains of live mice.
79 idirectional synaptic plasticity in striatal brain slices, and the first evaluation of striatal synap
80 s across the MOB and AOB, using an in vitro, brain slice approach in postnatal 15-30 day mice.
81 c and neuronal calcium levels increase after brain slices are treated with the PAR1 agonist SFLLRN-NH
82                      An in vitro hippocampal brain slice assay was used to assess the seizure liabili
83 , and Glu receptors by AZD0530 was tested by brain slice assays.
84                    We examined this issue in brain slices, awake mice, and a computational model.
85 neuroprotection in both in vitro and in vivo brain slice-based models for focal ischemia.
86 e measured electrically evoked DA release in brain slices before and after the administration of two
87 lin-dependent protein kinase II in wild-type brain slices but not in Alzheimer disease transgenic bra
88 rated in cultured neurons and in organotypic brain slices, but not in acute brain slices or in vivo H
89 either in dissociated cultured neurons or in brain slices, but not in the intact living brain.
90 r circadian clock were also monitored in LHb brain slices, but were absent in Cry1(-/-)Cry2(-/-) LHb
91    This issue is examined in the hippocampal brain slice by comparing GABAergic interneuron activity
92 cell bodies are captured from perfused mouse brain slices by patch clamping, and lipids are analyzed
93  volume transmission hypothesis in mouse DRN brain slices by recording 5-HT1A receptor-mediated inhib
94  we investigated isolated nerve terminals in brain slices by transecting hippocampal Schaffer collate
95 vivo or by oxygen and glucose deprivation in brain slices caused calpain-dependent conversion of the
96                                           In brain slices, cell-attached recordings of membrane poten
97 election of specific cells within an ex vivo brain slice, combined with whole-cell patch clamp record
98 of quinpirole, a D2 receptor agonist, into a brain slice containing the dorsal striatum, a brain regi
99 opy images of the perpendicular and parallel brain slices containing mesh electronics showed that the
100                  Notably, images of sagittal brain slices containing nearly the entire mesh electroni
101  and optogenetic stimulation to determine if brain slices could "learn" temporal intervals.
102               Utilization of a novel ex vivo brain slice culture (BSC) model of WNV encephalitis reve
103 osphorylation reduced HSV-1 replication in a brain slice culture model of encephalitis.
104  described a novel organotypic 3xTg-AD mouse brain slice culture model with key Alzheimer's disease-l
105                                  Organotypic brain slice culture models provide an alternative to ear
106 exes following reovirus infection of ex vivo brain slice cultures and results in decreased apoptosis
107 se findings highlight the utility of 3xTg-AD brain slice cultures as a rapid and reliable in vitro me
108 ollowing in vivo treatment are replicated in brain slice cultures from 3xTg-AD mice.
109 ased assay, followed by secondary screens in brain slice cultures from transgenic mice expressing the
110                            Using organotypic brain slice cultures generated from embryonic mice of va
111                                           In brain slice cultures, Treg accelerated developmental mye
112 in cell culture, but also in corticostriatal brain slice cultures.
113 death in a human dopaminergic cell model and brain slice cultures.
114 neuroprotection provided by PBI-05204 to rat brain slices damaged by oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD)
115 ce for vessel-to-neuron communication in the brain slice defined here as vasculo-neuronal coupling.
116 rophysiological experiments performed in BST brain slices demonstrated that IL-18 strongly reduces th
117                                Recordings in brain slices demonstrated that these behavioral modifica
118 tic activation of the pathway in acute mouse brain slices drove IN activity despite small amplitude s
119 microglia in acutely isolated cortical mouse brain slices during an experimentally induced CSD.
120 ma of pyramidal neurons in mouse neocortical brain slices during whole-cell patch clamp recording.
121 toxicity was assessed in rat corticostriatal brain slices, either flanking region alone sufficed to g
122                                Here, we used brain slice electrophysiology to construct a timeline of
123 e, we studied these receptors and cells with brain slice electrophysiology using both acute and chron
124 ative approach of gene transfer, systems and brain slice electrophysiology, behavior, and immunohisto
125                       We found that in mouse brain slices evoked serotonin release produced a 5-HT1A
126  vivo and drug-induced epileptic activity in brain slices ex vivo.
127                                        Acute brain slice experiments demonstrated that ChR2-expressin
128                                           In brain slice explants, oxygen deprivation (OD) activated
129                         Organotypic cortical brain slices exposed to ischemic injury by oxygen-glucos
130                                           In brain slices, exposure of LC neurons to GABAAR agonists
131 or phosphorylated tau was performed on human brain slices for comparison with (3)H-MK-6240 binding pa
132 include low-magnification maps of the entire brain slice, for spatial context, or any other type of h
133                      Fluorescence imaging of brain slices found that IN administration followed by FU
134 ng transgene-labeled markers in a 1-mm thick brain slice from adult mice, and 14 days were required f
135           Electrophysiological recordings in brain slices from a novel line of transgenic mice that s
136 connecting breast cancer cells in live acute brain slices from an experimental mouse model of breast
137 amidal cell excitability by HCO3(-) in acute brain slices from C57BL/6 mice.
138 sorimotor cortex or intralaminar thalamus in brain slices from control and dopamine-depleted mice.
139 performed whole-cell patch clamp analysis of brain slices from control and Sf1Gck(-/-) mice.
140                         Using voltammetry in brain slices from cynomolgus macaques after 6 months of
141           Electrophysiological recordings in brain slices from kisspeptin-GFP mice showed that AVP do
142 voked robust long-term potentiation (LTP) in brain slices from LV control rats, failed to evoke LTP i
143 xamined its acute effects on GHRH neurons in brain slices from male and female GHRH-GFP mice.
144 gRP neurons and POMC neurons was examined in brain slices from male and female mice.
145     We studied spontaneous GnRH secretion in brain slices from male mice during perinatal and postnat
146                     In each case, imaging in brain slices from male or female animals revealed electr
147          Here we use GCaMP Ca(2+) imaging in brain slices from mice to address how nerve terminal Ca(
148 ion between midbrain dopaminergic neurons in brain slices from mice we have discovered that the modul
149 cordings from basal amygdala (BA) neurons in brain slices from mice with channelrhodopsin genetically
150 ell recordings from MSO principal neurons in brain slices from Mongolian gerbils.
151 current-clamp recordings from bushy cells in brain slices from mouse anteroventral cochlear nucleus.
152                                        Using brain slices from mouse somatosensory thalamus and corte
153 s to stimuli, GFP-identified GnRH neurons in brain slices from OVX+E or OVX female mice were recorded
154               We recorded directly on viable brain slices from rats after brain stimulation to detect
155 es, synaptic mechanisms were investigated in brain slices from rats.
156                      Previous experiments in brain slices from rodents have shown that several intrin
157 ed currents in pyramidal cortical neurons in brain slices from rodents in response to oxygen and gluc
158 ory transmission from BLA to CeA recorded in brain slices from SNL rats using whole-cell patch-clamp
159 recision and repeated firing up to 100 Hz in brain slices from Swiss male mice.
160 dynamics in intact neurons in acute sagittal brain slices from the knock-in mouse expressing epitope-
161 l stimulation and an optogenetic approach in brain slices from the mouse, we investigated the synapti
162  properties of axo-axonic synapses (AASs) in brain slices from the piriform cortex (PC) of mice.
163                                           In brain slices from these animals, single-trial hybrid opt
164 logical and anatomical approaches in ex vivo brain slices from transgenic mice, it was found that 2 w
165 Rs and with synaptically activated NMDARs in brain slices from wild-type (WT), but not GluN2A knockou
166 n reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in hippocampal brain slices from wild-type rats and serotonin transport
167                          Previous studies in brain slices have demonstrated considerable cell-type sp
168                                   Studies in brain slices have led to a model in which rhythmic synch
169             Studies using ex vivo guinea pig brain slices have revealed that activity-generated H2 O2
170                                              Brain slices have the advantage of maintaining the funct
171 ynaptic physiology of auditory UBCs in mouse brain slices, identifying two response profiles, and cor
172 iated clearance of amyloid-beta plaques from brain slices in a dose-dependent manner.
173 structure, has yet to be evaluated in either brain slices in vitro or the intact organism.
174  CSF (aCSF), routinely used for perfusion of brain slices in vitro, with human CSF (hCSF) powerfully
175 ed specific binding to striatal D2/3R in rat brain slices in vitro.
176 g assays, electrophysiological recordings in brain slices, in vivo electrophysiological recordings in
177                        We found that, in rat brain slices, increasing the supply of the physiological
178 MP6f Ca(2+) imaging in POMC neurons in mouse brain slices indicate that maximal inhibition of cellula
179  knockout mice (TKO) were used in an ex vivo brain slice invasion assay.
180 tion and invasion in vitro and in an ex vivo brain slice invasion model.
181 cs were measured using an in vitro rat/mouse brain slice model of perfused/pressurized PAs; studies w
182 uronal culture, IL-34 expression in a rodent brain slice model with intact neuron-microglial networks
183                                           In brain slices, mu opioid agonists hyperpolarized a distin
184                                  Here we use brain slice multiphoton microscopy to show that substant
185            Using cyclic voltammetry in mouse brain slices, nAChR-dependent spontaneous dopamine trans
186                                           In brain slices obtained from mice, we examined synaptic re
187 NVC from vasodilation to vasoconstriction in brain slices obtained from subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
188 halamic afferent stimulation were studied in brain slices obtained from young and aged CBA/CAj mice (
189                                           In brain slices of a mouse model of this neurological disor
190 onnected pairs of pyramidal neurons in acute brain slices of adult human and mouse temporal cortex an
191 heimer's disease (AD), their distribution in brain slices of APPswe/PS1dE9 mice, a murine model of AD
192                   Moreover, in acute coronal brain slices of control mice, Abeta25-35 peptide promote
193  the medulla oblongata or cerebral cortex in brain slices of MeCP2-knockout and wild-type mice were f
194 rizes medially located ITCs (mITCs) in acute brain slices of mice.
195                         Here, we recorded in brain slices of mouse AC from retrogradely labeled corti
196 alian cells, in primary neuronal culture, in brain slices of mouse and monkey, and in mouse brain in
197 l recordings from pyramidal neurons in acute brain slices of mouse somatosensory cortex show that exc
198                                     In acute brain slices of murine layer 2/3 cortical neurons, we de
199 ivity of neurons in dissociated cultures and brain slices of rat hippocampus.
200                                           In brain slices of rat PFC, we employed multiphoton imaging
201 aging combined with patch-clamp in acute rat brain slices of sensory-motor cortex, we demonstrate tha
202 ic binding of (18)F- AMC20: was evaluated in brain slices of Sprague-Dawley rats by in vitro autoradi
203  two-photon Ca(2+) imaging in male rat acute brain slices of the somatosensory neocortex, we found th
204 rescent protein (EGFP) fluorescence from the brain slices of Thy-1 EGFP transgenic mice, we show that
205 ificantly increased GSC invasion through the brain slices of TKO mice relative to wild-type (WT) litt
206  responses in SON arterioles of hypothalamic brain slices of Wistar or VP-eGFP Wistar rats.
207 4800567 failed to increase NMDAR activity in brain slices of WKY rats pretreated with the protein pho
208 n organotypic brain slices, but not in acute brain slices or in vivo Here, we describe a transgenic m
209 ices but not in Alzheimer disease transgenic brain slices or wild-type slices incubated with Abetao.
210 rror their pattern of spread in disinhibited brain slices over millimeters.
211 timulation of the entorhinal cortex in mouse brain slices paradoxically generates spiking of mature n
212           Therefore, in this study we used a brain slice preparation containing the MHb to determine
213                                    Using the brain slice preparation for cellular recordings, superfu
214                Experiments were conducted in brain slice preparation of transgenic adult Sst-IRES-Cre
215     In the present study, we develop a novel brain slice preparation that preserves the geniculohypot
216 sent study, we established an in vitro mouse brain slice preparation that retains connectivity across
217 s of layer V pyramidal neurons in an ex vivo brain slice preparation, we found that operant self-admi
218  mouse entorhinal cortex (EC) in an in vitro brain slice preparation.
219  proven problematic to identify and study in brain slice preparations because P2X4 expression is spar
220          Measurement of [Cl(-)](i) in murine brain slice preparations expressing the transgenic fluor
221                                           In brain slice preparations, activation of mu opioid recept
222 Using whole-cell voltage clamp recordings in brain slice preparations, the present study demonstrates
223 hese synapses have been performed largely in brain slice preparations, without consideration of physi
224 orphine-mediated currents in locus coeruleus brain slice preparations.
225 acterization of neurons in the rostral Re of brain slices prepared from adult male mice.
226 iring later in the day and was absent in LHb brain slices prepared from Cry1(-/-)Cry2(-/-) mice that
227 to sensitize the firing responses of CINs in brain slices prepared immediately after the PIT test.
228 ies and immunofluorescent staining of murine brain slices reveal that alphavbeta3 receptors and SERTs
229 ring in Scn8a(N1768D/+) pyramidal neurons in brain slices revealed early afterdepolarization (EAD)-li
230                                   Imaging of brain slices revealed immediate early induction of beta-
231 th GluN2B S1413L in GluN2A/B-deficient mouse brain slices revealed only partial rescue of synaptic cu
232                              Measurements of brain slices revealed resistivity profiles correlated wi
233  Electrophysiological measurements of murine brain slices revealed that GLP-1 directly stimulates POM
234         Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices revealed that intrinsic excitability of DG
235 inally, live-cell imaging in early postnatal brain slices revealed that the migration and proliferati
236 ing, state-indifferent VLPO neurons in mouse brain slices revealed widespread expression of alpha2A-,
237 ng the first six postnatal weeks of life and brain slices show neuronal hyperexcitability.
238 mp recordings from mEC stellate cells in rat brain slices showed that GTx inhibited delayed-rectifier
239 ssfully grafted into organotypic hippocampal brain slices, showing an approximately 3.5-fold improvem
240 munohistochemical staining of mice and human brain slices shows DAM with intracellular/phagocytic Abe
241 g endogenous TRIO in organotypic hippocampal brain slices significantly increased synaptic strength b
242 e induced by ischemia-like conditions in rat brain slices suggested neuroprotective properties for th
243                            Here we report in brain slices that activation of nAChRs depolarizes LHb c
244 ogical recordings and calcium imaging in rat brain slices that ghrelin stimulates VP neurons in the h
245                                  In sagittal brain slices that isolate the SNc soma from their striat
246 over, we show in patch-clamp recordings from brain slices that VLPO neurons exhibiting properties of
247 tch-clamp electrophysiological recordings in brain slices, that substantia nigra dopamine neurons fro
248 e isolated deep layer prefrontal circuits in brain slices then used single-photon GCaMP imaging to re
249  patch-clamping techniques in rat horizontal brain slice to investigate the role of NMDA receptors in
250 r recordings in rat (both sexes) neocortical brain slices to assess the ionic mechanisms supporting p
251 cordings and optogenetic approaches in mouse brain slices to determine the cellular organization of t
252 gy and fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in mouse brain slices to determine the effects of NT on dopamine
253 used two-photon imaging of Fluo-4-loaded rat brain slices to determine whether altered endfoot Ca(2+)
254 structure and multielectrode recordings from brain slices to explore intrinsic excitatory connectivit
255                                     Exposing brain slices to Glut and D-aspartate (D-Asp) before reco
256 cker Guangxitoxin-1E (GTx; 10-100 nm) in rat brain slices to investigate Kv2 channel functions in mEC
257 synaptically evoked NMDAR responses in acute brain slices to investigate mechanisms by which channel
258 nducted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices to reveal how nanomolar concentrations of K
259 ACSs and restored arteriolar dilation in SAH brain slices to two mediators of NVC (a rise in endfoot
260 dye-filling and whole-cell patch clamping in brain slices, together with high-resolution spinning dis
261 al voltage changes in acutely prepared mouse brain slices using 2P illumination.
262 alize and quantify fixed charge-densities on brain slices using a focused proton-beam microprobe in c
263 aptic currents in E18.5 hypoglossal MNs from brain slices using whole-cell patch-clamp recording, fol
264  vivo with microelectrode arrays and ex vivo brain slices, using whole-cell voltage clamp.
265 ha-SMA expressions in cultured pericytes and brain slices via inhibiting NO/cGMP pathway.
266 ing each training session, a thalamocortical brain slice was generated, and inhibitory synaptic prope
267 )F- AMC20: in the D2/3R-rich striatum in rat brain slices was D(2/3)R-specific; in living rats, the u
268  rate and the excitability of LHb neurons in brain slices was higher, whereas the amplitude of medium
269 ide-induced inhibition of PV interneurons in brain slices was reversed by activation of alpha4beta2 n
270                 Subsequently, voltammetry in brain slices was used to examine the effects of low (10
271 tidisciplinary approach in both rat and mice brain slices, we determined whether flow/pressure-evoked
272          Using Ca(2+) imaging in acute mouse brain slices, we find a surprisingly steep relationship
273 ng optogenetics and whole-cell recordings in brain slices, we find that a large component of these in
274  electrophysiology and optogenetics in mouse brain slices, we found that 5-HT directly enhances the e
275  electrophysiology and optogenetics in mouse brain slices, we found that ACh generated nicotinic ACh
276               Using whole-cell recordings in brain slices, we found that dynorphin-A directly inhibit
277                     In this study, using rat brain slices, we found that isradipine, a general LTCC a
278                In cultured neurons and acute brain slices, we found that multiple beta-actin mRNAs ca
279 ing time-lapse superresolution microscopy in brain slices, we report that axons grow wider after high
280                      In cultured neurons and brain slices, we show that Cal-Light drives expression o
281 Using patch-clamp electrophysiology in mouse brain slices, we show that nicotine (1 mum) increases in
282 lamp in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in brain slices, we showed that the effects of INaP on Rin
283                         Using voltammetry in brain slices, we tested the ability of a single amphetam
284 le and adult mouse SN DA neurons in in vitro brain-slices, we observed that D2-autoreceptor desensiti
285              Subsequently, nucleus accumbens brain slices were prepared, and we tested for changes in
286 e to those found in saline control rats when brain slices were treated with translational inhibitors,
287 sion in DKO neurons and GODZ or SERZ-beta KO brain slices were unaltered, indicating that GODZ-mediat
288 ophysiological recording techniques in acute brain slices were used to measure synaptic transmission
289                         In this study, mouse brain slices were used to perform a parametric experimen
290 he antifouling properties were maintained in brain slices when serotonin was exogenously applied mult
291  functional circuit mapping in ex vivo acute brain slices, which preserve in vivo-like connectivity o
292 ase of endogenous dynorphin from D1R-SPNs in brain slice while using whole-cell patch recording to me
293 tro and in vivo detection of Zn(2+) in mouse brain slice with Alzheimer's disease and zebrafish, resp
294 ging from low-threshold spiking cells in rat brain slices with computational modeling, the cellular m
295 that the mass fragments observed for the fly brain slices with different surface modifications are si
296 We combined two-photon imaging microscopy in brain slices with in vivo work in rats and C57BL/6J mice
297 lation of individual cells in mouse cortical brain slices with single-cell resolution and <1-ms tempo
298 urrently based on immunochemical analysis of brain slices with the AT8 antibody.
299 ial memory in young mice, while treatment of brain slices with TIMP2 antibody prevents long-term pote
300 inothalamic synapse in the visual pathway in brain slices, with cortical and inhibitory input to the

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