


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 excessive brain tissue oxygenation, elevated brain temperature).
2 ennes bioheat equation was used to propagate brain temperature.
3 ons and a force behind associated changes in brain temperature.
4 creased excitability consequent to increased brain temperature.
5 rain temperature since it reflects body, not brain temperature.
6 eration of normal EEG and the maintenance of brain temperature.
7 rature 37 +/- 0.5 degrees C) or hypothermia (brain temperature 32 +/- 0.5 degrees C).
8  immediately by 1 hr of either normothermia (brain temperature 37 +/- 0.5 degrees C) or hypothermia (
9 mployed in the present study with respect to brain temperatures, a dynamic parameter that reflects me
10 hermocouples were placed to measure core and brain temperature and a composite probe placed in the pa
11 brile seizures are associated with increased brain temperature and are often resistant to treatments
12       We tested this hypothesis by measuring brain temperature and lactate concentration with multi-v
13 mia, both of which precede slower changes in brain temperature and metabolic brain activity.
14 l stimulation can cause local changes in the brain temperature and subsequent local changes in the ox
15  use does not lead to profound elevations in brain temperature and sustained vasoconstriction, two cr
16 pport the potential importance of monitoring brain temperature and the importance of controlling feve
17 s are remarkable for surviving near-freezing brain temperatures and near cessation of neural activity
18                   During rewarming, regional brain temperatures and neocortical thermal gradients wer
19 ependent from locomotor activity, changes in brain temperature, and theta rhythm.
20         Significant but smaller increases in brain temperature ( approximately 0.2 degrees C for 4-6
21                         Maximal increases in brain temperature ( approximately 0.8-1.2 degrees C for
22 e brain when experimental conditions such as brain temperature are controlled.
23 e additional support for the hypothesis that brain temperatures are elevated during winter depression
24                                During sleep, brain temperatures are in part determined by the level o
25  they are in the ICU for a week or more, and brain temperatures are likely to be as much as 2 degrees
26                  In contrast, maintenance of brain temperature at 37 degrees C resulted in a 12-to-40
27 n tissue PO(2) in the thalamus (PtO(2)), and brain temperature (Bt) simultaneously during acute hyper
28 th cocaine and PRO their ability to increase brain temperature but failed to induce temperature decre
29 ethylone and MDPV dose-dependently increased brain temperature, but even at high doses that induced r
30 S-201 (1.5-2.5 mg/kg, i.p.) reduces body and brain temperature by 2-5 degrees C in 15-30 min in a dos
31        These results suggest that changes in brain temperature can alter the regulation of extracellu
32 ogical parameters, such as body temperature, brain temperature, cerebral blood flow, blood gases, blo
33 en an increase in estimated power output and brain temperature change (P = .9).
34                   A feedback method of local brain temperature control was developed where ICSI flow
35 , real-time data acquisition, and continuous brain temperature control, in this new rat model, provid
36 e technique and laser doppler flowmetry with brain temperature controlled.
37                          When postmortem rat brain temperature cooled rapidly to near room temperatur
38 -4.2 mmHg to 14.8+/-5.2 mmHg (P=0.004) while brain temperature decreased from 36.5+0.3 degrees C to 3
39 d, but that these increases are blunted when brain temperature decreases.
40                                In survivors, brain temperature (degrees C) measured at 2-cm depth in
41 th increasing time after stroke, ipsilateral brain temperature did not change, but contralateral hemi
42    Adenosine treatment significantly lowered brain temperature during recovery, and a part of the neu
43       The level of core body, and presumably brain temperature during sleep varies with clinical stat
44     To explore this possibility, we measured brain temperature dynamics during a 10-min forced swim i
45                      Striking differences in brain temperature dynamics seen in the beginning of a se
46                       We conclude that early brain temperature elevation after stroke is not directly
47  studies are required to determine why early brain temperature elevation is highest in potential penu
48                                        Early brain temperature elevation may result from different me
49 jury and worsened functional outcomes if the brain temperature exceeds 39 degrees C.
50 ic brain activation as the primary source of brain temperature fluctuations and a force behind associ
51 med with the same dose/pattern as SA induced brain temperature fluctuations similar in many ways to t
52  mimicked cocaine in its ability to increase brain temperature following the initial injection and to
53 g/kg, s.c.) or MDPV (0.1-1.0 mg/kg, s.c.) on brain temperature homeostasis in rats maintained in a st
54          In individual patients, the average brain temperature increase over the core body temperatur
55 G desynchronization, EMG activation, a large brain temperature increase, but weaker hyperlocomotion.
56 ortical blood flow among groups with varying brain temperature, indicating that delayed deterioration
57 perficial cortex regions, where the baseline brain temperature is lower than the temperature of incom
58                                              Brain temperatures known to improve neurologic outcome c
59 mary endpoint was the time required to reach brain temperature less than 35 degrees C beginning from
60 on would decrease the time required to reach brain temperature less than 35 degrees C compared to act
61 euronal activity in the absence of a rise in brain temperature (<0.01 degrees C).
62 ever in severely head-injured patients since brain temperature may be higher than expected.
63 y after acute ischaemic stroke, elevation of brain temperature might augment tissue metabolic rate an
64 neural cells is accompanied by heat release, brain temperature monitoring provides insight into behav
65 e was no effect of drug treatment on body or brain temperature, nor on the duration or rate of Type I
66 2 degrees C saline aortic flush to achieve a brain temperature of 10 degrees C to 15 degrees C.
67                 The time required to reach a brain temperature of 35 degrees C was decreased with sod
68    Compared with anesthetized controls, core brain temperatures of the saline and slurry groups dropp
69 companied by heat production, measurement of brain temperature offers a method for assessing global a
70 rebral blood flow, changes in blood gases or brain temperature, or rat strain; (3) the neuroprotectiv
71 eous vasodilation; (2) drastic drops in deep brain temperature (reaching a nadir of 22.44 +/- 0.74 de
72 ole of regional cerebral blood flow in local brain temperature regulation has received scant attentio
73                                  In group 1, brain temperature remained constant except for a decreas
74 ular tone, two critical factors that control brain temperature responses.
75 ia skin surfaces) that underlie MDMA-induced brain temperature responses.
76                        Local manipulation of brain temperature should be broadly applicable to the id
77 evealing the existence of novel periphery-to-brain temperature signalling channels.
78 els during the hibernation season keep their brain temperature significantly elevated above ambient t
79 ure measurement is not a good measurement of brain temperature since it reflects body, not brain temp
80 e primary triggering force behind changes in brain temperature that are sufficient to affect body tem
81 schemia (HI) is neuroprotective; the precise brain temperature that provides optimal protection is un
82        Drug- and behavior-related changes in brain temperature thus appear to reflect some form of ne
83 observed during warm water forced swim, when brain temperature transiently increased (0.5 degrees C)
84 imals, passive animals had the same pattern; brain temperatures transiently decreased after cocaine i
85                                          The brain temperature was controlled for 4 hrs after TBI and
86                                              Brain temperature was decreased from day 3.
87                           After hypothermia, brain temperature was either rapidly (n = 6) or slowly (
88                                              Brain temperature was increased an average of 2.0 degree
89                                              Brain temperature was maintained at 32-34 degrees C (mil
90 e treatment groups: (1) normothermic (Normo)-brain temperature was maintained at 37 degrees C; (2) in
91 an that observed in rats in which postmortem brain temperature was not maintained.
92          In seven control animals (group 1), brain temperature was not manipulated.
93                                              Brain temperature was our primary focus, but we also sim
94                         In hypothermic rats, brain temperature was reduced immediately after the 30-m
95 brupt hypodynamia after drug infusion), mean brain temperature was very stable at an elevated plateau
96 perature than dorsal striatum, each of these brain temperatures was higher than that in deep temporal
97 ns in rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) and in brain temperature were not found.
98 , end tidal Pco2, arterial Po2 and Pco2, and brain temperature were observed before inducing cardiac
99                     EEG, motor activity, and brain temperature were recorded for 23 h on the first, t
100                         Superficial and deep brain temperatures were further lowered to 27.8 +/- 0.8
101             In group 2, superficial and deep brain temperatures were lowered to 32.8 +/- 0.7 (SEM) de
102 ve drug administration of a session elevated brain temperature, while subsequent repeated injections
103 and warm (37 degrees C) water and correlated brain temperatures with behavioral changes.
104 ed that fentanyl induces biphasic changes in brain temperature, with an initial decrease that results

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