


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iltrates in the target organ (islets and the brain tissue).
2  in the controls (non-sonicated tumor/normal brain tissue).
3 thods to quantify GlcCer and GlcSph in mouse brain tissue.
4 native tau aggregates in human late-stage AD brain tissue.
5 d for its accurate, stable delivery in mouse brain tissue.
6 ioblastoma tissue compared with normal human brain tissue.
7 ies are performed with tubulin purified from brain tissue.
8  should instead focus on removing sufficient brain tissue.
9 nctional in HD, could act as a surrogate for brain tissue.
10  spectrometry imaging (MSI) of mouse and rat brain tissue.
11 rect impact of transplanted cells on injured brain tissue.
12 determine the volume fraction of the leaking brain tissue.
13 s also found in many tissue types, including brain tissue.
14 on of entanglement of photons propagating in brain tissue.
15 ing that they execute different functions in brain tissue.
16  methylation and gene expression patterns of brain tissue.
17 it is being generated from native sources in brain tissue.
18 P-ribosyl)ation of endogenous MeCP2 in mouse brain tissue.
19 graphy using post-mortem Alzheimer's disease brain tissue.
20 er, exerting detrimental effects on affected brain tissue.
21 for the brain was established in human fetal brain tissue.
22 ent and linear AC optimized specifically for brain tissue.
23 n, and contrast in single cells in mammalian brain tissue.
24 aging rates than women in blood, saliva, and brain tissue.
25 he tradeoff of larger low dose to the normal brain tissue.
26 ning a window for NP delivery to the injured brain tissue.
27 expression in vivo in xenografted and normal brain tissue.
28  precision in both cultured cells and intact brain tissue.
29 he endolysosomal system in primary cells and brain tissue.
30 itous intracellular proteins not specific to brain tissue.
31 f NPCs is insufficient to regenerate damaged brain tissue.
32 pha1 correctly partitioned to lipid rafts in brain tissue.
33 exocytosis in both neuronal cell culture and brain tissue.
34 in levels are reduced in Rb1:Thoc1-deficient brain tissue.
35 on surface analysis (LESA) sampling on mouse brain tissue.
36 d fluorophores for imaging voltage in intact brain tissue.
37 n glioblastoma tumors compared with adjacent brain tissue.
38 in lymphoblastoid cell lines and human fetal brain tissue.
39 rong propensity to invade surrounding normal brain tissue.
40 e factor, upregulated in human schizophrenia brain tissue.
41 ine and the extracellular volume fraction in brain tissue.
42 amyloid and activated microglia in the mouse brain tissue.
43  cortical tubers compared to autopsy control brain tissue.
44 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p20 in brain tissue.
45 K were detected in post-mortem human ALS-FUS brain tissues.
46 d temporal resolution deep within scattering brain tissues.
47 ast fluorescent signal when applied to stain brain tissues.
48 ystem was investigated using human and mouse brain tissues.
49 nal and glial DNA fractions from post-mortem brain tissues.
50 bility and to the transcript levels in human brain tissues.
51  of the glucocerebrosidase (GCase) enzyme in brain tissues.
52  observed in human schizophrenia post mortem brain tissues.
53 fected cells could be found in ZIKV-infected brain tissues.
54 L volumes of interest distributed throughout brain tissues.
55 ch is due primarily to optical scattering by brain tissues.
56 ologous analysis of lncRNAs in human and rat brain tissues.
57  neurons and oligodendrocytes in parenchymal brain tissues.
58  approximately 50% (to 1.38 nmol per gram of brain tissue +/- 0.10 or 0.00011% of the injected dose)
59  standard deviation of 2.49 nmol per gram of brain tissue +/- 0.30 or 0.00019% of the injected dose 1
60   High virus titers were present in lung and brain tissues 2 and 6 days after infection, respectively
61 and glycerophospholipids identified from rat brain tissue, 50% of them were found as mixtures of C=C
62 owed decreased OEF when compared with normal brain tissue (-54% [P < .001, n = 21] and -49% [P < .001
63 n of 84 multiply charged protein ions in rat brain tissue, 66 of which were exclusive to this approac
64 e discovery of ZIKV infection in human fetal brain tissue along with serologic confirmation proves th
65 er which cognitive function was assessed and brain tissue analyzed.
66 e mice leads to diffuse yellow coloration of brain tissue and a marked cerebellar hypoplasia that we
67   Co-immunoprecipitation assays performed in brain tissue and heterologous cells demonstrated that Hs
68                      A series of post-mortem brain tissue and in vitro experiments suggested SNX7 dow
69                                              Brain tissue and lesion volumes were segmented from the
70                         NIr was not toxic to brain tissue and offered neuroprotection to dopaminergic
71 nt for three dimensional architecture of the brain tissue and organelles, we applied 3-dimensional el
72  change in ERK activity was detected in both brain tissue and primary hippocampal cultures, suggestin
73 cellular space occupies approximately 20% of brain tissue and small molecules have an effective diffu
74 ith DNA damage is induced in the presence of brain tissue and that the retinoblastoma pathway enables
75 droplet digital PCR, was identified in 48/87 brain tissues and 82/142 nonbrain tissues at levels >200
76 nfiltration of tumor cells into the adjacent brain tissues and improves animal survival in a rat mode
77 so carried out biochemical analyses of human brain tissues and studied the effects of the aggregated
78 fects the subventricular zone in human fetal brain tissues and that the tissue tropism broadens with
79 ic current from Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in brain tissue, and consequently the firing pattern of neu
80 ntified genes are predominantly expressed in brain tissue, and pathway analysis indicates the involve
81 eta-chains from glioma tissue, nonneoplastic brain tissue, and peripheral blood from patients.
82 Aha1 colocalized with tau pathology in human brain tissue, and this association positively correlated
83  applied to the fluorescent imaging of mouse brain tissue, and will facilitate structural analyses an
84  expression data from peripheral leukocytes, brain tissue, and yeast cell cycle, revealed novel marke
85 on-human primate brains and human postmortem brain tissues, and can visualize neuronal projections in
86 res and human GBM tissues, but not in normal brain tissues, and suppression of GD3S results in decrea
87  invading glioma cells located within normal brain tissue; and (iii) TWEAK: Fn14 engagement as well a
88 ) sensor(s) at inhibitory synapses in native brain tissue are not well known.
89 argets of ASD meQTLs across cord, blood, and brain tissues are enriched for immune-related pathways,
90    Whereas the kinetics of PF-367 binding in brain tissues are too fast for an effective therapeutic
91 rofile differences between neurons and whole brain tissue, as well as between resting and physiologic
92 on was found to be modulated by rs7688285 in brain tissue, as well as cell culture.
93 ein in peripheral tissues and post-mortem HD brain tissue, as well as in tissues from HD animal model
94 ect access to pathological and control human brain tissue based on an individual's genetic architectu
95 CpG sites found differentially methylated in brain tissue between patients with schizophrenia and con
96 at (i) Fn14 gene expression is low in normal brain tissue but is upregulated in advanced brain cancer
97 n induced tau release in cells, neurons, and brain tissue, but only when activity of the chaperone Hs
98 ility of directly imaging perfusion of human brain tissue by using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging wi
99 ed to evaluate the effects of irradiation on brain tissues by histology and immunohistochemistry.
100             Profiling of soluble extracts of brain tissues by LERLIC-MS/MS distinguished for the firs
101 paramagnetic free radicals in nonhippocampus brain tissue can be measured in vivo as a greater-than-n
102 esult in acute infection of fetal tissue and brain tissue, causing microcephaly and potentially sever
103                         Imaging on clarified brain tissues clearly displayed that n-3 PUFAs markedly
104 ke of inhaled xenon gas to the extravascular brain tissue compartment across the intact blood-brain b
105 try analysis to compute the volumes of whole brain, tissue compartments and cerebrospinal fluid, to t
106 col for the chemical clearing and imaging of brain tissue containing transgenic or immunolabeled fluo
107 the abundance of alphaSyn oligomers in human brain tissue correlated with cognitive impairment and re
108 and TREM2-dependent response of microglia to brain tissue damage that accumulates in aging and diseas
109 variability with the MDSeq on the GTEx human brain tissue data has identified pathways associated wit
110                        Our results show that brain tissue deformation induced by head impact loading
111                        Histologic studies of brain tissue demonstrate that the onset of severe neonat
112 re, ex vivo spectroscopic studies of excised brain tissues demonstrate that the hand-held spectroscop
113 s of microglial cells obtained from infected brain tissue demonstrated that activating FcgammaRs were
114    Neuropathological analysis of post-mortem brain tissue demonstrated that pIRE1alpha is expressed i
115                                          All brain tissues demonstrated some degree of pathology.
116 performed an integrative genomic analysis of brain tissue-derived transcriptomes measured from two li
117 bareas in histological preparations of human brain tissue, determine sulci most consistently related
118 ; second, by very low nonspecific binding in brain tissue devoid of tau pathology, excluding signific
119 l biases alongside monoallelic expression in brain tissues, discuss their potential roles in dosage r
120 iled to diminish radioligand accumulation in brain tissue, due to the blocking of radioligand binding
121 isorders, the inaccessibility of human fetal brain tissue during development has hampered efforts to
122  microglia isolated from surgically resected brain tissue ex vivo and after transition to an in vitro
123  High-resolution images of naive and injured brain tissue facilitated the comparison of CL species ac
124     We performed RNA sequencing of planarian brain tissue following RNAi of hh and patched (ptc), whi
125 ploy LMJ-SS in the ex vivo analysis of mouse brain tissue for monitoring dopamine during electrical s
126          Although manganese (Mn) can enhance brain tissues for improving magnetic resonance imaging (
127  individuals, (ii) macrophage-tropic Envs in brain tissue formed compartmentalized clusters distinct
128  and exploration of insect brains that keeps brain tissue free from trauma and in its natural stereo-
129 iteria, by blinded post-mortem assessment of brain tissue from 113 individuals (55 to 100 years) with
130 microcephaly, we performed immunolabeling on brain tissue from a 20-week fetus with intrauterine ZIKV
131  Abeta42 and also stained plaques ex vivo in brain tissue from AD model mice.
132     Furthermore, we show that human cortical brain tissue from Alzheimer's disease patients has signi
133 ified by staining Abeta plaques in slices of brain tissue from double transgenic (APP/PS1) mice of Al
134                                              Brain tissue from eNOS(-/-) mice had statistically highe
135                                              Brain tissue from HD and HDL2 patients shows degeneratio
136 l analysis was performed on the placenta and brain tissue from infants who died.
137 his question by performing RNA sequencing of brain tissue from mice chronically treated with the anti
138 uIC, PrP(Sc) was detected in lymphoid and/or brain tissue from one or more pigs in each inoculated gr
139 d gene expression were measured in harvested brain tissue from paired wild-type and MNX mice.
140  to visualize mitochondrial structure in the brain tissue from patients and mouse models of AD.
141 lpha-synucleinopathy model and in postmortem brain tissue from patients with alpha-synucleinopathy.
142 gates, which are also present in post-mortem brain tissue from patients.
143 ession is dramatically altered in postmortem brain tissue from PD cases but not in Alzheimer disease,
144 aled dityrosine crosslinks in Lewy bodies in brain tissue from PD patients.
145 abeled pathological tau in post-mortem human brain tissue from Pick disease, progressive supranuclear
146 This linkage was also observed in postmortem brain tissue from subjects with mild cognitive impairmen
147 ins and exogenous immunotherapeutics) access brain tissue from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
148 in 1, neurogranin, GAP43 and synaptopodin in brain tissues from 6-month-old Drp1+/-, Tau, TauXDrp1+/-
149 -188-5p expression was down-regulated in the brain tissues from AD patients and 5XFAD mice.
150 drial function and measured soluble Abeta in brain tissues from all lines of mice in our study.
151  absorption coefficient of paraffin-embedded brain tissues from both normal and mutant dysmyelinating
152 in vitro findings were validated in archival brain tissues from Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV)-i
153 ed with Abeta plaques and can distinguish AD brain tissues from those of cognitively normal older adu
154  very recent years that such data from human brain tissue have been made available from various sourc
155                                              Brain tissue HI was verified by neuropathological analys
156 sions of fusion and fission were measured in brain tissue homogenates.
157 ive detection even for mixed solution and in brain tissue homogenates.
158 nitoring reduced the proportion of time with brain tissue hypoxia after severe traumatic brain injury
159  brain tissue oxygenation monitoring reduced brain tissue hypoxia with a trend toward lower mortality
160 t, similar to electrographic seizures, cause brain tissue hypoxia, a measure of ongoing brain injury.
161 n additional rise in CBF and associated with brain tissue hypoxia, or higher-frequency PDs may reflec
162 rations of iron for brain development (i.e., brain tissue ID) before dysfunction occurs and to monito
163               Genomic DNA was extracted from brain tissue in all cases before exome sequencing (Illum
164 gue that showed increased penetration of the brain tissue in mice.
165                            Homogenization of brain tissue in small buffer volumes (>50 mg tissue per
166 cantly higher volume fraction of the leaking brain tissue in the gray matter (P = .004), normal-appea
167 led accumulation of radioactivity only in AD brain tissues in which Abeta plaques had cholinesterase
168 ulation system and the vascular endothelium, brain tissue, inflammatory mechanisms, and blood flow dy
169                 Sphingolipids, endogenous to brain tissue, influence inflammatory responses and cell
170  in acute respiratory failure and might harm brain tissue integrity.
171 nt histology studies of the mesh electronics/brain-tissue interface obtained from sections perpendicu
172 roliferation, immune system suppression, and brain tissue invasion.
173 eQTL analysis that includes disease-affected brain tissue is advantageous for detecting additional ri
174 , microstructural damage of normal-appearing brain tissue is an important feature of its pathology.
175 Substantial TrkB/C-specific binding in human brain tissue is observed in vitro, with specific reducti
176 ood, saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid) and brain tissue, it is unclear whether peripheral and centr
177 a deposited in the brain originates from the brain tissue itself.
178 ed on the regional pattern of differences in brain tissue levels of these metabolites, we propose tha
179 y, were higher in tumors than in neighboring brain tissues, likely accounting for the results.
180 ociated with distinctive spatial patterns of brain tissue loss.
181 etry of soluble alpha-synuclein multimers in brain tissue lysates.
182 d plexus) has been shown to be important for brain tissue maintenance and function.
183 ant changes in the biophysical properties of brain tissues, making an ex vivo to in vivo comparison c
184 ith an anti-inflammatory bias to the injured brain tissue may be a new therapeutic approach to promot
185                   Particularly, perilesional brain tissues may attract abnormal Mn accumulation and g
186  imaging methods that quantify biomarkers of brain tissue microstructure, integrating data from multi
187 yer and the subsurface layer, comprised of a brain tissue mimic modified with neurotransmitters, and
188 rs to a concentration as low as 100 muM in a brain tissue mimic through a cat skull.
189   Gadolinium deposits have been confirmed in brain tissue, most notably in the dentate nuclei and glo
190                   With the use of postmortem brain tissue, mouse models of defeat stress, and in vitr
191 of the most reliable PPIs functioning in the brain tissue, new regulatory schemes interpreting releva
192 n of brain injury biomarkers on postsurgical brain tissue obtained from 20 patients with frequent sei
193                                              Brain tissues obtained from surgical specimens were also
194 lified from proviral DNA or RNA derived from brain tissue of 12 individuals with normal neurology or
195 hage-tropic R5 Envs could be detected in the brain tissue of 4/12 N/MC individuals, (ii) macrophage-t
196 retrospective study, we analysed post-mortem brain tissue of all individuals with an Alzheimer's dise
197 ng the neuropathological lesions detected in brain tissue of Alzheimer's disease subjects, remains un
198 d a Braf V545E mutation, whereas peritumoral brain tissue of either strain had the wild-type sequence
199 ever, VA1 has been independently detected in brain tissue of five cases of human encephalitis.
200                                       In the brain tissue of FTLD-TDP patients with PGRN deficiency,
201 tein p17 (p17) has been detected in autoptic brain tissue of HAND individuals who presented early wit
202 tmentalized macrophage-tropic R5 Envs in the brain tissue of HIV patients without serious neurologica
203 age-tropic HIV-1 variants are present in the brain tissue of individuals before neurological disease
204                      KU527068), found in the brain tissue of infected fetus with neonatal microcephal
205 ls of hyperphosphorylated, aggregated tau in brain tissue of P301S-tg mice, associated with a decreas
206 dies known as neurofibrillary tangles in the brain tissue of patients with a variety of neurodegenera
207 etween Abeta40 and Abeta42 aggregates in the brain tissue of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
208 ression by macrophage-tropic variants in the brain tissue of some individuals, and (iv) Envs from imm
209 ounced upregulation of oxytocin receptors in brain tissues of alcohol-dependent rats and deceased alc
210  drastically increased storage of GM2 in the brain tissues of an asymptomatic mouse model of Tay-Sach
211  infections, as well as in spleen, lung, and brain tissues of infected mice.
212                                 We find that brain tissues of older individuals (>75 years) become mo
213             BADGE.2HCl also was found in the brain tissues of sea otters.
214                  ZIKV was found in the fetal brain tissue on reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain-r
215 ming in vivo single-cell experiments in deep brain tissues optically difficult to access.
216 Remarkably, CQ stains Abeta plaques in human brain tissue over co-existing tau aggregates and neurofi
217 d positron emission tomography (15O PET) and brain tissue oximetry have demonstrated increased oxygen
218 ism (CMRO2), oxygen extraction fraction, and brain tissue oximetry were measured in patients during [
219               A management protocol based on brain tissue oxygenation and intracranial pressure monit
220 after severe traumatic brain injury based on brain tissue oxygenation and intracranial pressure value
221               A relationship between reduced brain tissue oxygenation and poor outcome following seve
222 s algorithm can predict the start of partial brain tissue oxygenation crises with 30-minute advanced
223           intracranial pressure, and partial brain tissue oxygenation crisis events were defined as i
224                                              Brain tissue oxygenation data were recorded in the intra
225 group and 0.16 in intracranial pressure plus brain tissue oxygenation group; p < 0.0001).
226 tical care management protocol could improve brain tissue oxygenation levels in patients with severe
227 fied and impact on intracranial pressure and brain tissue oxygenation measured.
228 rmed by multimodal intracranial pressure and brain tissue oxygenation monitoring reduced brain tissue
229 protocol based on intracranial pressure plus brain tissue oxygenation monitoring versus intracranial
230 m Hg lasting at least 15 minutes and partial brain tissue oxygenation value of less than 10 mm Hg for
231 , 2016, with a hypothesis that the effect on brain tissue oxygenation was primarily dependent on the
232 ologic outcome of intracranial pressure plus brain tissue oxygenation-directed treatment of severe tr
233  both the sonicated tumors and in the normal brain tissue (P<0.001) between the two DCE-MRI acquisiti
234 o significantly improve bFGF accumulation in brain tissues (p<0.05) including the most affected ische
235 , partial pressure of oxygen in interstitial brain tissue (Pbto2), and regional cerebral blood flow (
236 d in GBM tumors compared with non-neoplastic brain tissues, portended a worse prognosis, and positive
237  increased in the surrounding peri-resection brain tissue post-SBI, Robo4 remained unchanged and Paxi
238  immune response and seamless interface with brain tissue postimplantation achieved by ultraflexible
239 ulations are implicated in the alteration of brain tissue properties associated with late-life cognit
240             We compared the maximum and mean brain tissue pulsatility (MaxBTP and MeanBTP), as identi
241 s in the mammalian brain, the possibility of brain tissue regeneration has captured the minds of scie
242 ct evidence of ZIKV infection in human fetal brain tissues remains elusive.
243 iple experiments on neuronal co-cultures and brain tissues reveal cell-type-dependent heterogeneities
244 ologous analysis of lncRNAs in human and rat brain tissues revealed a set of conserved lncRNAs.
245   Comparisons of the phylogenetic trees from brain tissues revealed that DNA- and RNA-based trees wer
246          Immunoblot analysis of fresh frozen brain tissues revealed that tau was present in the sarko
247 cRNAs in over 650 brain cancer and 70 normal brain tissue RNA sequencing datasets from The Cancer Gen
248 ammation and glial scar formation, affecting brain tissue's ability to repair itself.
249 ntia nigra region of a large cohort of human brain tissue samples by Western blotting, quantitative P
250           These specimens were compared with brain tissue samples from 12 controls and 6 patients wit
251 form levels were analyzed in temporal cortex brain tissue samples from 26 PD patients who were divide
252 HODS AND We performed metabolic profiling on brain tissue samples from 43 individuals ranging in age
253 Seq reads generated from 80 human and 66 rat brain tissue samples were analyzed.
254 e this technique can be applied on tooth and brain tissue samples.
255 s (C18:0, C20:0, C22:0, C24:1, and C24:0) in brain tissue samples.
256 autoradiography studies of [(18)F]-9 with AD brain tissue sections and ex vivo autoradiography studie
257            Binding of tritiated compounds to brain tissue sections of AD patients and healthy control
258 ore, immunofluorescence analysis in human MS brain tissue showed ANO2 expression as small cellular ag
259       Transcriptome profiles of normal human brain tissues showed that the novel candidate ID genes f
260             Results Gadolinium deposition in brain tissue significantly varied with GBCA type (F = 31
261                Multiple particle tracking in brain tissue slices and in vivo testing in orthotopic mu
262 palsy, and corticobasal degeneration patient brain tissue slices using autoradiography studies.
263 we identified two recurrent and three single brain-tissue-specific, large copy-number or loss-of-hete
264 ots were performed on DNA extracted from the brain tissue specimens to verify KSHV infection.
265                                   Postmortem brain tissue specimens were collected from individuals c
266  by super-resolution STED microscopy in live brain tissue, spines slowed down longitudinal Cl(-) diff
267 ptomes can be obtained from postmortem human brain tissue stored at -80 degrees C, making brain archi
268              hnRNP-Q1 is highly expressed in brain tissue, suggesting a function in regulating genes
269                                              Brain tissue surrounding surgical resection site can be
270  which was most prominent in the ipsilateral brain tissue surrounding the directly impacted region an
271 f distribution of non-displaceable ligand in brain tissue that increased with the increase of the fre
272 ly ligation-free ribosome profiling to mouse brain tissue to identify new patterns of cell type-speci
273        Here we use live imaging of embryonic brain tissue to visualize, for the first time, rapid mRN
274 s that exposure of mouse and human embryonic brain tissues to equal doses of harmful chemicals, such
275 e scattering and absorption of blue light in brain tissue together with the relative density of chann
276                                  Analysis of brain tissue uncovered dysregulation of eiF2alpha and Ak
277 mples acquired from cryo-sections of hamster brain tissue using Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) mi
278 ty of MPF mapping to quantify myelin loss in brain tissues using the cuprizone demyelination model.
279                                  The rate of brain tissue volume loss and the progression of total wh
280 tonic saline, consistent with a reduction in brain tissue volume.
281      We investigated factors associated with brain tissue volumes and white matter microstructure (fr
282                          Cognitive function, brain tissue volumes, and white matter microstructure we
283  to characterize newborn global and regional brain (tissue) volumes near the time of birth.
284                                              Brain tissue was analyzed for tumor volume, invasiveness
285  effector cell polarization within blood and brain tissue was attenuated by myeloid cell depletion af
286 , the largest part of gadolinium retained in brain tissue was insoluble species.
287 pro-inflammatory mediators in peri-resection brain tissue was reduced with VPC.
288                                    The mouse brain tissue was sectioned fresh post sacrifice and main
289     Due to the limited availability of human brain tissue we established a new method based on laser
290 ll clusters through 4.5 mm thick ex vivo rat brain tissue, we demonstrate photoacoustic tomography of
291 ass spectrometry-based proteomic analyses of brain tissue, we identified an A2M gene network that inc
292  of detection ranging from 0.4 to 1.1 nmol/g brain tissue were established for the different GluCer i
293  at the cellular level in isolated mammalian brain tissues were obtained using microsurface coils.
294 tribution in canine meningoencephalitis case brain tissues, were apparent.
295 (+) T cells relative to other lymphocytes in brain tissue, which correlates with lupus disease and li
296 teractions between plastic nanoparticles and brain tissue, which is the likely mechanism behind the o
297 MALDI-IMS to image neuronal lipids in rodent brain tissue with subsequent immunohistochemistry and fl
298                   (123)I-IMPY accumulated in brain tissues with Abeta plaques from both AD and cognit
299 distinguish between healthy and pathological brain tissues with different behaviors in tumor and stro
300 eted the target protein expression levels in brain tissues with no evidence of toxicity.

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