


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sented in the UM-BBD; they are known to have broad substrate specificity.
2 additional ATP-dependent proteases that have broad substrate specificity.
3 ymotrypsin, and elastase, exhibit relatively broad substrate specificity.
4 g as substrate for aldehyde dehydrogenase of broad substrate specificity.
5 ype 1 thymidine kinase exhibits a strikingly broad substrate specificity.
6  the advantages of increased sensitivity and broad substrate specificity.
7 s for the c-type cytochrome biogenesis has a broad substrate specificity.
8 nd acts strictly as an aminopeptidase with a broad substrate specificity.
9 sis Acp (AcpA) is tartrate-resistant and has broad substrate specificity.
10  a neutrophil-derived serine proteinase with broad substrate specificity.
11 bers that mediate ATP-dependent transport of broad substrate specificity.
12 understand the molecular basis of its rather broad substrate specificity.
13  forms a major antibiotic efflux system with broad substrate specificity.
14 is a mitochondrial carotenoid-oxygenase with broad substrate specificity.
15 e-binding sites, which correlates with their broad substrate specificity.
16 ADPH-dependent polyol dehydrogenase exhibits broad substrate specificity.
17 sulfation of xenobiotic phenols and has very broad substrate specificity.
18 ecessary residues for catalytic activity and broad substrate specificity.
19 ng serine hydrolase that exhibits relatively broad substrate specificity.
20 e-limiting enzyme in lipolysis that displays broad substrate specificity.
21  drug-metabolizing enzyme of extraordinarily broad substrate specificity.
22 ex type N-glycan intermediates with relative broad substrate specificity.
23 etic enzymes, lasso peptide isopeptidase has broad substrate specificity.
24 nerve agents with high-rate enhancements and broad substrate specificity.
25 secreted APase enzyme is a glycoprotein with broad substrate specificity.
26 nd seedling growth, indicating that KAT2 has broad substrate specificity.
27  in nature by evolving multiple enzymes with broad substrate specificities.
28 loned from humans and rodents appear to have broad substrate specificities.
29                    ALDHs typically have very broad substrate specificities.
30                                PhlD exhibits broad substrate specificity, accepting C4-C12 aliphatic
31 fied FATP1 and indicate that the enzyme is a broad substrate specificity acyl-CoA synthetase.
32  is a small secreted proteolytic enzyme with broad substrate specificity against ECM and non-ECM comp
33                             The enzymes show broad substrate specificities and can employ acyl-CoAs,
34 thermore, the enzyme systems exhibit similar broad substrate specificities and can oxidize such compo
35             However, C. microcarpa ACS shows broad substrate specificities and produces not only acri
36 equires the use of endoglycoceramidases with broad substrate specificity and a robust workflow that e
37 oupled peptide transporter PepT1, displays a broad substrate specificity and accepts most charged and
38 cytochrome P-450 enzymes, many of which have broad substrate specificity and are inducible by hundred
39                      The dioxygenases have a broad substrate specificity and catalyze enantiospecific
40 proteins, indicating that the rat HSD IV has broad substrate specificity and contributes to cholester
41               SsMTAP is unusual both for its broad substrate specificity and for its extreme thermal
42  (CBG) from mammalian liver is known for its broad substrate specificity and has been implicated in t
43                          Aminoacylase showed broad substrate specificity and hydrolyzed nonpolar N-ac
44                               Enzyme shows a broad substrate specificity and hydrolyzes both natural
45  Csk orthologs, Corallochytrium Csk displays broad substrate specificity and inhibits Src in an activ
46 e (MMP-12) is a macrophage-specific MMP with broad substrate specificity and is capable of degrading
47     Human carboxylesterase 1 (hCE1) exhibits broad substrate specificity and is involved in xenobioti
48 indicate that ECE-1 possesses a surprisingly broad substrate specificity and is potentially involved
49 ent short chain dehydrogenase/reductase with broad substrate specificity and is thought to be respons
50     Together with complementing enzymes, the broad substrate specificity and kinetic characteristics
51                               Because of its broad substrate specificity and lack of endogenous subst
52 esults suggest that Uve1p has a surprisingly broad substrate specificity and may function as a genera
53 ation-division (RND) family, often show very broad substrate specificity and play a major role both i
54 eals several novel features that explain the broad substrate specificity and preference for nearby ba
55 ype multidrug transporters have an extremely broad substrate specificity and protect bacterial cells
56 tite nuclear localization signals to provide broad substrate specificity and rapid evolution in nucle
57 led that one of these proteins (Ph-4CL1) has broad substrate specificity and represents a bona fide 4
58            These data suggest that ACER2 has broad substrate specificity and requires Ca(2+) for its
59 posed D-amino acid dehydrogenase activity of broad substrate specificity and the physiological functi
60  important detoxification enzymes due to its broad substrate specificity and wide distribution throug
61 first reported aminopeptidase to demonstrate broad substrate specificity and yet release glycine and
62                                  ERAAP has a broad substrate specificity, and its expression is stron
63  Nmu-pdg I and Nmu-pdg II were found to have broad substrate specificities, as evidenced by their abi
64 ubstrate: large variation in reaction rates, broad substrate specificity; (b) rigid enzyme-rigid subs
65 t this enzyme is characterized by relatively broad substrate specificity, being able to oxidize posit
66        Translocation of protein kinases with broad substrate specificities between different subcellu
67 l homoserine lactone hydrolase that displays broad substrate specificity but shows a preference for s
68            This would explain not only their broad substrate specificity, but also their unusual evol
69 lt1473 is a multifunctional PL that exhibits broad substrate specificity, but utilizes pH as a mechan
70 emonstrated that both ACX1;1 and ACX1;2 have broad substrate specificities (C8-C18).
71 rotein kinase IV (CaMKIV) is a member of the broad substrate specificity class of Ca(2+)/calmodulin (
72 ic role in the mandelate pathway, BFDC shows broad substrate specificity coupled with tight stereo co
73 NA base excision repair N-glycosylase with a broad substrate specificity directed primarily against o
74 coli as well as from higher eukaryotes has a broad substrate specificity displaying dual enzymatic fu
75 dehydrogenase (coded for by raldH1 gene) and broad substrate specificity E1 (a member of EC a
76 xidoreductase whose salient features include broad substrate specificity, encompassing 3-hydroxyacyl-
77 The human alkyladenine DNA glycosylase has a broad substrate specificity, excising a structurally div
78 nd Delta13ARF1, i.e. it lacks the relatively broad substrate specificity exhibited by ARF GAP.
79                This most likely explains the broad substrate specificity exhibited by phosphotriester
80 ive biosynthetic alanine racemase Alr showed broad substrate specificity, exhibiting measurable racem
81 bundant cytosolic lipid-binding protein with broad substrate specificity, expressed in mammalian ente
82 erlie a low affinity for glucose but generic broad substrate specificity for aldose sugars.
83 icin and doxorubicin biosynthesis that has a broad substrate specificity for anthracycline glycone su
84                              SbCYP82D1.1 has broad substrate specificity for flavones such as chrysin
85 Endo III or Nth) is a DNA glycosylase with a broad substrate specificity for oxidized or reduced pyri
86 their analogs indicate that PfNT1 exhibits a broad substrate specificity for purine and pyrimidine nu
87 ndonuclease III) is a DNA glycosylase with a broad substrate specificity for pyrimidine derivatives.
88 lear whether and how 4CL proteins with their broad substrate specificities fulfill the specific hydro
89  work presented here, the enzyme's unusually broad substrate specificity has allowed us to extend the
90  knowledge of the structural basis for their broad substrate specificity has been limited.
91 t, possesses a single 4CL protein exhibiting broad substrate specificity in mixed-substrate assays.
92                Here we show that pPAF-AH has broad substrate specificity in that it hydrolyzes short-
93 P1A2) is a drug uptake transporter known for broad substrate specificity, including many drugs in cli
94           This enzyme has been found to have broad substrate specificity, including the phosphorylati
95                                              Broad substrate specificity is also observed for the str
96 cessive accumulation of carotenoids, and its broad substrate specificity is consistent with this.
97 ic, the model of multisubstrate enzymes with broad substrate specificity is proposed as a paradigm fo
98 s the beta-alanine carrier which, due to its broad substrate specificity, is likely to play an import
99 te the proposed enzymatic activity with very broad substrate specificity; it utilizes all D-amino aci
100           Although the GS52 enzyme exhibited broad substrate specificity, its activity on pyrimidine
101 ility to cause pericellular degradation, its broad substrate specificity, its synthesis in an active
102                                          The broad substrate specificity of acyltransferase CT775 pro
103 lexible hinges that may be essential for the broad substrate specificity of BCRP.
104                         This study reveals a broad substrate specificity of Endo-A for transglycosyla
105                                          The broad substrate specificity of FabZ coupled with the ina
106                                              Broad substrate specificity of human P-glycoprotein (ABC
107 de variety of substrates and may explain the broad substrate specificity of MerB.
108                                          The broad substrate specificity of MRP was confirmed by the
109                                The similarly broad substrate specificity of multidrug transporters ca
110 usion and offer a simple explanation for the broad substrate specificity of phage resolvase.
111 e-67, and asparagine-176 may account for the broad substrate specificity of PviPRX9.
112 patibility with various target proteins, the broad substrate specificity of Sfp for labeling the ybbR
113                                          The broad substrate specificity of SsMTAPII may be due to th
114 rowth on anthranilate, suggesting relatively broad substrate specificity of the BenC reductase, which
115                                          The broad substrate specificity of the cytochrome P450 (P450
116       These complex structures delineate the broad substrate specificity of the enzyme toward both NM
117       Analysis of the structure explains the broad substrate specificity of the enzyme, and provides
118                  These results show that the broad substrate specificity of the mammalian enzyme is n
119            A significant determinant for the broad substrate specificity of the metallo-beta-lactamas
120 from unnatural amino acids by exploiting the broad substrate specificity of the ribosome.
121 polarity is likely to be responsible for the broad substrate specificity of these mammalian P450s.
122                                 However, the broad substrate specificity of Uve1p suggests a more gen
123                            Together with the broad-substrate specificity of an aldehyde reductase or
124 l molecule kinase inhibitors with inherently broad substrate specificities, precluding detailed exami
125 t here that the existence of the potentially broad substrate specificity protease Lon (also called La
126 iples are demonstrated: (i) For enzymes with broad substrate specificity, such as HIV-1 protease, res
127 on in the oil-rich cotyledon tissue, and the broad substrate specificities suggest that the two acyl-
128      The strong lipase activity of PDAT with broad substrate specificity suggests that this enzyme co
129 1 (MMP-3) is a matrix metalloproteinase with broad substrate specificity that has been linked to join
130 e betaine, a low affinity for choline, and a broad substrate specificity that included acetylcholine,
131 -20 expression pattern was associated with a broad substrate specificity that might preclude its expr
132                              Consistent with broad substrate specificity, the drug glutathione conjug
133 ermining allelic variation: (1) Enzymes with broad substrate specificity: The observed polymorphism i
134                                Despite their broad substrate specificity, their reactivity is very sp
135                 Although the enzyme exhibits broad substrate specificity, there is a trend for peptid
136                              Thanks to their broad substrate specificity, these chymotrypsin-like pro
137 icrodomain for proline-directed kinases with broad substrate specificity to phosphorylate mGluR and t
138 vity of the Sec residue is thought to confer broad substrate specificity to the enzyme.
139 gnition sites of the ribosomes, which confer broad substrate specificity to the system.
140 ficient organophosphate hydrolase (OPH) with broad substrate specificity using rational and random mu
141  These transporters demonstrate a remarkably broad substrate specificity, which seemingly contradicts
142 omal GH9 (Cel9W) is a cellulase displaying a broad substrate specificity, whose engineered form beari
143 synthetic pathways, suggesting that ZhuC has broad substrate specificity with respect to the holo-ACP
144                           The Ch FatB1 has a broad substrate specificity with strong preference for 1
145                        In addition, SetA has broad substrate specificity, with preferences for glucos
146                                     GghA has broad substrate specificity, with specific activities of

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