


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s and for ensuring that the transposon has a broad host range.
2 tivation system suggest explanations for its broad host range.
3 ee of amino acid homology, as well as a very broad host range.
4 ts in response to this oomycete, which has a broad host range.
5 us yielded primarily Myoviridae, which has a broad host range.
6  high incidence of myeloid disease and has a broad host range.
7 us with a tripartite genome and an extremely broad host range.
8  nonpigmented isolates, which exhibit a very broad host range.
9 ficity, in vitro activity, and exceptionally broad host range.
10 es and consist of at least eight genera with broad host ranges.
11  is known about how phage polyvalence (i.e., broad host range) affects bacterial suppression and inte
12            Furthermore, the secretome of the broad host range AG8 isolate may be shaped by maintainin
13                  Pseudorabies virus (PRV), a broad host range alphaherpesvirus, causes violent prurit
14  by pseudorabies virus (PRV), a neurotropic, broad-host-range alphaherpesvirus of swine.
15       Our results show that NBUs have a very broad host range and are capable of moving from Bacteroi
16                                     It has a broad host range and kills many antibiotic-resistant, cl
17                                          The broad host range and large packaging capacity of NIFV ve
18  Bordetella bronchiseptica, which displays a broad host range and typically causes chronic, asymptoma
19 sc and btr loci are nearly identical between broad-host-range and human-specific Bordetella.
20                               SFVs possess a broad host range, and human infections can occur by cros
21    Salmonella enterica serovars often have a broad host range, and some cause both gastrointestinal a
22  vector and consider whether its homology to broad host-range antibiotic resistance transposons and p
23              The TrfA protein encoded by the broad host range bacterial plasmid RK2 specifically bind
24 eins involved in conjugative DNA transfer of broad-host-range bacterial plasmids, and gene products t
25  We describe the development and analysis of broad-host-range (BHR) cloning vectors that carry the ar
26 e is known about the range of hosts in which broad-host-range (BHR) plasmids can persist in the absen
27 a system to many species, we describe here a broad-host-range (bhr) system in which the amplification
28  The emergence of infectious diseases with a broad host range can have a dramatic impact on entire co
29 Meloidogyne spp.) are plant parasites with a broad host range causing great losses worldwide.
30 aH, belonging to the IncW and IncN groups of broad host range conjugative plasmids, respectively.
31 as also highly impaired as a donor of RP4, a broad-host-range conjugative plasmid.
32 o III have been found to be encoded by other broad host range, conjugative plasmids isolated from bot
33 mouse ectromelia virus encode one vTNFR, the broad host range cowpox virus encodes all vTNFRs.
34 e that serotype Typhimurium phage types with broad host range do not possess genetic islands influenc
35                                         Both broad host range (e.g. Bordetella bronchiseptica) and hu
36                                            A broad-host-range endosymbiont, Sinorhizobium sp. NGR234
37 tion for the transfer protein TraM of the G+ broad host range Enterococcus conjugative plasmid pIP501
38                    They are derived from the broad host range expression vector pNSGroE and have seve
39 n Midwest populations, indicating a possibly broad host range for P. viridiflava.
40 , we demonstrate the molecular mechanism and broad host range for TNF action against HBV.
41    Because HSV glycoprotein D (gD) imparts a broad host range for viral infection through recognition
42            Some of these regions distinguish broad host range from host-adapted Salmonella serovars a
43 We found that the longer proteins encoded by broad host range fungi likely increase natural selection
44              Finally, we demonstrate a novel broad-host-range genetic reporter based on the green flu
45  as a vector for gene therapy because of its broad host range, good safety profile, and persistent tr
46 inosa, its role in other bacteria within its broad host range has not been established.
47  the parasite pays a higher cost to attack a broad host range (high cost of virulence), as the number
48 atidis) and ranaviruses have extraordinarily broad host ranges, however co-infection dynamics have be
49                                         This broad host range implies that B. burgdorferi possesses t
50 e intracellular pathogens that can exhibit a broad host range in infection tropism despite maintainin
51 member of the Alphaherpesviridae, displays a broad host range in vitro, allowing for detailed study o
52 thogenicity of this novel retrovirus and its broad host range, including human cell lines, it is impo
53 ive plasmids of the pheromone-responsive and broad host range incompatibility group 18 type.
54                           The kor regulon of broad host-range, incompatibility group P (IncP) plasmid
55                                          The broad host range IncP plasmids are of particular interes
56                         A central feature of broad host range IncP-1 plasmids is the set of regulator
57                                              Broad-host-range IncP-1 plasmids generally encode two re
58 ating pair formation (Mpf) system encoded by broad-host-range IncPalpha conjugative plasmid RP4 prese
59                           Replication of the broad-host-range, IncPalpha plasmid RK2 requires two pla
60      R1162 is a representative member of the broad-host-range IncQ group of multicopy plasmids.
61 use IS903phikan is carried on a mobilizable, broad-host-range IncQ plasmid, this system is potentiall
62 arboviruses are mosquito-borne and exhibit a broad host range, infecting many different vertebrates i
63 lphaviruses are mosquito-borne and exhibit a broad host range, infecting many different vertebrates,
64 stance against necrotrophic pathogens with a broad host range is complex and yet not well understood.
65  may explain why rapid antigenic drift and a broad host range is observed with influenza A virus and
66                 Adeno-associated virus has a broad host range, is nonpathogenic, and integrates into
67 ecific isolate, a dicot specific isolate and broad host range isolate infecting both monocot and dico
68 C) for added DNA, cytoplasmic expression and broad host range make it a popular choice for gene deliv
69                                              Broad host-range mini-Tn7 vectors facilitate integration
70 rom Escherichia coli O157:H7, as well as the broad host range multi-drug resistance plasmid pB10 from
71 of the nifH promoter, was subcloned into the broad host range multicopy plasmid pKT230 for overexpres
72 ic necrotrophs (HSNs), whereas resistance to broad host-range necrotrophs (BHNs) is complex.
73 V type 2, and provide an explanation for the broad host range of AAV.
74 e, which contribute in different ways to the broad host range of L. pneumophila.
75 type 1 and varicella-zoster virus, infects a broad host range of mammals.
76 cidate the viral factors responsible for the broad host range of pathogenic mosquito-borne alphavirus
77 were susceptible to invasion, reflecting the broad host range of T. spiralis in vivo.
78                                          The broad host range of the genus contrasts with stringent h
79                        We are exploiting the broad host range of the human opportunistic pathogen Pse
80 which is required for the IFN resistance and broad host range of the virus, has been shown to bind do
81                                          The broad host range of these parasites results from their a
82                                          The broad host range of this parasite makes it a fascinating
83 s amoebae and provide an explanation for the broad host range of this pathogenic fungus.
84 n of cyanide helps account for the unusually broad host range of virulence of P. aeruginosa and may c
85 ribed here was facilitated by the use of the broad host range, opportunistic bacterial pathogen Pseud
86  optimization underlies genome adaptation in broad host range parasites.
87 tussis, and related organisms, including the broad host range pathogen Bordetella bronchiseptica We r
88 y result from a lack of genes present in the broad-host-range pathogen Salmonella typhimurium.
89 almonella enterica serotype Typhimurium is a broad-host-range pathogen.
90 ectobacterium and Dickeya, consist mainly of broad host-range pathogens that cause wilt, rot, and bla
91               Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a broad host range plant pathogen that combinatorially rec
92                  The trfA and trb operons of broad host range plasmid RK2 are required for replicatio
93                                          The broad host range plasmid RK2 encodes two forms of its re
94                                              Broad host range plasmid RK2 encodes two versions of its
95                                          The broad host range plasmid RK2 replicates and regulates it
96                Replication initiation of the broad host range plasmid RK2 requires binding of the hos
97 red for the initiation of replication of the broad host range plasmid RK2.
98 equired for initiation of replication of the broad host range plasmid RK2.
99 , controls genes for conjugative transfer of broad host range plasmid RK2.
100 flanking lacZ homology and is derived from a broad host range plasmid that has been successfully used
101          Transformation of strain RA1 with a broad-host-range plasmid bearing the wild-type B. abortu
102 associated DNA replication of plasmid RK2, a broad-host-range plasmid capable of replication in a wid
103                     It has been classed as a broad-host-range plasmid due to its ability to replicate
104 ts in O. anthropi strain 49237 by use of the broad-host-range plasmid pBBR1MCS.
105 hage T5, P(N25) and a derivative of the IncW broad-host-range plasmid pJB20 has been developed.
106               When provided in trans, on the broad-host-range plasmid pRK290, under the control of th
107 ion of pTV1-OK, a repA(Ts) derivative of the broad-host-range plasmid pWVO1 harboring Tn9l7, in JH100
108 ular weight = 15,097) protein encoded by the broad-host-range plasmid R1162 and is required for its e
109       MobB is a small protein encoded by the broad-host-range plasmid R1162 and required for efficien
110             The mobilization proteins of the broad-host-range plasmid R1162 can initiate conjugative
111                                          The broad-host-range plasmid R1162 is conjugally mobilized a
112                    IncC and KorB proteins of broad-host-range plasmid RK2 are members of the ParA-Par
113                                              Broad-host-range plasmid RK2 encodes a post-segregationa
114                       A 3.2-kb region of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 has been shown to encode a
115 es stable maintenance of the replicon of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 in a vector-independent man
116                Copy-number regulation of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 is dependent on the plasmid
117      The par region of the stably maintained broad-host-range plasmid RK2 is organized as two diverge
118 Initiation and control of replication of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 requires two plasmid-encode
119                The replication origin of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2, oriV, contains four DnaA b
120 ne of the initiation proteins encoded by the broad-host-range plasmid RK2, was suppressed by a host p
121   TrfA, the replication initiator protein of broad-host-range plasmid RK2, was tested for its ability
122                                            A broad-host-range plasmid that contained an intact aae ge
123 teins that stabilize the maintenance of this broad-host-range plasmid via a postsegregational killing
124                  We previously showed that a broad-host-range plasmid was poorly maintained in Shewan
125 omplished by transforming strain RB51 with a broad-host-range plasmid, pBBR1MCS, containing the sodC
126  a well-characterized, high-copy number, and broad-host-range plasmid, to produce pDC123.
127                                       Common broad-host-range plasmids and transposons did not functi
128                                              Broad-host-range plasmids of the IncP-1 group, on the ot
129 cline and resembled those encoded by E. coli broad-host-range plasmids.
130        To determine whether phage types with broad host range possess genetic islands absent from hos
131 rus from the Vesivirus genus that exhibits a broad host range possibly including humans and map immun
132               These results suggest that the broad-host-range properties of IncP-1 plasmids are essen
133 t are located on bacterial chromosomes or on broad-host-range R plasmids.
134 oncognate RCR plasmids may contribute to the broad-host-range replication and dissemination of RCR pl
135  resulted in the construction of an improved broad-host-range replicon derived from RSF1010, which re
136  Salmonella enterica cryptic plasmid and the broad-host-range resistance plasmid RSF1010.
137 e correct segregation of the low copy number broad host range RK2 plasmid while also being an importa
138 e single-copy replication in E. coli and the broad-host-range RK2 mini-replicon for high-copy replica
139 ific serotype, and Salmonella typhimurium, a broad-host-range serotype, were sensitive to killing by
140             T7 phage is a lytic phage with a broad host range specificity for E. coli.
141        We have also realigned the narrow and broad host range sso sequences of RC plasmids, and found
142 uses have shown great potential in providing broad-host-range, stable vectors for gene therapy.
143 ed sequence tag (EST) analyses showed that a broad host range strain of M. anisopliae sf. anisopliae
144 oci were transcribed in all subspecies, only broad-host-range strains expressed a functional type III
145                Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is a broad host range, swine alpha herpesvirus that enters ne
146 ted virus type 2 (AAV) is known to possess a broad host range that transcends the species barrier, we
147  providing interferon (IFN) resistance and a broad host range to VV in cell culture.
148                  The technique is based on a broad host range transposon (ISphoA/hah), which may be u
149 pH ranges, the gusA gene was cloned into the broad host range vector, pGK12, and subjected to random
150  and a constitutively expressed mrfp1 onto a broad-host range vector.
151 a versatile platform for the construction of broad-host-range vector systems.
152 nd introduced into R. sphaeroides by using a broad-host-range vector.
153 s, we have designed and constructed a set of broad host range vectors that are transferable via inter
154 ools for Pseudomonas research include small, broad-host-range vectors that allow regulated expression
155 rase reporter gene can be pseudotyped with a broad-host-range vesicular stomatitis virus envelope gly
156           We found that two RNA viruses with broad host ranges, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and
157 The complete genome sequence of the T4-like, broad-host-range vibriophage KVP40 has been determined.
158 7.8% of the samples from humans, genotype 2 (broad host range) was detected in 61.5%, a third genotyp
159                    To take advantage of this broad host range, we have constructed packaging cells (P
160 itors, such as glucans and fatty acids, have broad host ranges, whereas others such as elicitins have
161 s a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and
162 st promiscuous Sclerodermatineae (those with broad host ranges), while those with relatively limited

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