


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 FNgamma and were prevented by treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics.
2  polymerase (RNAP) is a validated target for broad spectrum antibiotics.
3 diduria in critically ill children receiving broad spectrum antibiotics.
4 aneous flap reconstruction along with use of broad spectrum antibiotics.
5 ad to fewer patients unnecessarily receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics.
6  prevent infections in patients treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
7  growth in broth and may provide a basis for broad-spectrum antibiotics.
8 to expand our currently available arsenal of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
9 despread use of immunosuppressive agents and broad-spectrum antibiotics.
10  environment and is prevented and treated by broad-spectrum antibiotics.
11  lead to the development of a novel class of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
12 ituberculosis treatment, he was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
13 igases as targets for the development of new broad-spectrum antibiotics.
14 not experience neutropenic fevers or require broad-spectrum antibiotics.
15  which makes them attractive targets for new broad-spectrum antibiotics.
16 early and repeated extensive debridement and broad-spectrum antibiotics.
17  acute sinusitis), 868 (35%) were prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics.
18 re infected with VPI 10463 after exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
19 bers, and was not affected by treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
20 robiome has been perturbed by treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
21 cated when the organism becomes resistant to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
22 ngal infections by producing peptide-derived broad-spectrum antibiotics.
23 ted with GVHD development and treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
24 in older (>/=65 years) inpatients exposed to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
25 ppression of intestinal microbiota with oral broad-spectrum antibiotics.
26 e and compared the effects of treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
27 , pretreatment of donors and recipients with broad-spectrum antibiotics (Abx) or use of germ-free (GF
28          Interestingly, WT mice treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (Abx) were fully protected fr
29            Consistently, long-term dosing of broad-spectrum antibiotics (ABXs) in Rag2(R229Q) mice am
30                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics accounted for 26% of use in S
31 -ring scaffold, which is essential for their broad-spectrum antibiotic activities.
32                         Peptides with potent broad-spectrum antibiotic activity have been identified
33 compounds identified in the screen exhibited broad-spectrum antibiotic activity, validating trans-tra
34 fampicin (Rif) is one of the most potent and broad spectrum antibiotics against bacterial pathogens a
35  patients with sepsis (i.e., blood cultures, broad-spectrum antibiotic agents, and lactate measuremen
36 ction of cytopathies and coagulopathies, and broad spectrum antibiotics and antifungal agents.
37 agement consists of prompt intervention with broad-spectrum antibiotics and fluid resuscitation, even
38 helicidin antimicrobial peptides that act as broad-spectrum antibiotics and influence the immune defe
39 his concept, we depleted gut microbiota with broad-spectrum antibiotics and performed renal ischemia-
40 as potential for reducing unnecessary use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and promoting more timely pre
41 nzymes that provide resistance to a range of broad-spectrum antibiotics) and thioredoxin reductase ge
42 ibitor, compound 1 has the potential to be a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and should be effective again
43 ng fasciitis, wide and repeated debridement, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and eventual abdominal wall
44  infectious workup including blood cultures, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and mechanical ventilatory s
45 s study, we show that A153 produces a second broad spectrum antibiotic, andrimid.
46                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered to patients
47                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics are commonly prescribed for t
48                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics are commonly prescribed, but
49                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics are frequently prescribed to
50 ntification is slow and unreliable such that broad-spectrum antibiotics are often used to insure cove
51                                        Three broad-spectrum antibiotics are reviewed, each from a dif
52                         Repeated exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics at ages 0 to 23 months is ass
53   Rates of overall antibiotic use and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics (azithromycin and clarithromy
54 moniae is a useful tool for the discovery of broad-spectrum antibiotics because of its genetic mallea
55 f mechanical ventilation, and consumption of broad-spectrum antibiotics but not with longer hospital
56              Aminoglycosides are widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics, but they inflict permanent h
57                                    The first broad-spectrum antibiotic chloramphenicol and one of the
58 ections refractory to treatment with current broad-spectrum antibiotic classes warrants the explorati
59 oth of which were completely suppressed by a broad-spectrum antibiotic cocktail.
60                              Carbapenems are broad spectrum antibiotics considered as a "last resort"
61           Suppression of gut microbiome with broad-spectrum antibiotics decreases miR-204, increases
62                              Prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics, defined for this study as qu
63 ne responses and pathology by treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics definitively links the role o
64                             Prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics disrupts the indigenous gut m
65 AGs) constitute a major family of potent and broad-spectrum antibiotics disturbing protein synthesis
66                                  At present, broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs are used to treat this d
67                                   Receipt of broad-spectrum antibiotics enhances Candida albicans col
68 hether the change of gut microbiota with the broad spectrum antibiotic enrofloxacin will modulate con
69  mice before SCI (e.g., via oral delivery of broad-spectrum antibiotics) exacerbates neurological imp
70  boys, 44 girls), 3 months to 12 yrs old, on broad spectrum antibiotics for at least 48 hrs were rand
71                      Doripenem is a valuable broad-spectrum antibiotic for empirical therapy in criti
72 heme diet (0.5 mumol/g heme) with or without broad-spectrum antibiotics for 14 d.
73 ar, the selective pressure from prior use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for 5 days or more increased
74 (69.9%) and was associated with prior use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for more than 5 days for trea
75 5, pneumonia practice guidelines recommended broad-spectrum antibiotics for patients with risk factor
76 e found a substantial increase in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for pneumonia despite no incr
77                           The patient was on broad-spectrum antibiotics for pneumonia including vanco
78                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics for recurrent multidrug-resis
79 e transferase that confers resistance to the broad-spectrum antibiotic fosfomycin, (1R,2S)-epoxypropy
80 e transferase that confers resistance to the broad-spectrum antibiotic fosfomycin, which contains a p
81 It is the target of the naturally occurring, broad-spectrum antibiotic fosfomycin.
82 zyme in its apo form and in complex with the broad-spectrum antibiotic fosmidomycin solved to 1.5 and
83 y the case with tropodithietic acid (TDA), a broad-spectrum antibiotic generated by marine bacteria t
84                               Doxycycline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has certain antiangiogenic pr
85 acute sinusitis), 4307 (14%) were prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics including amoxicillin-clavula
86 outcomes while minimizing unnecessary use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, including carbapenems.
87                                       Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics increased across many conditi
88                                       Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics increased from 24% of all ant
89              However, prescription rates for broad-spectrum antibiotics increased significantly.
90                         Dehydrophos (DHP), a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is a phosphonotripeptide prod
91 plications, oral administration of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics may be an acceptable alternat
92 ow transplantation animals were treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin
93                        Oral treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic modifies gut microbiota compos
94 c patients by enabling rapid deescalation of broad-spectrum antibiotics, multiplex methods offer even
95 creatitis, it is common to administer early, broad-spectrum antibiotics, often a carbapenem, in the h
96                                The impact of broad-spectrum antibiotics on antimicrobial resistance a
97 rse consequences of microbiota disruption by broad-spectrum antibiotics on innate immune defense to i
98 uppression of the intestinal microbiota with broad spectrum antibiotics or ablation of TLR4 signaling
99                       Treatment of mice with broad-spectrum antibiotics, or with the gut-restricted a
100 ese sites, in part through the production of broad-spectrum antibiotic peptides.
101 num with no signs of healing after receiving broad spectrum antibiotics post-surgery.
102 ich mediating pathways, including changes in broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing and hospital crowd
103                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing decreased from 26.
104 rity of antibiotic exposure in children, and broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for acute respirat
105 ses, the strongest independent predictors of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing were physician spe
106                                          The broad-spectrum antibiotic prescription relative percenta
107 he most frequent diagnoses co-occurring with broad-spectrum antibiotic prescription, narrowing antibi
108 ription rate for ARTI and a dramatic drop in broad-spectrum antibiotic prescriptions, in favor of amo
109   FMT-randomized patients received 5 days of broad-spectrum antibiotic pretreatment, then a single FM
110 e and often persist despite several weeks of broad-spectrum antibiotics prior to surgery.
111 cteria resistance to zwittermicin A, a novel broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by species of Bacillu
112           Streptolydigin is a highly potent, broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by Streptomyces lydic
113 Platensimycin (PTM) is a recently discovered broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by Streptomyces plate
114                            Administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics promotes VRE colonization by
115 ugh cathepsin G has previously shown to have broad spectrum antibiotic properties, challenges of mice
116                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for
117                   Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics recommended for the treatment
118                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics reduce bacterial diversity wh
119 /= 4 episodes); this effect was stronger for broad-spectrum antibiotics (RR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.06-1.29)
120                                    Empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered to any
121  of novel EPSPS inhibitors with potential as broad-spectrum antibiotics should be based on the active
122 aced for symptomatic relief and prophylactic broad-spectrum antibiotics should be given only in the s
123 inhibitors of this enzyme that could protect broad spectrum antibiotics such as imipenem from hydroly
124 f intestinal microbiota by administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics suppressed the number of infi
125                                          The broad-spectrum antibiotic tetracycline is used in animal
126                   Oxytetracycline (OTC) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that acts by inhibiting protei
127                                     CAP is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that has lost its favor due to
128                     d-Cycloserine (DCS) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that inhibits d-alanine ligase
129 zinyl-4)methane (taurolidine) is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic that reacts with bacterial cel
130 oxymethyl)pro pane-1,3-diol (DCAP), a potent broad-spectrum antibiotic that reduces the transmembrane
131                    Aminoglycosides (AGs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are associated with kidn
132 lycosides are mostly known as highly potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics that exert their antibacteria
133      Aminoglycosides are chemically diverse, broad-spectrum antibiotics that target functional center
134                                            A broad spectrum antibiotic therapy as empirical treatment
135 idium difficile infection is associated with broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and is the most common
136              Early initiation of appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy must take into conside
137  source of infection (1C); administration of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy within 1 hr of diagnos
138 ly 10 liters per day in the first 72 hours), broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and ventilatory suppo
139 mucosal innate immune defence, as induced by broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, can be corrected by s
140 ), is a dangerous and costly complication of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.
141 bacteria and require both source control and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.
142 ieves good outcomes without excessive use of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.
143 ed MAMPs and can be significantly reduced by broad-spectrum antibiotics, thereby affecting susceptibi
144                                 We have used broad spectrum antibiotics to demonstrate that these con
145 in a randomized trial the effectiveness of a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment in patients with cir
146 omptly randomized to receive a standard or a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment.
147                                   Further, a broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment delivered before B.
148 ude that microbiome depletion as a result of broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment disrupts basal Stat1
149 theoretical advantages because a decrease in broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment in low-risk patients
150 asionally, skip areas but is associated with broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment or chemotherapy.
151 erium Phaeobacter inhibens we found that the broad-spectrum antibiotic tropodithietic acid (TDA) caus
152 sociated with adverse outcomes and increased broad-spectrum antibiotic usage.
153 patient penicillin allergies results in more broad-spectrum antibiotic use, treatment failures, and a
154 line adherence would unnecessarily stimulate broad-spectrum antibiotic use.
155                         Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used for the treatment of many
156                   Chloramphenicol (Cam) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to combat bacterial infec
157 events documented by the clinician (3.7% for broad-spectrum antibiotics vs 2.7% for narrow-spectrum a
158 .8%]) and reported by the patient (35.6% for broad-spectrum antibiotics vs 25.1% for narrow-spectrum
159  a lower rate of treatment failure (3.4% for broad-spectrum antibiotics vs 3.1% for narrow-spectrum a
160 rse child quality of life (score of 90.2 for broad-spectrum antibiotics vs 91.5 for narrow-spectrum a
161                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics vs narrow-spectrum antibiotic
162 uris-infected IL-10/IL-4-deficient mice if a broad spectrum antibiotic was administered, suggesting t
163                            Early exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics was also associated with obes
164                            In mice receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics, we observed reductions in mi
165                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics were associated with a slight
166 adult and 14% of pediatric prescriptions for broad-spectrum antibiotics were for the common cold, uns
167                                              Broad-spectrum antibiotics were initialized, and minimal
168 ren with acute respiratory tract infections, broad-spectrum antibiotics were not associated with bett
169  global health burden currently treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics which disrupt commensal bacte
170 irulence factors can provide access to novel broad-spectrum antibiotics, which may serve as important
171           Fluoroquinolones (FQ) are powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics whose side effects include re
172            Rifaximin, an oral, non-systemic, broad-spectrum antibiotic with a favorable safety profil
173 nt placement, endoscopic sphincterotomy, and broad-spectrum antibiotics with rapid closure of the fis
174 ion (Scvo2) monitoring within 2 hrs; b) give broad-spectrum antibiotics within 4 hrs; c) complete ear

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