


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ellular compartment over which the signal is broadcast.
2 g of a "gate" that allows auditory cortex to broadcast a representation of external sounds to other b
3 e results reveal that the cholinergic system broadcasts a rapid and precisely timed reinforcement sig
4 lex calls when choosing between simple calls broadcast after a delay.
5 n favouring individual fitness as opposed to broadcast allelopathy from which the benefits are more d
6 that measured advertising viewed on national broadcast and cable television in 2010 using a Nielsen p
7 by solving some rudimentary models including broadcast and multiple-access channels.
8                          The cell density is broadcasted and detected by elements from a bacterial qu
9 ations ranging from communications to radar, broadcasting and astronomy.
10 stitutes an important selection pressure for broadcasting and attending to size-related formant infor
11 ation between predicted RF-EMF exposure from broadcasting and childhood leukemia.
12 n lagoon waste, which is ultimately used for broadcast application as a fertilizer.
13                            Because the bat's broadcasts are 2,000-4,500 microseconds long, the echoes
14 s, an action potential (AP) is thought to be broadcast as an unwavering binary pulse over its arbor,
15           Synthetic advertisement calls were broadcast at 2 repetition rates and 2 intensities in a f
16          Because of potential habituation to broadcasted calls and social behavior, we developed a hi
17 ultiple sound sources including loudspeakers broadcasting calls as well as calls emitted by individua
18 ates long-range peptide hormone signaling to broadcast changes in metabolic status to distant target
19 unidirectional information diffusion through broadcasting channels has experienced comparatively mode
20 ries playoff games televised by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and 4 first-round playoff ga
21 at females remember which speaker previously broadcast complex calls when choosing between simple cal
22              On 13 October 1980, the British Broadcasting Corporation aired a programme entitled 'Tra
23       Given the concerns raised, the British Broadcasting Corporation commissioned a second programme
24 ntent of the Health Security Act, local news broadcasts devoted a significantly greater portion of th
25 ist memory consolidation by reactivating and broadcasting experience-specific "index codes" to neocor
26 rry concentration-dependent odor signals and broadcast focal glomerular inputs throughout the OB to c
27 ircuits and extrasynaptic signals wirelessly broadcast from a small number of modulatory neurons.
28 of the BH4-substrate binding interactions as broadcast from this mutated cysteine residue.
29 structure with a rich-club of interconnected broadcasting hubs, and the neuropeptide network showing
30      Twitter provides one effective means to broadcast images with short captions instantly and every
31 ross-sectional studies of all advertisements broadcast in one region of the UK over one week periods-
32 osin or bacitracin and were land applied via broadcast, incorporation, and injection methods.
33 y transmitting species evolved brooding from broadcasting, indicating that reduced buoyancy evolves o
34 ublic warning messages have been relayed via broadcast information channels, including radio and tele
35 there is a general increase in the amount of broadcast information in a non-costly signal with increa
36 edback circuit, whereas both SL and SP cells broadcast information to higher olfactory areas in a par
37 nimal set of essential nodes responsible for broadcasting information to the whole-brain NoN.
38 t, ripples that emerged in the temporal pole broadcast largely independent information to their corti
39 n be highly motivated to approach nest boxes broadcasting male song.
40  with adult males, whereas older musth males broadcast malodorous combinations to deter young males,
41  and by neonatal nursery staff and print and broadcast media have increased the proportion of infants
42  included physicians, friends and relatives, broadcast media, print media, and the internet.
43  sexual activity and intensified aggression--broadcast odoriferous, behaviourally influential message
44  and targets (Direct), (2) a real-time video broadcast of hand and targets (Video), or (3) abstract,
45  a major cortical node that gates the global broadcast of task-related information.
46 ategies for this are possible, including the broadcasting of general nutritional and health messages
47  (Rana catesbeiana) habituates with repeated broadcasts of acoustic stimuli simulating a new territor
48 g territory, to which they were attracted by broadcasts of alarm calls (social information).
49 ppropriate vocal responses to females and to broadcasts of female calls.
50 n commissioned a second programme, which was broadcast on 19 February 1981 entitled 'A Question of Li
51 nied choral work, "Allele", was composed and broadcast on national radio.
52 40% of data segments were scored and results broadcasted on a public leader board.
53 on and 50 consecutive episodes of Rescue 911 broadcast over a three-month period in 1995.
54  learning and motivated behavior, in part by broadcasting prediction error signals throughout the rew
55 g real surveillance footage from a murder or broadcast replays of violent contact in professional foo
56                                    For ARGs, broadcast resulted in significantly higher erm genes in
57 , among the three application methods tested broadcast resulted in the highest total mass loading of
58                   Their progress mirrors the broadcast's propagation away from the bat and the return
59  reform were aired during the 166 local news broadcasts sampled.
60  females were observed on or near a nest box broadcasting sexually motivated male song, suggesting an
61  3.3 ha field fumigated with Pic-Clor 60 via broadcast shank application.
62 ccumulate at the tumor site by receiving the broadcasting signals generated by NCA , is developed for
63 vignyi, one of the species of ocean-dwelling broadcast spawners commonly known as sea squirts, exhibi
64                                For some such broadcast spawners, gametes are positively or negatively
65 nt with costs of vertical transmission among broadcast spawners, whose eggs tend to be positively buo
66 n oral brooders; kinship in schooling fry of broadcast spawners; sperm storage by dams in female-preg
67 mpare population structure in co-distributed broadcast spawning (Crassostrea virginica) and brooding
68  ocean compared to their relatives employing broadcast spawning and pelagic larval development.
69  brooding coral, Porites astreoides, and the broadcast spawning coral, Montastraea faveolata, were ex
70  genetic structure and self-recruitment in a broadcast-spawning marine gastropod that exists as a sin
71                                        Thus, broadcast-spawning populations with males and females ca
72 ural resonance for sound radiation, crickets broadcast species-specific songs at a sharply tuned freq
73  benefit from earlier and richer exposure to broadcast speech.
74 l age and not on the duration of exposure to broadcast speech.
75 s during fertilization, whereas animals that broadcast sperm into the water column have not changed s
76 ndividuals while viewing popular, previously-broadcast television content for which the broad audienc
77 es between two different kinds of uses: from broadcast television to wireless Internet access.
78                Optical reporter proteins can broadcast the operational states of genetically designat
79 o both stabilize into a regular topology and broadcast the presence of a deafferentation-based bottom
80 suggests that the initial events involved in broadcasting the reduced flavin state to the distal memb
81 ing has been suggested as a way for cells to broadcast their states to the population as a whole so a
82 ate as diffracting beams not omnidirectional broadcasts.There is growing interest in the development
83                        When initiated by the broadcast, these responses comprise a cascade of single
84                   While emitting a series of broadcasts, they can detect very small changes in delay
85         The transducer measured pressure and broadcast this information by amplitude modulation radio
86 n-based epigenetic elements that are readily broadcast through mitosis and meiosis.
87  carrier wave so that it can be successfully broadcasted through a medium such as air or cables.
88 uth that is coded in normalized coordinates, broadcast throughout primary sensory cortex and provides
89 ain: the selection of information for global broadcasting, thus making it flexibly available for comp
90  of spring and fall male starling songs were broadcast to female starlings from nest boxes in an avia
91  that coincide with ongoing responses to the broadcast to register the target's distance and shape.
92 member delays and patterns of delay from one broadcast to the next, and they may rely on delays to pe
93 kinetochores of unaligned chromosomes and is broadcast to the rest of the cell.
94  performing local computations that are then broadcast to the rest of the neuron, or to other neurons
95  dopaminergic reinforcement learning signals broadcast to the striatum.
96 in the multisensory layers of the OT and are broadcast to visual layers via the cholinergic nucleus I
97      Using this strategy, the query patch is broadcasted to all worker processes.
98 f how the results of cortical processing are broadcasted to different downstream targets thus require
99 mmunication technologies, from long-distance broadcasts to short-distance signals within a computer c
100 uit overall integrates information from, and broadcasts to, many brain regions, consistent with its p
101 quency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) from broadcast transmitters and childhood cancer.
102                         RF-EMF exposure from broadcast transmitters was modeled.
103  locally activate the coagulation cascade to broadcast tumour location to clot-targeted 'receiving' n
104 holocating big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) broadcast ultrasonic frequency-modulated (FM) biosonar s
105     First, we simulated predator presence by broadcasting vocalizations of their main predators, leop

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