


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ary of nucleic acid ligands and considerably broadening the range of accessible protein targets.
2 bvert skin's excellent barrier function, and broaden the range of active species amenable to percutan
3 K cell receptors for polymorphic MHC class I broadens the range of an individual's NK cell response a
4          The technique can be anticipated to broaden the range of analytes in both polarity and size
5 els, can in fact contribute key information, broadening the range of astrophysical questions probed b
6                            Our method should broaden the range of biological questions addressable in
7                                           To broaden the range of cancer patients who can be assessed
8 o predict new interaction partners and hence broaden the range of cellular activities involving the E
9                                    This case broadens the range of clinical phenotypes attributable t
10            This paper explores how computers broaden the range of design options but points out that
11                                These studies broaden the range of diazo compounds containing both ele
12 bandwidth partitioning and GC correction) to broaden the range of discovered CNVs.
13                                  Our finding broadens the range of disorders associated with RAG1 mut
14                               These findings broaden the range of DNA lesions known to alter topoisom
15 s (MNs) coupled with iontophoresis (ITP) may broaden the range of drugs suitable for transdermal deli
16 processes (e.g., goals, attention, and time) broadens the range of factors that can be considered (e.
17 e, induced either surgically or with prisms, broadened the range of gaze angles with higher foveation
18 solvent to the sample solutions was shown to broaden the range of heteroatom-containing components ob
19 centration ratios between protein and ligand broadens the range of KD that is accurately measurable i
20  induced saddle-splay membrane curvature and broadened the range of lipid compositions where saddle-s
21 ls, denoted metamaterials, has significantly broadened the range of material responses found in natur
22 t to the ultrathin limit would substantially broaden the range of materials and functionalities that
23  development of several nuclease systems has broadened the range of model/cell systems that can be en
24 ale parallel trapping applications that will broaden the range of optical manipulation in nanoenginee
25                 These findings significantly broaden the range of physiological functions of the UPR
26                                     Our data broaden the range of potential iNKT cell agonists.
27  could, in conjunction with deglutamylation, broaden the range of potential substrates that undergo c
28                                    This work broadens the range of published therapeutic bispecific a
29         However, further work is required to broaden the range of screens that can be used, particula
30  which reduces specimen preparation time and broadens the range of specimens that can be imaged.
31 es the effects of cell-to-cell variation and broadens the range of stimuli over which cells optimally
32 may have evolved in response to selection to broaden the range of sustainable running speeds, to impr
33 m to increase HOX protein specificity and to broaden the range of target sites they regulate.
34 hus expanding the applicability of the GM by broadening the range of target biomarkers instead of det
35 odels suggest that protein dynamics may also broaden the range of targets recognized.
36                             Shaggy knockdown broadened the range of the BMP-activity gradient and inc
37 f several thousand affected individuals have broadened the range of the pan-ethnic disease variants,
38 e heterogeneity of the structure of the film broadens the range of the cation-binding constants, whic
39 tudy novel phenomena such as magnetism which broadens the range of their applications.
40 Evolving definitions of neuropathic pain has broadened the range of therapeutic approaches and brough
41 hose generated with 20kHz alone, which could broaden the range of therapeutics and doses administered
42 lled, yet non-specific nature of enhancement broadens the range of therapeutics that can be delivered
43 etabolic context for pathway engineering and broaden the range of tools available for environmental r
44 ation of this novel therapeutic target could broaden the range of treatable diseases without directly
45  CAR T-cell therapeutic activity and also to broaden the range of tumors that can be effectively targ
46 ill allow us to improve vaccine efficacy and broaden the range of vaccine-preventable diseases.
47 eceptor limits diffusion of the ligand, Dfz2 broadens the range of Wg action by protecting it from de

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