


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 by implantation using the cuff technique for bronchovascular anastomoses.
2                                              Bronchovascular architecture was assessed with quantitat
3 vely impacts mechanical coupling between the bronchovascular bundle and the lung parenchyma, decreasi
4 uid (BALF), and alveolar opacities along the bronchovascular bundles on chest CT scan.
5 eveloped features of T2 responses, including bronchovascular collagen deposition and IL-4 production.
6                                Der f-induced bronchovascular eosinophilia was modestly enhanced in th
7 ation of numerous DC and CD4+ T cells within bronchovascular infiltrates coincided with increased exp
8 tment of large numbers of conventional DC to bronchovascular infiltrates in mice mounting a T1 immune
9  CCR2, DC recruitment was markedly impaired, bronchovascular infiltrates were diminished, and mice de
10 y epithelium, along with marked eosinophilic bronchovascular inflammation.
11 c acceptability, and depiction of peripheral bronchovascular markings.
12  cough, hypotension, and prominent pulmonary bronchovascular markings.
13 racterized were: honeycombing, ground glass, bronchovascular, nodular, emphysemalike, and normal.
14                                  Analysis of bronchovascular structures revealed that this fissure wa
15 he fissure and its relationship to segmental bronchovascular structures were evaluated on transverse

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