


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n of Ucp1(+) beige/BRITE adipocytes (termed 'browning').
2  synthesis and oxidation, which supports WAT browning.
3 ing anti-browning agent to control enzymatic browning.
4 ard intermediates ultimately leading to less browning.
5 T oxidative capacity and ultimately supports browning.
6 using HMB45 with red chromogen and Ki67 with brown 3,3'-diaminobenzidine chromogen.
7 expression of Prdm16, which determines beige/brown adipocyte cell fate.
8  factor 2 (EBF2) is an essential mediator of brown adipocyte commitment and terminal differentiation.
9  tyrosine kinase (SYK) is upregulated during brown adipocyte differentiation and activated by beta-ad
10   KEY POINTS: Maternal high-fat diet impairs brown adipocyte function and correlates with obesity in
11           Maternal obesity impairs offspring brown adipocyte function and correlates with obesity in
12  to investigate the role of NT-PGC-1alpha in brown adipocyte mitochondria.
13 regulation of mitochondrial transcription in brown adipocytes and provide new insight into the transc
14                                  Finally, in brown adipocytes differentiated in culture, MLL4 identif
15                             Isolated UCP1 KO brown adipocytes exhibited defective induction of uncoup
16 e levels of TFAM expression, PGC-1alpha(-/-) brown adipocytes expressing NT-PGC-1alpha had higher exp
17 mtDNA-encoded ETC genes than PGC-1alpha(-/-) brown adipocytes expressing PGC-1alpha, suggesting a dir
18 ntaining protein 16, a key factor present in brown adipocytes found in depots.
19                                    Transient brown adipocytes have been shown to be a critical regula
20 ctopic activation of type I IFN signaling in brown adipocytes induces mitochondrial dysfunction and r
21                               As seen in the brown adipocytes observed during HO in the mouse, these
22 ew tool for studying thermogenic function in brown adipocytes of both murine and human origins.
23                              Loss of DPF3 in brown adipocytes reduced chromatin accessibility at EBF2
24 PGC-1alpha and PGC-1alpha in PGC-1alpha(-/-) brown adipocytes similarly induced expression of nuclear
25 at increased TRIP-Br2 significantly inhibits brown adipocytes thermogenesis.
26 hat obesity-induced inflammation upregulates brown adipocytes TRIP-Br2 expression via the ER stress p
27                                      Primary brown adipocytes were additionally examined for their bi
28 rses the attenuation of thermogenic genes in brown adipocytes with impaired respiratory capacity, whi
29 N303R/S332G) to activate ATGL in Cos7 cells, brown adipocytes, and artificial lipid droplets.
30 that is mediated by cold-activated beige and brown adipocytes, and it entails increased uptake of car
31  the authors show that PD-L1 is expressed on brown adipocytes, does not change upon BAT activation, a
32              Surprisingly, we found that, in brown adipocytes, some NT-PGC-1alpha localizes to mitoch
33 esis in vivo By deleting GR in precursors of brown adipocytes, we found unexpectedly that GR is dispe
34 , oxidative metabolism, and thermogenesis in brown adipocytes.
35 UCP1 expression in pre-adipocytes and mature brown adipocytes.
36 a was located in the mitochondrial matrix in brown adipocytes.
37  in NT-PGC-1alpha-expressing PGC-1alpha(-/-) brown adipocytes.
38 e for understanding epigenomic regulation of brown adipogenesis.
39 esenchymal progenitors cells during white or brown adipogenesis.
40 sues-skeletal muscle (36.4%), liver (16.1%), brown adipose (29.7%), and bone marrow (32.9%)-and incre
41                                              Brown adipose has the potential to counteract obesity, a
42                                         Both brown adipose tissue (BAT) (i.e. uncoupling protein 1 (U
43 rgy dissipation in association with enhanced brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity.
44                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) and beige adipose tissue comb
45  that orchestrates lipoprotein processing in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and hepatic conversion of cho
46 ption factor Hlx is selectively expressed in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and iWAT, and is translationa
47                             The discovery of brown adipose tissue (BAT) as a key regulator of energy
48                         However, the role of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in regulating gestational met
49 s (rRPa) neurons influences thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue (BAT) independent of ambient temper
50 rily functions as an energy reservoir, while brown adipose tissue (BAT) is activated during cold expo
51                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an attractive therapeutic
52         In contrast to white adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue (BAT) is known to play critical rol
53                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is regulated by the sympathet
54                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is specialized for energy exp
55              Detection and quantification of brown adipose tissue (BAT) mass remains a major challeng
56                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondria exhibit high oxi
57                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) provides a means of nonshiver
58 vation state.Current approaches to visualise brown adipose tissue (BAT) rely primarily on markers tha
59 PET imaging is routinely used to investigate brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis, which requires
60                                              Brown adipose tissue (BAT) utilizes glucose and free fat
61 nsumption impairs retinoic acid signaling in brown adipose tissue (BAT), leading to impaired BAT func
62 remotor neurons controlling thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue (BAT).
63  and UCP1 mRNAs were not induced in liver or brown adipose tissue (BAT).
64 maintaining the integrity of mitochondria in brown adipose tissue (BAT).
65  shows a robust and specific PD-L1 signal in brown adipose tissue (BAT).
66 rough beta3-adrenergic receptors to activate brown adipose tissue and by 'browning' white adipose tis
67 es cellular mitochondrial density, activates brown adipose tissue and enhances thermogenesis.
68 lated to increased thermogenic activation of brown adipose tissue and induction of browning in WAT an
69 s that determine the thermogenic capacity of brown adipose tissue before environmental cold are unkno
70 ound unexpectedly that GR is dispensable for brown adipose tissue development in mice.
71 pensable for adipogenesis in culture and for brown adipose tissue development in mice.
72 is implicated in the regulation of white and brown adipose tissue differentiation.
73                                              Brown adipose tissue dissipates energy as heat, a proces
74 eacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is required to activate brown adipose tissue enhancers to ensure thermogenic apt
75 oupling protein 1 (UCP1) is nearly absent in brown adipose tissue lacking HDAC3, and there is also ma
76  Our data indicate that alcohol's effects on brown adipose tissue may be mediated through altered ret
77  Expression of a human-specific miRNA in the brown adipose tissue of one mouse in vivo can also regul
78 dative stress in the thyroid, but not in the brown adipose tissue or liver.
79 IP] followed by deep sequencing) analyses in brown adipose tissue showed that EBF2 binds and regulate
80 ain a critical capacity for thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue that can be rapidly engaged upon ex
81 in cardiac muscle, white adipose tissue, and brown adipose tissue through a mechanism that was partia
82  oxygen consumption in white adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue, and hepatocytes.
83                                    Mice with brown adipose tissue-specific genetic ablation of HDAC3
84 e by increasing energy-utilizing thermogenic brown adipose tissue.
85 re and to avoid fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in brown adipose tissue.
86 strogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha) in brown adipose tissue.
87 ion recovers metabolic activity of offspring brown adipose tissue.
88 n TAp63-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts and brown adipose tissues and by tumor necrosis factor alpha
89  abnormal fat accumulation in both white and brown adipose tissues, glucose intolerance and insulin r
90 nd their production of IL-4 in the white and brown adipose tissues.
91      Thus, CS appears to be a promising anti-browning agent to control enzymatic browning.
92                            The hunt for anti-browning agents in the food and agricultural industries
93 Here we examine the apical patterning of the brown alga, Sargassum muticum, which exhibits spiral phy
94 al habitats - copepods (Apocyclops royi) and brown algae (Fucus vesiculosus) - and as reference subst
95                                              Brown algae are photosynthetic multicellular marine orga
96                                              Brown algae are rich in polyphenolic compounds, phlorota
97 scence studies indicate that MLG epitopes in brown algae are unmasked by a pre-treatment with alginat
98 Whereas, the overall antioxidant capacity of brown algae extracts has been widely studied, the antiox
99 Chromatography analyses indicate that MLG in brown algae solely consists of trisaccharide units of co
100                 In plants and parenchymatous brown algae the body arises through the activity of an a
101       Alginates from three genus of Tunisian brown algae were isolated and characterized by size excl
102 ant capacity of phlorotannins from Icelandic brown algae, Fucus vesiculosus.
103                                              Brown algal cell walls are composed predominantly of the
104 nd the polysaccharide alginate, derived from brown algal cell walls.
105 , (1 --> 4)-beta-D-glucan (MLG) is common in brown algal cell walls.
106                                              Brown and beige adipocytes combust nutrients for thermog
107                                              Brown and beige adipocytes convert chemical energy into
108 promotes lipid mobilization and oxidation in brown and beige adipocytes, where the harnessed energy i
109                                              Brown and beige adipose tissues can catabolize stored en
110                        Beyond thermogenesis, brown and beige fats engage other metabolic tissues via
111                        In this issue of JBC, Brown and co-workers identify an N-terminal domain in SM
112  groups that drive ecosystem functioning, as brown and green diversity components in our ecosystem re
113 s), tea tree (Agrocybe aegerita) and, white, brown and portobello champignons (Agaricus bisporus).
114                              TRP channels in brown and white adipogenesis from human progenitors: new
115 ng, HFD offspring had lower thermogenesis in brown and white adipose tissues compared with CON offspr
116 AD) protein within the same cells in classic brown and white adipose tissues.
117  concentration than wild-type plants in both brown and white grains.
118 rd and caramelization reactions, resulted in browning and generated considerable levels of furanic co
119 stemic inhibition of miR-327 in mice induces browning and increases whole-body metabolic rate under t
120 egulator for systematic white adipose tissue browning and offer molecular insights into the underlyin
121 egnancy and lactation promoted white adipose browning and thermogenesis in offspring at weaning accom
122 xemplified by a study performed by Anderson, Brown, and Goldstein in 1977.
123                        Cloud loss, enzymatic browning, and flavor changes are important quality defec
124 ant and fungi enzymes responsible for tissue browning are called polyphenol oxidases (PPOs).
125 SA alpha2,6-Gal) type SA receptors in little brown bats (LBBs) that were compatible with avian and hu
126                                       As big brown bats tracked targets from a stationary position, w
127       We explored how a predator, the Kodiak brown bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi), responded to asy
128  human genomes with Neanderthal ancestry and brown bear genomes with polar bear ancestry.
129                                We found that brown bear populations in Europe lost connectivity since
130 c diversity of each subpopulation with other brown bear populations in the region.
131 We used a recovering rear-edge population of brown bears at their southernmost European range in Gree
132 ly endangered population of approximately 50 brown bears live in complete isolation.
133                                           In brown bears, we find more polar bear ancestry than has b
134  fatty acid synthesis and oxidation in mouse brown, beige, and white adipose tissues; however, the ce
135 ts of moderate alcohol intake on thermogenic brown/beige adipocyte formation and glucose and lipid ho
136  moderate alcohol intake induces thermogenic brown/beige adipocyte formation and promotes glucose and
137  Moderate alcohol intake induces thermogenic brown/beige adipocyte formation via elevating retinoic a
138 te adipose tissue origin can shift towards a brown/beige adipocyte phenotype.
139 n, along with the appearance of multilocular brown/beige adipocytes and elevated thermogenic gene exp
140 s of starches isolated from rice grains with brown, black, and red pericarp.
141 clinical study with more than 100 blond- and brown/black-haired individuals.
142 nd the highest total Cr content was found in brown bread.
143                      Volume of the white and brown breads supplemented with pomelo fresh segments inc
144 nd work by Ford and colleagues on the meadow brown butterfly Maniola jurtina did much to ignite this
145 e data indicate that beneficial visceral WAT browning can be engineered by directing visceral white a
146                                              Brown carbon (BrC) consists of those organic compounds i
147 bal models estimate that light absorption by brown carbon (BrC) in several regions of the world is ap
148 t-absorbing organic carbon (OC), also termed brown carbon (BrC), from laboratory-based biomass burnin
149 e light absorption properties of atmospheric brown carbon (BrC).
150         Biomass burning is a known source of brown carbon aerosol in the atmosphere.
151 ccount for new pathways that lead to SOA and brown carbon formation mediated by transition metals.
152 hamber lights on, suggesting photosensitized brown carbon formation.
153        Light-absorbing organic material, or "brown carbon" (BrC), can significantly influence the eff
154 ar-weight species may represent recalcitrant brown carbon.
155                                    White and brown champignons were found to be the richest source of
156  as breakfast cereals and bread toasted to a brown color (medium toasted).
157 age of fruit juice causes the development of brown color and off-flavors that ultimately lead to a de
158 ns (35 degrees C), a significant increase in brown color development was observed and positively corr
159 ing tartaric acid exhibited increased yellow/brown coloration compared to the dark controls mainly du
160 offee melanoidins, the polymeric nitrogenous brown-colored compounds formed during roasting, defined
161 ative could be coffee melanoidins, which are brown coloured compounds with antioxidant properties, re
162 e sensory features were dominated by a thick brown crust, with marked toasted odor, coupled to yellow
163                          In these solutions, browning decreased as the concentrations of organic acid
164                    ASO-T3 enhances white fat browning, decreases genes for fatty acid synthesis in li
165 changes in polyphenoloxidase activity and in browning degree.
166 , kiwifruit puree addition reduced enzymatic browning (DeltaE( *)<3), due to the increased ascorbic a
167 etween the green (plant-herbivore-based) and brown (detritus-detritivore-based) parts of the food web
168 ogs and Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (brown dog ticks) as drivers of epidemic levels of Rocky
169 s the molecular signature of white adipocyte browning downstream of Egr1 deletion and highlights a co
170                                Non-enzymatic browning during storage of fruit juice causes the develo
171          The state and evolution of planets, brown dwarfs and neutron star crusts is determined by th
172                                              Brown dwarfs are massive analogs of extrasolar giant pla
173 ce Telescope infrared monitoring campaign of brown dwarfs to constrain cloud cover variations over a
174 inds on evolved stars, in dust clouds and on brown dwarfs.
175  18 kDa immune-modulatory lipocalin from the Brown Ear Tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus), have been
176 s provide information that crude extracts of brown edible seaweeds, phenolic compounds and alginates
177 ability: Software is available at compbio.cs.brown.edu/software.
178                                    The West, Brown, Enquist (WBE) model argues that these two princip
179                Recently published in Nature, Brown et al. (2017) shed new light on how the skin handl
180 t 129S1/SvImJ mice (129 mice) displayed iWAT browning, even in the absence of rosiglitazone.
181 so abrogates the ability of mice to regulate brown fat and maintain core body temperature.
182 rom murine brown fat precursors and in human brown fat cells differentiated from human neck brown pre
183  metabolism, at least partially, via a heart-brown fat cross-talk involving FGF21.
184 containing 7b (Zbtb7b) as a potent driver of brown fat development and thermogenesis and cold-induced
185 specific BAF chromatin remodeling complex to brown fat gene enhancers, thereby regulating chromatin a
186 ent of the BAF complex that was required for brown fat gene programming and mitochondrial function.
187 fic chromatin remodeling complex to activate brown fat identity genes.
188 he first robust method of visualizing murine brown fat independent of its activation state.Current ap
189 ry pathway through which Zbtb7b recruits the brown fat lncRNA 1 (Blnc1)/heterogeneous nuclear ribonuc
190 en Id1/PGC1alpha and Id1/Ebf2 in controlling brown fat metabolism, which has significant implications
191 tor thermogenesis in BAs derived from murine brown fat precursors and in human brown fat cells differ
192 er than 20% of axillary lymph nodes, livers, brown fat samples, kidneys, or blood samples throughout
193 own of TRPP3 repressed the expression of the brown fat signature genes uncoupling protein (UCP)-1 and
194     660-673) outline mechanisms by which the brown fat transcription factor early B-cell factor 2 (EB
195  In this study, we evaluated the presence of brown fat within human HO lesions.
196 set of insulin signaling in skeletal muscle, brown fat, hypothalamus, hippocampus, and prefrontal cor
197 d cold-induced transcriptional remodeling in brown fat, rendering mice sensitive to cold temperature,
198 ntified the histone reader protein DPF3 as a brown fat-selective component of the BAF complex that wa
199 l and catecholamine-stimulated expression of brown fat-selective genes.
200 y which EBF2 regulates chromatin to activate brown fat-specific genes in adipocytes were unknown.
201 M16 is a transcription factor that activates brown fat-specific genes while repressing white fat and
202 in thermogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in brown fat.
203 entral role in nonshivering thermogenesis in brown fat; however, its role in beige fat remains unclea
204 theses on the relationship between green and brown food web diversity across succession: (i) 'coupled
205 owever, the interlinked changes in green and brown food web diversity patterns in relation to key eco
206  Species (RCS) from the Maillard reaction on browning formation in apple juice during storage.
207 chrome- and porphyrin-producing cells in the brown, freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea Using
208 was associated with younger age, blond/light brown hair, and increased nevi and V600K with increased
209  that inhibits fatty acid metabolism and WAT browning.Histone deacetylases, such as HDAC3, have been
210                                      Further browning in AS and methylammonium sulfate seeds was trig
211 1 was activated by rosiglitazone, or by iWAT browning in cold-exposed or young mice, expression of th
212 y expenditure upon cold exposure nor reduces browning in inguinal adipose tissue.
213 ions that promote white adipose tissue (WAT) browning in mice.
214 ion of brown adipose tissue and induction of browning in WAT and could be reversed by antagonism of b
215 T) can undergo a phenotypic switch, known as browning, in response to environmental stimuli such as c
216                CS decreased PPO activity and browning index of fresh cut apples and prolonged the she
217 nd l-alanine model reactions showed the same browning index.
218 performed to examine the effects of Maillard browning induced in the presence of metallic elements.
219   Gallic acid and l-cysteine did not exhibit browning inhibition effect at the studied levels.
220 provide the first insight into how enzymatic browning is prevented in the Chandler cultivar.
221  within white adipose tissue, referred to as browning, is seen as a possible mechanism for increasing
222 tion; new genome browsers for three species (brown kiwi, crab-eating macaque and Malayan flying lemur
223                                    Forty Isa Brown laying hens (26weeks old) were equally subjected t
224         This study aimed to characterize the brown lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) starch and investi
225 h the applications being quite uncommon yet, brown lentil seems to have potential both as a starch an
226 x heterozygous knockout mice have defects in brown-like adipocyte formation in iWAT, and develop gluc
227                                 Furthermore, brown-like differentiation is increased in Id1-deficient
228 B-cell factor 2 (EBF2) selectively activates brown lineage-specific gene expression.
229                                          The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys (St
230  of a variety of insect pests, including the brown marmorated stinkbug, Halyomorpha halys, diamondbac
231                                             "Browning" measured spectrophotometrically at 420nm was s
232 erization of two major CAD isoforms, SbCAD2 (Brown midrib 6 [bmr6]) and SbCAD4, in lignifying tissues
233 ted region (UTR), conferring the spontaneous brown midrib trait and lignin reduction in the sorghum g
234 ific gene co-expression network modules: the Brown Module (Br) containing 449 genes and the Turquoise
235 vestigated the physiological consequences of browning murine visceral WAT by selective genetic ablati
236                           OX lines developed brown necrotic spots on the leaves that did not appear o
237          Lewis rats received full-mismatched Brown Norway rat hindlimb transplants.
238                                      Fischer-Brown Norway rats at 10 months of age were hindlimb unlo
239                        Donor allografts from Brown Norway rats treated with University of Wisconsin (
240 ley Index and a modified version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale for hypochondriasis (H-
241 nt in the primary efficacy measure, the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, of >/=35% over the 3-y
242 cerned OCD symptoms, measured using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Observer-Rated (Y-BOCS-
243      Compulsions were assessed with the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale.
244                                              Browning occurs in parboiled rice as a result of the Mai
245 ensitive to cold temperature, and diminished browning of inguinal white fat.
246                                              Browning of solid particles occurred at rates limited by
247                                              Browning of subcutaneous white fat (iWAT) involves sever
248 mice retain glycemic control, with increased browning of the adipose tissue, decreased gluconeogenesi
249 g toward lowered energy storage capacity and browning of white adipocytes.
250 ranscriptional co-activator Prdm16 regulates browning of white adipose tissue (WAT).
251 ith particular interest in thermogenesis and browning of white adipose tissue (WAT).
252 gainst diet-induced obesity, and elicits the browning of white adipose tissue.
253  of Cdk5 in sheep (Ovis aries) only produces brown patches on a white background, with no other obser
254                    The traditional rice with brown pericarp exhibited an increase in cooking time and
255 lubility of starch isolated from grains with brown pericarp, while for the grains with black and red
256 naling pathways are activated, resulting in "browning" phenotype, with a smaller increases in body we
257                                  The rate of brown pigment formation was shown to be reduced in model
258 stem" for sustainable management of the rice brown planthopper (BPH) (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) - the
259 s and their effects on fitness traits of the brown planthopper (BPH) [Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homo
260                                          The brown planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens) is the main
261 ssed members of the KDM5 family in white and brown preadipocytes leads to deregulated gene expression
262 ditional knockout mice and derived white and brown preadipocytes, we show that endogenous KLF4 and Kr
263 own fat cells differentiated from human neck brown preadipocytes.
264 ecular regulation underlying the thermogenic browning process has not been entirely elucidated.
265 e signs of a faster proceeding non-enzymatic browning process.
266                      This study examined the browning processes in aqueous solutions of AS and 4-oxop
267 o pathogenic cardiac stress, with early iWAT browning providing potential metabolic benefits.
268 indica may be useful in preventing enzymatic browning reactions in food products.
269 raphy (SEC) revealed that both non-enzymatic browning reactions proceeded differently.
270 mic acid was able to influence non-enzymatic browning reactions.
271 F flours: tapioca, potato, maize, buckwheat, brown rice and a GF flour mixture.
272                                              Brown rice with known cooking quality properties and low
273 rghum, quinoa, black rice, lentil, amaranth, brown rice, oat and white rice flours, using soft wheat
274 as satisfactorily characterized in white and brown rice.
275 ines made with grapes infected and wilted by brown rot (Plasmopara viticola).
276 annins are secondary metabolites produced by brown seaweed, which are known for their nutraceutical a
277                           Alginates found in brown seaweeds appeared to be potent inhibitors of alpha
278 d quantified by first time in red, green and brown seaweeds, including some oxidative structures.
279 genotypes Shawaya black short 1 and IS1311C (brown) showed the highest polyphenols levels and antioxi
280                                           In brown skins, these ranges were 44-77% and 30-52%, respec
281 e either resistant or susceptible to cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) was conducted using RNASeq,
282 ses due to viral diseases, including cassava brown streak disease and cassava mosaic disease.
283 th nine begomovirus species, whereas cassava brown streak disease has to date been reported only in s
284 ge can make to successful control of cassava brown streak disease, an important viral disease affecti
285 after graft inoculation with Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV).
286 and vegetables is caused mainly by enzymatic browning through polyphenol oxidase (PPO) action.
287 een found to be associated with a shift from brown to blond hair color.
288                                              Brown to the current state of the art.
289              Here, we show that the invasive brown treesnake, directly responsible for the extirpatio
290 upled diversity hypothesis', where green and brown trophic groups diversity respond to different driv
291 s for both young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult brown trout attained 100% at the end of summer, while se
292 predominantly on polysiphonous red algae and brown Turbinaria algae, which contain different polysacc
293 , clinical and neuropathological features of Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome, implicate mitochondri
294 A2 and SLC52A3, have recently been linked to Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome.
295                                              Browning was monitored by UV-visible absorption spectrop
296 hropod microbivores and secondary consumers (brown web groups) continuously increased towards the lat
297 mass production and vegetation height, while brown web trophic groups are mostly driven by the produc
298 r of NR solution changes from purple to dark brown, which is detectable with bare eyes.
299 ors to activate brown adipose tissue and by 'browning' white adipose tissue.
300  whole body energy expenditure, hyperplastic brown/white adipose tissues and larger hyperplastic hear

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