


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n of Ucp1(+) beige/BRITE adipocytes (termed 'browning').
2 ances to gradual environmental change (e.g., browning).
3  and in susceptible WAT depots, it can cause browning.
4 pose tissue (WAT) angiogenesis regulates WAT browning.
5  microscopy method to estimate non-enzymatic browning.
6 ght the important ecological consequences of browning.
7 so known as beige cells), a process known as browning.
8  and leptin, with the central control of WAT browning.
9  to reduce wine colour and predisposition to browning.
10 rrelated with enhanced quinone formation and browning.
11  that underlie the ecosystem consequences of browning.
12 elated with enhanced o-quinone formation and browning.
13 r the incidence and the greater the severity browning.
14 rocess and turn red-brown, observed as flesh browning.
15 aglutide-induced thermogenesis and adipocyte browning.
16 omous function for Foxa3 in white fat tissue browning.
17  synthesis and oxidation, which supports WAT browning.
18 ing anti-browning agent to control enzymatic browning.
19 ard intermediates ultimately leading to less browning.
20 T oxidative capacity and ultimately supports browning.
21 mucosal tissue integrity, and adipose tissue browning.
22 drome through impairing BAT activity and WAT browning.
23 ected in a significant decrease in enzymatic browning.
24 cessing of Cape gooseberry fruits to prevent browning.
25 itors and/or stimulators of fresh-cut potato browning.
26 hepatic cholesterol metabolism and white fat browning.
27 bits fat browning in part by suppressing the browning activators fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21)
28      Thus, CS appears to be a promising anti-browning agent to control enzymatic browning.
29                            The hunt for anti-browning agents in the food and agricultural industries
30                              Lactate-induced browning also occurs in human cells and in vivo.
31                              The GSH reduces browning and acetaldehyde formation for up to 12months.
32 lly, we showed that IEX-1 deficiency induced browning and activated thermogenic genes program in WAT
33 tablished causality between specific RCS and browning and allowed for the identification of glyoxal a
34 lationship between the rate of non-enzymatic browning and antioxidant capacity.
35 that P is a suitable fining agent to prevent browning and decrease haze during must settling because
36 oopiomelanocortin neurons also increased WAT browning and decreased adiposity.
37     Brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity, WAT browning and energy expenditure were significantly highe
38 ented diet-induced obesity by increasing WAT browning and energy expenditure.
39 rd and caramelization reactions, resulted in browning and generated considerable levels of furanic co
40 ected significant white adipose tissue (WAT) browning and improved systemic insulin sensitivity in th
41 stemic inhibition of miR-327 in mice induces browning and increases whole-body metabolic rate under t
42 ntral mechanism that controls adipose tissue browning and its physiological relevance are largely unk
43 rspectives for the control of adipose tissue browning and its physiological relevance.
44 own adipose tissue thermogenesis, as well as browning and lipid mobilization in white adipose tissue
45 egulator for systematic white adipose tissue browning and offer molecular insights into the underlyin
46 der, pulsed light induced the development of browning and promoted partial depolymerisation of hydrat
47 genic acid (CGA) isomers, several indices of browning and subsequent antioxidant values.
48 n tumour-bearing mice blocked adipose tissue browning and the loss of muscle mass and strength.
49 d slightly to the deceleration of vegetation browning and the promotion of greening; however, a large
50 egnancy and lactation promoted white adipose browning and thermogenesis in offspring at weaning accom
51        UCP1, PGC1alpha, and other markers of browning and thermogenesis were elevated in IWAT and RWA
52 age Foxa3-null mice have increased white fat browning and thermogenic capacity, decreased adipose tis
53 ether on hypothalamic neurons to promote WAT browning and weight loss.
54 te adipose tissue can be induced to undergo "browning" and acquire thermogenic capacity in response t
55  (SKAT), Score-Seq, and weighted (Madsen and Browning) and unweighted burden tests.
56                        Cloud loss, enzymatic browning, and flavor changes are important quality defec
57 s may help to identify mechanisms leading to browning, and inform our understanding for the use of SG
58 ssium channel, promotes white adipose tissue browning, and protects mice against diet-induced obesity
59 es an oxidative phenotype with mitochondria, browning appears as an adaptive mechanism to alleviate r
60 ant and fungi enzymes responsible for tissue browning are called polyphenol oxidases (PPOs).
61 the net ecological consequences of long-term browning are lacking.
62           However, the mechanisms underlying browning are still poorly understood.
63             These data reveal adipose tissue browning as a highly dynamic physiological process under
64 rradiation (2 kGy) resulted in inhibition of browning as a result of down-regulation (1.4-fold) in ph
65 FLCN knockout animals rescues adipose tissue browning, as does codeletion of PGC-1beta.
66 ees C to investigate its effects on pericarp browning, biochemical quality and antioxidative activiti
67  mechanical damage, seems similar to that of browning, but the oxidation process would affect soluble
68  through mTORC1 that is required for adipose browning by catecholamines and provides potential therap
69 atmospherically relevant compound capable of browning by the same mechanism as limonene SOA.
70 e data indicate that beneficial visceral WAT browning can be engineered by directing visceral white a
71                The results suggest that GlcN browning can be modulated according to the specific desi
72                        The MC, aw, degree of browning (DB) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content
73                          In these solutions, browning decreased as the concentrations of organic acid
74                    ASO-T3 enhances white fat browning, decreases genes for fatty acid synthesis in li
75 d both vegetation greening (restoration) and browning (degradation) with great spatial heterogeneity.
76 H, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, browning degree and cloudiness) did not show a clear var
77 ctivity), polyphenoloxidase enzyme activity, browning degree and microbial load were evaluated.
78 changes in polyphenoloxidase activity and in browning degree.
79 , kiwifruit puree addition reduced enzymatic browning (DeltaE( *)<3), due to the increased ascorbic a
80 t mechanical damage is a decisive factor for browning development and that astringent fruit is less s
81 ation reactions appeared to be important for browning development in pasteurised orange juice during
82 and cooking method showed a marked effect on browning development, both on the meat surface and withi
83 s the molecular signature of white adipocyte browning downstream of Egr1 deletion and highlights a co
84                                    Enzymatic browning during juice extraction could be suppressed as
85                   The avoidance of enzymatic browning during juice extraction led to an attractive ye
86                                Non-enzymatic browning during storage of fruit juice causes the develo
87 ess effective against oxygen, and it induced browning during storage.
88 ee radical scavenging, but they both induced browning during wine storage, the former, by releasing p
89 ulating irisin mediated the exercise-induced browning effect on this fat tissue.
90                          The nitrate-induced browning effect was enhanced in hypoxia, a serious comor
91 first time, reveals the brown adipogenic and browning effects of apelin and suggests a potential ther
92 t 129S1/SvImJ mice (129 mice) displayed iWAT browning, even in the absence of rosiglitazone.
93 restored IRX3 and IRX5 repression, activated browning expression programs, and restored thermogenesis
94 laying multiple roles in cachexia, from fat "browning" factor to potential therapeutic target.
95 laying multiple roles in cachexia, from fat 'browning' factor to potential therapeutic target.
96 of rosiglitazone, suggesting that additional browning factors are activated.
97  in their liver and increased expression of "browning" factors in adipose tissue.
98  Species (RCS) from the Maillard reaction on browning formation in apple juice during storage.
99 etylation of PGC-1alpha and induction of the browning genes Ucp1, Pgc-1alpha, and Prdm16.
100  that inhibits fatty acid metabolism and WAT browning.Histone deacetylases, such as HDAC3, have been
101                                     Internal browning (IB) is a disorder in pears that is frequently
102   Inhibiting Notch signaling induces adipose browning, improves systemic glucose tolerance and insuli
103 s, reduce weight gain, and promote adipocyte browning in animal models, but data are lacking in human
104 ems, UVM-7-SH completely inhibited enzymatic browning in apple juice (cv. Golden Delicious) up to 9da
105                                      Further browning in AS and methylammonium sulfate seeds was trig
106 re promising inhibitors to prevent enzymatic browning in Ataulfo.
107 luding visceral fat, and promoted additional browning in brown fat.
108 1 was activated by rosiglitazone, or by iWAT browning in cold-exposed or young mice, expression of th
109 wn adipose function and white adipose tissue browning in HFD+RES compared with HFD offspring.
110 y expenditure upon cold exposure nor reduces browning in inguinal adipose tissue.
111 mal white adipose tissue (WAT), induction of browning in inguinal WAT and activation of adaptive ther
112 ions that promote white adipose tissue (WAT) browning in mice.
113 t obtained at 1500 W inhibited the enzymatic browning in minimally processed peaches for 8 days of st
114 croRNA 34a (miR-34a) in obesity inhibits fat browning in part by suppressing the browning activators
115 ion of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and browning in potato and apple as compared to CDRBE.
116 uated for their ability to inhibit enzymatic browning in potato and apple.
117                                   Indices of browning in roasted coffee were positively correlated (p
118                                              Browning in sparkling wines was assessed by the use of e
119 n riparian vegetation or water turbidity and browning in streams alter the local light regime with po
120                Loss of Egr1 in mice promotes browning in the absence of external stimulation and lead
121      Blanching Khalal dates aided to prevent browning in the IFP, but also the thermal treatment modi
122 ion of brown adipose tissue and induction of browning in WAT and could be reversed by antagonism of b
123                      LY3201 had no effect on browning in young female or male mice.
124 pansion of beige/brite adipocytes (so-called browning) in white adipose tissue (WAT).
125 T) can undergo a phenotypic switch, known as browning, in response to environmental stimuli such as c
126 s that is required for rosiglitazone-induced browning, including the increase in mitochondrial oxidat
127 mulating beige adipocyte development, or WAT browning, increases energy expenditure and holds potenti
128 ose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis and adipocyte browning independent of nutrient intake.
129                                Likewise, the browning index (BI) of fresh fruits increased during pro
130        ACYs, vitamin C, color intensity, and browning index (BI) were evaluated at 2-day intervals.
131 BTS and FRAP), total soluble phenolics (TP), browning index (BI), color parameters (L( *), a( *), b(
132                           Color, opacity and browning index (Br) were evaluated by computer vision at
133 e study proved that the determination of the browning index and HMF level (formed via Maillard reacti
134  direct relationship between the melanoidins browning index and the molecular weight was observed.
135                CS decreased PPO activity and browning index of fresh cut apples and prolonged the she
136 in better preservation of color (decrease in browning index values) and volatile compounds.
137 ction products (estimated with non-enzymatic browning index) also increased with roasting temperature
138                                   Changes in browning index, colour, antioxidant activity, aroma comp
139 nd l-alanine model reactions showed the same browning index.
140 5/530nm) and the commonly used non-enzymatic browning indicators was observed.
141 performed to examine the effects of Maillard browning induced in the presence of metallic elements.
142 e that impacts redox state, is also a strong browning inducer.
143 sight for the first time on the mechanism of browning inhibition at both biochemical and genetic leve
144   Gallic acid and l-cysteine did not exhibit browning inhibition effect at the studied levels.
145                      Gamma-radiation induced browning inhibition in minimally processed shredded cabb
146                                              Browning inhibition in radiation processed shredded cabb
147 gulation of PAL gene expression resulting in browning inhibition in the product is reported here for
148 maric acid in CDRBE were active in enzymatic browning inhibition of potato and apple.
149 py for prompt ascertainment of non-enzymatic browning initiation in fruit fillings was investigated.
150                                          The browning intensity of WPI-sugar systems was however high
151 S radicals in accordance with the increasing browning intensity.
152 nt ( degrees Brix), pH, water activity (aw), browning intensive (L value), total polyphenol content,
153 fication of glyoxal and methylglyoxal as key browning intermediates in apple juice.
154         However, the role SMAD3 plays in WAT browning is not clearly understood.
155 provide the first insight into how enzymatic browning is prevented in the Chandler cultivar.
156                                              Browning is the result of the induction in WAT of a newl
157         However its effect on adipose tissue browning is unknown.
158  within white adipose tissue, referred to as browning, is seen as a possible mechanism for increasing
159 ce to cold partly by promoting the white fat browning, leading to increased energy expenditure and fa
160                                    Enzymatic browning limits the postharvest life of minimally proces
161 GSH) is an efficient antioxidant on limiting browning, losing varietal aromas and off-flavor formatio
162  1% O2+5% CO2 CA-conditions delayed pericarp browning, maintained antioxidative activities and bioche
163      However, mechanical damage triggers the browning manifestation, resulting in the accumulation of
164  the beige fat-specific marker CD137 and the browning marker UCP1 in all types of white fat, includin
165                                             "Browning" measured spectrophotometrically at 420nm was s
166 5% CO2) showed reduced weight loss, pericarp browning, membrane leakage and malondialdehyde contents.
167  with the active papers, and weight loss and browning monitored for 9 days.
168 h PARAFAC, provides a faster alternative for browning monitoring to conventional methods, as well as
169 vestigated the physiological consequences of browning murine visceral WAT by selective genetic ablati
170 hysical properties and rate of non-enzymatic browning (NBR) between exogenous glucose+lysine in a sta
171                                              Browning occurs in parboiled rice as a result of the Mai
172 anonical TSC-mTOR-S6K pathway-that regulates browning of adipose tissue.
173 veals a novel role for ERbeta in controlling browning of adipose tissue.
174 n doses (3,500 microg kg(-1) per week) cause browning of adipose tissue; this was not seen with low-d
175  PPO-derived quinones causes the postharvest browning of cut or bruised fruit, but the native physiol
176      Here we show that rosiglitazone-induced browning of human adipocytes activates a comprehensive g
177 ensitive to cold temperature, and diminished browning of inguinal white fat.
178 ssolved organic matter (DOM) have led to the browning of inland waters across regions of northeastern
179 ression of Zfp516 in adipose tissue promotes browning of iWAT even at room temperature, increasing bo
180 an important metabolic intermediate, induces browning of murine white adipose cells with expression o
181 olyphenol oxidase, an enzyme responsible for browning of plant tissues.
182 amma) agonists such as rosiglitazone induces browning of rodent and human adipocytes; however, the tr
183  a selective ERbeta agonist, LY3201, induced browning of SAT in 1-year-old obese WT and ERalpha(-/-)
184 techolamine production, factors required for browning of scWAT.
185                                              Browning of solid particles occurred at rates limited by
186 present study we show that ERbeta influences browning of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) via its ac
187 ammation in the high fat-fed state, enhanced browning of subcutaneous fat, and increased adipose expr
188                                   Therefore, browning of subcutaneous WAT likely exerted a compensato
189 monstrated that miRNAs are essential for the browning of subcutaneous white adipocytes in vitro and i
190                                              Browning of subcutaneous white fat (iWAT) involves sever
191 t widespread increases in DOM and consequent browning of surface waters reduce the potential for sola
192 mice retain glycemic control, with increased browning of the adipose tissue, decreased gluconeogenesi
193       Irradiation at 400 and 1000Gy promoted browning of the calyx end and fungal infection.
194 3 vapors in humid air, resulted in selective browning of the LSOA sample, while the PSOA sample remai
195                 Conversely, exercise induced browning of the SC Ing WAT.
196              The metabolic phenotype and the browning of the subcutaneous fat are impaired by the sup
197 l findings, we propose that exercise-induced browning of the subcutaneous WAT provides an alternative
198  brown adipose tissue, and there was reduced browning of the subcutaneous white adipose tissue.
199 cted against diet-induced obesity because of browning of their white adipose tissue (WAT), leading to
200 s signaling mediator Rbpj in mice results in browning of WAT and elevated expression of uncoupling pr
201  muscle to induce beige cell markers and the browning of WAT in Mstn(-/-) mice.
202 -GsKO mice had impaired BAT function, absent browning of WAT, and reduced lipolysis, and were therefo
203 ent of C57BL/6J mice with LXA4, which showed browning of WAT, strongly suggests that LXA4 is responsi
204 g toward lowered energy storage capacity and browning of white adipocytes.
205                      The recent discovery of browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) has raised great
206 brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis and browning of white adipose tissue (WAT), which are both p
207 roduction, while enhancing thermogenesis and browning of white adipose tissue (WAT).
208 ranscriptional co-activator Prdm16 regulates browning of white adipose tissue (WAT).
209 ith particular interest in thermogenesis and browning of white adipose tissue (WAT).
210  increased energy expenditure, partly due to browning of white adipose tissue (WAT).
211 induced obesity associated with an increased browning of white adipose tissue and hypermetabolism.
212 beta-cell survival, reduced steatohepatitis, browning of white adipose tissue, and improved lipid pro
213 pensated by increased expression of UCP1 and browning of white adipose tissue.
214 gainst diet-induced obesity, and elicits the browning of white adipose tissue.
215 ss and increase in basal metabolic rate with browning of white adipose tissue.
216 , increased energy expenditure, and promoted browning of white adipose tissue.
217 h lipogenesis, lipolysis, thermogenesis, and browning of white and brown adipose tissue.
218          Induction of beige cells causes the browning of white fat and improves energy metabolism.
219 rt to increased glucose uptake in brown fat, browning of white fat, and overall increased energy expe
220 y metabolism via activation of brown fat and browning of white fat, but intact liver insulin action i
221 s brown adipose tissue (BAT) content, causes browning of white fat, increases thermogenesis, and lead
222 gRP neurons in the hypothalamus suppress the browning of white fat.
223 ld exposure, a process often referred to as "browning" of white adipose tissue.
224 6 and beige adipocytes are required for the "browning" of white fat and the healthful effects of subc
225  associated with increased basal lipolysis, 'browning' of white fat and a healthy metabolic profile,
226 ) inflammation, (d) adipocyte apoptosis, (e) browning or beiging of adipose tissue, and (f) energy me
227 rown-like adipocytes in scWAT, also known as browning or beiging.
228                 The observed pattern of lake browning, or increased terrestrial dissolved organic car
229 ce indicate that this large-scale vegetation browning, or loss of photosynthetic capacity, may be par
230                            Here we show that browning over a 27 year period in two lakes of differing
231 PPO) and evaluated their effect on enzymatic browning, phenolics and antioxidant capacity of stored m
232                            This compensatory browning phenotype is subsequently lost, resulting in ra
233 naling pathways are activated, resulting in "browning" phenotype, with a smaller increases in body we
234 the amount and nature of phenolic compounds, browning potential, chromatic and sensory characteristic
235 face colour, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, browning potential, total phenols, flavonoids, radical-s
236 ditionally, some mannoproteins decreased the browning potential.
237  concluded that acidification can circumvent browning problems caused by PPO activity.
238 g wines were monitored during an accelerated browning process and subsequently storage.
239             AA is formed in foods during the browning process by the Maillard reaction of glucose (GL
240 teine concentration consistently reduced the browning process due to reaction with quinone to give co
241 0/380nm) gives us also information about the browning process following a first order kinetic reactio
242 ecular regulation underlying the thermogenic browning process has not been entirely elucidated.
243 t LXRs, especially LXRbeta, also repress the browning process of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in
244 ence changes observed during the accelerated browning process were monitored and compared with other
245 thetic ganglia, which are key players in the browning process, are less well known.
246  chemicals, specific depots of WAT undergo a browning process, characterized by highly activated mito
247 wning while lower concentrations reduced the browning process.
248 e signs of a faster proceeding non-enzymatic browning process.
249 emerge among white fat through the so-called browning process.
250                      This study examined the browning processes in aqueous solutions of AS and 4-oxop
251 ellowness value b( *) indicated formation of browning products at higher drying temperatures, while r
252                         The UV absorbance of browning products of immature kumquat dried at 130 degre
253 .5h, it might be due to the effect of formed browning products.
254  drivers of mitochondrial biogenesis and the browning program.
255 o pathogenic cardiac stress, with early iWAT browning providing potential metabolic benefits.
256       The [GE-GA-MD] blends exhibited higher browning rates and TEAC values than corresponding [GE-GA
257  at 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% levels to inhibit browning reactions during the parboiling of rice.
258 nd storage conditions to control undesirable browning reactions in elicited lettuce.
259 indica may be useful in preventing enzymatic browning reactions in food products.
260 re towards lipid oxidation and non-enzymatic browning reactions in krill oil upon storage.
261 te the oxidative stability and non-enzymatic browning reactions of marine PL in the presence or in th
262 raphy (SEC) revealed that both non-enzymatic browning reactions proceeded differently.
263                            The non-enzymatic browning reactions were assessed through the measurement
264 krill oil and subsequently the non-enzymatic browning reactions.
265 eared as a consequence of polymerisation and browning reactions.
266 mic acid was able to influence non-enzymatic browning reactions.
267 te may be an effective means of inducing the browning response in adipose tissue to treat the metabol
268 toNEET-enriched sWAT early on, upregulates a browning signature programme that limits WAT expansion i
269 ced skeletal muscle hormone that induces WAT browning similar to that observed in SMAD3-deficient mic
270 is fruits is the prevention of the enzymatic browning suffered by fruits and vegetables after minimal
271 ihydrochalcone, was reported as an efficient browning suppressor by significantly reducing the RCS le
272  MSTd based on that of Layton, Mingolla, and Browning that is similar to the other models, except tha
273 ncreased shelf life in the form of decreased browning that may be afforded pawpaws containing low pol
274 ocytes in WAT, a process known as beiging or browning that regulates caloric expenditure.
275 n physiological small molecule activators of browning, the recently identified nitrate-nitrite-nitric
276 and vegetables is caused mainly by enzymatic browning through polyphenol oxidase (PPO) action.
277 , Kruppel-like factor 11 (KLF11), as a novel browning transcription factor in human adipocytes that i
278                                              Browning triggers reprogramming of PPARgamma binding, le
279          Relationships between the extent of browning, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC),
280 howed the greatest inactivation, and similar browning values to those obtained by acidification.
281 ly associated with beta-carotene content and browning values.
282 show here that FLCN regulates adipose tissue browning via mTOR and the transcription factor TFE3.
283                 In the case of young females browning was already maximal while in males there was ve
284                                              Browning was associated with increased expression of ERb
285                               Defective sWAT browning was concomitant with elevated levels of endopla
286  on insect resistance or attacks, but needle browning was highest in the H2 O- treatment.
287                                      Pedicel browning was inhibited by CaCl2 at 0.2% and 0.5%, but in
288                                              Browning was monitored by UV-visible absorption spectrop
289                                Non-enzymatic browning was monitored via changes in absorption at 280,
290                                              Browning was shown not to correlate with free radical sc
291                                Inhibition of browning was shown to result from a down-regulation (1.4
292 e of significant amounts of CML and enhanced browning were observed, along with increasing times of r
293 ficient at avoiding weight loss and mushroom browning when compared to the non-active paraffin-based
294 spiration predominantly in white adipocytes (browning), whereas streptomycin antagonized TRPM8-mediat
295 sferred to the high-lipid regime developed a browning which, probably, contributed to avoid the obesi
296 adipocytes from AdKO IWAT displayed enhanced browning, which was diminished by AMPK depletion.
297                       Manifestation of flesh browning while commercialising 'Rojo Brillante' persimmo
298  the other three amino acids) induced potato browning while lower concentrations reduced the browning
299 ors to activate brown adipose tissue and by 'browning' white adipose tissue.
300 n increase in beige adipocyte content in WAT browning would raise energy expenditure and reduce adipo

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