


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nch fever, epidemic typhus, and Malta fever (brucellosis).
2  frequently affected in patients with active brucellosis.
3 n, and to investigating adaptive immunity in brucellosis.
4 e elicitation of protective immunity against brucellosis.
5 ant widely used as a live vaccine for bovine brucellosis.
6 ore important roles in the control of murine brucellosis.
7 r investigated as a vaccine to prevent human brucellosis.
8 igenic specificity of protective immunity to brucellosis.
9  antibody in the tube agglutination test for brucellosis.
10 r the laboratory confirmation of acute human brucellosis.
11 gical agent of the zoonotic disease known as brucellosis.
12 ntify mediators of focal inflammation during brucellosis.
13 mechanisms of liver damage observed in human brucellosis.
14 esis-informed rationales to prevent or treat brucellosis.
15 tter understanding of focal complications of brucellosis.
16 to obtain an effective human vaccine against brucellosis.
17 some potential mechanisms of liver damage in brucellosis.
18 mechanisms of liver damage observed in human brucellosis.
19 en acute human brucellosis and chronic human brucellosis.
20 luation of therapeutics against inhalational brucellosis.
21 s into the fundamental immunopathogenesis of brucellosis.
22 ard the development of improved vaccines for brucellosis.
23 luding B regulatory functions, during murine brucellosis.
24 rucella suis is a causative agent of porcine brucellosis.
25 ooded land and marine vertebrates and causes brucellosis.
26 viable candidates as vaccine strains against brucellosis.
27 woman with clinical symptoms consistent with brucellosis.
28 or use in future vaccination studies against brucellosis.
29 r investigated as a vaccine to prevent human brucellosis.
30 acultative intracellular bacteria that cause brucellosis, a chronic debilitating disease significantl
31 racellular gram-negative bacteria that cause brucellosis, a common global zoonosis.
32 a consists of bacterial pathogens that cause brucellosis, a major zoonotic disease characterized by u
33               Since presumptive diagnosis of brucellosis, a serious disease in domestic livestock, wi
34 cultative intracellular pathogen that causes brucellosis, a worldwide zoonosis that affects a wide ra
35         Brucella species are responsible for brucellosis, a worldwide zoonotic disease causing aborti
36 cella spp., as animal pathogens, cause human brucellosis, a zoonosis that results in worldwide econom
37  tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, leprosy, and brucellosis, although more common in the tropics, contin
38  tubes from 17 patients with acute serologic brucellosis and 3 patients with chronic relapsing brucel
39 opathogenetic mechanisms between acute human brucellosis and chronic human brucellosis.
40 lls obtained from the blood of patients with brucellosis and control individuals.
41 se and human brucellosis) and animal (bovine brucellosis and foot-and-mouth disease) infections clear
42 rucella suis is the causative agent of swine brucellosis and is known to be able to infect several di
43 = 1.11 (95% CI = 1.02-1.21) in herds without brucellosis and lambda = 1.00 (95% CI = 0.85-1.16) when
44 0.034), but there was no association between brucellosis and pregnancy or being observed with a calf.
45 pread of diseases and occupational risks for brucellosis and psittacosis were identified.
46  We describe the neurological involvement in brucellosis and revisited diagnostic criteria for neurob
47 diagnosis of human (Chagas disease and human brucellosis) and animal (bovine brucellosis and foot-and
48 rB8 of Brucella suis, the causative agent of brucellosis, and ComB10, a VirB10 homolog of Helicobacte
49 ensus about the optimum therapy for vascular brucellosis, and the urgent need for additional studies
50  This report emphasizes the need to consider brucellosis as a part of the differential diagnosis of a
51 llosis and 3 patients with chronic relapsing brucellosis as determined by serologic tests and the pat
52 n additional patients with chronic relapsing brucellosis as well as patients under treatment.
53 s the most cost-effective means of detecting brucellosis, as infection with smooth strains of Brucell
54 entation and pathophysiology of inhalational brucellosis, Balb/c mice were challenged with Brucella m
55                                        Human brucellosis can be acquired from infected animal tissues
56                                        Human brucellosis can be acquired from infected animal tissues
57                                              Brucellosis can be challenging to treat with conventiona
58 re was performed in 128 laboratory-confirmed brucellosis cases who had neurological symptoms and sign
59 tensis, one of the causative agents of human brucellosis, causes acute, chronic, and relapsing infect
60 abortus, the bacteria responsible for bovine brucellosis, causes chronic infections and abortions in
61                    A mucosal vaccine against brucellosis consisting of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) o
62                                 Detection of brucellosis currently relies on serologic testing of an
63 se, with the potential for new approaches to brucellosis diagnostics and understanding the immunopath
64 re higher in the border region for botulism, brucellosis, diphtheria, hepatitis A, measles, mumps, ra
65 d and specific laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis directly from whole blood.
66 ospitalized were observed prospectively in a brucellosis-endemic region.
67 n worse condition after testing positive for brucellosis (F = -5.074, P < 0.0001), and infection was
68       Specificity was evaluated by using 200 brucellosis-free nonvaccinated goats from 10 California
69                     While T cell immunity in brucellosis has been extensively studied in mice, no rec
70 er Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), outbreaks of brucellosis have increased in cattle along with rising s
71 -cell-mediated immunity in control of murine brucellosis, however, is unknown.
72    Here we present a case of focal vertebral brucellosis in a 71-year-old Mexican-American woman who
73 on patterns and fitness correlates of bovine brucellosis in African buffalo based on (1) 7 years of c
74 rtus, the infectious organism of the disease brucellosis in animals.
75      Genetically based natural resistance to brucellosis in cattle provides for novel strategies to c
76 tensis isolates from sporadic human cases of brucellosis in Egypt (n = 83), Qatar (n = 17), and Libya
77 ificities of 17 antibody detection tests for brucellosis in goats were estimated.
78 unambiguous diagnostic antigen for detecting brucellosis in humans and animals and two hexasaccharide
79 eria that cause an infectious disease called brucellosis in humans and many domestic and wildlife ani
80 cellular bacteria, is the etiologic agent of brucellosis in humans and multiple animal species.
81 acultative intracellular bacteria that cause brucellosis in humans and other animals.
82 nts is the most common focal complication of brucellosis in humans.
83 flammation are common focal complications of brucellosis in humans; however, wild-type (WT) mice infe
84 intracellular bacterial pathogens that cause brucellosis in many animal species and humans.
85                       The natural history of brucellosis in mice challenged by higher aerosol doses w
86          Brucella melitensis is the cause of brucellosis in sheep and goats, which often results in a
87 sus macaque (RM) as a model for inhalational brucellosis in support of the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis
88 contribution of B cells in control of murine brucellosis in the more susceptible BALB/c and the more
89 used as the official live vaccine for bovine brucellosis in the United States and several other count
90  infection leads to chronic and reactivating brucellosis, incurring significant morbidity and economi
91                     Our results suggest that brucellosis infection can potentially result in reduced
92                                              Brucellosis is a bacterial zoonotic disease which has be
93                                        Human brucellosis is a common zoonosis worldwide.
94                                              Brucellosis is a globally significant zoonosis, the cont
95                                              Brucellosis is a worldwide disease of humans and livesto
96                                              Brucellosis is a zoonosis of nearly worldwide distributi
97                                              Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with a worldwide distr
98                                              Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection caused primarily by
99                                              Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease of nearly w
100                                        Human brucellosis is caused mainly by Brucella melitensis, whi
101                                              Brucellosis is characterized by abortion in ruminants an
102  efficacious immunization systems to prevent brucellosis is needed to overcome the disadvantages of t
103 for the bovine milk industry, to ensure that brucellosis is not introduced into the U.S. goat populat
104                                              Brucellosis is of great public health and economic impor
105                                              Brucellosis is the most common bacterial zoonosis, and c
106                     Five laboratory-acquired brucellosis (LAB) cases that occurred in the United Stat
107 d the characteristics of laboratory-acquired brucellosis (LAB).
108 port the use of the Balb/c aerosol nose-only brucellosis mouse model for the evaluation of therapeuti
109                     Zoonotic transmission of brucellosis often results from exposure to Brucella-infe
110 ive bacteria that cause the zoonotic disease brucellosis, one of the most common global zoonoses.
111 la spp are intracellular bacteria that cause brucellosis, one of the most common zoonoses in the worl
112  the RMs in this study is analogous to human brucellosis pathophysiology.
113  from acute/subacute, blood culture-positive brucellosis patients but also recognized a distinct set
114                          We report a case of brucellosis presenting as bacteraemia and aortic endarte
115          Sera from this patient with chronic brucellosis recognized some of the same B. melitensis pr
116 -ranging elk are currently a self-sustaining brucellosis reservoir and the source of livestock infect
117                                       Annual brucellosis seroprevalence ranged from 8.7% (95% CI = 1.
118  and lambda = 1.00 (95% CI = 0.85-1.16) when brucellosis seroprevalence was 30%.
119                      In patients with active brucellosis, the liver is frequently affected by histopa
120 f the RM as an animal model for inhalational brucellosis to evaluate the efficacy of novel vaccines a
121               Thus, the optimal design for a brucellosis vaccine requires a nonliving vaccine that co
122 nt efforts have focused on developing a live brucellosis vaccine, and deletion of the znuA gene invol
123 ut also holds significance for the design of brucellosis vaccines and diagnostics that enable the dif
124 la may represent targets for improved, safer brucellosis vaccines and therapeutics.
125 utant (BMEI 1364) as a vaccine candidate for brucellosis was conducted.
126                                 We find that brucellosis was introduced into wildlife in this region
127                      No clinical evidence of brucellosis was seen in any goat.
128              In addition, the progression of brucellosis was similar between mice challenged by the i
129  the causative agent of the zoonotic disease brucellosis, which is endemic in many parts of the world
130           Patients with laboratory-confirmed brucellosis who were consequently hospitalized were obse

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