


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ermination (UV systems, as in some algae and bryophytes).
2  a vascular plant reported to transpose in a bryophyte.
3 ast to angiosperms, unisexuality prevails in bryophytes.
4 served among vascular plants, but not in the bryophytes.
5  implications for mating system evolution in bryophytes.
6 rasses, dicotyledons, ferns, Selaginella and bryophytes.
7 ation of maternal chloroplast inheritance in bryophytes.
8 d back to a time after the divergence of the bryophyte and spermatophyte lineages, but before the spl
9                                        Thus, bryophytes and algae likely lack the glycosyltransferase
10 , PGDD contains data for 26 plants including bryophytes and chlorophyta, as well as angiosperms with
11  evidenced by the conserved gene order among bryophytes and lycophytes, whereas ferns, gymnosperms, a
12 (WOX) gene family, which is absent in extant bryophytes and lycophytes.
13 were in some cases as productive as lichens, bryophytes and plants that resided nearby.
14 n both animals and early land plants such as bryophytes and pteridophytes.
15 previously observed in other DT green algae, bryophytes and resurrection plants, other traits being d
16 are transitional evolutionary grades between bryophytes and seed plants, and has important implicatio
17 hese involved the evolution of embryophytes (bryophytes and tracheophytes) from a charophycean ancest
18 ompass a pool of diversity from which modern bryophytes and vascular plants emerged, but were competi
19 lishing a symbiosis with plants, such as the bryophyte Anthoceros punctatus.
20 re present, an effect not observed when only bryophytes are present.
21  targeting mammals, fish, amphibians, birds, bryophytes, arthropods, copepods, plants and several mic
22 sperms, gymnosperms, pteridophytes, and some bryophytes as a strategy for enhancing phosphate acquisi
23  related to the bryophytes, but they are not bryophytes as defined by extant representatives.
24 es have identified liverworts, hornworts and bryophytes as each being the first lineage of land plant
25                                  The exhumed bryophyte assemblages have exceptional structural integr
26 COS (A(S) ) uptake rates from two astomatous bryophytes at different relative water contents (RWCs),
27 d plants are also present in charophytes and bryophytes, at least in nascent forms.
28  predicted protein-protein interactome for a bryophyte based on the interolog method contains 67,740
29                   Regeneration of subglacial bryophytes broadens the concept of Ice Age refugia, trad
30                     The desiccation tolerant bryophyte Bryum argenteum is an important component of d
31 he protein is conserved in higher plants and bryophytes but absent in algae and cyanobacteria.
32 -like transporters that originated after the bryophytes but before or within the lycophytes.
33  arose by convergence in vascular plants and bryophytes, but the trajectory of branching form diversi
34       Others are more closely related to the bryophytes, but they are not bryophytes as defined by ex
35 onal genetic studies between angiosperms and bryophytes can define those genetic changes that were re
36                     Biotic COS production in bryophytes could result from symbiotic fungal and bacter
37 totrophic and heterotrophic respiration in a bryophyte-dominated peatland in Abisko, Sweden.
38                     Here we show that extant bryophytes exhibit submergence-induced developmental pla
39 eptophyta includes the Charophyceae plus the bryophytes, ferns, and all other multicellular land plan
40 unique successful regeneration of subglacial bryophytes following 400 y of ice entombment.
41                By contrast, two divisions of bryophyte gametophytes and moss sporophytes are reported
42 d branching in flowering plants does not fit bryophyte gametophytes.
43 he land plants and the mechanisms regulating bryophyte gametophytic shoot development are largely unk
44 he Huperzia chloroplast genome possesses the bryophyte gene order for a previously characterized 30 k
45 es diverged substantially in the nonvascular bryophyte groups (liverworts, mosses and hornworts), wit
46                                           In bryophytes, haploid gametophytes grow via clonal propaga
47 portunity for postfertilization selection in bryophytes having short fertilization distances and spat
48 ol due to its key phylogenetic position as a bryophyte in the post-genomic era.
49 jectory of branching form diversification in bryophytes is unclear.
50 ascular plant lineage after diverging from a bryophyte-like ancestor nearly 500 million years ago.
51 s the hypothesis that early land plants were bryophyte-like and possessed a dominant gametophyte and
52             Mosses are the most species-rich bryophyte lineage and two sub-groups are circumscribed b
53 esent evidence for neochrome in hornworts (a bryophyte lineage) and demonstrate that ferns acquired n
54 eds were acquired after the evolution of the bryophyte lineage.
55                                              Bryophyte lineages were the earliest diverging embryophy
56  is useful for inferring relationships among bryophyte lineages.
57 ntial existence of CHI proteins in the basal bryophyte liverwort species and the lycophyte Selaginell
58       Our phylogenetic analyses of miRNAs in bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns, and angiosperms refine th
59  from all lineages of land plants, including bryophytes, lycopods, ferns and seed plants.
60 s (PUCs; e.g., epilithon, filamentous algae, bryophytes, macrophytes) in human-impacted aquatic ecosy
61 untries, the proportions of vascular plants, bryophytes, mammals, reptiles, dragonflies, and grasshop
62 s received almost no research attention, the bryophytes manifest a wide range of developmental respon
63                                 Polyandry in bryophytes may occur among multiple sporophytes of a fem
64 results suggest that ecosystems dominated by bryophytes might be strong atmospheric sinks of COS at n
65 ubstantial pretracheophyte fossil record for bryophytes (otherwise predicted by molecular systematics
66                           As a member of the bryophytes, P. patens provides a unique opportunity to s
67 regulation of spore germination in the model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens (Aphanoregma patens).
68                                    The model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens exhibits high frequencie
69                                          The bryophyte Physcomitrella patens has a single TPS gene, c
70 toolbox genes, and manipulation in the model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens has shown that the bHLH
71 g most phases in the life cycle of the model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens, including detailed spor
72  development in Arabidopsis thaliana) in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens.
73  we examined the role of RAD51B in the model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens.
74 d development in the gametophytes (n) of the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens.
75 growth is essential for land colonization by bryophytes, plant sexual reproduction and water and nutr
76 on-year history of plants on land belongs to bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms, which eventua
77 has important implications for understanding bryophyte reproduction, suggesting the presence of a sig
78    Overall, this genome and those of other 2 bryophytes show that mitochondrial genomes in early land
79 en hypothesized that predecessors of today's bryophytes significantly increased global chemical weath
80 size that, as in gymnosperms, the low extant bryophyte species richness also results from massive ext
81 do not fully account for current patterns of bryophyte species richness, and we hypothesize that, as
82 ression in natural populations of a dioicous bryophyte species, Sphagnum lescurii, using microsatelli
83   We also show that a major component of the bryophyte submergence response is controlled by the phyt
84                             Data from modern bryophytes suggests this plentiful early plant material
85                                   We show in bryophytes that abscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment of moss
86 reen alga group closest to the land plants), bryophytes (the most basal land plants), pteridophytes (
87 ding demonstrates the totipotent capacity of bryophytes, the ability of a cell to dedifferentiate int
88 rial plants, possibly early relatives of the bryophytes, this interpretation remains controversial as
89 yscomitrella patens UVR8 in experiments with bryophyte tissue and expression of green fluorescent pro
90             In polar ecosystems, regrowth of bryophyte tissue buried by ice for 400 y significantly e
91 ametophyte generation-dominant life cycle in bryophytes to a diploid sporophyte generation-dominant l
92  green algae and most basal land plants, the bryophytes, we evaluated the presence of this signaling
93 dicotyledonous angiosperms, gymnosperms, and bryophytes, were produced in insect cells, and each CslA
94 AT4/6/8 arose early in land-plant evolution (bryophytes), whereas the phosphatase-minus GPAT1 to -3 a
95 lts emphasize the unrecognized resilience of bryophytes, which are commonly overlooked vis-a-vis thei
96  Unraveling the macroevolutionary history of bryophytes, which arose soon after the origin of land pl

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