


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 verse direction (i.e., from the mesophyll to bundle sheath).
2 mesophyll compared with both guard cells and bundle sheath.
3 rily conserved gene regulatory system in the bundle sheath.
4 , and may also be present in the surrounding bundle sheaths.
5 ay a role in the differential development of bundle sheath and mesophyll cell chloroplasts, a screen
6                                     Adjacent bundle sheath and mesophyll cells cooperate for carbon f
7 ultrastructure, the metabolic cooperation of bundle sheath and mesophyll cells for C4 photosynthesis
8 l chloroplast development occurs between the bundle sheath and mesophyll cells in the Arabidopsis lea
9 rbon-concentrating mechanism divided between bundle sheath and mesophyll cells increases photosynthet
10 ase (GR; EC activity was assayed in bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of maize (Zea mays L.
11 along the developmental gradient and between bundle sheath and mesophyll cells, respectively.
12 otein was localized to chloroplasts, in both bundle sheath and mesophyll cells.
13 ion by modeling the interactions between the bundle sheath and mesophyll cells.
14  a misbalance in nitrogen metabolism between bundle sheath and mesophyll cells.
15 moter-driven RBCS gene was expressed in both bundle sheath and mesophyll cells.
16  a leaf developmental gradient and in mature bundle sheath and mesophyll cells.
17 with cell-specific rbcL mRNA accumulation in bundle sheath and mesophyll chloroplasts.
18 or water leaving the minor veins through the bundle sheath and out of the leaf resulted in the pathwa
19 in, VSPalpha, accumulated in the vacuoles of bundle sheath and paraveinal mesophyll cells, while VLXA
20 e proximal promoter (P(R7)) is active in the bundle sheath and vasculature, the distal promoter (P(R2
21 ed that SVL was localized to the vacuoles of bundle-sheath and paraveinal mesophyll cells.
22 ing predominantly cyclic electron transport (bundle sheath) and linear electron transport (mesophyll)
23  cell types, including epidermal, mesophyll, bundle sheath, and vascular parenchyma cells.
24               Chloroplasts in differentiated bundle sheath (BS) and mesophyll (M) cells of maize (Zea
25 Zea mays) leaves differentiate into specific bundle sheath (BS) and mesophyll (M) types to accommodat
26 ly requires two specialized leaf cell types, bundle sheath (bs) and mesophyll (mp), which provide the
27 ays) C(4) differentiation, mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells accumulate distinct sets of pho
28                                              Bundle sheath (BS) cells form a single cell layer surrou
29       Compared with less-related C3 species, bundle sheath (BS) cells of F. pringlei and F. robusta h
30 ntrating mechanism between mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells of leaves.
31 ifferentiation between the mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells of maize (Zea mays), we isolate
32 e hypothesized that the AQPs of the vascular bundle sheath (BS) cells regulate K(leaf).
33 G molecular species, among mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells, are compared across the leaf d
34 pically coordinated across mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells, respectively.
35 rtant for release of CO(2) around RuBisCO in bundle sheath (BS) cells.
36 es and become restricted to mesophyll (M) or bundle sheath (BS) cells.
37 bulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylation inside bundle sheath (BS) chloroplasts (r(bs)) within intact pl
38 , due to effects on hydraulic pathlength and bundle sheath (BS) surface area; (2) palisade mesophyll
39 ly increases when the proportion of vascular bundle sheath (BS) tissue is higher than 15%, which resu
40 he maize tangled1 (tan1) mutant, clusters of bundle sheath (BS)-like cells extend several cells dista
41 of photosynthesis into the mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS).
42 arly described, this is not the case for the bundle sheath (BS).
43 a mays) has two CO2 delivery pathways to the bundle sheath (BS; via malate or aspartate), and rates o
44  In maize (Zea mays), Rubisco accumulates in bundle sheath but not mesophyll chloroplasts, but the me
45 n the chloroplasts of mesophyll (C3 plants), bundle-sheath (C4 plants), and guard cells.
46 g photorespiration enabled estimation of the bundle sheath cell CO2 concentration (Cb) using a simple
47                              We propose that bundle sheath cell fate can be conferred on some derivat
48               In leaf tissues, mesophyll and bundle sheath cell fate is determined, and the proplasti
49 c expression of Rubisco small subunit genes (bundle sheath cell specific) and the genes that encode p
50 ed a 2-fold decrease in the thickness of the bundle sheath cell walls in plants grown at elevated rel
51 tly CO2-limited photosynthesis in the mutant bundle sheath cell.
52 hetic cells in leaves of the C4 plant maize: bundle sheath cells (BSC) and adjacent mesophyll cells (
53 highly specialized mesophyll cells (MCs) and bundle sheath cells (BSCs) at the tip.
54  to the vacuoles of paraveinal mesophyll and bundle sheath cells (where VSPs are found) strongly sugg
55                               The underlying bundle sheath cells always contain normal chloroplasts,
56 re required for differentiation of cotyledon bundle sheath cells and mesophyll cells and for cell-typ
57 cells, while SCR mRNA was detected mainly in bundle sheath cells and PHOT-1 was found predominantly i
58           The SCR expression pattern in leaf bundle sheath cells and root quiescent center cells led
59 ies revealed that this promoter is active in bundle sheath cells and the vasculature of transgenic Fl
60                    The amyloplast-containing bundle sheath cells are the sites of gravity perception,
61                Parenchyma cells and isolated bundle sheath cells did not show any gravity-induced pH(
62 tricted to developing leaf veins, to include bundle sheath cells encircling the vein.
63                                              Bundle sheath cells form a sheath around the entire vasc
64  tissues of C(3) plants but is restricted to bundle sheath cells in C(4) species.
65 to allow PEPC to function anaplerotically in bundle sheath cells in the dark without interfering with
66 etic tissues of C(3) plants, but only in the bundle sheath cells of C(4) plants.
67 , RER1, and RER3 were mainly detected in the bundle sheath cells of expanded leaves, functional RER3:
68 l regulation prevents GR accumulation in the bundle sheath cells of maize leaves.
69                HSS has been localized in the bundle sheath cells of specific leaves.
70 se (APX2), whose expression is restricted to bundle sheath cells of the vascular tissue.
71 ansdifferentiation of chloroplast-containing bundle sheath cells to functional xylem elements.
72 lants, dense fields of plasmodesmata connect bundle sheath cells to specialized companion cells (inte
73 the primary enzyme decarboxylating malate in bundle sheath cells to supply CO(2) to Rubisco, was used
74 ty, and maize chromosome 3 results in larger bundle sheath cells with increased cell wall lipid depos
75 s and vascular tissues (vascular bundles and bundle sheath cells) from ethanol:acetic acid-fixed cole
76 of starch in other cell types (epidermis and bundle sheath cells).
77  pH(c) changes were only apparent within the bundle sheath cells, and not in the parenchyma cells.
78 es have both increased venation and enlarged bundle sheath cells, and there is also a tendency to acc
79 r proper late-stage differentiation of maize bundle sheath cells, including the developmentally regul
80   Surprisingly, ZmPPCK2 is expressed in leaf bundle sheath cells, preferentially in the dark.
81 ble proportion of the CO(2), concentrated in bundle sheath cells, retrodiffuses back to the mesophyll
82 studies revealed high levels of Sxd1 mRNA in bundle sheath cells, with lower levels within the mesoph
83 idermal cell layer, the vascular bundles and bundle sheath cells.
84 in Fe influx into vacuoles of endodermal and bundle sheath cells.
85 thesis, abolishing granules in epidermal and bundle sheath cells.
86 degree of endoreduplication in enlarged C(4) bundle sheath cells.
87 ell type-specific expression in mesophyll or bundle sheath cells.
88 terveinal mesophyll, and normal perivascular bundle sheath cells.
89 ions are compartmented between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells.
90 activity and gusA mRNA accumulation) in leaf bundle sheath cells.
91 rom photosynthetic electron transport in the bundle sheath cells.
92 decarboxylates malate in the chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells.
93 essed in mesophyll cells but are in adjacent bundle-sheath cells of leaves of the C4 plant Zea mays.
94 nes are found at high levels specifically in bundle-sheath cells of maize seedling leaves, indicating
95 ized RbcS isoforms expressed in mesophyll or bundle-sheath cells.
96 ions in the leaf primordium without blocking bundle sheath chloroplast development.
97 spersici function analogous to mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts of Kranz-type C(4) species.
98 abidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and agranal bundle sheath chloroplasts of the C(4) plants sorghum (S
99 ched in mesophyll chloroplasts compared with bundle sheath chloroplasts, and MET1 mRNA and protein le
100           RAF1 is predominantly expressed in bundle sheath chloroplasts, consistent with a Rubisco ac
101 specific factors limit Rubisco expression to bundle sheath chloroplasts.
102 ast ultrastructure, preferentially affecting bundle sheath choroplasts under lower light.
103 (4) cycle rate, bundle sheath leak rate, and bundle sheath CO(2) concentration.
104 otein of GDC (GLDP) became restricted to the bundle sheath during the transition from C(3) to C(4) ph
105 that C(3) Flaveria species already contain a bundle sheath-expressed GLDP gene in addition to a ubiqu
106 R2) and P(R7), that together ensure a strong bundle sheath expression.
107                                              Bundle sheath extensions (BSEs) are key features of leaf
108 , irrespective of the presence or absence of bundle sheath extensions, because of the CO(2) assimilat
109 aseolus vulgaris]; and three species without bundle sheath extensions, faba bean [Vicia faba], petuni
110 fferent vascular anatomies (two species with bundle sheath extensions, sunflower [Helianthus annuus]
111 ves, with no GR activity being detectable in bundle sheath extracts.
112 otentiate its efficient trafficking from the bundle sheath into mesophyll that is vital to establishi
113                The restriction of GDC to the bundle sheath is assumed to be an essential and early st
114 easurements to estimate the C(4) cycle rate, bundle sheath leak rate, and bundle sheath CO(2) concent
115 leaves of plants grown at elevated CO(2) and bundle sheath leakiness was estimated to be 24% and 33%,
116  amount of activity in mesophyll, but not in bundle sheath membranes.
117 act to coordinate gene expression across the bundle sheath, mesophyll, and guard cells in the C4 leaf
118 lar boundary in a defined direction, (2) the bundle sheath-mesophyll boundary serves as a novel regul
119 assay whether mesophyll cells with defective bundle sheath neighbors retain C4 characteristics or rev
120                       We also found that the bundle sheath provides a significant minority of evapora
121 sociated with preferential expression in the bundle sheath showed continually decreasing expression f
122 koids and derived PSII membranes, but not in bundle sheath thylakoids.
123 t of the C(4) pathway is the leakiness () of bundle sheath tissues, whereby a variable proportion of
124 howed continually decreasing expression from bundle sheath to mesophyll to guard cells.
125 SEs reduce the hydraulic resistance from the bundle sheath to the epidermis (r(be)) and thereby accel
126 CO(2) (the ratio of CO(2) leak rate from the bundle sheath to the rate of CO(2) supply).
127 at the requirement for this motif to mediate bundle sheath-to-mesophyll trafficking is dependent on l
128  leaves due to plasmodesmal occlusion at the bundle sheath-vascular parenchyma boundary of the minor

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