


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 T-projecting neurons in two primate species, bush babies and owl monkeys, were retrogradely labeled,
2 ly, the deduced pigment sequences of the two bush babies are identical.
3 ere observed in the X-linked cone pigment of bush babies but not in other primates.
4 bbit, armadillo, tenrec, platypus, pig, cat, bush baby, common shrew, microbat and european hedgehog;
5                                              Bush babies have had a long history of nocturnal life an
6        By comparing the X-linked pigments of bush baby, human, squirrel monkey, and marmoset, 38 vari
7         The slower nonsynonymous rate in the bush baby lineage suggests that the bush baby X-linked p
8 showed a significantly shorter branch in the bush baby lineage than in other primate lineages.
9 racentral (4-8 degrees ) V1 in the prosimian bush baby (Otolemur garnetti).
10 visual area (MT) of a prosimian primate, the bush baby (Otolemur garnetti).
11 ic organization of pulvinar in the prosimian bush baby (Otolemur garnettii).
12 sitions that may cause a spectral shift, the bush baby pigment has identical or biochemically similar
13 of the X-linked pigment gene between the two bush babies supports their classification into two separ
14 t the nonsynonymous substitution rate of the bush baby X-linked pigment gene is about three times slo
15 e in the bush baby lineage suggests that the bush baby X-linked pigment gene is under functional cons
16  with our proposal that the evolution of the bush baby X-linked pigment gene is under selective press

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