


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t is controlled by a delicate apparatus, the byssus.
2 we their tenacity to a holdfast known as the byssus, a fibrous extracellular structure that ends dist
3 empt to better understand the zebra mussel's byssus activity, a cDNA microarray (ZMB) including 716 g
4 rotein-1 (mefp1) is a major component of the byssus, an adhesive holdfast in mussels.
5     Based on two noncellular tissues, mussel byssus and polychaete jaws, recent studies suggest that
6  apfp-1 is an interfacial linker between the byssus and soft tissue, that is, the DOPA-containing dom
7 was localized at the interface between stiff byssus and the soft tissue by immunochemical staining an
8              The adhesive plaques of Mytilus byssus are investigated increasingly to determine the mo
9  findings demonstrated that the zebra mussel byssus cDNA microarray is an efficient tool for the stud
10                As a critical activity of the byssus glands embedded in the zebra mussel feet, byssoge
11 oxyphenyl-L-alanine) (diDOPA) cross-links in byssus has raised questions about the relationship of th
12        The elastic extensibility of proximal byssus is extraordinary given its construction of collag
13 bers and foamlike adhesive plaques in mussel byssus is robust despite the strikingly dissimilar conne
14 undoubtedly contributes to the durability of byssus, it is not directly involved in adhesion.
15                                          The byssus of marine mussels has attracted attention as a pa
16 ks were present in trace amounts only in the byssus of other mussel species.
17 arkable ability to attach their holdfast, or byssus, opportunistically to a variety of substrata that
18 alanine (Dopa)-containing proteins of mussel byssus play a critical role in wet adhesion and have ins
19 Recent experiments on permeabilized anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis have sh
20 brate smooth muscles, including the anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis.
21 periments on thick filaments of the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus and the telson-levato
22                                 The anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis was used to ch
23 f isolated thick filaments from the anterior byssus retractor muscle of the blue mussel Mytilus eduli
24 ed the dynamics of isolated Mytilus anterior byssus retractor muscle thick filaments.
25                    In permeabilized anterior byssus retractor muscles from Mytilus edulis, catch forc
26 ick and thin filaments from Mytilus anterior byssus retractor muscles.
27 ed by proteins during maturation of a mussel byssus secretion, we have developed a simple method to c
28 l forces far exceed the measured strength of byssus threads and their attachment to the environment.
29 t the heterogeneous material distribution in byssus threads has a critical role in decreasing the eff
30                  However, how the network of byssus threads keeps the mussel attached in this challen
31 ood, concrete and iron by using a network of byssus threads.
32                                  Labeling of byssus was achieved by allowing mussels to filter feed f
33 protein family known as fp-1 provides mussel byssus with a protective outer coating and has drawn muc

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