


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  as well as stem cell factor receptor CD117 (c-kit).
2 g, by targeting the receptor tyrosine kinase c-KIT.
3 high levels of the stem cell factor receptor c-Kit.
4 ted by ACK2, a neutralizing antibody against c-kit.
5 duct 9.5 (PGP 9.5), and the mast cell marker c-kit.
6 egulation of the IL3-Ralpha receptor but not c-Kit.
7  functions via the MC growth factor receptor c-Kit.
8 mouse basal cells selected for expression of c-KIT.
9 ple-immunofluorescence staining, we detected c-kit (a marker of cell transdifferentiation) positive d
10 ere we show that progenitor cells expressing c-Kit, a receptor tyrosine kinase marking stem cells in
11 nt and previously unrecognized site of adult c-Kit activity.
12  into functionally distinct subsets based on c-Kit activity.
13 otocol describes the isolation of endogenous c-Kit (also known as CD117)-positive (c-Kit(+)), CD45-ne
14                 The receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit, also known as the stem cell factor receptor, play
15 zyme B and CD107A), resistance to apoptosis (c-KIT and Bcl2), and enhanced stemness (beta-catenin and
16        Furthermore, in addition to increased c-Kit and CD133, Scf and EpCam expression were also incr
17 ignaling resulted in increased expression of c-Kit and CD133.
18                                Inhibition of c-KIT and FLT3 expression significantly inhibited JAK/ST
19 AML LSCs, including receptor tyrosine kinase c-KIT and FMS-related tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3).
20 rrelate with increased surface expression of c-Kit and IL-7 receptors on the IL-18-treated cells.
21 lopment, presumably via interaction with the c-Kit and IL-7 signaling axis.
22 d Cd25(+)-expressing cells and downregulated c-Kit and IL-7Ralpha intensities.
23 +) NK cells do not express the early markers c-kit and IL-7Ralpha, nor killer cell Ig-like receptors
24 ed treatment time points suggested increased c-Kit and PI3K/AKT pathway activation in resistant tumor
25                            Activation of the c-kit and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor
26 row transplantation could quickly knock down c-kit and PU.1 genes in hematopoietic stem and progenito
27 is platform simultaneously knocked down both c-Kit and PU.1 genes in the same primary cell population
28                   Although the expression of c-Kit and PW1 showed little overlap in normal hearts, a
29 +) transgenic mice and were shown to express c-kit and Sca-1 as well as 8 paracrine factors involved
30 10(-)CD161(+) cells that transiently express c-Kit and stably express P-glycoprotein (P-gp)/multi-dru
31 progenitor cell regulation (stem cell factor/c-Kit), and c-Kit rescued Samd14 loss-of-function phenot
32 rrow HSPCs, operationally defined as the Lin-c-Kit+ and Lin-Sca-1+c-Kit+ populations, express negligi
33  observed among the inflammatory infiltrate, c-kit, and tryptase in individuals both with and without
34 gand (KitL) and its tyrosine kinase receptor c-kit are critical for germ cells, melanocytes, mastocyt
35 r receptors, VEGF receptors, PDGFR-beta, and c-KIT, as second-line therapy both in patients with FGFR
36                                        While c-kit blocking antibodies prevented spreading, imatinib
37 le complexes, which resisted dissociation by c-kit blocking mAbs and provided cell anchorage under ph
38 rived hematopoietic stem cells reconstituted c-kit but not MAT in Kit(W/W-v) mice.
39                         Kinase inhibition of c-kit by imatinib reduced cluster coalescence, but allow
40                   Juvenile mice with mutated c-Kit (c-Kit(Wv/+)) showed impaired islet vasculature an
41                     Here we analyzed whether c-kit can function both as an adhesion and signaling rec
42                                   Autologous c-kit(+) cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) are currently u
43 he repair of ischemic myocardium and whether c-kit(+) cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) function can be
44                 ABSTRACT: Therapeutic use of c-kit(+) cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) is being evalua
45 unction of aged stem cells and in particular c-kit(+) cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs).
46 LE: Autologous stem cell therapy using human c-Kit(+) cardiac progenitor cells (hCPCs) is a promising
47 ow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and c-kit(+) cardiac stem cells (CSCs) improve left ventricu
48 topics of recent debates-the contribution of c-Kit(+) cardiac stem cells to cardiomyocytes in the hea
49 aging associated with cellular senescence in c-kit+ cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs).
50 e activity, and enhanced expression of CD90, c-Kit (CD117), integrin alpha6 (CD49f), and CXCR4 (CD184
51 ly controls expression of Pecam-1 (CD31) and c-kit (CD117).
52 nd contained a proliferative (Ki67(+)) Lin(-)c-Kit(+)CD135(-)CD115(+)CX3CR1(+)Ly6C(+)CD11b(-) subpopu
53 on myeloid progenitors (CMPs) (Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+)CD34(+)CD41(hi)) establish an early branch point
54 ti-potent progenitors (LMPPs) (Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+)CD34(+)Flt3(hi)) and common myeloid progenitors
55 bilized increased number of lineage-negative c-Kit+, CD34+, and CD133+ stem cells.
56 acrophage progenitor (pre-GM) (Lin(-)Sca-1(-)c-Kit(+)CD41(-)FcgammaRII/III(-)CD150(-)CD105(-)).
57  whereas the P/-8-kb enhancer targeted TIE2+/c-KIT+/CD41- endothelial cells that were enriched for he
58                                          The c-Kit(+)CD45(-) eCSC population is isolated by magnetic-
59                                          The c-Kit(+)CD45(-) eCSCs exhibit the defining characteristi
60         We also describe how to characterize c-Kit(+)CD45(-) eCSCs.
61 genous c-Kit (also known as CD117)-positive (c-Kit(+)), CD45-negative (CD45(-)) cardiac stem cells (e
62 e Kit (c-Kit) expression that enriches for 2 c-Kit(+) cell populations yielding a mixture of cardiac
63 an induced pluripotent stem cells stimulated c-kit(+) cell recruitment to BZ and the rate of bromodeo
64 icantly promoted BM-derived stem cell (GFP(+)c-kit(+) cell) recruitment into the infarcted heart and
65 ytes, endothelial cells, myofibroblasts, and c-Kit + cells present in the border zone of the remodeli
66                                 By contrast, c-kit(+) cells amply generated cardiac endothelial cells
67 e of bromodeoxyuridine incorporation in both c-kit(+) cells and cardiomyocytes (P<0.05).
68 us to image thousands of alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells and to digitally reconstruct large segmen
69                             Although cardiac c-kit(+) cells are being tested in clinical trials, the
70 ed mice, indicating that alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells are comparable in HSC purity to cells obt
71 ogical analyses confirmed the recruitment of c-kit(+) cells as well as a reduced degree of apoptosis
72 on of SCF post-MI induces the recruitment of c-kit(+) cells at the infarct border area acutely.
73        Here we test the lineage potential of c-kit(+) cells by inducible genetic lineage tracing.
74                             Thus, endogenous c-kit(+) cells can generate cardiomyocytes within the he
75 oaches in mice to examine whether endogenous c-kit(+) cells contribute differentiated cardiomyocytes
76                                   Endogenous c-kit(+) cells did produce new cardiomyocytes within the
77                                 We find that c-kit(+) cells do not contribute to lung epithelium duri
78                Furthermore, Asxl1(-/-) Lin(-)c-Kit(+) cells exhibited decreased global levels of H3K2
79 nges at multiple time points in Lin(-)Sca1(+)c-kit(+) cells from mice transplanted with bone marrow c
80                                  We isolated c-kit(+) cells from young (3 months) and aged (24 months
81 hat approximately 30% of alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells give long-term multilineage reconstitutio
82  a significant decrease in lineage(-) Sca(+) c-Kit(+) cells in bone marrow.
83 ng endothelial progenitor cells-like CD31(+)/c-Kit(+) cells in mice following hindlimb ischaemia.
84 of the existence of vascular and mesenchymal c-kit(+) cells in normal hearts.
85        Thus, our work strongly suggests that c-kit(+) cells in the murine heart are endothelial cells
86 es that determine lineage differentiation of c-kit(+) cells in vivo are unknown.
87 gical stimuli induce different cell fates of c-kit(+) cells in vivo.
88      The distribution of alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells indicated that HSCs were more common in c
89 overall rate of cardiomyocyte formation from c-kit(+) cells is still below clinically relevant levels
90 ent findings suggest that endogenous cardiac c-kit(+) cells rarely contribute cardiomyocytes to the a
91 istically, doxorubicin-induced DNA damage in c-kit(+) cells resulted in expression of p53.
92                  After acute cardiac injury, c-kit(+) cells retain their endothelial identity and do
93     Single-cell sequencing of cardiac CD45(-)c-kit(+) cells showed innate heterogeneity, indicative o
94                  Moreover, RNA sequencing of c-Kit(+) cells showed that CHD7 functions mostly through
95 f wild-type and premalignant Tet2(-/-) Lin(-)c-Kit(+) cells shows higher mutation frequencies in Tet2
96 e show that p53 is central to the ability of c-kit(+) cells to adopt cardiomyocyte fates, which could
97 ll sequencing and genetic lineage tracing of c-kit(+) cells to determine whether various pathological
98                          Previously, cardiac c-kit(+) cells were reported to be CSCs with a potential
99 atopoietic stem and progenitor cells (Sca1(+)c-Kit(+) cells).
100 condary assays following knockdown in murine c-Kit(+) cells, and Cxcl4(-/-) mice showed a decrease in
101  mice had significantly fewer lineage-Sca1(+)c-Kit(+) cells, short-term hematopoietic stem cells (HSC
102  further insights into the nature of cardiac c-kit(+) cells.
103 he cell cycle and increases in the number of c-Kit(+) cells.
104 erentially affect the eventual cell fates of c-kit(+) cells.
105 l stimuli would result in different fates of c-kit(+) cells.
106  preferentially generate cardiomyocytes from c-kit(+) cells.
107 row hypocellularity and the disappearance of c-kit(+) cells.
108 sis and mitosis in Lineage(-)c-Kit(+) (Lin(-)c-Kit(+)) cells, consistent with human MDS.
109 d circulatory ST6Gal-1 have marrow Lin-Sca-1+c-Kit+ cells with reduced S. nigra agglutinin reactivity
110 -kit demonstrated kinase-independent mb-KitL/c-kit clustering, anchorage, F-actin polymerization, and
111 e of crenolanib is its reduced inhibition of c-Kit compared with quizartinib.
112 d-type RhoA into the RhoA(-/-) Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+) compartment.
113 W/W-v) mice indicated that interleukin-3 and c-Kit contribute to expulsion of the intestinal nematode
114 cardiac commitment concurrent with increased c-kit(+) CPCs in vivo 8 weeks after in vivo transfer alo
115 y different between c-kit D816V-positive and c-kit D816V-negative patients, while 11beta-prostaglandi
116 nary NMH was significantly different between c-kit D816V-positive and c-kit D816V-negative patients,
117 ence the distribution of melanocyte markers (C-KIT, DCT, PAX3, and TYR) coupled with markers of proli
118                       Mutational analysis of c-kit demonstrated kinase-independent mb-KitL/c-kit clus
119 MC precursors to the corneal limbus and that c-Kit-dependent MCs appeared to be involved in the forma
120 bilization of p53 was sufficient to increase c-kit-derived cardiomyocyte differentiation.
121 re overload resulted in a modest increase in c-kit-derived cardiomyocytes, with significant increases
122 nduced acute cardiotoxicity did not increase c-kit-derived endothelial cell fates but instead induced
123 nism-based SCF partial agonist that impaired c-Kit dimerization, truncating downstream signaling ampl
124 o-B cells showed decreased activation of the c-Kit downstream protein Src upon Sox4 deletion.
125 study, we demonstrate that signaling through c-Kit exerts distinct effects on EAE susceptibility in m
126  hematopoietic stem cells (lineage(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+)) expressed high levels of IL-15, suggesting tha
127                                              c-kit-expressing cardiac progenitor cells have been repo
128                                              C-Kit-expressing pro-B cells showed decreased activation
129 ntification of the requirement for olfactory c-Kit-expressing progenitors in olfactory maintenance pr
130 studies show HSCs with low levels of surface c-Kit expression (c-Kit(lo)) and signaling exhibit enhan
131 t HCV core protein significantly upregulates c-Kit expression at the transcriptional level.
132 f-renewal potential can be isolated based on c-Kit expression during both steady state and stress hem
133 e and beta-cell dysfunction, while restoring c-Kit expression in beta-cells of c-Kit(Wv/+) mice rescu
134                               Reconstituting c-Kit expression in L1-transfected cells blocked the bio
135                             The concept that c-kit expression in the adult heart identifies epicardiu
136                      Capsaicin did not alter c-KIT expression or nasal epithelial morphology in patie
137 ultiple reporter genes in mice, we find that c-kit expression rarely co-localizes with the expression
138 sed in both osteoclasts and osteoblasts, and c-Kit expression was decreased in W(sh)/W(sh)osteoclasts
139 ing is based on tyrosine-protein kinase Kit (c-Kit) expression that enriches for 2 c-Kit(+) cell popu
140     The tumor cells were positive for CD117 (c-kit) (Fig 1B) and DOG-1(Fig 1C).
141 ibroblasts and MC/9 mast cells, mb-KitL, and c-kit formed ligand/receptor clusters that formed stable
142 lex sequence from the promoter region of the c-KIT gene forms a stable quadruplex, as characterized b
143 e transcriptional regulatory elements of the c-Kit gene, are fertile.
144 ting with a newly identified silencer in the c-kit gene.
145                                     However, c-Kit(+)/Gr-1(-) cells remained viable in Runx1/Cbfb-del
146 ective mast/stem cell growth factor receptor c-Kit have suggested key roles for mast cells (MCs) in p
147                                              c-Kit(+) hCPCs were isolated from cardiac biopsies of mu
148                                  METHODS AND c-Kit(+) hCPCs were isolated from cardiac tissue of pati
149 of mast cell-deficient mice that have normal c-kit ("Hello Kitty" and MasTRECK mice) confirmed prior
150 ly expressed by HSCs, and at lower levels by c-kit(+) hematopoietic progenitors, megakaryocytes, and
151 s show that the transition from c-Kit(lo) to c-Kit(hi) HSC is negatively regulated by c-Cbl.
152                   Furthermore, c-Kit(lo) and c-Kit(hi) HSCs are hierarchically organized, with c-Kit(
153 (hi) HSCs are hierarchically organized, with c-Kit(hi) HSCs arising from c-Kit(lo) HSCs.
154                         In addition, whereas c-Kit(hi) HSCs give rise to long-term lymphomyeloid graf
155 functional differences between c-Kit(lo) and c-Kit(hi) HSCs persist even under conditions of stress h
156 -term reconstitution potential compared with c-Kit(hi) HSCs.
157  tissues as non-T, non-B (lineage-negative), c-Kit(+)IL-7Ralpha(+) (CD117(+)CD127(+)) cells.
158 stem and progenitor cells (lineage(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+) immunophenotype) normalized.
159  MCs on cardiac function after MI, using the c-Kit-independent MC-deficient (Cpa3(Cre/+)) mice.
160      Cediranib, an inhibitor of VEGFR1-3 and c-kit, inhibited in vivo metastasis of VEGFC-overexpress
161                   Treatment of mice with the c-KIT inhibitor imatinib mesylate limited effusion preci
162        The use of imatinib or dasatinib as a c-Kit inhibitor reduced the level of sphere-forming cell
163 th c-kit ligand to establish further a FIH-1/c-kit interaction via Western analysis.
164                                We also found c-Kit is highly expressed in transformed human hepatocyt
165                                     Although c-Kit is required for HSC function, gain and loss-of-fun
166 ependent of kinase function and resistant to c-kit kinase inhibitors.-
167                      Activating mutations in c-Kit lead to alteration of these cellular processes and
168 EKs) transduced with FIH-1 were treated with c-kit ligand to establish further a FIH-1/c-kit interact
169                  We reported previously that c-kit ligation by membrane-bound stem cell factor (mSCF)
170 increased apoptosis and mitosis in Lineage(-)c-Kit(+) (Lin(-)c-Kit(+)) cells, consistent with human M
171                             The Lin(-)Sca1(-)c-Kit(+) (LK) population was significantly lower in Chd7
172                                 Furthermore, c-Kit(lo) and c-Kit(hi) HSCs are hierarchically organize
173         These functional differences between c-Kit(lo) and c-Kit(hi) HSCs persist even under conditio
174  organized, with c-Kit(hi) HSCs arising from c-Kit(lo) HSCs.
175 y, our studies show that the transition from c-Kit(lo) to c-Kit(hi) HSC is negatively regulated by c-
176 with low levels of surface c-Kit expression (c-Kit(lo)) and signaling exhibit enhanced self-renewal a
177                             By targeting the c-kit locus with multiple reporter genes in mice, we fin
178                                          The c-Kit loss-of-function mutations in WBB6F1/J-Kit(W/W-v)
179 d in a decreased number of Lineage(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+) (LSK) cells in the circulation, which was norma
180 tic progenitors, including lineage(-)Sca-1(+)c-kit(+) (LSK), common myeloid progenitor, and granulocy
181                            Lineage(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(-) (LSK(-)) cells are a lymphoid progenitor popula
182 en of C57BL/6 mice, with a lineage(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(-) (LSK(-)) phenotype that proliferates in respons
183 matopoietic stem/progenitor cells (Lin-/Sca+/c-Kit+; LSK phenotype) in the AT (AT-LSK) has been repor
184               Synergies between integrin and c-kit-mediated spreading and adhesion of MC/9 cells were
185           This study examines the effects of c-Kit-mediated vascular endothelial growth factor isofor
186                   These results suggest that c-Kit-mediated VEGF-A action in beta-cells plays a pivot
187 ssible secondary melanocyte germ composed of C-KIT+ melanocytes was found in the infundibulum and int
188                                  Flowthrough c-Kit(-) mesenchymal stem cells are positively selected
189    Among 609 differentially expressed genes, c-Kit, Met and EphA3 cytokine/tyrosine-kinase (TK) recep
190 ivated mast cell MPs (CD137(+) FcepsilonRI(+)c-kit(+)MPs) were significantly increased in NLFs of con
191  (high-affinity IgE receptor [FcepsilonRI](+)c-kit(+)MPs), and basophil MPs (CD203c(+)c-kit(-)MPs).
192 ](+)c-kit(+)MPs), and basophil MPs (CD203c(+)c-kit(-)MPs).
193                                  Analysis of c-Kit mRNA displayed a significant increase in the liver
194    Collectively, these results show that the c-kit/mSCF/MMP-9 axis regulates IL-23 gene expression in
195           Previous work in Il3-deficient and c-kit mutant Kit(W/W-v) mice indicated that interleukin-
196  for HSC function, gain and loss-of-function c-Kit mutants suggest that even small changes in c-Kit s
197 Cs, we used recipient embryos that carried a c-Kit mutation (W(sh)/W(sh)), which leads to a loss of m
198 umber of MC, spindle shape, CD25 expression, c-Kit mutation and sBT values >20 mug/l.
199  be analysed for their number, clonality and c-Kit mutation.
200  mast cells, the presence of aggregates, and c-kit mutation.
201                                      Because c-Kit mutations affect multiple cell types of both immun
202      Exome sequencing identified cooperating c-Kit mutations found only in the leukemic samples.
203                       One of the two exon 11 c-kit mutations in synchronous adenocarcinomas with GIST
204 equencing analysis demonstrated that exon 11 c-kit mutations were present in two of six synchronous t
205  70% (P 5 .12) for patients with and without c-KIT mutations, respectively.
206 t the first 3 months after HSCT, rather than c-KIT mutations,was an independent factor for CIR (P5.00
207 isk for relapse, together with the impact of c-KIT mutations.
208 and was more predictive of relapse risk than c-KIT mutations.
209          We identified a novel population of c-kit-negative reparative cardiac cells (SA CMCs) that c
210                        Our data suggest that c-Kit negatively regulates bone turnover, and disrupted
211 enic endothelial cell specification requires c-Kit, notch signaling, and p27-mediated cell-cycle cont
212 steoblasts, suggesting an indirect effect of c-Kit on bone formation.
213  able to suppress stem cell factor receptor (c-kit or CD117) gene expression by interacting with a ne
214  subtype 1 (TRPA1)-deficient mice but not in c-kit or proteinase-activated receptor 2 mice.
215 nts were immunohistochemically processed for c-Kit or stained with cuprolinic blue.
216              Furthermore, beta-cell-specific c-Kit overexpression (c-KitbetaTg) in aged mice showed s
217 g of migrating cells revealed a possible SCF/c-Kit paracrine mechanism contributing to migration via
218 us stimulation of the stem cell factor (SCF)/c-Kit pathway yielded high levels of gene editing in hae
219                In a pilot study, imatinib, a c-kit/PDGF-receptor inhibitor, induced partial regressio
220          Moreover, DAB2IP is able to inhibit c-kit-PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling pathway that increases c-m
221                 The receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit plays an integral role in maintaining beta-cell ma
222 -mapping analyses show that embryonically, a c-Kit(+) population contributes to olfactory neurogenesi
223                 After 1 week of culture, the c-Kit(+) population is further enriched by selection for
224 ally defined as the Lin-c-Kit+ and Lin-Sca-1+c-Kit+ populations, express negligible endogenous ST6Gal
225 sistently demonstrated salubrious effects of c-kit(pos) cardiac cells administered after myocardial i
226 this conceptual construct "string theory" of c-kit(pos) cardiac cells because it reconciles multifari
227 vantages, appearing to be more suitable than c-kit(POS) cardiac progenitor cells for widespread clini
228                                     Although c-kit(pos) cardiac stem cells (CSCs) preserve left ventr
229 e helps to explain the beneficial effects of c-kit(pos) cell administration to ischemically damaged h
230 s might be reconciled with recent results of c-kit(pos) cell lineage tracing studies.
231                                              C-kit(pos) cells derived from the first heart field exhi
232                                 The residual c-kit(pos) cells found in the adult heart are probably o
233 previously reported that the c-kit-positive (c-kit(POS)) cells isolated from slowly adhering (SA) but
234  more rarely cardiomyocytes, originated from c-kit positive progenitors in their murine model.
235 broblasts and adventitial cells derived from c-kit positive progenitors in their studies.
236 lls, and rare cardiomyocytes originated from c-kit positive progenitors.
237     The authors previously reported that the c-kit-positive (c-kit(POS)) cells isolated from slowly a
238 eage-negative, stem cell antigen-1-positive, c-Kit-positive) cells were quantified and proliferation
239                                 Accordingly, c-kit positivity, in itself, does not define the embryon
240                                     Instead, c-kit predominantly labels a cardiac endothelial cell po
241  normal turnover, there is relatively sparse c-Kit(+) progenitor cell (ckPC) activity.
242                    It has been reported that c-kit(+) progenitor cells resident in the human lung reg
243 ere uniformly distributed in the BM, and all c-kit(+) progenitor cells were adjacent to Gr1(+) myeloi
244                                   The 22-mer c-kit promoter sequence folds into a parallel-stranded q
245 on of several cancer/testis antigens and the c-kit proto-oncogene throughout multiple recurrences.
246             Thus, "mechanical" activation of c-kit provides signaling, niche-anchorage, and synergies
247 vior of a G-rich sequence located within the c-KIT proximal promoter (kit2) in the presence of monova
248 (-) cells that showed cardiogenic potential, c-Kit(+)/PW1(+) cells were fibrogenic.
249       In contrast to the small proportion of c-Kit(+)/PW1(-) cells that showed cardiogenic potential,
250 he existing structures, demonstrate that the c-KIT quadruplex fold does not change with differing env
251       We used an antibody against the murine c-Kit receptor (ACK2) to deplete fetal host hematopoieti
252 disruption leads to a destabilization of the c-Kit receptor and decreased survival of cells.
253                   By targeting the mast cell c-Kit receptor and inhibiting mast cell activation and d
254 trong evidence that, during development, the c-kit receptor is expressed in different pools of cardia
255                                          The c-Kit receptor is regarded as one of the CSC markers in
256                                     Although c-Kit receptor signaling promotes angiogenesis in multip
257 CF) is a growth factor that acts through the c-Kit receptor tyrosine kinase to elicit hematopoietic p
258 n CRTh2(+)ILC2 differentially express CD117 (c-kit receptor), some ILC2 surface phenotypes are unstab
259      Stem cell factor (SCF), a ligand of the c-kit receptor, is a critical cytokine, which contribute
260  In cultured INS-1 cells and primary islets, c-Kit regulates VEGF-A expression via the Akt/mammalian
261 ell regulation (stem cell factor/c-Kit), and c-Kit rescued Samd14 loss-of-function phenotypes.
262 stration inhibited this activation of lin(-) c-kit(+) Sca-1(+) cells.
263 aused a remarkable increase in marrow lin(-) c-kit(+) Sca-1(+) cells.
264 tion supported the increase in marrow lin(-) c-kit(+) Sca-1(+) cells.
265 ulation of Sca-1 expression by marrow lin(-) c-kit(+) Sca-1(-) cells.
266 etic stem cells (CD150(+)/CD48(-)/Lineage(-)/c-kit(+)/Sca-1(+)) identified a large number of differen
267 FN-gamma treatment expanded bone marrow (BM) c-Kit(+)Sca1(+)Lin(-) (KSL) cell number but reduced BM K
268 actor (Gdnf) is highly expressed in Lin-CD24+c-Kit+Sca1+ stem cells.
269 ar gland, this specific population, Lin-CD24+c-Kit+Sca1+, possessed the highest capacity for prolifer
270                                    Purified (c-kit+/sca1+/lin-) HSCs were infused repeatedly into mic
271 ic T-cell response elicited by cryopreserved c-kit-selected hCPC.
272 ively regulates bone turnover, and disrupted c-Kit signaling couples increased bone resorption with b
273 the Akt/mTOR/VEGF-A pathway, indicating that c-Kit signaling in beta-cells is a required regulator fo
274 , when exposed to a long-term high-fat diet, c-Kit signaling in c-KitbetaTg mice induced substantial
275 t mutants suggest that even small changes in c-Kit signaling profoundly affect HSC function.
276                                 We show that c-KIT signaling regulates self-renewal capacity and prev
277       Samd14-Enh stimulated stem cell factor/c-Kit signaling, which promotes erythrocyte regeneration
278 ible wild-type females, indicating that both c-Kit signals and undefined male-specific factors are re
279  whether adherence to plastic alone, without c-kit sorting, was sufficient to isolate reparative CMCs
280 A-seq) in SSEA4(+) hSSCs and differentiating c-KIT(+) spermatogonia, and performed validation studies
281 T5 signaling axis and the composition of the c-Kit/STAT signalosome.
282                   However, the Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+) stem cell compartment in E14.5 FL was not affec
283 all attention to the clinical application of c-kit(+) stem cells as lung epithelial progenitors for t
284                                Inhibition of c-kit+ stem cell proliferation by inducing apoptosis exa
285 otic cell death of cardiac- and bone-derived c-kit+ stem cells in vitro and decreased the number of B
286  migrate into CCA tumor microenvironment via c-Kit/stem cell factor and increase tumor progression, a
287 tor cell-1 (HPC-1), HPC-2, and Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+) subpopulations.
288 d proepicardium) express different levels of c-kit, the cardiomyogenic potential of first heart field
289 onstrate a previously undescribed deficit in c-Kit(+) type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in W/W(v)
290                                              c-Kit tyrosine kinase receptor has been identified as a
291                      Ectopic introduction of c-Kit variants into a Dnmt3a-deficient background produc
292                                          The c-Kit W(sh) mutation increased osteoclast differentiatio
293                           WT, NK1R(-/-), and c-Kit(W-sh/W-sh) mice reconstituted with WT or NK1R(-/-)
294                                              c-Kit was expressed in both osteoclasts and osteoblasts,
295           Activating mutations in PDGF-R and c-kit were not found at baseline or at disease progressi
296 ogenitor cell percentages (Lineage(-)Sca-I(+)c-kit(+)) were also detected in the bone marrow.
297 ine differentiation; they did not develop in c-Kit(wsh/wsh) mice and were labeled with transplanted b
298 ase 1 (Tph1)-cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), c-Kit(wsh/wsh), and Neurog3Cre;ROSA(tdTom) mice by immun
299  restoring c-Kit expression in beta-cells of c-Kit(Wv/+) mice rescued islet vascular defects through
300            Juvenile mice with mutated c-Kit (c-Kit(Wv/+)) showed impaired islet vasculature and beta-

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