


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  UVB and TPA target genes were identified by cDNA cloning.
2 ae by multiple chromatographic steps, led to cDNA cloning.
3 ariants that were subsequently identified on cDNA cloning.
4  transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA cloning.
5 id sequence identical to that predicted from cDNA cloning.
6 ence of SERPINB12 in silico was confirmed by cDNA cloning.
7 tion of mRNA isolated from DC and subsequent cDNA cloning.
8 to homogeneity and fully characterized after cDNA cloning.
9 y structure of rabbit eIF2C is determined by cDNA cloning.
10 ikely an artifactual sequence created during cDNA cloning.
11  one of these genes (elk1) was determined by cDNA cloning.
12 RNA population and confirmed for accuracy by cDNA cloning.
13                                 By combining cDNA cloning, Affymetrix (Santa Clara, CA) genechips cov
14                              On the basis of cDNA cloning, all of the fish-hunting Conus analyzed yie
15 sing differential RNA selection, full-length cDNA cloning and 454 transcriptome sequencing of the ric
16 lyl cyclase messages have been identified by cDNA cloning and amplification from rat brain cDNA.
17                                              cDNA cloning and analysis of the anti-Ogawa antibodies S
18 l expression was determined using RT-PCR and cDNA cloning and biochemical and immunocytochemical meth
19              This observation has led to the cDNA cloning and characterization of a fourth SCD isofor
20                   We previously reported the cDNA cloning and characterization of a murine long chain
21                                We report the cDNA cloning and characterization of a novel GTP-binding
22                                We report the cDNA cloning and characterization of a novel human inosi
23                Here we report the expression cDNA cloning and characterization of GT3 synthase that a
24                      In this paper we report cDNA cloning and characterization of mDEAH9, an apparent
25                         This study describes cDNA cloning and characterization of mouse RALDH4.
26                         Here we describe the cDNA cloning and characterization of the 90-kDa subunit
27                        Herein, we report the cDNA cloning and characterization of the human orthologs
28                      We describe the cognate cDNA cloning and characterization of two subunits (hTFII
29              In this report, we describe the cDNA cloning and double-strand sequencing of the rat hom
30  was explored by using isolated cell RT-PCR, cDNA cloning and expression techniques.
31                                We report the cDNA cloning and functional characterization of human cy
32 un-based approach that led ultimately to the cDNA cloning and functional characterization of many of
33 diterpene synthase sequences for full-length cDNA cloning and functional characterization.
34                                              cDNA cloning and immunoblot analyses suggest that the AU
35                           We report here the cDNA cloning and initial biochemical characterization of
36                         We describe here the cDNA cloning and initial characterization of the IFN-gam
37 ed the expression of four of the isoforms by cDNA cloning and mass spectrometric analysis of proteins
38                                              cDNA cloning and Northern blot analyses revealed multipl
39                    The results obtained from cDNA cloning and Northern blot analysis of mRNA isolated
40                                              cDNA cloning and Northern blot hybridization demonstrate
41  fragments may have arisen in the process of cDNA cloning and not from splicing abnormalities.
42                                              cDNA cloning and nucleotide sequencing revealed that the
43                           Here we report the cDNA cloning and primary sequence for the Xenopus homolo
44 ene sequence for this EST was established by cDNA cloning and RACE procedures.
45 A3) was previously identified in rat lung by cDNA cloning and recently found to be expressed at a hig
46  receptors derived from the TrkB gene locus, cDNA cloning and reverse transcription-PCR analysis were
47                                              cDNA cloning and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) were used to i
48                                              cDNA cloning and RNase protection analysis showed two al
49 PFK) was sequenced by using a combination of cDNA cloning and RT-PCR amplification.
50 sition of the signal was examined further by cDNA cloning and sequence analysis of the residual mRNA
51 B), 22 (BCL8C), 2 (BCL8D), and 10 (BCL8E) by cDNA cloning and sequence analysis.
52                                              cDNA cloning and sequencing has shown that allurin is a
53                                We report the cDNA cloning and sequencing of IIM, which is only the se
54                                              cDNA cloning and sequencing, 5'-RACE-PCR analysis, and R
55 erica by fingerprinting assays and selective cDNA cloning and sequencing.
56 bitor of the 20 S proteasome, was deduced by cDNA cloning and sequencing.
57 logue of Drosophila TAFII150 through cognate cDNA cloning and show that it is a tightly associated co
58                 Here we present results from cDNA cloning and studies of its intracellular localizati
59              In this report, we describe the cDNA cloning and subcellular distribution of MAGI-1, a M
60 active human Alu elements were identified by cDNA cloning and used for primer extension analysis to c
61 e we report the isolation, characterization, cDNA cloning, and antimicrobial activities of a bovine P
62           Here we describe the purification, cDNA cloning, and characterization of a 56-kDa tyrosine
63 region were determined using bioinformatics, cDNA cloning, and RT-PCR.
64 tides followed by reverse transcription-PCR, cDNA cloning, and sequence analysis, we determined the 3
65 proteins, has been recently characterized by cDNA cloning, and the corresponding gene, PPL, has been
66 d myosin as determined using immunoblotting, cDNA cloning, and/or LC-MS/MS.
67                       Current strategies for cDNA cloning are based on construction of cDNA libraries
68 ated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25), deduced by cDNA cloning, are 61 and 55% identical, respectively, to
69                                              cDNA cloning as well as RT-PCR analysis of the LG1 mRNA
70 phodiesterases has recently been isolated by cDNA cloning, but a physiological function linked to the
71 dicates the versatility of PRIME display for cDNA cloning by automated procedures.
72                                 Furthermore, cDNA cloning by polymerase chain reaction yielded cDNAs
73                                        Using cDNA cloning, cell culture expression, and activity assa
74                   Northern blot analysis and cDNA cloning demonstrate that there is alternate process
75 es and performing reverse transcription-PCR, cDNA cloning, DNA sequencing, and in vitro translation,
76                                     Previous cDNA cloning efforts have identified a candidate rat bra
77 rging from large-scale genome sequencing and cDNA cloning efforts.
78                            This work reports cDNA cloning, enzymatic characterization, function in a
79 (XVI) collagen chain, recently identified by cDNA cloning, exhibits structural similarity to a subgro
80                                 We performed cDNA cloning experiments to identify the origin of the 3
81  results of these studies were used to guide cDNA cloning experiments.
82  we describe the identification, full-length cDNA cloning, expression patterns, and precise physical
83                       We describe herein the cDNA cloning, expression, and characterization of a hemo
84  transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA cloning/expression analyses.
85                   Northern blot analysis and cDNA cloning followed by sequencing showed the presence
86 results document the efficacy of subtractive cDNA cloning for the identification of unique genes expr
87                                              cDNA cloning from a mouse testis library identified the
88 b genes, Ssxb1 to Ssxb12, were identified by cDNA cloning from mouse testis and mouse tumors.
89      PRIME display can be used for host-free cDNA cloning from mRNA or cDNA libraries and for binding
90 I), and salmon GnRH (sGnRH) were isolated by cDNA cloning from the brain of the Atlantic croaker, Mic
91                                              cDNA cloning identified a 2733-bp transcript from AT6.1
92                                    Extensive cDNA cloning identified long and short forms of Xtrb2, t
93                Peptide sequence analysis and cDNA cloning indicate that a previously described mouse
94            Sequence information derived from cDNA cloning indicated that MKK6 is most closely related
95                                              cDNA cloning is a central technology in molecular biolog
96                                        Here, cDNA cloning is used to show that the amino acid sequenc
97                         We report homologous cDNA cloning methods that allow cloning of gene family m
98 rt here the identification, purification and cDNA cloning of a corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) b
99                          Here, we report the cDNA cloning of a murine long chain fatty acyl elongase
100       Here, we describe the purification and cDNA cloning of a novel 40 kDa endonuclease from Jurkat
101 t on the purification, characterization, and cDNA cloning of a novel UGAT involved in the biosynthesi
102          We report here the purification and cDNA cloning of Apaf-1, a novel 130 kd protein from HeLa
103                           Here we report the cDNA cloning of CAGR1, originally detected in a retinal
104                            We now report the cDNA cloning of CFEX, a mouse pendrin homolog with expre
105  here on purification, characterization, and cDNA cloning of cytosolic non-reversible glyceraldehyde-
106                 In this study, we report the cDNA cloning of human and murine FYB and show that it is
107                                              cDNA cloning of human TASR indicated that mouse and huma
108                                We report the cDNA cloning of human TonE binding protein (TonEBP), a t
109 ng acute rickettsemia was analyzed by use of cDNA cloning of hybrid-selected msp-2 mRNA.
110                                              cDNA cloning of p59 revealed a 452 amino acid sequence w
111                      We have now carried out cDNA cloning of rat p45.
112                      We have now carried out cDNA cloning of rat p58, p54, and p45.
113                                          The cDNA cloning of rat p62 was reported previously.
114  northern bobwhite myoglobin were deduced by cDNA cloning of the coding sequence from mRNA.
115                         We report herein the cDNA cloning of the human long-chain fatty acid-CoA liga
116                                   Subsequent cDNA cloning of the mouse and human enzyme demonstrated
117                            Here, we describe cDNA cloning of the murine alpha 8 subunit, purification
118                                              cDNA cloning of the P- preferential sequence revealed a
119                           Here we report the cDNA cloning of two distinct AHRs, designated FhAHR1 and
120                                              cDNA cloning revealed an open reading frame encoding a p
121                                          DGD cDNA cloning revealed extensive protein conservation wit
122                                              cDNA cloning revealed six SAS1B splice variants, each co
123                                              cDNA cloning revealed that this enzyme is the hamster eq
124 pe protein of duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV); cDNA cloning revealed the binding protein to be duck car
125  embryonic stages and in most adult tissues, cDNA cloning revealed the possibility of at least four s
126                                       Direct cDNA cloning showed that mouse DESC1 encodes a multidoma
127                                        Using cDNA cloning, single stranded conformation polymorphism
128  identify the RNA activators, we developed a cDNA cloning strategy based on stringent affinity of RNA
129                    We utilized an expression cDNA cloning strategy to identify oncogenes activated in
130                                A subtractive cDNA cloning strategy was used to isolate a 1381-base pa
131                          Using a subtractive cDNA cloning strategy, we isolated previously five novel
132  from lens epithelial cells by a subtractive cDNA cloning strategy.
133 use of a novel functional complementary DNA (cDNA) cloning strategy.
134 rther 5' than had been previously shown from cDNA cloning studies, and contains the sequence present
135 this strategy include (i) a highly efficient cDNA cloning system which negatively selects against non
136 he partial protein sequencing and subsequent cDNA cloning that glycoprotein 110, the last unidentifie
137 erm C as previously reported, and we show by cDNA cloning that human sperm also express a highly rela
138 A-1 and TIAR (mTIA-1 and mTIAR) deduced from cDNA cloning, the mRNA and protein tissue distribution o
139       In this paper, we utilized genomic and cDNA cloning to elucidate the sequence of the 5'-region
140  of the antigen was discovered by expression cDNA cloning using this monoclonal antibody.
141                                              cDNA cloning, using a mouse retina library or RT-PCR fro
142                                            A cDNA cloning vector which carries a modified invertase g
143                     Using bioinformatics and cDNA cloning, we found 15 new miRNA genes in C. elegans.
144 mparative genomic DNA sequence analysis, and cDNA cloning, we found that the mouse clade B cluster at
145 ption-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and cDNA cloning were conducted by conventional procedures.

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