


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lot hybridization with a human green pigment cDNA probe.
2  situ hybridization with a BCV nucleoprotein cDNA probe.
3 n observed with a full-length 14-3-3 epsilon cDNA probe.
4 determined by Southern blot analysis using a cDNA probe.
5  guinea pig tissues was hybridized to a GP1G cDNA probe.
6 omic library with a radiolabeled mouse KOR-3 cDNA probe.
7  that hybridized to the full-length alphaIIb cDNA probe.
8  DNA cosmid library using a mouse epimorphin cDNA probe.
9  two genomic fragments hybridized to the GS2 cDNA probe.
10  than was achieved with a radiolabeled total cDNA probe.
11  BM stroma or mononuclear cells with an NK-1 cDNA probe.
12 sing a canine H(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit cDNA probe.
13 l cDNA library was screened with a human CRX cDNA probe.
14 rary was screened with a rat lens connexin46 cDNA probe.
15 ble signal after hybridization with the mPNR cDNA probe.
16 guard cell RNA to that from a mesophyll cell cDNA probe.
17 enriched, nonautonomous adult SMC-subtracted cDNA probe.
18 an can be achieved with a radiolabeled total cDNA probe.
19 A1 or Rhs 1AP hybridizes with an M2-specific cDNA probe.
20  by in situ hybridization with an axolotl C3 cDNA probe.
21 A library was screened with human beta ig-h3 cDNA probe.
22 floating tissue sections using (35)S-labeled cDNA probes.
23 nd rat brain cDNA libraries using homologous cDNA probes.
24 et of cDNA microarrays containing 6500 mouse cDNA probes.
25 ene-specific RNA signals were detected using cDNA probes.
26 ealing corneas and was used for synthesis of cDNA probes.
27 mbryonic SMC-specific and adult SMC-specific cDNA probes.
28 A was extracted and used to generate labeled cDNA probes.
29 red by northern blot analysis using specific cDNA probes.
30 er or with hybridization patterns from total cDNA probes.
31 man genomic PDGF B-chain (c-sis) and A-chain cDNA probes.
32 y Northern blot hybridization using specific cDNA probes.
33                                      Using a cDNA probe (400 bp) that encodes the N-terminal amino ac
34 of the oxytocin gene was measured using a 3H-cDNA probe against intron 1 for in situ hybridisation.
35 idirectional blot analysis using SMART total cDNA probes allows direct evaluation of differential dis
36             Using a cloned canine beta(3)-AR cDNA probe and myocyte poly A(+) RNA, we detected a sing
37 d RSMN was accomplished using betaII-tubulin cDNA probes and quantitative in situ hybridization (ISH)
38                                          Rat cDNA probes and specific sequence probes for all three G
39 s screened with a radioactively labeled CAR1 cDNA probe, and clones that hybridized with the probe we
40  mRNA levels were measured using a rat reg I cDNA probe, and reg I protein levels assayed by enzyme-l
41 riction mapping, Southern hybridization with cDNA probes, and sequence analysis.
42 nomic clone 2, with fragments hybridizing to cDNA probes approximating gliadin domains I, II+IV, V an
43 RV RNA was detectable using a biotin-labeled cDNA probe as early as 6 h after inoculation.
44 d with colabeled (Cy3 and biotin) human lung cDNA probes at concentrations ranging from 8.3 ng/microL
45 epared anti-peptide antibodies and amplified cDNA probes based on the cDNA sequence for human GCS in
46 imer combined with indirect labeling method, cDNA probes can be prepared with much less total RNA (5
47                         Using antibodies and cDNA probes, cells were characterized in situ and after
48 ed by Southern analysis with the 32P-labeled cDNA probe coding for the entire span of the IL-2Rbeta c
49 med using additional antisense cRNA or oligo-cDNA probes complementary to different regions of OGT mR
50 ss-hybridization to radioactive Fas and FasL cDNA probes confirmed the specificity of amplification.
51  and 3.2 kb mRNA species that hybridize to a cDNA probe consisting of contiguous exons 23-26.
52 nique, and cDNAs that did not hybridize with cDNA probes constructed from the RNA of nondiapausing pu
53 d progenitor 32D cell library using a 1.1 kb cDNA probe containing the entire human A6 open reading f
54  poly(A)+ RNA probed with a 630 bp 5' hPepT1 cDNA probe, correspond to the reported band pattern seen
55 lonal antibody specific for the enzyme and a cDNA probe demonstrated that the enzyme was primarily lo
56    Northern analysis of lung RNA using CYP2J cDNA probes demonstrated that CYP2J2 and CYP2J3 mRNAs we
57                     Northern blotting with a cDNA probe derived from this band confirmed the presence
58  gonad differentiation, by comparing complex cDNA probes derived from male and female gonadal tissue
59  or high-density array), and subtracted with cDNA probes derived from mature lineage cells including
60                 Northern blot analyses using cDNA probes designed from LChCoT cDNA sequences revealed
61 hese fragments in which the radiolabeled EPO cDNA probe did not overlap with the primer sequences.
62             Northern blots hybridized with a cDNA probe directed against ntcp indicated a modest TC-i
63 sing a betaII-tubulin-specific (33)P-labeled cDNA probe, emulsion autoradiography, and computerized i
64 , cells hybridized with digoxygenine-labeled cDNA probes encoding rat alpha2(I) or alpha1(XII) collag
65                                              cDNA probes encoding the lipophilins AL, AL2, BL, and CL
66 hybridization of DNA, using a human-specific cDNA probe, established the human identity of the tumor
67 microarrays utilize diffusion of dye-labeled cDNA probes followed by sequence-specific hybridization
68                                      Using a cDNA probe for a small soybean arginase gene family, no
69 ed from myocardial samples and probed with a cDNA probe for canine MCP-1.
70 demonstrated hybridization of a radiolabeled cDNA probe for CD59 to genomic DNA and RNA, respectively
71  Northern blot analyses using a radiolabeled cDNA probe for human SP-A demonstrated that SNAP modestl
72 body for immunohistochemistry and a specific cDNA probe for in situ hybridization.
73  blot analysis of these 26 tumor DNAs with a cDNA probe for TGFA, mapped to 2p13, indicated lack of c
74 thern blot analysis of this tumor DNA with a cDNA probe for the proto-oncogene REL, previously mapped
75 mbda ZAP II using a homologous PCR-generated cDNA probe for the V-ATPase c subunit.
76 rates the power of utilizing conserved human cDNA probes for cross-species comparisons.
77  receptor were used in functional assays and cDNA probes for different sybtypes of adenosine receptor
78 alustris, we have prepared sequence-specific cDNA probes for each of three family members, Lhcb1*Pp1,
79 cell polymerase chain reaction products with cDNA probes for G protein subunits Gbeta1 to 5 showed th
80 were screened by Northern blot analysis with cDNA probes for PEDF.
81                                      We used cDNA probes for the Etfdh, Etfb, and Etfa genes to deter
82 expressing species that hybridizes with a Mb cDNA probe from the closely related red-blooded Antarcti
83  C. albicans genomic DNA by screening with a cDNA probe from the transmembrane domain of human alpha
84 1,405 of the 4,146 cDNAs were detected using cDNA probes from poly(A)(+) RNA of IB4 LCLs, a non-EBV-i
85                                (33)P-labeled cDNA probes from pooled ganglia harvested at 30 days pos
86        More importantly, we demonstrate that cDNA probes generated from amplified RNA are representat
87 ridized with 30 pairs of fluorescent-labeled cDNA probes generated from breast tumors and normal tiss
88                                              cDNA probes generated from host RNA samples were hybridi
89                                              cDNA probes generated from these fractions were used to
90 analysis with the same probes and with mixed cDNA probes generated from young (2-3 years) and old (27
91 y on nylon membranes and screened with mixed cDNA probes generated from young (4-year-old) and old (8
92                                     Sciellin cDNA probes hybridize to bands of 3.4 and 4.4 kilobase p
93                                   An AnkG119 cDNA probe hybridized to a 6.0-kb message in human and r
94                                     AD7c-NTP cDNA probes hybridized with 1.4 kB mRNA transcripts by N
95    Northern-blot analysis indicated that the cDNA probe hybridizes to a message of about 4 kb.
96                     Northern analysis with a cDNA probe identified 2.5kb and 5.0kb transcript sizes.
97                             An APEG-1 5'-end cDNA probe identified three additional isoforms.
98                                  Using human cDNA probes in combination with FISH analysis, we locali
99  beta 2AR mRNA using full-length and partial cDNA probes indicate that a major 2.2 kb and a minor 1.6
100   Southern analysis using an exon 2 specific cDNA probe indicated the presence of multiple copies of
101 toxicological responses (represented by 2200 cDNA probes) is complemented with probes specifically ma
102                    Subcloned genomic DNA and cDNA probes isolated by hybrid capture from these YACs w
103                     Using this sequence as a cDNA probe, it was determined that CAT-2 mRNA, iNOS mRNA
104            Fluorescently (cyanine 5) labeled cDNA probes, made individually from mRNA samples of nine
105  cDNA libraries were screened with antisense cDNA probes obtained from mRNA isolated from astrocytoma
106 lized on a contig of the physical map with a cDNA probe of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) chromopl
107 ings demonstrate the principle that specific cDNA probes of frequently differentially expressed mRNA
108                       Using isoform-specific cDNA probes, only the PK-G I alpha was detected in SMC,
109            Genomic Southern blots using this cDNA probe or a cHO-1 5' specific probe showed that cHO-
110                                      Using a cDNA probe prepared from poly(A)+ RNA extracted from SVV
111                 Northern blot analysis using cDNA probes recognizing different regions of the WRS mRN
112  specificity of the connexin 43 antibody and cDNA probe, respectively.
113 n blot analysis using bovine, rat, and mouse cDNA probes, respectively.
114 on experiments with several different SIGNR1 cDNA probes reveal transcripts of 1.3 and 2.1 kb that ar
115    Northern blot analysis with the TCR gamma cDNA probe revealed 1.9-kb transcripts in the thymus, sp
116     Northern blotting analysis using an Mta1 cDNA probe revealed a prevalent 3 kb hybridization signa
117 Northern blot analysis using a KCC2-specific cDNA probe revealed a very highly expressed approximatel
118 tion using a digoxigenin labeled transferrin cDNA probe revealed that the gene is located at position
119 ocentrotus purpuratus with a human COUP-TF I cDNA probe revealed the presence of a novel gene member
120        Northern blot analysis with the human cDNA probe revealed two transcripts in several human cel
121 p II rat liver PLA2-specific oligonucleotide cDNA probes revealed a 0.9 kb transcript whose abundance
122 nes using wild-type and brn-3b (-/-) retinal cDNA probes revealed a potential regulatory linkage betw
123           Northern blots hybridized with the cDNA probes revealed multiple forms of RNA as well as in
124          Northern blots using L- and M-CPT I cDNA probes revealed the presence of L-CPT I mRNA in liv
125                           Using a rat S100A1 cDNA probe, S100A1 expression has been documented in rat
126  blots with [alpha32P]dCTP-labeled synthetic cDNA probes specific for rat MT isoform mRNAs.
127 blots with [alpha-32P]dCTP-labeled synthetic cDNA probes specific for rat MT isoform mRNAs.
128 blots with [alpha-32P]dCTP labeled synthetic cDNA probes specific for rat MT-I and MT-II mRNA.
129 xamer rather than 3' ORF-specific priming of cDNA probe synthesis is required for accurate measuremen
130 omparing the hybridization of a radiolabeled cDNA probe synthesized from guard cell RNA to that from
131 ller cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) cDNA probes than do either humans or common chimpanzees.
132 S1 nuclease analysis of placental RNA with a cDNA probe that included the 3' end of the apo A-I cDNA
133 ltiple RNA bands were detected with the CD39 cDNA probe that most probably represent different splici
134 hern blots using a full-length hamster MT-II cDNA probe that recognizes both MT-I and MT-II RNA showe
135 idized with [35S]-labeled, 48-base synthetic cDNA probes that were complementary to either SP or NKB
136                  By using the cloned 5-HT2cR cDNA probe, the complete human gene for this receptor ha
137                Using a partial mouse eotaxin CDNA probe, the human eotaxin gene was cloned and found
138                    Using the rat Y5 receptor cDNA probe, the human homologue was obtained by low stri
139                       Hybridization of a GLP cDNA probe to a zoo blot demonstrated multiple signals i
140                               We used a Ror1 cDNA probe to screen a cDNA library prepared from the hu
141  were determined for the reaction of complex cDNA probes to cDNA libraries carried on six nylon filte
142 ted to northern blot analysis analyses using cDNA probes to chicken gelatinase A and TIMP-2.
143      We used isoform-specific antibodies and cDNA probes to investigate the molecular forms, developm
144 as assayed for steady state mRNA levels with cDNA probes to MHC isoforms and SR Ca(2+)-cycling protei
145  different pineal cells, used antibodies and cDNA probes to screen for the presence of connexins, and
146 l retinas were used to generate radiolabeled cDNA probes to screen gridded membrane arrays of 205 apo
147                                      Using a cDNA probe, two genomic clones were obtained encoding th
148 ng a (32)P-labeled human glutaredoxin (Grx1) cDNA probe under non-stringent conditions.
149 xide synthase mRNA detected using the murine cDNA probe was absent or negligible in the heart, lung,
150 ess tissue-specific expression, a labeled Y2 cDNA probe was hybridized to RNA blots of male and femal
151        In situ hybridization with anti-sense cDNA probes was used to test for expression of neuronal
152                        Using a human nebulin cDNA probe, we isolated three nebulin cDNA clones from a
153  blotting and hybridization to exon-specific cDNA probes, we investigated the expression of CD44 isof
154                      33P-labeled exponential cDNA probes were hybridized to mouse cDNA nylon arrays.
155 rypt library by hybridization to human IKCa1 cDNA probes were isolated, and DNA sequence analysis sho
156 3- and Cy5-labeled (and reverse dye-labeled) cDNA probes were synthesized from individual diseased or
157                                     Rat GPC1 cDNA probes were used to screen rat genomic libraries.
158                           Complementary DNA (cDNA) probes were made from messenger RNAs of HeLa cells
159 grity for the synthesis of labeled amplified cDNA probes which can then be hybridized to these membra
160 strated by in situ hybridization using a uPA-cDNA probe, which detected the presence of uPA-mRNA in b
161 DNA fragments complementary to alpha-tubulin cDNA probes, which suggests that the alpha-tubulins of t

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