


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              cRNA generated from PC-enriched (PC(+)) and PC-depleted
2                                              cRNA was synthesized from cellular RNA and hybridized to
3                                              cRNAs encoding full-length Mst1, and N- and C-terminal c
4         Xenopus oocytes injected with hIFC-1 cRNA show induced folate uptake that was (1) saturable w
5 on of these mutant cRNAs and wild type Kv1.1 cRNA into Xenopus oocytes exerted a potent dominant nega
6 -1alpha/cav-1beta) zebrafish and human cav-1 cRNAs, revealing nonredundant and evolutionarily conserv
7 amma(2) (gamma(2)-N' with 837 bp) and rho(1) cRNAs were coinjected in Xenopus oocytes.
8 R1(100)+NR2A cRNAs as compared with NR1(100) cRNA alone, there is little or no effect of the NR2A sub
9             Co-injection of CFTR and Kir1.1a cRNA into Xenopus oocytes lead to the expression of K+ s
10 s ruled out by comparing MBDs with alpha(1C)-cRNA alone (4.7 +/- 0.1 ms) with beta(3xo) (14.3 +/- 1.1
11  we coinjected wild-type or mutant Kv beta 2 cRNAs and Kv1.4 cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
12  same manner as KCNQ1+KCNEx (where x=1 or 2) cRNA coinjection.
13  beta, gamma subunits) with syntaxin 1A or 3 cRNAs in Xenopus oocytes.
14 tive site; no information is available on 3' cRNA binding.
15 ved upon hybridization of radiolabeled (35S) cRNA probes to thin sections of reproductive tissues (ma
16 ild-type or mutant Kv beta 2 cRNAs and Kv1.4 cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
17 t was induced by injection of Cx50 or Cx45.6 cRNA.
18  potentials, was observed in (Cx56 + Cx45.6) cRNA-injected oocytes compared with Cx56 cRNA-injected o
19  paired Xenopus oocytes injected with Cx31.9 cRNA, demonstrated junctional currents indicative of gap
20                                            A cRNA probe identifying both mRNAs showed that the transc
21 ly specific affinity-purified antibody and a cRNA probe to generate a detailed mapping of BDNF immuno
22 milar "dose" dependence: they plateaued at a cRNA ratio (MiRP1:Kv4.2) of 13:1, with half-maximum effe
23  non-concatenated receptors expressed from a cRNA ratio of 1:1:5 coding for alpha4, beta2, and delta
24 s and embryo development by microinjecting a cRNA that encodes a constitutively active (Ca(2+)-indepe
25         After injecting oocytes with NBCe1-A cRNA (Day 0), we measured NBC current (I(NBC)) by two-el
26 ction of a mutated or deleted residue 1 of a cRNA chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construc
27     We demonstrated that overexpression of a cRNA encoding a truncated potassium channel polypeptide
28 staining, while coinjection of transferrin-a cRNA partially restored these defects.
29 n situ hybridization histochemistry, using a cRNA probe coding for the NMDAR1 receptor subunit, revea
30 ith in situ hybridization techniques using a cRNA probe to the exon encoding mature rat BDNF protein.
31 0.2% current reduction at -140 mV for WT:AAA cRNA ratios of 4:1, 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, and 1:2, respectively
32                                        After cRNA injection of K(+)-transporter genes into Xenopus oo
33     However, a similar dataset, in which all cRNA identities and relative levels are known prospectiv
34  whereas introduction of antisense G(q)alpha cRNA reduced the response by 7-fold.
35 s; and (iii) coinjection of mammalian alpha1 cRNA with cRNA encoding either of the two Xenopus beta s
36 at arise after injection of mammalian alpha1 cRNAs (alpha(1C) and alpha(1E)); (ii) coinjection of a X
37                                    Amplified cRNA probes mixed with a universal standard were hybridi
38                                    Amplified cRNA was analyzed using 22,000-gene microarrays (Agilent
39 entified by microarray analysis of amplified cRNA from SPEM, and surface mucous cells were isolated b
40  subcloned into the vector, pcDNA3.1(-), and cRNA transcribed from the BCIRK1 cDNA clone was injected
41                         Using antibodies and cRNA probes specific for alpha1A channels, we found that
42 icroorganisms.We also demonstrated cDNA- and cRNA-labeling and fragmentation with this method.
43  based on expression of neuronal markers and cRNA microarray analyses.
44  oocytes with guard cell protoplast mRNA and cRNA for KAT1, an inward K(+) channel expressed in guard
45               cDNA (three new data sets) and cRNA hybridization (four existing data sets) data were c
46 , the RNAP-bound 3' termini of both vRNA and cRNA exist in two conformations, corresponding to the pr
47 found in virions or the NA-specific vRNA and cRNA levels in infected cells.
48  binding domain located on both the vRNA and cRNA strands, is this RNA bound when double or single st
49 well as 3' deletion mutants of both vRNA and cRNA, nonviral RNA, and hybrid viral/nonviral RNA, were
50 ion was confirmed using additional antisense cRNA or oligo-cDNA probes complementary to different reg
51              35S-Labeled sense and antisense cRNA that recognizes rat CD44 standard form was used as
52 y with a digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled antisense cRNA probe.
53                                    Antisense cRNAs for ex5 hybridized with mRNAs in cell bodies, wher
54          After digoxigenin-labeled antisense cRNAs had been transcribed from hybridization-positive c
55            IRP binding is abrogated when APP cRNA probe is mutated in the core IRE domain (Delta4 bas
56           In Xenopus oocytes expressing AQP2 cRNAs, single-channel water permeabilities of mutants L2
57 cytes microinjected with either AQP7 or AQP9 cRNA exhibited increased transport of (73)As(III).
58 y of Xenopus oocytes injected with aquaporin cRNA by measuring the rate of swelling in hypotonic solu
59         Oocytes injected with wild-type AQY1 cRNAs exhibit high Pf values, whereas oocytes injected w
60 f values, whereas oocytes injected with AQY1 cRNAs from laboratory strains exhibit low Pf values and
61 ments (vRNAs) through intermediates known as cRNAs.
62                       We used antisense (AS) cRNA to test the contribution of xKv3.1 to the maturatio
63 r each DNA microarray project and associated cRNA target information are stored in a MySQL relational
64  of oocytes injected with NtCBP4 and AtCNGC1 cRNAs induced inward rectified, noninactivating K(+) cur
65 Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with AtCNGC2 cRNA demonstrate cyclic-nucleotide-dependent, inward-rec
66 ane patches of oocytes injected with AtCNGC2 cRNA.
67 xpressed, and approximately 3600 background, cRNAs.
68 ntisense oligonucleotide and excess rat beta cRNA rescued expression of alpha1 Ca2+ channel currents;
69 ly is restored by coinjection of human beta4 cRNA or, surprisingly, by mutant cRNA encoding beta4 sub
70 ified, reverse transcribed, and biotinylated cRNA hybridized to the human high-density oligonucleotid
71 s isolated and used to generate biotinylated cRNA for hybridization to a custom 1,600-rat gene DNA mi
72       To this end, we generated biotinylated cRNA pools from livers of Plg(o) mice and controls befor
73       To this end, we generated biotinylated cRNA probes from livers of age-matched infants with the
74           We generated pools of biotinylated cRNA from livers of 14 infants with biliary atresia and
75 t aquaporin-1 is a specific water channel by cRNA expression studies in Xenopus oocytes and by functi
76 al characteristics of receptors expressed by cRNA or native retina mRNAs.
77 ed to 5 microM 5-aza-dC for 96 h followed by cRNA hybridization to an oligonucleotide microarray (Aff
78 n transporters (SERTs) in Xenopus oocytes by cRNA injection and measure 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) tr
79 wt) and mutant alpharENaCs were performed by cRNA expression in Xenopus oocytes and by reconstitution
80 te plasma membrane increased 2-fold after C5-cRNA injection compared with noninjected oocytes.
81       In Xenopus oocytes, microinjected Calx cRNA induces calcium uptake like that of its homolog, th
82 activity and activated with either CA-CaMKII cRNA or by SrCl(2), similar rates and incidence of devel
83             In oocyte injection assays, CAT3 cRNA exhibited a saturable, sodium ion-independent trans
84 neurons that had been microinjected with CB1 cRNA.
85 was also frequently observed when K+ channel cRNA was injected at the equator.
86 ymerase structure with a bound complementary cRNA 5' end that exhibits a major rearrangement of the s
87 ual amounts of mutant and wild-type connexin cRNA, mimicking the heterozygous condition.
88 beling; the other was added to the copyRNAs (cRNAs) before hybridization.
89     Gene expression in each diabetic corneal cRNA was assessed against pooled cRNA from 7 to 9 normal
90 enomic RNA (vRNA), but not the corresponding cRNA or mRNA, were specifically reduced by the inhibitor
91 nt capacitance change with pure forms of CRP/cRNA while responses reduced considerably in presence of
92                            At a critical CRP:cRNA ratio of 2:1, the capacitance response was dramatic
93 muM) in pure forms, but low affinity for CRP:cRNA ratio of 2:1 (K(d)=8.58 muM).
94 A) strands in pure form and co-mixtures (CRP:cRNA=0:1, 1:0, 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1).
95 nses reduced considerably in presence of CRP:cRNA in co-mixtures (1:1 and 1:2) because of the binding
96 ne uptake is significantly increased in Cx38 cRNA-injected oocytes in the absence of external calcium
97                            Injection of Cx38 cRNA or Cx38 antisense oligonucleotides (to increase or
98 ocytes injected with similar amounts of CX50 cRNA.
99                            Injection of Cx56 cRNA induced a slowly activating, nonselective cation cu
100 .6) cRNA-injected oocytes compared with Cx56 cRNA-injected oocytes.
101      In contrast, oocytes injected with D47A cRNA did not form gap junctional channels when paired ho
102 ally active mRNAs and of replicating diverse cRNA or vRNA templates at levels compatible with viral i
103 in Xenopus oocytes injected with human EAAT1 cRNA.
104 ting ENaC activity, we co-expressed rat ENaC cRNA (alpha, beta, gamma subunits) with syntaxin 1A or 3
105 13:1, with half-maximum effects at estimated cRNA ratios of 2 to 4.
106  untreated rats, ciliary neurotrophic factor cRNA labeling density was high in the olfactory nerve, p
107 immobilized aptamers had strong affinity for cRNA (K(d)=1.98 muM) and CRP molecules (K(d)=2.4 muM) in
108                    Transcript abundance from cRNA hybridizations to Affymetrix microarrays can be use
109       To investigate its transport function, cRNA encoding GmN70 was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocy
110  transcripts such as PAN RNA and beta-globin cRNA exhibit two-component exponential decay kinetics in
111 current as much as 10-fold depending on HERG cRNA concentration.
112 tudy, we utilized both in vivo (heterologous cRNA expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes) and in vitro
113 th calcium-ionomycin, ionomycin, or hPLCzeta cRNA microinjection.
114 nized by the additional coinjection of Hsc70 cRNA in a concentration-dependent fashion.
115  whereas a higher amount of coinjected Hsp70 cRNA (30 ng) decreased mENaC functional and surface expr
116 t, coinjection of a moderate amount of Hsp70 cRNA (10 ng) increased the functional and surface expres
117 xpression with coinjection of 10 ng of Hsp70 cRNA was antagonized by the additional coinjection of Hs
118 amide response in oocytes expressing HtFaNaC cRNA.
119                           Radiolabeled human cRNA probes were used to map the distribution of the two
120 xamined using transfected fibroblasts and in cRNA-injected voltage-clamped Xenopus oocytes, show that
121 ion was analyzed by a biotinylation assay in cRNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes.
122 urrents and choline transport are evident in cRNA-injected oocytes and significantly enhanced by the
123              EAAC1 modulation was studied in cRNA-injected Xenopus oocytes by measuring [3H]L-glutama
124 case, including the ability (i). to initiate cRNA synthesis de novo on both plus- and minus-stranded
125 bi-ionic conditions depended on the injected cRNA concentration.
126 on of Ih in the pyloric network, we injected cRNA of PAIH, a lobster gene that encodes Ih, into rhyth
127  uses different initiation strategies on its cRNA and vRNA promoters.
128 single-strand genomic RNA (viral RNA) or its cRNA.
129  a chromosome 17 library with a specific K13 cRNA probe.
130 tes co-injected with mesophyll mRNA and KAT1 cRNA produced I(Kin) that was not inhibited by ABA.
131 om cardiac myocytes was probed with a 2.5-kb cRNA transcribed with T7 RNA polymerase from the clone N
132                        Deletions at the 3' L cRNA and 5' L vRNA termini were also observed, and the p
133 letions at the 5' termini of the S, M, and L cRNAs suggests that the 3'-deleted vRNAs may not be repl
134 over water control, while expression of L22V cRNA increased the Pf to approximately 60% of that for w
135                                      Labeled cRNA derived from TG-isolated total RNA was hybridized t
136 ng in situ hybridization with an 35S-labeled cRNA probe.
137 situ hybridization was used with 35S-labeled cRNA probes for the different ionotropic receptor subuni
138 yes were cut and hybridized with 35S-labeled cRNA probes specific for the glucocorticoid receptor, mi
139                  The purified biotin-labeled cRNA samples were hybridized to microarray chips (GeneCh
140  vitro transcribed to produce biotin-labeled cRNA.
141 a high-sensitivity digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled cRNA in situ hybridization protocol to determine the exp
142 o high-sensitivity digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled cRNA in situ hybridization to determine the expression o
143 A for Northern blots and digoxigenin-labeled cRNA for in situ hybridization.
144 situ hybridization using digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probes and an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-
145 he present study we used digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probes for the vesicular glutamate transporters, VG
146 with a catalytic subunit digoxigenin-labeled cRNA was performed on embryonic day 20 and newborn kidne
147 ed with radiolabeled and digoxygenin-labeled cRNA probes for alpha-synuclein, parkin, and UCH-L1 mRNA
148 situ hybridization with isotopically labeled cRNA probes showed that trkB and trkC mRNAs were express
149 reverse transcription, generation of labeled cRNA (target) through in vitro transcription, and hybrid
150 specific and non-specific binding of labeled cRNA to surface-bound oligonucleotides on microarrays.
151                        The resultant labeled cRNA from TG isolated total RNA was hybridized to gene m
152 echnique using digoxigenin and (35)S-labeled cRNA probes to analyze, in detail, the expression of ER
153 u hybridization using specific (35)S-labeled cRNA probes.
154 replicate hybridizations of a single labeled cRNA target from three distinct experimental paradigms,
155                                      Labeled cRNAs were hybridized with U95Av2 GeneChips (Affymetrix)
156 ng in situ hybridization with [33P] labelled cRNA probe specific for the long form of the receptor mR
157                          Expression of LdNT2 cRNA in Xenopus oocytes significantly augmented their ab
158 ybridization was performed using full-length cRNA probes labeled with 35S-UTP.
159 idization was performed by using full-length cRNA probes labeled with 35S-UTP.
160                         Expression of LmPOT1 cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed LmPOT1 to be a h
161 nal expression of ENaC, alphabetagamma mENaC cRNAs were coinjected into Xenopus oocytes with Apx sens
162                          Expression of mNBC3 cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrated that the pro
163 , to the terminal residues of both the model cRNA and vRNA promoters.
164 ted pppApG synthesis internally on the model cRNA promoter, whereas it initiated pppApG synthesis ter
165 t current requires approximately 5-fold more cRNA to elicit a half-maximal response.
166 e sequences were hybridized to labeled mouse cRNA producing highly concordant data (average R(2) = 0.
167 n injection of increasing amounts of M(2)-MR cRNA.
168 human beta4 cRNA or, surprisingly, by mutant cRNA encoding beta4 subunits incapable of binding to Ca(
169 nd water transports on the amounts of mutant cRNA injected was identical exponential buildups (k = 19
170 ter injection of the gamma(2) subunit mutant cRNA containing a N-terminal fragment, GABA-induced rho(
171                   Co-injection of the mutant cRNAs with the wild-type cRNA did not affect the functio
172                 Co-injection of these mutant cRNAs and wild type Kv1.1 cRNA into Xenopus oocytes exer
173 this hypothesis in oocytes injected with NCC cRNA with or without WNK4 cRNA.
174 idization histochemistry (ISHH) with a novel cRNA probe.
175 rvical spinal cords by using ISHH with novel cRNA probes specific for the mRNA encoding functional GH
176 ed two-fold by co-injection of NR1(100)+NR2A cRNAs as compared with NR1(100) cRNA alone, there is lit
177                                The amount of cRNA and viral RNA increased to that observed for untrea
178 both increase sigmoidally with the amount of cRNA injected, but current requires approximately 5-fold
179 s induced by oocytes with similar amounts of cRNA for Cx56.
180 this study can accelerate the association of cRNA molecules, can stimulate strand displacement, and c
181  added a fixed poly(A) tail to the 3' end of cRNA.
182                                Expression of cRNA encoding K(V)1.6 in Xenopus oocytes also generated
183                             Hybridization of cRNA probes for trkB or trkC showed a time-dependent red
184 lymerase and establish whether initiation of cRNA and viral RNA (vRNA) differed.
185  of CLC-0 can be achieved by co-injection of cRNA encoding the transmembrane domain along with Escher
186 n showed a slight reduction in the levels of cRNA, viral RNA, and mRNA populations on the first day p
187  channels due to localized microinjection of cRNA, a naturally polarized (animal/vegetal side) distri
188        In oocytes microinjected with 5 ng of cRNA, average Pf values (in cm/s x 10(-3)) were 0.67 +/-
189 r to be expressed mostly around the point of cRNA injection when injected either into the animal or v
190            Moreover, the apparent potency of cRNA for transport depends on 5-HT concentration.
191 tem that catalyzes the unprimed synthesis of cRNA and vRNA using 50-nucleotide-long RNA templates.
192 s not required for the unprimed synthesis of cRNA and vRNA.
193                               Broad zones of cRNA hybridization in the mitral cell layer became incre
194                     Lastly, co-expression of cRNAs encoding residues 1-361 and 362-647 of mouse PLCze
195                             The synthesis of cRNAs and vRNAs is initiated without a primer, in contra
196                       Using a Xenopus oocyte cRNA expression system, we have evaluated the molecular
197 ration, were hybridized with blue cone opsin cRNA for quantitative analysis of the blue cone pattern.
198  Xenopus oocytes injected with Limulus opsin cRNA did not evoke light-sensitive currents after incuba
199 d Limulus rhodopsin expressed from a cDNA or cRNA from these systems.
200 atic conversion of mRNA into labeled cDNA or cRNA.
201 infection due to increased levels of mRNA or cRNA species.
202 ected by expression of dominant negative p85 cRNA.
203 nopus laevis oocytes microinjected with PCFT cRNA, uptake of 2, like that of Pmx, was electrogenic.
204          Xenopus oocytes injected with pCLC5 cRNA exhibited outwardly rectifying whole cell currents
205 opus laevis oocytes by microinjection of PDS cRNA or in Sf9 cells following infection with PDS-recomb
206 xpressing PLCbeta1 by microinjecting a Plcb1 cRNA significantly perturbed the duration and frequency
207 njected with either wild-type or mutant pNCT cRNA, indicating that the enhanced taurine transport act
208 tic corneal cRNA was assessed against pooled cRNA from 7 to 9 normal corneas.
209 ains were sectioned and hybridized with a PR cRNA probe.
210 ybridization histochemistry with radioactive cRNA probes was used to study patterns of gene expressio
211        In situ hybridization using an R-Ras3 cRNA probe revealed high levels of R-Ras3 transcripts in
212 ction of oocytes injected with TrkA receptor cRNA, but not in uninjected or mock-injected oocytes.
213 responding residue in NET, and the resulting cRNA were expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
214  genomic RNA (vRNA) and the antigenomic RNA (cRNA), but not viral mRNA.
215  3' terminus, producing a complementary RNA (cRNA) intermediate, which serves as a template for the s
216               Radioactive complementary RNA (cRNA) probes were prepared from cDNAs specific for alpha
217 tive binding with CRP and complementary RNA (cRNA) strands in pure form and co-mixtures (CRP:cRNA=0:1
218 NA polymerase to generate complementary RNA (cRNA), which then was used to hybridize Affymetrix GeneC
219  positive-strand influenza virus genome RNA (cRNA) and influenza virus gRNA were drastically suppress
220  of in vitro transcribed complementary RNAs (cRNAs) into Xenopus oocytes.
221 of vRNAs and virus complementary-sense RNAs (cRNAs) began to decline.
222 anner dependent on the amount of R482T/S187T cRNA added, consistent with the idea that the active for
223 eplicate GeneChips (hybridized with the same cRNA), we found that 95.6% of data points lie within the
224 ttachment, that could be restored by securin cRNA rescue.
225 rring, we cloned and sequenced the S-segment cRNA/mRNA from ribavirin-treated or untreated cells from
226 sing digoxigenin-labeled antisense and sense cRNA probes to human APOE.
227 study, in situ hybridization with anti-sense cRNA riboprobe was used to show expression of POMC mRNA
228 histochemistry (ISHH) with a novel sensitive cRNA probe.
229 ly reconstituted by co-injection of separate cRNA constructs encoding the N-terminal transmembrane an
230  of transport and current to increasing SERT cRNA injection and mutant co-expression.
231 ytes injected with Panulirus shaker and shal cRNA (lobster Ishaker and lobster Ishal, respectively) r
232 rase (RdRP) activities that synthesize short cRNAs by using cellular or viral RNAs as templates.
233 ling by PI 3-kinase in vivo by injecting SIP cRNAs into Xenopus oocytes.
234 mily 26 (anion exchanger)-member 9 (SLC26A9) cRNA, promoted WNK4 autophosphorylation and increased NC
235        When we co-injected UT-A1 with snapin cRNA in Xenopus oocytes, urea influx was significantly i
236 ization histochemistry using monkey-specific cRNA probes.
237 in situ hybridization, using monkey-specific cRNA probes.
238 clease protection assay and species-specific cRNA probes, we measured mRNA expression levels of andro
239  full-length, but not alternatively spliced, cRNA into Xenopus oocytes resulted in the expression of
240 t a full-length copy of vRNA is made, termed cRNA, and then this cRNA is copied to produce vRNA.
241                           Expression of TgAT cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes increased adenosine uptak
242                                          The cRNA derived from the CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus region
243                                          The cRNA encodes a 1043-amino acid membrane protein that, wh
244 the secondary structures of the vRNA and the cRNA panhandles on the basis of solution nuclear magneti
245                                      For the cRNA panhandle, a contiguous stem helix with a protonate
246 d influenza virus RNA transcription from the cRNA promoter but not from the vRNA promoter in a report
247 e influenza virus RNA transcription from the cRNA promoter.
248 tasis (diseased controls) and hybridised the cRNA against oligonucleotide-based gene chips.
249                       [14C]TEA uptake in the cRNA-injected oocytes was saturable (Km = 42 +/- 11 micr
250                            Expression of the cRNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed strong transport
251 ain is essential for the accumulation of the cRNA replicative intermediate in infected cells.
252 was not detectable despite the fact that the cRNA efficiently directed the synthesis of a polypeptide
253                                    Using the cRNA-based reverse-genetics system developed for IBDV, w
254 generated recombinant IPNV strains using the cRNA-based reverse-genetics system.
255            Xenopus oocytes injected with the cRNA for both Ostalpha and Ostbeta, but not each separat
256  In Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with the cRNA of hOCT1, the specific uptake of the organic cation
257 lammonium (TEA) in oocytes injected with the cRNA-encoding rOCT1A was increased 16-fold over that in
258                                          The cRNAs for eight isoforms were generated by in vitro tran
259 ries of mutant cDNAs was constructed and the cRNAs for all three subunits were expressed in Xenopus o
260                           Expression of this cRNA in Xenopus oocytes revealed that the strongest tran
261                           Expression of this cRNA, which does not increase intracellular Ca(2+), indu
262  of vRNA is made, termed cRNA, and then this cRNA is copied to produce vRNA.
263 tions hybridized with sense p55 and p75 TNFR cRNA probes was comparable to background.
264                                Conversion to cRNA involves a target amplification step that overcomes
265 umbers of its respective reverse-transcribed cRNA.
266             We injected in vitro transcribed cRNA encoding AQPxlo into Xenopus oocytes for functional
267 ytes were injected with in vitro transcribed cRNA encoding wild-type mouse Cx50 (Cx50wt), wild-type r
268 tivity of detection with reverse-transcribed cRNAs is as low as 100 copies.
269 bridization with digoxigenin-labeled pro-TRH cRNA probe.
270                              Incubating TrkA cRNA-injected oocytes with the transcriptional inhibitor
271 oplasmic face) of oocytes injected with TrkA cRNA, but not in uninjected or mock injected oocytes.
272 ction of the mutant cRNAs with the wild-type cRNA did not affect the function of the wild-type AQP2.
273 ined using a digoxigenin-labeled DNPI/VGLUT2 cRNA probe in the present study to determine which, if a
274                       When co-expressed (via cRNA injections) with alpha(1B) and beta(3) subunits in
275 for expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes via cRNA injection.
276  retinal phototransduction in rat pineal via cRNA in situ hybridization.
277 nimal impact on mRNA and complementary vRNA (cRNA) but results in a dramatic loss of vRNA in a segmen
278 ybridized with mRNAs in cell bodies, whereas cRNAs for ex21 with mRNAs in both cell bodies and dendri
279 n, alpha1-EGFP, alone or in combination with cRNA of GABAA receptor beta2, gamma2, or beta2+gamma2 su
280 i) coinjection of mammalian alpha1 cRNA with cRNA encoding either of the two Xenopus beta subunits fa
281  with nonisotopic in situ hybridization with cRNA probes for glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) a
282 analyzed by using in situ hybridization with cRNA probes.
283 rine 11K Affymetrix GeneChip hybridized with cRNA from the p53 temperature-sensitive cell line, Vm10.
284 bility (Pf) in Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA encoding C181W-AQP2 was not increased over water co
285 ltage clamp of Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA encoding kainate receptor subunits, we have observe
286                Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA encoding mKir4.2 displayed a large inwardly rectify
287 ase C (PKC) in Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA encoding the cardiac (exon 5-) CFTR Cl- channel iso
288 ake studies in Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA encoding this protein demonstrated transport proper
289                     Oocytes co-injected with cRNA for mKir4.2 and Kir5.1, a protein that does not for
290           Xenopus oocytes were injected with cRNA of this fusion protein, alpha1-EGFP, alone or in co
291 s, Xenopus laevis oocytes were injected with cRNA of wild-type or mutant (R482T) BCRP.
292                    Injection of oocytes with cRNA containing mutations of serine 187 in the ATP-bindi
293 rm duplexes of higher thermal stability with cRNA than cDNA, although destabilized compared to duplex
294 ed comparisons between chips hybridized with cRNAs prepared from an identical starting RNA population
295                   Oocytes were injected with cRNAs for alphabetagamma-ENaC with or without cRNA for I
296 ive current in Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNAs of rat alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC.
297 RNAs for alphabetagamma-ENaC with or without cRNA for IKKbeta.
298  injected with NCC cRNA with or without WNK4 cRNA.
299 injected with a 1:1 mixture of mutant and WT cRNA.
300 sured in Xenopus oocytes injected with zSMCT cRNAs by measurement of intracellular Na(+) concentratio

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