


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on is medical therapy with beta-blockers and calcium antagonists.
2 nt to adenosine and moderately responsive to calcium antagonists.
3 s achieved with ACE inhibitors compared with calcium antagonists.
4 eviously unexplored with heart-rate-lowering calcium antagonists.
5 angina per week with beta-blockers than with calcium antagonists.
6 is association was also true for long-acting calcium antagonists.
7 ts the albumin-decreasing effects of certain calcium antagonists.
8 ze the albumin-decreasing effects of certain calcium antagonists.
9                              In 1995, 4 were calcium antagonists, 3 were ACE inhibitors, 1 was a beta
10 ly prescribed antihypertensive drugs, 3 were calcium antagonists, 3 were angiotensin-converting enzym
11                                     In 1992, calcium antagonists accounted for 33% of antihypertensiv
12 , double-blind crossover study comparing the calcium antagonist amlodipine (10 mg once daily) versus
13  placebo, (2) beta-blocker (acebutolol), (3) calcium antagonist (amlodipine), (4) diuretic (chlorthal
14 e a diuretic (chlorthalidone; n = 13,860), a calcium antagonist (amlodipine; n = 8174), an angiotensi
15                     From 1992 to 1995 use of calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors for treatment of
16  meta-analysis was to compare the effects of calcium antagonists and other antihypertensive drugs on
17                                              Calcium antagonists and other drugs achieved similar con
18                       Magnesium can act as a calcium-antagonist and counteracts effects in calcium si
19 rom 2 or 3 different classes (beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, and long-acting nitrates) lasting a
20  newer vasodilating beta-blocking agents and calcium antagonists appear to be metabolically neutral.
21 , the large available database suggests that calcium antagonists are inferior to other types of antih
22                                              Calcium antagonists are widely prescribed for angina pec
23 1,500 primary care sites to receive either a calcium antagonist-based (verapamil) or beta-blocker/diu
24 y artery disease (CAD) treated with either a calcium antagonist-based or a noncalcium antagonist-base
25       There are also attractions in choosing calcium antagonists because of their efficacy in control
26                                  The role of calcium antagonists (CA) in coronary artery disease (CAD
27 n the basis of these data, the longer-acting calcium antagonists cannot be recommended as first-line
28 tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), calcium antagonists (CCBs) and alpha-blockers in prevent
29       This study sought to determine whether calcium antagonist, compared with nitroglycerin, adminis
30                 Long-acting and short-acting calcium antagonists differ in cardiovascular outcomes.
31 ) and degranulation (P-selectin expression), calcium antagonists enhancing degranulation, and beta-bl
32 omes of other antihypertensive drugs such as calcium antagonists have been inconsistent.
33 ect sustained-release preparations and newer calcium antagonists have on the clinical endpoints of my
34                                              Calcium antagonists have proved disappointing in long-te
35            The estimated wholesale costs for calcium antagonists in 1995 dollars increased from $2.67
36 studied in combination with beta-blockers or calcium antagonists in a large patient population with s
37 e-induced ischemia that can be attenuated by calcium antagonists in animal models.
38 re associated with fewer adverse events than calcium antagonists in randomized trials of patients who
39 in-converting enzyme inhibitors, niacin, and calcium antagonists may also contribute to plaque passiv
40 e suggested that, compared with other drugs, calcium antagonists may be associated with a higher risk
41                                              Calcium antagonists may have better efficacy when prescr
42                                 Short-acting calcium antagonists may increase coronary artery morbidi
43                           ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists may modulate fibrinolysis.
44  reduction 11.2/8.5 mm Hg; p < 0.00001), and calcium antagonists (mean BP reduction 11.0/8.1 mm Hg; p
45 blocker monotherapy, patients on long-acting calcium antagonists (n = 136) had no increased risk of a
46 .41-1.43]), whereas patients on short-acting calcium antagonists (n = 27) were at significantly great
47 ors, or clonidine (n=15,044), those assigned calcium antagonists (n=12,699) had a significantly highe
48    We aimed to investigate the effect of the calcium antagonist nifedipine on long-term outcome in pa
49 the effects of isradipine, a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist, on the course of the nephropathy wer
50 ts received first-line treatment of either a calcium antagonist or beta-blocker followed by angiotens
51 this reason, recent attention has focused on calcium antagonists or angiotensin-converting enzyme inh
52        Too few trials compared nitrates with calcium antagonists or beta-blockers to draw firm conclu
53  assigned intermediate-acting or long-acting calcium antagonists or other antihypertensive drugs and
54 cause of adverse events less often than were calcium antagonists (OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.60-0.86; P<.001
55 ifferent for treatment with beta-blockers vs calcium antagonists (OR, 0.97; 95% confidence interval [
56 eceiving a beta-adrenergic blocking agent or calcium antagonist, or both.
57 ceptable side effects, or persistent angina, calcium antagonists should be administered.
58                      Treatment of cells with calcium antagonists showed that externally derived Ca2+
59                           Other short-acting calcium antagonists such as diltiazem and verapamil may
60                            Mibefradil, a new calcium antagonist that selectively blocks T-type calciu
61      Among 38 matched pairs who were both on calcium antagonists, the adjusted risk ratio for short-a
62 considered in the context of other trials of calcium antagonists, these data indicate that the effect
63      Hypertensive patients are often given a calcium antagonist to reduce cardiovascular disease risk
64        Several studies differentiating among calcium antagonist types and an overview of published ra
65  limitations and did not differentiate among calcium antagonist types and formulations.
66                    Our data suggest that the calcium antagonists used in this study provide cardiopro
67 th earlier findings, the use of short-acting calcium antagonists was associated with increased risk o
68 el hydrochlorothiazide and a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist were added, if needed, to achieve blo
69                                              Calcium antagonists were classified by duration of actio
70                                   Studies of calcium antagonists were grouped by duration and type of
71    The differences between beta-blockers and calcium antagonists were most striking for nifedipine (O
72 hibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and calcium antagonists yielded a lower incidence of diabete

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