


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of a protein specifically in response to ER calcium depletion.
2  chaperones, including CRT, is induced by ER calcium depletion.
3 ote phagocytic uptake of cells subject to ER calcium depletion.
4  tight junctions from disassembly induced by calcium depletion.
5 ong dimer that was unable to dissociate upon calcium depletion.
6 ion of AJC by using a model of extracellular calcium depletion.
7  contacts and adhesive dimers in response to calcium depletion.
8  shock and tunicamycin treatments), and upon calcium depletion.
9 nectin-1, over the entire cell surface after calcium depletion.
10 be infected by HSV and PRV, before and after calcium depletion.
11 e infected by HSV-1 and PRV were enhanced by calcium depletion.
12 onsible for only a portion of the effects of calcium depletion.
13 s required for maximal induction by ATF6 and calcium depletion.
14 PD098059 (a MAPK kinase (MEK) inhibitor) and calcium depletion.
15 y which grp78 transcription is stimulated by calcium depletion.
16                Environmental signals such as calcium depletion activate the type III secretion channe
17 pe III secretion system (T3SS) is induced by calcium depletion and is positively regulated by the Exs
18                This binding was decreased by calcium depletion and was partially prevented by ligands
19 nslocated to contractile F-actin rings after calcium depletion, and siRNA-mediated depletion of GEF-H
20        Thus, SERCA2 induction in response to calcium depletion appears to be a potentially physiologi
21 -fold, when cells are subjected to transient calcium depletion before and during infection.
22                                              Calcium depletion by BAPTA or Ca(2+)-free medium blocked
23  eIF2alpha phosphorylation in response to ER calcium depletion by TZDs.
24                                   Lumenal ER calcium depletion caused rapid oligomerization of mammal
25                                              Calcium depletion decreases GAT1 surface expression by d
26                          In marked contrast, calcium depletion did not induce DNA degradation in cont
27                                              Calcium depletion did not influence BCR-induced Akt phos
28                                              Calcium depletion dissociates adhesive dimers and promot
29 ing store-operated calcium entry activation, calcium depletion from the endoplasmic reticulum trigger
30 lated during 30 min periods of extracellular calcium depletion in a region enriched with presynaptic
31                    GLuc-SERCaMPs revealed ER calcium depletion in rat primary neurons exposed to vari
32                                              Calcium depletion in root tips with EGTA and A-23187 dec
33   Finally, there is a strong synergy between calcium depletion in the ER and sterile IL-6, as well as
34 ine storage in the acidic compartment led to calcium depletion in these organelles, which then result
35 We further show that Ecadherin mutations and calcium depletion induce structural alterations that pro
36                                              Calcium depletion induced reorganization of apical F-act
37  for a chaperone and that heat treatment and calcium depletion induced the formation of calnexin dime
38                  Our data also indicate that calcium depletion-induced SV40 capsid disassembly may oc
39 determine whether disruption of junctions by calcium depletion influenced the susceptibility of epith
40 trastructural analysis revealed that luminal calcium depletion is accompanied by increased accumulati
41 ar the resting level, whereas a threshold of calcium depletion is required for STIM1 activation [4].
42 calcium refilling mechanism responsive to ER calcium depletion, is enhanced in SOD1G93A astrocytes.
43 ate for the first time that specific luminal calcium depletion leads to a significant decrease in end
44 icing and BiP expression, suggesting that ER calcium depletion may be one factor contributing to ER s
45                                      Using a calcium depletion model in T84 epithelial cells, we prev
46 TIM2 are calcium-sensing molecules that link calcium depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum with open
47 ncta formation near the plasma membrane upon calcium depletion of the ER.
48                      The effect of light and calcium depletion on in vivo protein phosphorylation was
49                Here we show that heat shock, calcium depletion, or deletion of the C-terminal acidic
50 pletions in sulfur and possible aluminum and calcium depletions, relative to ordinary chondrites, may
51                                              Calcium depletion resulted in activation of Rho GTPase a
52 8 induction by ATF6 in cells subjected to ER calcium depletion stress mediated by thapsigargin (Tg) t
53        When mammalian cells are subjected to calcium depletion stress or protein glycosylation block,
54 tricular myocytes was not increased by SR/ER calcium depletion, suggesting that not all secreted prot
55                     We postulated that SR/ER calcium depletion triggered MANF secretion by decreasing
56 olymerized as [Ca(2+)] went down: fully when calcium depletion was maximal (a condition achieved with
57                 SERCA2 promoter induction by calcium depletion was partially blocked by dominant-nega
58  A change in conformation of desmoglein 1 by calcium depletion was shown, with immunofluorescence and
59                             Using a model of calcium depletion, we defined the pathway of internaliza
60               To explain the mechanism of ER calcium depletion, we hypothesized that FC enrichment of
61 ients, including gap junction inhibition and calcium depletion, were also found to disrupt the develo

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