


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d, but binding to A. flavus and A. niger was calcium dependent.
2 r phospholipids and that this interaction is calcium dependent.
3 ture IL-1beta, was confirmed and shown to be calcium-dependent.
4 ordered arrays, and their adhesion is always calcium-dependent.
5 al that the Zn(II) affinity of both sites is calcium-dependent.
6 he data also suggest that the interaction is calcium-dependent.
7               The glycinocins are a class of calcium-dependent, acidic cyclolipopeptide antibiotics s
8               Importantly, adipocytes induce calcium-dependent activation and autophosphorylation of
9                         We further propose a calcium-dependent activation mechanism for Vasohibin pro
10                            We concluded that calcium-dependent activation of CaMKII results in phosph
11 pO-mediated phosphorylation partially mimics calcium-dependent activation of gelsolin, potentially co
12                                              Calcium-dependent activation of human TRESK (TWIK-relate
13 intained by an alternative pathway involving calcium-dependent activation of PKCalpha.
14 ium (BK) channel; this interaction increases calcium-dependent activation of the BK channel.
15 slocation of fluorescent NFAT, indicative of calcium-dependent activation of the T cells in the periv
16                                              Calcium-dependent activator protein for secretion 1 (CAP
17 al encoding proteins with known roles (CAPS [calcium-dependent activator protein for secretion 1], Mu
18 cium-binding EF-hand domain, crucial for the calcium-dependent activity of the PC2 channel.
19  hyperadhesive form, but can adopt a weaker, calcium-dependent adhesion during wound healing and earl
20 rons of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) display calcium-dependent afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) followi
21 ne quality and osteoporosis, principally via calcium-dependent alteration of bone structure and turno
22 more display common characteristics, such as calcium-dependent alteration of gel mobility and calcium
23 hat led to the discovery of an unprecedented calcium-dependent AmbU1-AmbU4 enzymatic complex for the
24 calization of CAPS-1-EYFP in DKO neurons was calcium dependent and DCV fusion probability correlated
25                   Purified SlpB demonstrated calcium-dependent and AprI-inhibited protease activity a
26 model where the profilaggrin N-terminus uses calcium-dependent and calcium-independent protein-protei
27 ng with a number of binding partners in both calcium-dependent and independent manners, and acting in
28      Induction of the transporter current is calcium-dependent and inhibited by botulinum neurotoxin
29             This inter-receptor crosstalk is calcium-dependent and involves a kinase-dependent phosph
30                S100A4 binding to Rhotekin is calcium-dependent and uses residues distinct from those
31 rodigiosin, and diminished production of the calcium-dependent antibiotic, in comparison with the par
32                                              Calcium-dependent antibiotics (CDA) are cyclic lipopepti
33         The three natural products exhibited calcium-dependent antimicrobial activity against Staphyl
34 epididymis, these spermatozoa appear to lack calcium-dependent associations with the immobilizing glu
35 gain of inhibitory function as quantified by calcium-dependent ATPase activity.
36 ospholipid membranes with SERCA and measured calcium-dependent ATPase activity.
37                                              Calcium-dependent autophosphorylation is central to the
38 CN) and two receptors (AMPAR and NMDAR) on a calcium-dependent Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro-like plastici
39                                              Calcium-dependent binding of dimeric S100B(betabeta) to
40 amma binding to ternary SNAREs overlaps with calcium-dependent binding of synaptotagmin, inhibiting s
41   Solid phase binding assays detected strong calcium-dependent binding of the short fibulins to immob
42                                         Syt1 calcium-dependent binding to SNAP25Delta3 was reduced by
43                                 Voltage- and calcium-dependent BK channels regulate calcium-dependent
44                                 In addition, calcium-dependent, but not calcium-independent exocytoti
45 led that release of dopamine was quantal and calcium-dependent, but quantal size was much less than e
46                      Polycystin 2 (PC2) is a calcium-dependent calcium channel, and mutations to huma
47 rphants do not contract, and fail to undergo calcium-dependent calcium release in response to electri
48           Strikingly, nerve injury increases calcium-dependent calpain activity in the spinal cord th
49 d intracellular calcium flux, and activating calcium-dependent calpain proteases.
50 cytosolic calcium levels and activation of a calcium-dependent calpain, CAPN1, which were requisite s
51                                 By contrast, calcium-dependent CaM binding overrides the effects of a
52 otagmins, or in other calcium-independent or calcium-dependent capacities is debated.
53               Cadherins are a superfamily of calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecules that are invol
54 surface transmembrane receptor that mediates calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion and is a major comp
55 - and calcium-dependent BK channels regulate calcium-dependent cellular events such as neurotransmitt
56                              This includes a calcium-dependent change in channel selectivity and evid
57                                          The calcium-dependent chloride channel DOG1 (ANO1/TMEM16A),
58 identification of ANO1/TMEM16A as the likely calcium-dependent chloride channel of exocrine glands ha
59 We demonstrate that secreted CLCA1 activates calcium-dependent chloride currents in HEK293T cells in
60 rface expression, which results in increased calcium-dependent chloride currents.
61 loride channel regulator 1 (CLCA1) activates calcium-dependent chloride currents; neither the target,
62 st to micrococcal nuclease (MNase) to target calcium-dependent cleavage to specific genomic loci in v
63                The drug pentamidine inhibits calcium-dependent complex formation with p53 ((Ca)S100B.
64 ulation of neuronal Kv7 channels involving a calcium-dependent conformational switch from an apo-CaM
65 cyte differentiation and collagen synthesis, calcium-dependent control of CUL3(KLHL12) integrates col
66                       This suggests that the calcium-dependent CyaA translocation may be driven in pa
67  limit cycle solutions can coexist, and that calcium dependent Cyclin D dynamics extend the oscillato
68 nonymous SNP in the CAPN1 gene, encoding the calcium dependent cysteine protease calpain1 (mu-calpain
69                       Hyperactivation of the calcium-dependent cysteine protease calpain 1 (Cal1) is
70 desaturase mediates protein degradation by a calcium-dependent cysteine protease in response to unsat
71               BDNF also activates calpain, a calcium-dependent cysteine protease, which has been show
72  endogenous specific inhibitor of calpain, a calcium-dependent cysteine protease.
73 f the 17-kDa APP fragment was generated by a calcium-dependent cysteine protease.
74      Calpains are a family of intracellular, calcium-dependent cysteine proteases involved in a varie
75                                              Calcium-dependent cysteine proteases of the calpain fami
76 imulation of NMDAR is activation of calpains-calcium-dependent cysteine proteases.
77    Previous in vivo cocaine exposure removed calcium-dependent D2 autoreceptor desensitization in wil
78 l that D2S, but not D2L receptors, exhibited calcium-dependent desensitization similar to that exhibi
79 We investigated the molecular function of C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 3 (C2cd3), an essent
80  as well as NMDA receptors (NMDAR) and their calcium-dependent downstream effectors, including CaMKII
81 lar dynamics simulations to characterize the calcium dependent dynamics of the fast skeletal troponin
82 -permeable ion channels are also involved in calcium-dependent EMT induction.
83                       Calpain is a family of calcium-dependent endopeptidases, which plays an importa
84 ress-induced activation of the pro-apoptotic calcium-dependent enzyme, calpain, and partly suppress b
85            Downstream of NMDA receptors, the calcium-dependent enzyme, calpain, was recruited, result
86            Calpains are broadly distributed, calcium-dependent enzymes that induce limited proteolysi
87 apalindole-type alkaloids as a new family of calcium-dependent enzymes, where the metal ions are show
88 at underlie both normal cardiac function and calcium-dependent etiologies in heart disease.
89 e host erythrocyte is a highly regulated and calcium-dependent event that is critical for disease pro
90 omain with target cell membranes, which is a calcium-dependent event.
91 etermining BK current and thus regulation of calcium-dependent events.
92  highly conserved domain of Munc13, enhances calcium-dependent exocytosis downstream of vesicle primi
93 lexin, Cplx 1 and 2, in two model systems of calcium-dependent exocytosis.
94  either up- or downregulated upon triggering calcium-dependent exocytosis.
95 ium-dependent alteration of gel mobility and calcium-dependent exposure of a hydrophobic surface.
96  The precise neurophysiological role of this calcium-dependent facilitation (CDF) remains uncertain,
97        This study identifies a long-duration calcium-dependent facilitation (L-CDF) of CaV1.3 channel
98  not CaV1.2 channels exhibit a long-duration calcium-dependent facilitation (L-CDF) that lasts up to
99  a robust enhancement or sensitization, in a calcium-dependent fashion.
100  ER-localized calcium sensor and a source of calcium-dependent feedback for the homeostatic stabiliza
101           In proof-of-principle experiments, calcium-dependent fluorescence transients were recorded
102     Subsequently, crowding also enhances the calcium-dependent folding and stability of RTX proteins
103 nterest in the mechanism behind TMEM16A-CaCC calcium-dependent gating, comprehensive surveys to ident
104                                            A calcium-dependent glucuronic acid binding site shows dis
105                              Here, we report calcium-dependent glutamate release from vGluT3-expressi
106 hibition of M-channels increases presynaptic calcium-dependent glutamate release in CA1 pyramidal neu
107 loop region hydrophobic core associated with calcium-dependent glycan binding as well as predicted ca
108 n (CRP), in normal human serum, displaying a calcium-dependent, high-avidity interaction and ability
109 r of the classical cadherin family, mediates calcium-dependent homophilic cell-cell adhesion.
110 trols and patients on hemodialysis using the calcium-dependent IF-1 mAb against fibrinogen for additi
111 d limits calcium entry, whereas CaBP1 blocks calcium-dependent inactivation (CDI) and allows sustaine
112                        Yet, their effects on calcium-dependent inactivation (CDI) have remained uncer
113                                   CaM causes calcium-dependent inactivation and limits calcium entry,
114 s with mutations affecting both voltage- and calcium-dependent inactivation and voltage dependence of
115                Interestingly, attenuation of calcium-dependent inactivation with overexpression of ca
116 classical LTP involves an NMDA-receptor- and calcium-dependent increase in functional synaptic AMPA r
117 e intracellular calcium levels, leading to a calcium-dependent increase in TgMyoA phosphorylation.
118  feedback on phototransduction that includes calcium-dependent inhibition of rhodopsin kinase (GRK1)
119 and cell binding assays revealed a specific, calcium-dependent interaction between cell-surface and r
120 biological activation of CIPKs relies on the calcium-dependent interaction of a self-inhibitory NAF m
121 nd protocadherin-15 form tip links through a calcium-dependent interaction of their extracellular dom
122 part, MANF was retained in the SR/ER via its calcium-dependent interaction with the SR/ER-resident pr
123  affected transport at least in part through calcium-dependent interactions between apoptosis-linked
124                       We show that transient calcium-dependent interactions of PYR/PYL ABA receptors
125 tiates signaling and transcription through a calcium-dependent isoform of adenylate cyclase, ADCY8, a
126 tion in a manner dependent upon AMPK and the calcium-dependent kinase CAMKII.
127 king AMPA receptors to the synapse through a calcium-dependent kinase cascade following activation of
128 two CHDL domains, we propose that RapA2 is a calcium-dependent lectin and that CHDL domains in variou
129  receptors in that it belongs to the C-type (calcium-dependent) lectin-like superfamily.
130 ch revealed that, in addition to a classical calcium-dependent lipid binding C2 domain, a specific CA
131 brafish and its murine ortholog Vmn2r1, is a calcium-dependent, low-sensitivity receptor specific for
132 id-phase bound recombinant dimeric TFF3 in a calcium dependent manner (p<0.0001) but did not bind to
133 lts show that CaM directly binds to DR5 in a calcium dependent manner in breast cancer cells.
134  class III phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and calcium dependent manner, and caused the association of
135         SP-D agglutinated HIV and gp120 in a calcium dependent manner.
136 onstrated that hippocalcin oligomerises in a calcium-dependent manner and binds to voltage-gated calc
137 y co-expression of TCF4 plus calmodulin in a calcium-dependent manner and by dampening neuronal excit
138            It is released by astrocytes in a calcium-dependent manner and signals to neighbouring ast
139 domains directly interact with betaGRP2 in a calcium-dependent manner and that high-affinity interact
140 sed in a synaptic NMDA receptor- and nuclear calcium-dependent manner in hippocampal neurons within 2
141 imulating the kinase activity of mTORC1 in a calcium-dependent manner in vitro.
142 Calmodulin binds to helix 8 of the A2AR in a calcium-dependent manner that can displace binding of A2
143                         MBL bound to CC in a calcium-dependent manner whereas ficolin-2 binding was c
144 tion (aging) externalized the same APLs in a calcium-dependent manner, and all stimuli externalized o
145 ayed in trypsin relative to trypsinogen in a calcium-dependent manner, but for this bond cleavage was
146 through activation of the CDK-5 pathway in a calcium-dependent manner, involving a calpain clp-4.
147 des (EPSs) produced by R. leguminosarum in a calcium-dependent manner, sustaining a role of these pro
148 phobic site on the C terminus of KChIP3 in a calcium-dependent manner, with an equilibrium dissociati
149  of proteins that bind to phospholipids in a calcium-dependent manner.
150 mplex that regulates flagellar motility in a calcium-dependent manner.
151 e state and compete with native folding in a calcium-dependent manner.
152 SP-D bound to Phleum pratense in a dose- and calcium-dependent manner.
153 eterocomplexes with rMASP-1 and rMASP-3 in a calcium-dependent manner.
154 rbohydrate structures on microorganisms in a calcium-dependent manner.
155 geneic porcine aortic endothelial cells in a calcium-dependent manner.
156 o bind negatively-charged phospholipids in a calcium-dependent manner.
157 bound the C-terminal portion of Phl p 7 in a calcium-dependent manner.
158 ING TRANSCRIPTION ACTIVATOR 3 (CAMTA3), in a calcium-dependent manner.
159 totagmin 1 (Syt1) for binding to SNAP25 in a calcium-dependent manner.
160 ndii produces a family of seven secreted and calcium-dependent mannuronan C-5 epimerases (AlgE1-7).
161 lanthanide-dependent MDH (XoxF)-type, to the calcium-dependent MDH (MxaF)-type.
162 ase in cell lysis, which was suppressed by a calcium-dependent mechanism involving a homologue to syn
163 ar mitochondrial particles was mediated by a calcium-dependent mechanism involving CD38 and cyclic AD
164 acteria, both enzymes proceed according to a calcium-dependent mechanism suggesting an exquisite adap
165                                Neurons use a calcium-dependent mechanism to optimize the rate at whic
166         Second, in Caenorhabditis elegans, a calcium-dependent mechanism, can activate DLK.
167 tic increase in reactive oxygen species by a calcium-dependent mechanism.
168 pression of S1P3 and VEGFR2 is mediated by a calcium-dependent mechanism.
169  findings further indicate the importance of calcium-dependent mechanisms in mediating behaviors asso
170 wed that the initial probability of release, calcium-dependent mechanisms of recovery, and desensitiz
171 ssion and enhance aldosterone production via calcium-dependent mechanisms.
172 ion of blood flow response, at least not via calcium-dependent mechanisms.
173 tal adjustments may emerge from activity and calcium-dependent mechanisms.
174 or otoferlin in exocytosis and modulation of calcium-dependent membrane fusion.
175 the previously demonstrated role for I368 in calcium-dependent membrane penetration.
176 ined that the P6 protein interacts with a C2 calcium-dependent membrane-targeting protein (designated
177  binds apoptotic cells via a higher-affinity calcium-dependent mode that is acidic region dependent.
178 and AKT signaling pathways that involves the calcium-dependent modulation of CaMKII activity.
179  Cell adhesion in sponges is mediated by the calcium-dependent multivalent self-interactions of sulfa
180   Dysferlin is proposed as a key mediator of calcium-dependent muscle membrane repair, although its p
181 ther, we postulate the basis for a conserved calcium-dependent NAF-mediated regulation of CIPKs and a
182 atase-1 (PP1) activity is important for many calcium-dependent neuronal functions including Hebbian s
183  tenet of neuromuscular transmission is that calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release is mediated b
184                                 Calpains are calcium-dependent neutral cysteine proteases that modula
185 flammatory cytokine production, and promoted calcium-dependent neutrophil recruitment.
186 ering maintains lymphoid-biased HSCs through calcium-dependent NFAT signaling, providing molecular in
187 In accordance with this, calpains, which are calcium-dependent nonlysosomal cysteine proteases, were
188                                              Calcium-dependent nuclear export of histone deacetylase
189 Structural similarity to cadherins suggested calcium-dependent oligomerization of CHDL domains as a m
190 ne in hypertension, and propose the reported calcium-dependent parameters as indexes to predict how t
191 vate heterotrimeric G protein signaling in a calcium-dependent pathway.
192 rough activation of phosphofructokinase by a calcium-dependent pathway.
193  to mitochondrial calcium sequestration, and calcium-dependent phagosome formation around secondarily
194 nase Ypk1, by repressing the activity of the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin and promoting
195                                          The calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin is highly expr
196 ficantly, inhibition of calcineurin (CaN), a calcium-dependent phosphatase implicated in AD pathogene
197      Calcineurin is a ubiquitously expressed calcium-dependent phosphatase that is inhibited by the i
198 extracellular calcium ions and activation of calcium-dependent phosphatases that modify regulators of
199 ransitions of the three calcineurin A genes, calcium-dependent phosphatases that regulate multiple as
200  in mitochondria from non-failing hearts was calcium-dependent phospholipase A2zeta (cPLA2zeta) ident
201 hat are paused in early G2 phase to activate calcium-dependent phosphorylation of ERK1/2, thereby act
202 These data demonstrate that TgMyoA undergoes calcium-dependent phosphorylation, which modulates myosi
203 PKC triple knock-out (TKO) mice in which all calcium-dependent PKC isoforms have been eliminated (PKC
204 cted differential actions of closely related calcium-dependent PKC isoforms.
205 h and found that PTP was unaffected when all calcium-dependent PKC isozymes were eliminated.
206  hormone-stimulated PLC activity, indicating calcium-dependent PLCs are not upregulated by alcohol.
207  a role of specific lipid reorganization and calcium-dependent PLSCR-1 activity in neuroendocrine com
208 nction of Ca(2+)-activated small-conductance calcium-dependent potassium (SK) channels; SK channels r
209 m channel (KATP ) inhibitor, an intermediate calcium-dependent potassium channel (KCa ) inhibitor, a
210 ic plasticity and restores small-conductance calcium-dependent potassium channel function, normalizin
211 ays significant sequence homology to MthK, a calcium-dependent potassium channel isolated from Methan
212               Large-conductance voltage- and calcium-dependent potassium channels (BK, "Big K+") are
213 ed, in part, by tetraethylammonium-sensitive calcium-dependent potassium channels and not by ATP-sens
214 pic cholinergic receptor with that of nearby calcium-dependent potassium channels to shunt and hyperp
215 bition of hair cells occurs by activation of calcium-dependent potassium channels.
216 rt, to the expression of a large conductance calcium-dependent potassium current and the opening of a
217  fraction of cells, there was a component of calcium-dependent potassium current that showed frequenc
218 d occurrence of charybdotoxin-sensitive (BK) calcium-dependent potassium current.
219 rough mechanisms involving small conductance calcium-dependent potassium currents (SK).
220 into pores in the target cell membrane via a calcium-dependent process and facilitate translocation o
221 stable cell-cell contacts, and is an active, calcium-dependent process.
222 m ideal candidates to regulate activity- and calcium-dependent processes in neurodevelopment.
223 high rates of auditory nerve firing, or that calcium-dependent processes involved in release are alte
224                                              Calcium-dependent processes that degrade the actin cytos
225             The determination that LapG is a calcium-dependent protease, based on in vivo and in vitr
226 e in the enzymatic activity of the calpains, calcium dependent proteases that are thought to contribu
227                                              Calcium dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1) is an essenti
228 n mechanisms via which it regulates invasion.Calcium dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1) plays an impo
229 resence of a Gly gatekeeper in the essential calcium dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1).
230                                              Calcium Dependent Protein Kinases are key effectors of c
231                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) family members r
232 itogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and 1 calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) were upregulated
233                        A rice (Oryza sativa) calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK), CPK18, was iden
234 ers reveal that mutations in two proteins, a calcium-dependent protein kinase (PfCDPK5) and a P-type
235  inhibitors (BKIs) of Cryptosporidium parvum calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 (CpCDPK1) are leading
236 ng a homology model of Plasmodium falciparum calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 (PfCDPK1) was used to
237  inhibitor (compound 1) of Toxoplasma gondii calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 (TgCDPK1) that posses
238                                            A calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 gene (OsCDPK1) was id
239 e ABI1 (abscisic-acid insensitive 1) and the calcium-dependent protein kinase 21 (CPK21).
240 KG), and Ca(2+) , mediated by the parasite's calcium-dependent protein kinase 4 (CDPK4).
241  plant immune responses, mainly those in the calcium-dependent protein kinase and mitogen-activated p
242 s presynaptic calcium that in turn activates calcium-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms to pho
243 they demonstrate decreased expression of the calcium-dependent protein kinase C conventional subclass
244 lved in PTI and characterize the Arabidopsis calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 as a negative reg
245   This work describes the role played by the CALCIUM-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE CPK28 in balancing phyt
246 abidopsis thaliana isoform CPK5 of the plant calcium-dependent protein kinase family becomes rapidly
247 art, through a decrease in the levels of the calcium-dependent protein kinase PKC-betaI after a trans
248 ent of ABA signal transduction in stomata of calcium-dependent protein kinase quadruple mutant plants
249 The evidence presented here indicates that a calcium-dependent protein kinase, CPK32, controls polar
250    This correlates with the finding that the calcium-dependent protein kinase, PfCDPK1, is phosphoryl
252                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPK) are a major gro
253                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are distinct f
254                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are essential
255                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are expanded i
256                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) comprise the m
257 nase inhibitors (BKIs) specific for parasite calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) have been show
258                                              Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) play important
259 ection of a large gene family encoding novel calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) that provides
260 ne is a member of the complex gene family of calcium-dependent protein kinases in rice (Oryza sativa)
261  BIK1 phosphorylates different residues than calcium-dependent protein kinases, and both PAMP-induced
262   Finally, pharmacological inhibition of the calcium-dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin blocke
263 argeting is likely to be more efficient than calcium-dependent protein targeting.
264                                          The calcium-dependent proteins involved in this process appe
265  Ser-328 is regulated in accordance with the calcium-dependent regulation of eNOS under conditions th
266                                              Calcium-dependent regulation of ER-alpha is critical for
267                  We propose a model of tight calcium-dependent regulation of oxidative metabolism and
268 membrane trafficking protein involved in the calcium-dependent regulation of secretory vesicle exocyt
269 d LQLP motifs were required to eliminate the calcium-dependent regulation of the channel.
270 in vitro studies, explains the basis of this calcium-dependent regulation.
271 he timing information from the pacemaker via calcium-dependent release and delivers it to the GABAerg
272                                              Calcium-dependent release of vasoactive gliotransmitters
273                             NLP-40 undergoes calcium-dependent release that is mediated by the calciu
274  toward a gradient of metallothionein II was calcium-dependent, required the expression of both LRP1
275 rigger local translation revealed a role for calcium-dependent retrograde netrin-1/DCC receptor signa
276  been suggested that this may be a result of calcium-dependent sequestration of PID by the calcium-bi
277 on of NFAT requires dephosphorylation by the calcium-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase calcineur
278 wed that CAFs regulate endothelial LPP via a calcium-dependent signaling pathway involving microfibri
279                                              Calcium-dependent signaling pathways initiated by store-
280 e in calcium mobilization and the subsequent calcium-dependent signaling that is essential for proper
281 ing of extracellular DNA by PRRs, leading to calcium-dependent signaling, although no receptor has be
282 to dilate these arterioles; an additional EC calcium-dependent signalling mechanism is required for v
283 modelling enzyme integrates two antagonistic calcium-dependent signalling pathways that control myoge
284 s-1 quickly exits the nucleus in response to calcium-dependent signals and competes with NFAT protein
285 idal neurons: transient inhibition driven by calcium-dependent small conductance potassium ('SK') cha
286 idal neurons: transient inhibition driven by calcium-dependent small conductance potassium ('SK') cha
287 mpairs oxidative phosphorylation, triggering calcium-dependent stress signalling and adaptive metabol
288 d the heart is thought to be controlled by a calcium-dependent structural change in the actin-contain
289 ty to bind Gbetagamma while retaining normal calcium-dependent Syt1 binding to soluble N-ethylmaleimi
290              These mutations typically alter calcium-dependent tension generation within the sarcomer
291 s mechanisms regulating MDR in HCC cells are calcium dependent through the TRPC6/calcium/STAT3 pathwa
292 ression transforms desmosome adhesion from a calcium-dependent to a calcium-independent and hyperadhe
293                It is primarily known for its calcium-dependent transamidation activity that leads to
294                     This, in turn, initiates calcium-dependent transgene expression.
295  tension in swollen nuclei directly promotes calcium-dependent translocation and activation of enzyme
296 ingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) activation and its calcium-dependent translocation downstream of ERK1/2.
297          Our results support a model whereby calcium-dependent TSLP release by keratinocytes activate
298                                              Calcium-dependent upregulation of CD69 was impaired in C
299 e-gated calcium channels have been linked to calcium-dependent vesicular gliotransmitter release.
300               Furthermore, their effects are calcium dependent, which is consistent with in vivo data
301 3 and the hydrophobic N terminus of Kv4.3 is calcium-dependent, with an equilibrium dissociation cons

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