


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 er a meal and shows potential for decreasing caloric intake.
2 ession, with adjustment for age, gender, and caloric intake.
3 equired for the ability to maintain constant caloric intake.
4 equire parenteral nutrition (PN) to optimize caloric intake.
5  energy homeostasis, especially after excess caloric intake.
6 es in survival and fitness through increased caloric intake.
7 ased leptin expression, resulting in greater caloric intake.
8 ncy questionnaires and standardized to total caloric intake.
9 dergo rapid expansion during times of excess caloric intake.
10  tube dislodgment and may result in improved caloric intake.
11 hat these differences were due to changes in caloric intake.
12 and gut peptides that influence appetite and caloric intake.
13 gth z scores were negatively correlated with caloric intake.
14 n equations to describe the cumulative daily caloric intake.
15  adipose tissue mass during states of excess caloric intake.
16 f age, admission and weight-restored BMI, or caloric intake.
17 ioma risk, with adjustment for age and total caloric intake.
18 ic rats, but modified neither chow nor total caloric intake.
19  the health benefits of DER without reducing caloric intake.
20 eppers, is able to induce satiety and reduce caloric intake.
21 eight by decreasing appetite and spontaneous caloric intake.
22 , wound healing, chemopreventive agents, and caloric intake.
23 hanges explain these diet-induced changes in caloric intake.
24 injury in these mice that are independent of caloric intake.
25 s index, physical activity, time period, and caloric intake.
26 omeostasis in the face of wide variations in caloric intake.
27  body weight, extent of burn area, and daily caloric intake.
28 to loss of body fat in the context of normal caloric intake.
29  diets, comprising as much as 25% of average caloric intake.
30  tissue, and that expression is regulated by caloric intake.
31 s subjected to 6 years of a 30% reduction in caloric intake.
32 lation of LHA glutamatergic neurons enhances caloric intake.
33 eted their fat stores, despite having higher caloric intake.
34 in the first 6 days, and not used to augment caloric intake.
35 s of lactoferrin being partly independent of caloric intake.
36 etofore assumed, simply triggered by reduced caloric intake.
37  IL-13; this co-expression is enhanced after caloric intake.
38 s in skeletal muscle quality correlated with caloric intake.
39 es fat accumulation independent of excessive caloric intake.
40 size cap on SSBs and the potential effect on caloric intake.
41 and cholesterol levels without a decrease in caloric intake.
42 fluenced neither cancer nor longevity at two caloric intakes.
43 0%, 95% CI, -12% to +12%; P = .30), or total caloric intake (+117 kcal; 95% CI, -243 to +479; relativ
44 -19.8%, p = 0.49) and in mean per capita SSB caloric intake (-13.3%, p = 0.56) from baseline to post-
45 e rates aimed at maintaining constant hourly caloric intake; 2) rates of responding markedly increase
46 ceived total parenteral nutrition (TPN) with caloric intake 20% to 30% above their resting energy exp
47 p, individuals had lower protein (30.1%) and caloric intake (30.2%) (P = 0.01 and 0.02, respectively)
48  the HF diet exhibited significantly reduced caloric intake (-40%), NPY expression in the arcuate nuc
49 per day orally, providing 33% of total daily caloric intake); 6 received alcohol and irbesartan (5 mg
50 nd globally prevalent condition, with excess caloric intake a suspected etiologic factor.
51 ts the animals' ability to maintain constant caloric intake across experimental sessions.
52 urnal awakenings and ingestions, total daily caloric intake after the evening meal, CGI severity rati
53  of nocturnal ingestions and awakenings, and caloric intake after the evening meal.
54 cids) than could be accounted for by reduced caloric intake alone.
55                                    Excessive caloric intake and a shift in dietary composition toward
56 ration of cardiac aging under TRF, even when caloric intake and activity were unchanged.
57 esult from the interaction of modern dietary caloric intake and ancient mitochondrial genetic polymor
58 resents a promising option for reducing both caloric intake and appetite in humans.
59 tones in postmenopausal women independent of caloric intake and BMI, primarily because of the amount
60    In the whole cohort, after adjustment for caloric intake and cardiovascular disease risk factors,
61  Ad libitum, low-carbohydrate diets decrease caloric intake and cause weight loss.
62 is affects host fitness owing to the loss of caloric intake and colonization resistance (protection f
63 ioral and physiological situations including caloric intake and digestion, breast feeding, poison-avo
64 h reduced volume results in comparable total caloric intake and diminishes the risk of prolonged diar
65 nges of: (1) a significant increase in total caloric intake and dissected fat pad weights; (2) a rise
66                 This results in a restricted caloric intake and diversion of bile and pancreatic secr
67 -type mice, the lean AAV mice have increased caloric intake and do not develop age-related obesity or
68 rt term HFD feeding led to a 37% increase in caloric intake and elevated base-line free FAs and insul
69 t is the consequence of an imbalance between caloric intake and energy consumption.
70 matory pathways results in the uncoupling of caloric intake and energy expenditure, fostering overeat
71  a novel role of PDE10A in the regulation of caloric intake and energy homeostasis.
72            Despite this, the balance between caloric intake and expenditure is tremendously accurate
73 cues, and that maintaining a balance between caloric intake and expenditure may reduce striatal, insu
74 lso imply that maintaining a balance between caloric intake and expenditure over time may reduce stri
75 Long term administration of leptin decreases caloric intake and fat mass and improves glucose toleran
76 iposity, the effect of FGF21 on body weight, caloric intake and fat oxidation were significantly atte
77 ated their metabolic syndrome with increased caloric intake and feed efficiency, reduced oxygen consu
78                         First, we determined caloric intake and food choice after bilateral administr
79 libitum breakfast test meal, and their total caloric intake and food preferences were measured.
80 e onset of weight gain in response to excess caloric intake and hyperinsulinemia; however, the mechan
81 e energy expenditure, GLP-1 action to reduce caloric intake and improve glucose control, and GIP acti
82 duced by adipocytes, and it acts to decrease caloric intake and increase energy expenditure.
83  and pharmacologic interventions that reduce caloric intake and increase fatty acid oxidation, it see
84 ts was principally associated with decreased caloric intake and increased diet duration but not with
85  that promoted weight loss through decreased caloric intake and increased physical activity (interven
86  individuals must make major restrictions in caloric intake and increases in energy expenditure.
87 d obese mice and was found to acutely reduce caloric intake and induce weight loss.
88         Restoring energy balance by reducing caloric intake and losing weight are important therapeut
89      All of the models had normal or greater caloric intake and lower to normal metabolic rate, fasti
90                                              Caloric intake and meal-timing data were collected durin
91 ethods resulted in fat-induced inhibition of caloric intake and normalization of hypothalamic neurope
92  and considers the hypothesis that excessive caloric intake and obesity may be produced by dietary an
93 t studies exploring the relationship between caloric intake and outcomes in obese patients with under
94 ure secondary to exposure to excessive daily caloric intake and overnutrition.
95 evels were then compared across quintiles of caloric intake and physical activity in linear regressio
96  hours in bed under controlled conditions of caloric intake and physical activity.
97 eep extension under controlled conditions of caloric intake and physical activity.
98                            Whereas excessive caloric intake and physical inactivity are likely import
99 of LHA glutamatergic neurons increased daily caloric intake and produced weight gain in mice that had
100 hotosynthesis constitute much of human daily caloric intake and provide the basis for high-energy bio
101 sity and diabetes are associated with excess caloric intake and reduced energy expenditure resulting
102                                              Caloric intake and REE were correlated with muscle prote
103  dietary switch changed the pattern of daily caloric intake and suppressed HFD-induced adipose macrop
104  a high-fat diet (HFD), which also increases caloric intake and the amount of stored calories.
105                          Self-reported daily caloric intake and the measured resting metabolic rate a
106 ght/dark cycle, despite equivalent levels of caloric intake and total daily activity output.
107 low social rank is associated with increased caloric intake and weight gain.
108  (500-kcal/d deficit from weight-maintaining caloric intake) and then randomly assigned to pioglitazo
109 ions include muscle wasting, anemia, reduced caloric intake, and altered immune function, which contr
110  time of scan, gender, ethnicity, education, caloric intake, and apolipoprotein genotype.
111  relative contribution of physical activity, caloric intake, and BMI to fasting insulin levels.
112 on cycle, provides a percentage of our daily caloric intake, and is a major driver in the renewable c
113  related to age, length of time on PN, total caloric intake, and lipid or glucose overload.
114 genotype, family history of type 1 diabetes, caloric intake, and omega-6 fatty acid intake, omega-3 f
115                    Urinary creatinine, total caloric intake, and percentages of nutrient intake from
116 hat a restricted HFD intake regimen inhibits caloric intake as a consequence of FA-induced VMH ketone
117 itum, Hcrt-UCP2 transgenic mice had the same caloric intake as their wild-type littermates but had in
118       These changes were not due to aging or caloric intake, as neither these changes nor the MS were
119 d nonobese subjects underwent measurement of caloric intake at maximum satiation; postprandial sympto
120                                Greater daily caloric intake attenuates this growth failure.
121                                              Caloric intake averaged 1168 +/- 801 kcal/day, amounting
122         These changes occur independently of caloric intake because of the effect of fructose on ATP
123 icity, education, apolipoprotein E genotype, caloric intake, body mass index, smoking status, depress
124                                    Appetite, caloric intake, body weight, and fat mass were measured
125 Adipose tissue expands in response to excess caloric intake, but individuals prone to deposit viscera
126 ability of fat mass to expand with increased caloric intake, but that SMRT also negatively regulates
127 ne week of daily anodal tDCS reduced overall caloric intake by 14% in comparison with sham stimulatio
128                               A reduction of caloric intake by 40% for a short period (7 weeks), impl
129 r day (low-carbohydrate diet) or to restrict caloric intake by 500 calories per day with <30% of calo
130 ng humans, can achieve precise regulation of caloric intake by adjusting consumption in response to c
131 of a fat emulsion maintained constant hourly caloric intake by adjusting the number of dry licks in r
132  fructose that supplies approximately 10% of caloric intake by Americans clearly affects absorption o
133            The evidence is accumulating that caloric intake can increase production of reactive oxyge
134                                       Excess caloric intake can lead to insulin resistance.
135 ivity, other breast cancer risk factors, and caloric intake controlled for (false discovery rate <0.2
136                                    Increased caloric intake correlated with atrophy in discrete neura
137                                      Reduced caloric intake decreases arterial blood pressure in heal
138 habditis elegans longevity genes, restricted caloric intake) demonstrate the feasibility of extending
139 e, cigarette smoking, body mass index, total caloric intake, dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin,
140 e quality of dietary intake (particularly in caloric intake, dietary protein intake, dietary fiber in
141                                         High caloric intake disrupted this interaction and decreased
142                               A reduction in caloric intake dramatically slows cancer progression in
143 restriction, exhibited a greater increase in caloric intake during sleep restriction (d = 0.62), and
144 ly differ in daily caloric intake, increased caloric intake during sleep restriction, or meal timing.
145 ed by body mass index, menopausal status, or caloric intake during the past year.
146                                    Age, sex, caloric intake, education status, and UHDRS motor scores
147 iatal region showed increased sensitivity to caloric intake even in the absence of gustatory inputs.
148                                              Caloric intake exceeded the estimated energy requirement
149 uch reward-related consumption can result in caloric intake exceeding requirements and is considered
150                                         When caloric intake exceeds expenditure, the surplus is chann
151            Animals exposed to 3 days of high caloric intake exhibited hyperinsulinemia without hyperg
152    In nearly every organism studied, reduced caloric intake extends life span.
153 occurred in the absence of a change in total caloric intake, fat pad weights, and adipose-related mea
154               The overall mean (+/-sd) daily caloric intake for all study participants was 49.4 +/- 2
155 ypercaloric diets (in 75% excess of habitual caloric intake) for 3 days, enriched in unsaturated FA (
156 iations (P < 10(-5)) for percentage of total caloric intake from protein and carbohydrate.
157 nactivity in the past 30 days, proportion of caloric intake from sweetened beverages (24-hour recall)
158                                       Higher caloric intake further increases the risk of incident st
159                                       Proper caloric intake goals in critically ill surgical patients
160 th increased physical activity and decreased caloric intake have been proposed to reduce insulin as a
161 ries that help in balancing food choice with caloric intake; however, this metabolic learning or memo
162 parate experiments a significant increase in caloric intake in a subsequent laboratory chow meal.
163                                    Long-term caloric intake in excess of energy expenditures, chronic
164 us findings, C75 was ineffective at reducing caloric intake in ketotic rats.
165 ounteracts the negative effects of increased caloric intake in mice fed a diet rich in fat and fructo
166                              Average enteral caloric intake in pediatric patients was 15 kcal/kg befo
167 ats lack compensatory mechanisms to increase caloric intake in response to a T3-induced increase in E
168 l-3-yl)pyridine] significantly reduced total caloric intake in these mice during high-fat access.
169 ial sweeteners in rats resulted in increased caloric intake, increased body weight, and increased adi
170 whites did not significantly differ in daily caloric intake, increased caloric intake during sleep re
171                    These focused on reducing caloric intake, increasing physical activity, and behavi
172  this epidemic has been attributed to excess caloric intake, induced by ever present food cues and th
173 alent among obese individuals with excessive caloric intake, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes
174 insulin), and the age 9-10 y insulin x total caloric intake interaction predicted IFG and T2DM at age
175                              Increased daily caloric intake is a major behavioral mechanism that unde
176                                    Excessive caloric intake is associated with an increased risk for
177 ntained within a narrow range; even when the caloric intake is excessive, compensatory FA-induced upr
178 igenic gastric peptide hormone secreted when caloric intake is limited.
179                                              Caloric intake is normal in MGAT2-deficient mice, and di
180                                  Restricting caloric intake is one of the most effective ways to exte
181 s not tested whether an objectively measured caloric intake is positively associated with neural resp
182 nt to diet-induced obesity even though their caloric intake is similar to that of wild-type mice, sug
183 ant flies take larger but fewer meals, their caloric intake is the same as that of wild-type flies.
184                                    Excessive caloric intake is thought to be sensed by the brain, whi
185 ant proportion of the resulting reduction in caloric intake is unaccounted for by the restrictive and
186 ikely due to severity of illness rather than caloric intake itself.
187 on and energy expenditure, with no change in caloric intake, locomotor activity, or thyroid hormone l
188                         (iii) Restriction of caloric intake lowers steady-state levels of oxidative s
189  were grouped into one of four categories of caloric intake: &lt;25%, 25-49%, 50-74%, and > or =75% of a
190 sought to assess sex and race differences in caloric intake, macronutrient intake, and meal timing du
191  that enhance the desire to eat and increase caloric intake, making it exceedingly difficult for indi
192 ing epidemiological evidence indicating that caloric intake may influence risk for AD and raises the
193 l outcomes but other studies concluding that caloric intake may not be important in determining outco
194 uts, vegetables, and spices, or even reduced caloric intake, may lower age-related cognitive declines
195  all patients with bvFTD had increased total caloric intake (mean, 1344 calories) compared with the A
196 del adjusted for age, CAG repeat length, and caloric intake, MeDi was not associated with phenoconver
197 for health behaviors (drinking, smoking, and caloric intake), medications for hypertension, high chol
198 onal studies suggest that achieving targeted caloric intake might not be necessary since provision of
199     Appetite, tiredness, nausea, well-being, caloric intake, nutritional status, and function were pr
200 nce appetite, tiredness, nausea, well-being, caloric intake, nutritional status, or function after 2
201 estricted feeding (TRF) regimen in which all caloric intakes occur consistently within </= 12 h every
202 s were fed ad libitum (AL) or a CR diet (60% caloric intake of AL diet).
203 rose ad libitum, Fat/Sucrose pair-fed to the caloric intake of CHO, or Fat/Sucrose at 60% of ad libit
204         In contrast, a high-fat diet reduces caloric intake of diabetics to normal, reflected by norm
205                  Moderate differences in the caloric intake of meat products provided nontrivial redu
206 erine growth in FASDEL mice by supplementing caloric intake of pregnant dams normalized beta-cell mas
207 libitum, HPD ad libitum, HPD pair-fed to the caloric intake of the BCD, or the HPD at 60% of ad libit
208  lower than those of nonvegetarians and that caloric intake of vegetarians is typically lower than th
209 tionally includes high amounts (30% of total caloric intake) of saturated fat rather than omega-6 fat
210 hGH) gene, GH1, to assess the effect of high caloric intake on expression as well as the local chromo
211 hysical activity muted the effects of excess caloric intake on insulin levels, GH1 promoter hyperacet
212          Insulin could mediate the effect of caloric intake on leptin and could be a determinant of i
213 he first in-depth analysis of the effects of caloric intake on NK cell phenotype and function and pro
214 ed to evaluate the effects of DEDS, DVS, and caloric intake on outcome.
215 lating fatty acids but produced no change in caloric intake or body weight, stimulated novelty-seekin
216 on of high-fructose diets leads to increased caloric intake or decreased energy expenditure, thereby
217 ed by increasing physical activity, reducing caloric intake, or both, should lower insulin levels, pr
218 ned from stores contribute to disparities in caloric intake over time.
219  of physical activity (P < .0001), and lower caloric intake (P < .02) were all independently associat
220  sleep restriction, subjects increased daily caloric intake (P < 0.001) and fat intake (P = 0.024), i
221  2.36; 95% CI, 1.0-5.57; P = .05) and higher caloric intake (P = .04) were associated with risk of ph
222  proportion of patients with low protein and caloric intake (P = 0.02 and 0.01, respectively).
223 DEDS (P = 0.016) and DVS (P = 0.048) but not caloric intake (P = 0.585) significantly predicted outco
224 ta = 201 mg/d, adjusted for age, gender, and caloric intake; P < 0.001).
225 functions including digestion, regulation of caloric intake, pancreatic insulin secretion, and metabo
226 than women due to a larger increase in daily caloric intake, particularly during late-night hours.
227 aracteristics of the Western lifestyle (high caloric intake, physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, a
228 x, television watching, caregiver education, caloric intake, poverty-income ratio, race/ethnicity, se
229                                          Low caloric intake prior to first birth followed by a subseq
230  hormone levels, resting energy expenditure, caloric intake, pulmonary function, or clinical status.
231  in the lowest physical activity and highest caloric intake quintile (P < .0001).
232  in the highest physical activity and lowest caloric intake quintile compared with insulin levels of
233  regression, adjusted for age, gender, total caloric intake, reason for screening (routine or other),
234                               The attenuated caloric intake, reduced food efficiency, and normalizati
235                          To avoid increasing caloric intake, regular nut consumption can be recommend
236 iasis, but the role of physical activity and caloric intake remains poorly understood.
237 nate represented 1.4% and 0.08% of the total caloric intake, respectively, developed liver fibrosis a
238 y from 1980-1982 to 1995-1997, while overall caloric intake rose 8% in women but not men.
239 ggest partial neural mediation of changes in caloric intake seen after RYGB surgery.
240 icity, education, apolipoprotein E genotype, caloric intake, smoking, medical comorbidity index, and
241                                     In 2004, caloric intake still remained >19% above the EER in both
242                         Postnatal ad libitum caloric intake superimposed on intrauterine growth restr
243  to income ratio, sex, serum cotinine level, caloric intake, television watching, and urinary creatin
244                                              Caloric intake tended to decrease after DB administratio
245  produces a sustained decrease in ad libitum caloric intake that may be mediated by increased central
246                   After adjustment for daily caloric intake, the greater likelihood of meeting calciu
247 et refeeding on the respective formulas with caloric intake titrated to achieve weight maintenance.
248 n, but the need for a long-term reduction in caloric intake to achieve these benefits has been assume
249 se or amino acid uptake or require a greater caloric intake to avoid hypoglycemia.
250                     The accurate matching of caloric intake to caloric expenditure involves a complex
251 nisms to maintain energy balance by matching caloric intake to caloric expenditure.
252 justment for sex, age, height, weight, total caloric intake, tobacco smoking, and education.
253    Secondary outcomes included self-reported caloric intake, walking, and moderate physical activity.
254 iduals after adjustment for age, gender, and caloric intake was -6 mg/d (P = 0.95) in the control gro
255 the women were nulliparous, and median daily caloric intake was 1,840 cal (IQR 1,487-2,222).
256                                              Caloric intake was 61% and 22% of goal for the IEF and C
257 ) or low-fat (LF; 12% Kcal) diets, and equal caloric intake was maintained until euthanasia at 7 mont
258                                     A higher caloric intake was observed in patients with PD and did
259       A greater reduction in body weight and caloric intake was observed in response to IMC-H7 during
260                                        Daily caloric intake was recorded for each patient.
261                                              Caloric intake was similar in the two groups, with the t
262                                 Decreases in caloric intake, weight, and BMI correlated with activati
263 ed women with AN, lower DEDS and DVS but not caloric intake were associated with poor outcome.
264 re (PBMR), predicted energy expenditure, and caloric intake were calculated using recommended formula
265                            No differences in caloric intake were found.
266  an increased drive to eat to restore normal caloric intake whilst reducing thermogenesis in order to
267 o be at lower risk than people with the same caloric intake who consumed smaller amounts of dietary f
268                                    Excessive caloric intake without a rise in energy expenditure prom
269     PDE10A deficiency produces a decrease in caloric intake without affecting meal frequency, daytime
270  ghrelin plasma concentrations, satiety, and caloric intake.Women (n = 39) were more sensitive toward
271 als, the female AT(2)KO mice with equivalent caloric intake (WT: 1424+/-48; AT(2)KO:1456+/-80 kcal) g

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