


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nduced by dietary restriction (also known as caloric restriction).
2 ons, but also lowered BW and adiposity under caloric restriction.
3 ptive decreases of metabolic rate induced by caloric restriction.
4 remodeling, to cardioprotection arising from caloric restriction.
5  accumulation through a mechanism resembling caloric restriction.
6 tween IDH2 and SIRT3 under acute and chronic caloric restriction.
7 betes and regulated by feeding, fasting, and caloric restriction.
8 volved in life-span extension in response to caloric restriction.
9 own and delays age-related kidney disease is caloric restriction.
10 bserved in controls matched for adiposity by caloric restriction.
11  neither has the correction that occurs upon caloric restriction.
12 ats were subjected to 0, 2, 4, or 6 weeks of caloric restriction.
13 tensity aerobic exercise is performed during caloric restriction.
14 ed to the beneficial effects of exercise and caloric restriction.
15 gevity through pathways common to effects of caloric restriction.
16 e in the antiaging cardiovascular effects of caloric restriction.
17 se and the changes in their capacities after caloric restriction.
18 ling pathway, mitochondrial dysfunction, and caloric restriction.
19 yeast and promotes lifespan extension during caloric restriction.
20 oposed to underlie the beneficial effects of caloric restriction.
21 plicated in the lifespan-enhancing effect of caloric restriction.
22  stimuli as pharmacological interventions or caloric restriction.
23 cted by MsrA or MsrB, and further reduced by caloric restriction.
24 pendent of the lifespan extension offered by caloric restriction.
25  be predicted to increase weight loss during caloric restriction.
26  ageing by mechanisms that may be related to caloric restriction.
27 -old ob/ob mice either by leptin infusion or caloric restriction.
28 tabolic potential and a mechanism resembling caloric restriction.
29 eral adipose tissue in response to prolonged caloric restriction.
30 glycemia and prevalent mortality upon severe caloric restriction.
31 nisms promotes longevity in a manner akin to caloric restriction.
32 groups followed a Mediterranean diet without caloric restriction.
33     Volunteers then underwent 6 weeks of 50% caloric restriction.
34 uenced by the energy expenditure response to caloric restriction.
35 armacologic agents that mimic the effects of caloric restriction.
36 n in different species by mechanisms akin to caloric restriction.
37 isms and may underlie the health benefits of caloric restriction, a diet that delays aging and neurod
38                                              Caloric restriction, a near-universal lifespan extending
39                                              Caloric restriction activates SIRT3 expression in both w
40                          It is possible that caloric restriction acts by improving insulin sensitivit
41  of Molecular Cell, Molin et al. reveal that caloric restriction alleviates PKA-dependent inhibition
42                                              Caloric restriction alone also led to significant decrea
43 ve caloric restriction and aerobic exercise, caloric restriction alone, aerobic exercise alone, or us
44 tion to one of the following 2 diets without caloric restriction: an HP diet (>40% of energy from pro
45  for potential factors that are regulated by caloric restriction and act as caloric restriction mimet
46 tested the hypothesis that implementation of caloric restriction and aerobic exercise is feasible and
47 ts consented, 111 were randomized to receive caloric restriction and aerobic exercise, caloric restri
48 , and finally we discuss the role of Sir2 in caloric restriction and aging.
49 models of longevity are related primarily to caloric restriction and alterations in metabolism.
50 fy the molecular pathways responsive to both caloric restriction and dietary composition within adipo
51  to the idea that prevention of obesity, and caloric restriction and exercise could reduce the predis
52 the beneficial effects on neural function of caloric restriction and exercise, which are among the mo
53  has also been proposed to mimic benefits of caloric restriction and exercise.
54                                         Both caloric restriction and fasting significantly reduced PP
55  by two manipulations that extend life span, caloric restriction and genetic attenuation of the norma
56 issue mass in obese humans in the absence of caloric restriction and markedly accelerate weight and b
57  provided by the in vivo efficacy of dietary caloric restriction and natural product-based energy res
58                                              Caloric restriction and periodic fasting can extend adul
59 ed in the beneficial effects of exercise and caloric restriction and putative anti-inflammatory effec
60 g histone deacetylase, which is increased by caloric restriction and reduced by overfeeding.
61 trations and reduced HDL is improved by both caloric restriction and reduced carbohydrate consumption
62 eeminence for their roles in the response to caloric restriction and the regulation of aging and life
63 lycemia and promoting survival during severe caloric restriction and the requirement for ghrelin cell
64                                  In rodents, caloric restriction and young blood-induced revitalizati
65  the weight-loss program included nutrition (caloric restriction) and psychological therapies.
66 eating a biological state similar to that of caloric restriction, and consequently leading to life sp
67 potential regulation of pathways mediated by caloric restriction, and growing links to human disease
68 en shown to decrease with age, increase with caloric restriction, and influence stress resistance.
69 lated by leptin deficiency, not modulated by caloric restriction, and markedly suppressed by short-te
70 t stimulate AMPK and PGC1alpha via exercise, caloric restriction, and medications result in stimulati
71 ttenuated in the kidney, ovary, and heart by caloric restriction, and this decrease correlates with d
72 ently in young and old rats after 6 weeks of caloric restriction ( approximately decrease 53%; P = 0.
73                  Disturbed eating and severe caloric restriction are characteristic features of patie
74 ) localized to ghrelin cells is required for caloric restriction-associated ghrelin release and the e
75               Previous reports indicate that caloric restriction attenuates anxiety and other behavio
76                              We propose that caloric restriction attenuates behavioral and physiologi
77 Glycemic control improves in part because of caloric restriction but also because gut peptide secreti
78 n (TFCA) was measured at baseline and during caloric restriction by using a dual-stable calcium isoto
79                                              Caloric restriction (by 33% of energy intake) for 4 wk d
80            Lipoapoptosis can be prevented by caloric restriction, by thiazolidinedione treatment, and
81        Thus, a reduction of fat mass without caloric restriction can be associated with increased lon
82  by environmental modification; for example, caloric restriction can increase life span.
83                    Even moderate exercise or caloric restriction can lead to lower progesterone level
84                                 Six weeks of caloric restriction caused a similar reduction in body w
85                                              Caloric restriction causes many changes in glucose metab
86 ew study in the mouse intestine reveals that caloric restriction causes Paneth cells to repress mTORC
87 lerate weight and body fat loss secondary to caloric restriction compared with diets low in dairy pro
88                                  In mammals, caloric restriction consistently results in extended lif
89 sir2.1 deletion, we show that heat shock and caloric restriction cooperate to promote increased survi
90             CONCLUSIONS Improved S(I) during caloric restriction correlated with a preferential abdom
91                                      Whether caloric restriction (CR) acts synergistically with RT to
92 ric restriction, we show that the effects of caloric restriction (CR) and the GHRH mutation are addit
93                                              Caloric restriction (CR) can increase longevity in roden
94 is unclear, but prior evidence suggests that caloric restriction (CR) can slow thymic aging by mainta
95                       It has been shown that caloric restriction (CR) delays aging and possibly delay
96                                    In yeast, caloric restriction (CR) delays aging by activating the
97                                      Because caloric restriction (CR) delays aging, at least in part,
98  that adult female mice maintained under 40% caloric restriction (CR) did not exhibit aging-related i
99                                              Caloric restriction (CR) enhances the sensitivity of ske
100                                 Importantly, caloric restriction (CR) extends lifespan in several org
101                                              Caloric restriction (CR) extends the life span and healt
102                                              Caloric restriction (CR) extends the lifespan of flies,
103 h to ad libitum low-fat diet (DIO-switch) or caloric restriction (CR) for 4 weeks before being killed
104                                              Caloric restriction (CR) has been found to extend the li
105                                    Long-term caloric restriction (CR) has been repeatedly shown to in
106                                              Caloric restriction (CR) has been shown to retard aging
107                        We determined whether caloric restriction (CR) has cardiac-specific effects th
108                                              Caloric restriction (CR) has long been known to increase
109                                              Caloric restriction (CR) has SSRI-like effects on neural
110                                              Caloric restriction (CR) improves insulin sensitivity an
111 ectra of blood serum in a long-term study of caloric restriction (CR) in the dog (n = 24 control fed
112                                   Mice under caloric restriction (CR) increased Sirt3 protein levels,
113                                              Caloric restriction (CR) is a dietary intervention known
114                                              Caloric restriction (CR) is a dietary regimen known to p
115                                              Caloric restriction (CR) is commonly recommended for imp
116                                              Caloric restriction (CR) is proposed to decrease tumorig
117                                              Caloric restriction (CR) is the most potent intervention
118                                              Caloric restriction (CR) markedly extends life span and
119 was designed to explore the possibility that caloric restriction (CR) may benefit Alzheimer's disease
120 e effects of life- and health-span-extending caloric restriction (CR) on gene expression among young
121  is known regarding the long-term effects of caloric restriction (CR) on the risk for atherosclerosis
122 e examined whether these features are due to caloric restriction (CR) or altered nutrient handling.
123 tion was modulated in a group of old rats by caloric restriction (CR) or by surgical removal of visce
124                       Adult-onset, long-term caloric restriction (CR) prolongs maximum life span in l
125                                              Caloric restriction (CR) protects against aging and dise
126                                              Caloric restriction (CR) reduces the incidence and progr
127                                              Caloric restriction (CR) reduces the pathological effect
128                                              Caloric restriction (CR) reduces the pathological effect
129                       In laboratory rodents, caloric restriction (CR) retards several age-dependent p
130                       In laboratory rodents, caloric restriction (CR) retards several age-dependent p
131                                              Caloric restriction (CR) started at 14 months of age res
132                            In animal models, caloric restriction (CR) suppresses these diseases as we
133 e to adjust their activities when faced with caloric restriction (CR) to deal with reduced energy int
134                                              Caloric restriction (CR) without malnutrition extends li
135                                              Caloric restriction (CR) without malnutrition increases
136                                              Caloric restriction (CR), a manipulation that protects t
137  (iePPARgammaKO) to a two-week period of 25% caloric restriction (CR), following which iePPARgammaKO
138  activities similar to those associated with caloric restriction (CR), such as increased life span an
139                                              Caloric restriction (CR), the consumption of fewer calor
140                                              Caloric restriction (CR), the consumption of fewer calor
141 ntly mediate the health-promoting effects of caloric restriction (CR), which includes the retardation
142                                              Caloric restriction (CR), without malnutrition, delays a
143 xtension of chronological life span (CLS) by caloric restriction (CR).
144 ction of resting energy expenditure (REE) to caloric restriction (CR).
145  for 6 months on a reduced-calorie diet [30% caloric restriction (CR)] or an ad libitum control diet
146                                              Caloric restriction decreases oxidative damage and exten
147                                  In rodents, caloric restriction decreases the levels of plasma gluco
148 +-dependent protein deacetylases involved in caloric restriction-dependent life span extension.
149 tmenopausal women were randomized to 1-year: caloric restriction diet (goal of 10% weight loss, N = 1
150 nth randomized controlled trial, comparing a caloric restriction diet arm (goal: 10% weight loss, N =
151 , when Car(-/-) animals were placed on a 40% caloric restriction diet for 12 weeks, Car(-/-) animals
152                   In this study we find that caloric restriction dramatically rescues the motor incoo
153                                          The caloric restriction effect did not require the induction
154  the effects of 12 mo of weight loss through caloric restriction, exercise intervention, or both on s
155 sponsivity and orexigenic drives by moderate caloric restriction experience.
156                          Gene expression and caloric restriction experiments in model organisms confi
157                                              Caloric restriction extends life span by slowing down th
158                                              Caloric restriction extends life span in a variety of sp
159                                              Caloric restriction extends lifespan in numerous species
160 mates, and exposure of Ghsr-null mice to 60% caloric restriction fails to elicit antidepressant-like
161 ditis elegans BAF-1 mobility is regulated by caloric restriction, food deprivation, and heat shock.
162  h before death (F), subjected to short-term caloric restriction for 23 days (SCR), or LCR for 9 mont
163 treatment with 2.24 mg/kg.d rapamycin or 40% caloric restriction for 9 weeks partially rescued cardio
164  Biase et al. independently demonstrate that caloric restriction from fasting and pharmacologic inhib
165 nsumption and did not include weight loss or caloric restriction goals.
166 eeding analysis revealed that mutant mice on caloric restriction had a growth rate and body compositi
167 , a downstream mediator in this pathway, and caloric restriction had an additive effect, resulting in
168 ension of life span in response to long-term caloric restriction, had lower GSH/GSSG ratios and highe
169 rift is a determinant of lifespan in mammals.Caloric restriction has been shown to increase lifespan
170                                              Caloric restriction has been shown to increase longevity
171                                              Caloric restriction has cardiac-specific effects that am
172       BHB levels are elevated by starvation, caloric restriction, high-intensity exercise, or the low
173 eral drugs to the gene expression profile of caloric restriction identified metformin as a drug whose
174 sely, lifespan-extending maneuvers including caloric restriction impose beneficial pleiotropic effect
175 , it is significantly prevented by long-term caloric restriction in aged mice.
176 eplacement of ghrelin blocked the effects of caloric restriction in beta1AR-deficient mice.
177 F-1 immobilization as a specific response to caloric restriction in C. elegans intestinal cells.
178 hypothesis, we have determined the effect of caloric restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans on activat
179                                       Severe caloric restriction in humans may confer protection from
180 ediate the blood pressure lowering effect of caloric restriction in hypertensive rats.
181 triking similarity to the effect on aging of caloric restriction in mammals.
182 tion drift correlates with lifespan and that caloric restriction in mice and rhesus monkeys results i
183 sized by the hypoglycemia that is induced by caloric restriction in mouse models of deficient ghrelin
184                                              Caloric restriction in obese diabetic patients quickly i
185 n inhibitor of fat absorption, combined with caloric restriction in overweight subjects with nonalcoh
186            In contrast to wild type animals, caloric restriction in these mice had little effect on A
187  a drug whose action could potentially mimic caloric restriction in vivo.
188                 In a mouse model of moderate caloric restriction in which a 10-15% weight loss simila
189 ovement in glucose metabolism, after 1 wk of caloric restriction, in severely obese diabetic patients
190 ficial effects that met or exceeded those of caloric restriction including reduced serum glucose and
191 energy deficit (kilocalories per day) during caloric restriction, incorporating energy intake and was
192                             Both obesity and caloric restriction increase fracture risk and are regul
193                                        Also, caloric restriction increased apoptosis of DG subgranula
194 ers of enhanced neuroendocrine adaptation to caloric restriction, increased hunger, and a shift in re
195                              We propose that caloric restriction increases bioavailability of NO, dec
196                        Finally, we show that caloric restriction increases the ability of heat shock
197             We have previously reported that caloric restriction increases the expression of one of t
198  many forms of reward-seeking behavior, with caloric restriction increasing the drive for drugs of ab
199  role of the plasma membrane redox system in caloric restriction-induced pathways responsible for sen
200 ht thereby adjunctively aid consolidation of caloric restriction-induced weight loss and might also b
201                                              Caloric restriction inhibits hepatosteatosis, reduces Wn
202                        Leanness secondary to caloric restriction is known to be associated with impro
203                                              Caloric restriction is known to up-regulate expression o
204 ller reductions in energy expenditure during caloric restriction is not known.
205 ed with an increased risk for cancers, while caloric restriction is protective, perhaps through clear
206                          Longevity-promoting caloric restriction is thought to trigger downregulation
207                               Starvation, or caloric restriction, is known to activate the transcript
208                    Metabolic factors such as caloric restriction, ketogenic diet, and hyperglycemia i
209 short-term and lifespan-prolonging long-term caloric restriction (LCR) on gene expression in white ad
210                        Our studies show that caloric restriction leads to an altered anticipatory fee
211 th the FXR-TGR5 dual agonist INT-767 induced caloric restriction-like effects and reversed age-relate
212  LG isoflavone supplementation resulted in a caloric restriction-like gene expression profile for bot
213                                  Inasmuch as caloric restriction lowers blood glucose levels, this st
214  of chronic viral infection, suggesting that caloric restriction may modulate viremia to some extent
215 nd nutritional factors, such as exercise and caloric restriction, may exert their known health benefi
216                                              Caloric restriction mimetic drugs have geroprotective ef
217 y systems, or longevity pathways targeted by caloric restriction mimetic drugs.
218                                              Caloric restriction mimetics (CRMs) mimic the biochemica
219 anism, effects, and organ specificity of the caloric restriction mimetics RSV and SRT.
220  regulated by caloric restriction and act as caloric restriction mimetics.
221 "habit," supporting the view that persistent caloric restriction mimics some aspects of addiction to
222                                       Unlike caloric restriction, MSI-1436 decreased mRNA levels of a
223  immune response to weight loss was dynamic; caloric restriction of high-fat diet-fed mice led to an
224 been inferred from genetic manipulations and caloric restriction of model organisms.
225          These results suggest that although caloric restriction on a HFD provides metabolic benefits
226 (AE) versus resistance exercise (RE) without caloric restriction on abdominal adiposity, ectopic fat,
227 uin SIRT3 mediates the protective effects of caloric restriction on age-related hearing loss by promo
228                               The effects of caloric restriction on DNA methylation were detectable a
229 east Sir2 gene, which mediates the effect of caloric restriction on life span extension in yeast and
230 herefore determined the effects of aging and caloric restriction on the expression of FXR and TGR5 in
231  and induced in a VHR1 dependent manner upon caloric restriction, on non-fermentable carbon sources,
232                Thus, retrograde response and caloric restriction operate along distinct pathways in d
233 older patients with clinically stable HFPEF, caloric restriction or aerobic exercise training increas
234 te of oxygen consumption was not affected by caloric restriction or by the exclusion of proteins and
235  Yet, since environmental stressors, such as caloric restriction or exposure to mild stress, can incr
236  normalization of weight was mediated not by caloric restriction or increased activity, but by increa
237 magnitude of this change is primarily due to caloric restriction or is unique to the surgical procedu
238 uggest that the anti-inflammatory effects of caloric restriction or ketogenic diets may be linked to
239                       Dietary habits such as caloric restriction or nutrients that mimic these effect
240 e on control diet or one of 2 diet regimens (caloric restriction or rapamycin) that altered protein t
241 signed to address features of aging, such as caloric restriction or visceral fat depletion, have succ
242 6 y] men were recruited to either WL through caloric restriction or weight maintenance (WM) for 6 mo.
243 xtend life span in response to sensory cues, caloric restriction, or stress.
244 idative stress, exercise-induced adaptation, caloric restriction, osmotic stress, mechanical stress,
245 ce to weight loss during extended periods of caloric restriction, our findings have important implica
246                                              Caloric restriction partially or completely restored the
247 us can also increase longevity in a separate caloric-restriction pathway.
248 eater decreases in energy expenditure during caloric restriction predict less weight loss, indicating
249 s are decreased in the aging kidney and that caloric restriction prevents these age-related decreases
250       Animal studies reveal that fasting and caloric restriction produce increased activity of specif
251                Kume et al. demonstrated that caloric restriction protected the aging kidney by preser
252                       Evidence suggests that caloric restriction protects against age-associated loss
253 he current study demonstrate that short-term caloric restriction readily normalizes hypothalamic resp
254       Leptin-induced lipopenia prevented and caloric restriction reduced steatosis, hyperglycemia, an
255   Although obesity rates are rapidly rising, caloric restriction remains one of the few safe therapie
256                         We further show that caloric restriction rescues SIRT1 levels in transgenic M
257                         Moreover, short-term caloric restriction restores hepatic expression of this
258                                              Caloric restriction resulted in the downregulation of ge
259 hotgun lipidomics to demonstrate that modest caloric restriction results in phospholipid depletion, m
260 red with depletions by exercise alone, acute caloric restriction results in rapid changes in appetite
261                                              Caloric restriction retards the aging process in small m
262 ell-like features, whereas CtBP depletion or caloric restriction reverses gene repression and increas
263            Reducing lipogenesis by leptin or caloric restriction should prevent or reduce the destruc
264 how that both short-term fasting and chronic caloric restriction significantly reduce the percentage
265 to 30-year-old rhesus monkeys exposed to 30% caloric restriction since 7-14 years of age showed atten
266 mpromises the longevity-promoting effects of caloric restriction, Sirtuin 1 activation, inhibition of
267                                (ii) Why does caloric restriction slow aging?
268 ined on a low-calorie medium to determine if caloric restriction slows the aging process.
269 seen in 2.7-3.2-year-old mice exposed to 40% caloric restriction starting at 0.3 years of age.
270 cations such as reduced carbohydrate intake, caloric restriction, structured exercise, and/or pharmac
271 ect to 140 (1)H NMR rat urine spectra from a caloric restriction study and is compared with several o
272 as rapidly growing and was down-regulated by caloric restriction, suggesting a role of Akt in nutrien
273 by specific interventions: metabolic risk by caloric restriction, systemic inflammation by statins, p
274 es with overfeeding, lose less weight during caloric restriction than those with a "spendthrift" phen
275 d accumulation of triglycerides during brief caloric restriction that represented 50% of total myocar
276  either completely or partially prevented by caloric restriction, the only intervention known to reta
277 nstituents, particularly under conditions of caloric restriction, thereby normalizing cellular metabo
278 F levels increase with physical activity and caloric restriction, thus BDNF may mediate some of the o
279  persons who may need additional exercise or caloric restriction to minimize the likelihood of furthe
280                                              Caloric restriction was accompanied by a slowing of the
281 tuin linked to lifespan-enhancing effects of caloric restriction, was measured by immunoblot.
282    While these effects overlap with those of caloric restriction, we show that the effects of caloric
283  to increased energy expenditure rather than caloric restriction, we were interested in determining w
284                 We examined the effects of a caloric restriction weight loss diet and exercise on inf
285                 Our findings indicate that a caloric restriction weight loss diet with or without exe
286    Specific biological functions impacted by caloric restriction were identified using the Gene Ontol
287                       The effects of age and caloric restriction were qualitatively similar in C57BL/
288 e after bariatric surgery independently from caloric restriction, whereas the level of WAT TGR5 prote
289 ergic nature of AgRP neurons is increased by caloric restriction, whether the GABAergic phenotype of
290 ons may create a metabolic state that mimics caloric restriction, which has been shown to extend life
291                                      Second, caloric restriction, which increases rodent life span an
292 be more effective for reducing body fat than caloric restriction, which is currently the treatment of
293                                              Caloric restriction, which retards the ageing process in
294  lipolysis and preserve thermogenesis during caloric restriction, which thereby markedly accelerates
295  in Ghsr-null mice exposed to either CSDS or caloric restriction, while the more highly active analog
296                          14 days of moderate caloric restriction with 8.5 or 5.5 hours of nighttime s
297 oluntary wheel running (HFD+Ex) and then 25% caloric restriction with exercise (Ex/CR), each for an a
298 nimal model of binge eating where history of caloric restriction with footshock stress (R + S) causes
299 ls of cAMP, thereby mimicking the effects of caloric restriction with respect to metabolic reprogramm
300                         We hypothesized that caloric restriction would have beneficial effects on the

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