


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 specific rewiring, which can be prevented by calorie restriction.
2  is selectively activated during fasting and calorie restriction.
3 h dietary carbohydrate restriction than with calorie restriction.
4 ngival RAGE expression in rats is reduced by calorie restriction.
5 dent, with a mechanism most likely mimicking calorie restriction.
6 r expression of glucose-repressed genes upon calorie restriction.
7 uction in energy expenditure associated with calorie restriction.
8 ation of IGF-1R prevented hypothermia during calorie restriction.
9  important role in cell survival promoted by calorie restriction.
10 ing behavioral changes induced by short-term calorie restriction.
11 tal immobility in the forced swim test after calorie restriction.
12  reduced depression-like symptoms induced by calorie restriction.
13 side to enhance life span does not depend on calorie restriction.
14 gene silencing, and extends lifespan without calorie restriction.
15 OR signaling mediates life span extension by calorie restriction.
16 extent than does similar weight loss through calorie restriction.
17 by Sir2 activity under conditions that mimic calorie restriction.
18           This process could be prevented by calorie restriction.
19 t deacetylase and may mediate the effects of calorie restriction.
20  gene mediates the life-extending effects of calorie restriction.
21 er certain environmental conditions, such as calorie restriction.
22 portant factor for the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.
23 onstrating replicative lifespan extension by calorie restriction.
24 to study cells as they age in the absence of calorie restriction.
25 nimals is impaired but can be reactivated by calorie restriction.
26 fter ex vivo cytokine withdrawal and in vivo calorie restriction.
27 criptome persist regardless of two months of calorie restriction.
28 ke CREB-deficient mice, poorly responsive to calorie restriction.
29 e, augment stem-cell function in response to calorie restriction.
30 temperature and of energy expenditure during calorie restriction.
31 sed with the introduction of early postnatal calorie restriction.
32 d yet) result in reduced fat storage through calorie restriction.
33 oups was as follows: controls, -1.0% (1.1%); calorie restriction, -10.4% (0.9%); calorie restriction
34  unchanged in controls, but decreased in the calorie restriction (-135 kcal/d [42 kcal/d]), calorie r
35 6 months: control (weight maintenance diet); calorie restriction (25% calorie restriction of baseline
36             When mice are subjected to 7-day calorie restriction (40% of normal food intake), body fa
37 iours (e.g. 88% would routinely advise about calorie restriction; 99.6% about increasing exercise) mo
38  activation of mTORC1 in Paneth cells during calorie restriction abolishes the ISC-augmenting effects
39                                              Calorie restriction acts by reducing mechanistic target
40  sexual maturation, reproduction, aging, and calorie restriction affect Acrp30.
41                            Whether prolonged calorie restriction affects biomarkers of longevity or m
42  and skeletal muscle metabolism; 48 hours of calorie restriction affects the liver (IHTG content, hep
43                                        Thus, calorie restriction affects the onset but not the progre
44 n-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery than after calorie restriction alone has independent effects on glu
45 ter improvements than those that result from calorie restriction alone.
46              Whether dietary changes without calorie restriction also protect from diabetes has not b
47          Acute injections of GH after 7 d of calorie restriction also restored hepatic autophagy, but
48  doses of exercise or exercise combined with calorie restriction, although further work is required t
49                    We previously showed that calorie restriction ameliorated Huntington's disease pat
50               In conclusion, 4-month dietary calorie restriction and aerobic exercise had significant
51 ses that have traditionally been linked with calorie restriction and aging in mammals.
52                    The effect of early-onset calorie restriction and aging on the accumulation of ele
53                               Interestingly, calorie restriction and avoidance of obesity largely pre
54  through improvements in macroautophagy (eg, calorie restriction and calorie restriction mimetics) ar
55     Core body temperature was reduced in the calorie restriction and calorie restriction with exercis
56  tested the hypothesis that weight loss from calorie restriction and exercise combined (CREX) improve
57                                 We show that calorie restriction and exercise-mediated weight loss in
58  the physiological changes in mammals during calorie restriction and how they may lead to the observe
59 ary and sufficient for lifespan extension by calorie restriction and low-intensity stress.
60 esponses to a variety of stresses, including calorie restriction and metabolic stress.
61 or cyclic ADP ribose-mediates the effects of calorie restriction and rapamycin on ISC function.
62 cally the Ames dwarf Prop1 (df/df) mutation, calorie restriction and rapamycin.
63 a key transcriptional target and mediator of calorie restriction and stress-induced life span extensi
64                      Lack of Sir2 along with calorie restriction and/or mutations in the yeast AKT ho
65 malian sirtuins as regulators of physiology, calorie restriction, and aging.
66 levels were elevated by fasting or prolonged calorie restriction, and declined with feeding.
67 ercise 5 d/wk for 16 wk combined with modest calorie restriction ( approximately 0.84 MJ/d).
68          Moreover, if metabolic syndrome and calorie restriction are opposite extremes of the same me
69 ed to an enhanced starvation response during calorie restriction as evidenced by increased plasma ghr
70 tiveness of 2 wk of dietary carbohydrate and calorie restriction at reducing hepatic triglycerides in
71 with the changes in ARC expression observed, calorie restriction attenuated the increases in cytosoli
72 +124%) in the cortices of the brain and that calorie restriction attenuated this increase significant
73 longer duration are required to determine if calorie restriction attenuates the aging process in huma
74 ine systems and propose that Sirt1 regulates calorie restriction by sensing low calories and triggeri
75                 In yeast, resveratrol mimics calorie restriction by stimulating Sir2, increasing DNA
76 are involved in the synchronizing effects of calorie restriction, C57BL/6J mice were injected with go
77 ocus on mitochondrial-targeted antioxidants, calorie restriction, calorie restriction mimetics, and e
78 neth cells, and the ISC-enhancing effects of calorie restriction can be mimicked by rapamycin.
79                                              Calorie restriction can extend life span in a variety of
80                                              Calorie restriction can induce phase-advances of daily r
81                                              Calorie restriction can inhibit or delay carcinogenesis,
82                                    Excessive calorie restriction causes malnutrition and has adverse
83                                     Moderate calorie restriction causes temporal changes in liver and
84           Mice were subjected to 1 wk of 60% calorie restriction, causing them to lose nearly all bod
85                                 Both chronic calorie restriction (CCR) and intermittent calorie restr
86                      However, while moderate calorie restriction (CON) resulted in similar decreases
87       Presently, we demonstrate that 10 d of calorie restriction, corresponding to a 20-25% weight lo
88 o of exercise training (EX group; n = 18) or calorie restriction (CR group; n = 18)] or to a healthy
89                                              Calorie restriction (CR) (consumption of a diet with few
90                                              Calorie restriction (CR) and alternate-day fasting (ADF)
91                                              Calorie restriction (CR) and alternate-day fasting (ADF)
92                                              Calorie restriction (CR) and conserved nutrient-sensing
93  Mammalian life span can be extended by both calorie restriction (CR) and mutations that diminish som
94                             Weight loss from calorie restriction (CR) and/or endurance exercise train
95                 It is not known if long-term calorie restriction (CR) can ameliorate this relationshi
96                                      Dietary calorie restriction (CR) delays age-related physiologic
97                  We reported previously that calorie restriction (CR) delays spontaneous carcinogenes
98      Dietary methionine restriction (MR) and calorie restriction (CR) each improve metabolic health a
99                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span and ameliorat
100                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span in a wide var
101                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span in a wide var
102                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span in diverse sp
103                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span in many diffe
104                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends lifespan in a wide spec
105                                              Calorie restriction (CR) extends the life span of numero
106                It has been reported that 30% calorie restriction (CR) for 3 mo results in large incre
107                                              Calorie restriction (CR) has been reported to increase S
108                                              Calorie restriction (CR) improves health and extends lif
109 ulators in the lifespan extending effects of calorie restriction (CR) in a number of species.
110                                              Calorie restriction (CR) in the absence of malnutrition
111                               While moderate calorie restriction (CR) in the absence of malnutrition
112                                              Calorie restriction (CR) increases life span in yeast in
113                                              Calorie restriction (CR) increases longevity in many spe
114                                              Calorie restriction (CR) increases the lifespan of C57Bl
115                                              Calorie restriction (CR) influences aging processes and
116                                              Calorie restriction (CR) is a dietary intervention that
117                                              Calorie restriction (CR) is a feeding paradigm known to
118 ring genetic manipulation, the diet known as calorie restriction (CR) is currently the only way to sl
119                                              Calorie restriction (CR) is neuroprotective in Parkinson
120                                              Calorie restriction (CR) is often described as the most
121                                              Calorie restriction (CR) is the most effective and repro
122  cardiovascular and chronic kidney diseases; calorie restriction (CR) is the most studied means to de
123 idence suggesting weight maintenance through calorie restriction (CR) may limit risk of HER2-positive
124                                      Because calorie restriction (CR) modulates age-related renal dis
125      Despite initial success, weight loss by calorie restriction (CR) often fails because of rebound
126    Here we examined the effects of aging and calorie restriction (CR) on expression of the oxidative
127  deacetylase mediates many of the effects of calorie restriction (CR) on organismal lifespan and meta
128                                   In rodents calorie restriction (CR) reduces cancer incidence, impro
129                    Clinical trials involving calorie restriction (CR) require an assessment of adhere
130                                              Calorie restriction (CR) retards aging and increases lon
131                                              Calorie restriction (CR) slows aging in numerous species
132 er protection observed in NRF2 KO mice under calorie restriction (CR) suggests that most of the benef
133 tion, wild-type NAD+ salvage is required for calorie restriction (CR) to extend replicative lifespan.
134 ion of circadian clock genes are affected by calorie restriction (CR), a dietary paradigm known to in
135                              Determining how calorie restriction (CR), a prolongevity metabolic inter
136                                              Calorie restriction (CR), a reduction of 10-40% in intak
137                                              Calorie restriction (CR), a robust intervention shown to
138                                              Calorie restriction (CR), even for brief periods (4-20 d
139 including reduced life span under stress and calorie restriction (CR), G1 arrest defects, dedifferent
140  multiple long-lived mouse models, including calorie restriction (CR), which led us to hypothesize th
141  concomitant decrease in NADH levels mediate calorie restriction (CR)-induced life span extension.
142 ogic features mimicking animals living under calorie restriction (CR).
143  span and the antiaging effects conferred by calorie restriction (CR).
144 icient in SIRT4 or on the dietary regimen of calorie restriction (CR).
145 m cells (ISCs) is instead upregulated during calorie restriction (CR).
146 or, CRTC1 mediates anti-steatotic effects of calorie restriction (CR).
147                 Reduced intake of nutrients [calorie restriction (CR)] extends longevity in organisms
148 he hypothesis that the gingiva of rats fed a calorie-restriction (CR) diet expresses lower levels of
149 evaluate the clinical effects of a long-term calorie-restriction (CR) diet on periodontitis in an ani
150       Weight control by exercise and dietary calorie restriction (DCR) has been associated with reduc
151                                              Calorie restriction delays brain senescence and prevents
152 e a potentially conserved mechanism by which calorie restriction delays the ageing process.
153 iled to further increase life span and, like calorie restriction, deletion of either SCH9 or TOR1 inc
154 s revealed that IGF signaling also modulates calorie restriction-dependent Tb regulation in regions r
155                                              Calorie restriction did not prevent muscle mass loss wit
156  using terms encompassing various aspects of calorie restriction, dietary restriction, aging, longevi
157 ication of the orexin gene promoter, whereas calorie restriction enhances the activation of orexin ce
158 ead us to propose a genetic pathway by which calorie restriction extends life span and provides a fra
159                                              Calorie restriction extends life-span in a wide variety
160                                              Calorie restriction extends lifespan and produces a meta
161  the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, calorie restriction extends lifespan by increasing the a
162                                              Calorie restriction extends lifespan in a broad range of
163                                              Calorie restriction extends lifespan in organisms rangin
164                      It is not known whether calorie restriction extends maximum life span or life ex
165 r PP (mainly legume protein; n = 19) without calorie restriction for 6 weeks.
166            Thus, when body fat is reduced by calorie restriction, ghrelin stimulates growth hormone s
167                     However, neither age nor calorie restriction had any effect on caspase-3 and casp
168                                              Calorie restriction has been reproducibly shown to prolo
169                                              Calorie restriction has been shown to have neuroprotecti
170                                              Calorie restriction has been shown to inhibit epithelial
171                                     However, calorie restriction has not been as successful as expect
172 2 can extend life span, but a direct link to calorie restriction has not been demonstrated.
173 osis in rat brain with age and evidence that calorie restriction has the ability to attenuate this.
174  association with the anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction, has received particular attention,
175                         Regular exercise and calorie restriction have long been known to increase ins
176 RT1, is a mediator of life span extension by calorie restriction; however, SIRT1 may paradoxically in
177 c calorie restriction (CCR) and intermittent calorie restriction (ICR) have shown anticancer effects.
178                          They also show that calorie restriction, IGF-1R signaling, and body temperat
179  Weight loss induced by exercise training or calorie restriction improves glucose tolerance and insul
180                                              Calorie restriction improves life span whereas nutrient
181 s were measured before and after 3 months of calorie restriction in 38 healthy, obese women.
182                                              Calorie restriction in adult men and women causes benefi
183                                     However, calorie restriction in adult men and women causes many o
184 roved BAT tracer uptake was identified after calorie restriction in diabetic rats (ZDF-CR).
185 body temperature) are decreased by prolonged calorie restriction in humans and support the theory tha
186 hanisms underlying the beneficial effects of calorie restriction in humans and to characterize new ma
187 activator, mimics the anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction in lower organisms and in mice fed a
188 irtuin 1), activates a critical component of calorie restriction in mammals; that is, fat mobilizatio
189 at mediate the life-span-extending effect of calorie restriction in metazoans.
190                                       During calorie restriction in mice, increased expression of FGF
191 required for the induction of a phenotype by calorie restriction in mice.
192  state of knowledge regarding the effects of calorie restriction in modulating metabolism and aging.
193  response to exercise training combined with calorie restriction in obese and overweight women (n = 7
194 AA diet promotes rapid fat mass loss without calorie restriction in obese mice.
195                            Recent studies of calorie restriction in several organisms demonstrate an
196    In this review, we discuss SIR2 genes and calorie restriction in the lower organisms yeast and Dro
197                                   Thus, like calorie restriction in the mouse, nicotinamide riboside
198 nt deacetylase required for longevity due to calorie restriction in yeast and Drosophila.
199                            Here, we mimicked calorie restriction in yeast by physiological or genetic
200 o be involved in life span determination and calorie restriction in yeast mother cells.
201  has been associated with various effects of calorie restriction, including an increase in lifespan.
202                                              Calorie restriction increases life span in many organism
203                                    Prolonged calorie restriction increases life span in rodents.
204                   Previously, we showed that calorie restriction increases the replicative life span
205  balanced NmR salvage cycle is essential for calorie restriction-induced life span extension and stre
206                    Sirtuin 1 is required for calorie restriction-induced lifespan extension in mice,
207 deprivation-induced SIRT1 transcription, and calorie restriction-induced SIRT1 expression.
208                                              Calorie restriction-induced weight loss is accompanied b
209 sion, and could have a significant impact on calorie restriction-induced, SIRT1-mediated, changes in
210                                  In mammals, calorie restriction induces a complex pattern of physiol
211 We conclude that yeast lifespan extension by calorie restriction is the consequence of an active cell
212                                              Calorie restriction lengthens lifespan, in part, due to
213  p53 activity may mediate a component of the calorie-restriction life span-extending pathway in flies
214 report that Sir2 is directly involved in the calorie-restriction life-span-extending pathway in Droso
215 supplementation with resveratrol may produce calorie restriction-like effects on metabolic and longev
216 oration of GH by infusion during the week of calorie restriction maintained autophagy in the Goat(-/-
217  addition, it is possible that even moderate calorie restriction may be harmful in specific patient p
218 ting IGF-I levels which occur as a result of calorie restriction may lead to the inhibition of skin t
219 her important metabolic pathways that affect calorie restriction may serve as entry points for drugs
220          Although it has been suggested that calorie restriction may work by reducing the levels of r
221                      Circadian clocks govern calorie restriction-mediated life span extension through
222 ed in various biological processes including calorie restriction-mediated life span extension.
223 biomarkers for brite formation and show that calorie-restriction-mediated weight loss in women dynami
224 lyphenol in red wine, has been reported as a calorie restriction mimetic with potential antiaging and
225 ryotes and has been suggested as a potential calorie restriction mimetic.
226           This has led to the development of calorie restriction mimetics and other pharmacological i
227 ite extremes of the same metabolic spectrum, calorie restriction mimetics might provide another thera
228  macroautophagy (eg, calorie restriction and calorie restriction mimetics) are also presented.
229 -targeted antioxidants, calorie restriction, calorie restriction mimetics, and exercise training.
230 this parameter has only been estimated under calorie restriction, mimicked by starvation.
231          We have previously shown that under calorie restriction, mitochondrial deacetylase Sirt3 dea
232 ollowing carbohydrate restriction (n = 7) or calorie restriction (n = 7).
233 CNTF(Ax15); 0.1 mg x kg(-1) per day; n = 11) calorie-restriction (n = 9), or feeding ad libitum (n =
234 cited other hallmark changes associated with calorie restriction, namely bradycardia and decreased bo
235  bradycardia and hypothermia associated with calorie restriction occur through mechanisms unaffected
236  maintenance diet); calorie restriction (25% calorie restriction of baseline energy requirements); ca
237 for IUGR studies using a moderate 30% global calorie restriction of pregnant mothers and used cardiac
238                                              Calorie restriction of tor1D or sch9D cells failed to fu
239 has begun to identify important mediators of calorie restriction, offering the hope of new drugs to i
240 ith trial data showing beneficial effects of calorie restriction on aging biomarkers.
241  play a role in the synchronizing effects of calorie restriction on circadian rhythmicity.
242                    We report that effects of calorie restriction on neuronal plasticity, memory and s
243 k was to determine the effect of early-onset calorie restriction on sarcopenia in the aging rat.
244       Similar effects occur during long-term calorie restriction or a high protein diet.
245  life span in wild-type yeast require severe calorie restriction or additional mutations to extend li
246 conditions, including Prop1(df/df) dwarfism, calorie restriction or dietary rapamycin.
247                         Weight loss, through calorie restriction or increases in energy expenditure v
248 , on the benefits or hazards associated with calorie restriction or overeating, respectively.
249 tors such as high osmolarity and heat shock, calorie restriction, or inhibitors of TOR and phosphatid
250                                Additionally, calorie restriction partially restored the impaired BAT
251 n addition, several longevity factors in the calorie restriction pathway, including the NADH shuttle
252                                              Calorie restriction phase-advanced by 80 min the locomot
253 s); calorie restriction with exercise (12.5% calorie restriction plus 12.5% increase in energy expend
254                                              Calorie restriction prevented fiber loss with age, and t
255 lomerulosclerosis did not develop if dietary calorie restriction prevented weight gain and glomerular
256                                              Calorie restriction prevents both oxidant injury and glo
257 n levels, through subcutaneous injections or calorie restriction, produced anxiolytic- and antidepres
258                           We also found that calorie restriction promotes lifespan extension at least
259 iator of the beneficial metabolic effects of calorie restriction, protects neurons against mutant HTT
260           Furthermore, our data suggest that calorie restriction provides neuroprotection through ARC
261                                     Although calorie restriction reduced the number of ETS abnormalit
262                  There is some evidence that calorie restriction reduces or delays many of the age-re
263 gest that the increased longevity induced by calorie restriction requires the activation of Sir2p by
264 charomyces cerevisiae, lifespan extension by calorie restriction requires the NAD+-dependent histone
265 n the social defeat model of chronic stress, calorie restriction reverses the behavioral deficits see
266 hormonal adaptations related to longevity in calorie restriction rodents.
267                        In diverse organisms, calorie restriction slows the pace of ageing and increas
268 ent sensitivity of the promoter and impaired calorie restriction-stimulated tissue expression of SIRT
269                   By using data from a 24-wk calorie-restriction study, we tested the validity of the
270 ith metformin mimics some of the benefits of calorie restriction, such as improved physical performan
271 a key mediator of the pathways downstream of calorie restriction that have been shown to delay the on
272 rincipal modulator of pathways downstream of calorie restriction that produce beneficial effects on g
273 idol; juvenile enrichment; sucrose drinking; calorie restriction; the serotonin selective reuptake in
274 mice is elevation of GH levels during severe calorie restriction, thereby preserving blood glucose an
275      These results imply that the ability of calorie restriction to inhibit or delay cancer incidence
276 vide a possible molecular pathway connecting calorie restriction to life extension in mammals.
277 onsidered to be required in combination with calories restriction to allow an effective decrease of i
278 stration of exogenous betaOHB, or fasting or calorie restriction, two conditions associated with incr
279 rading off against longevity, with trials of calorie restriction underway.
280 tion-induced lifespan extension in mice, and calorie restriction upregulates sirtuin 1 in humans.
281               Life span extension induced by calorie restriction was not affected by the loss of CL.
282 n protein, vinegar, fish oil, tea, cinnamon, calorie restriction, weight loss, exercise, and low-dose
283 is syndrome are often oppositely affected by calorie restriction, which extends lifespan and prevents
284                                              Calorie restriction, which increases life span and insul
285                            In rodent models, calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake decrea
286 e physiological and clinical implications of calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake.
287 axa in individuals either practicing chronic calorie restriction with adequate nutrition (CRON) or wi
288 hough it is currently not known if long-term calorie restriction with adequate nutrition extends maxi
289                                    Moreover, calorie restriction with adequate nutrition protects aga
290  determined the effects of acute and chronic calorie restriction with either a low-fat, high-carbohyd
291 lorie restriction (-135 kcal/d [42 kcal/d]), calorie restriction with exercise (-117 kcal/d [52 kcal/
292 estriction of baseline energy requirements); calorie restriction with exercise (12.5% calorie restric
293 e was reduced in the calorie restriction and calorie restriction with exercise groups (both P<.05).
294  (1.1%); calorie restriction, -10.4% (0.9%); calorie restriction with exercise, -10.0% (0.8%); and ve
295                                    Long-term calorie restriction without malnutrition and reduced fun
296 ifespan in humans, we do know that long-term calorie restriction without malnutrition results in some
297                        When subjected to 60% calorie restriction, WT and Goat(-/-) mice both lost 30%
298 ed into a no-restriction (ZDF-ND) and a mild calorie restriction (ZDF-CR) group.

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