


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 odies and their giant presynaptic terminals (calyx of Held).
2  as the neuromuscular junction and the giant calyx of Held.
3 ns of high-frequency synaptic stimuli at the calyx of Held.
4  the most powerful terminals in the CNS, the calyx of Held.
5 lutamate evoked a transporter current in the calyx of Held.
6 through the giant glutamatergic synapse, the calyx of Held.
7 l maturation, and subsequent survival of the calyx of Held.
8 pses in cultured hippocampal neurons and the calyx of Held.
9 y of high-speed synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held.
10 ediator of fast synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held.
11 , and patch pipette perfusion of EGTA at the calyx of Held.
12  generate APs in neurons postsynaptic to the calyx of Held.
13 xplains stimulus-dependent depression at the calyx of Held.
14  with presynaptic Ca(2+) measurements at the calyx of Held.
15 04C knockin, on synaptic transmission in the calyx of Held, a central synapse ideally suited for high
16 via membrane capacitance measurements at the calyx of Held, a giant glutamatergic synapse.
17                       In recordings from the calyx of Held, a giant mammalian glutamatergic synapse,
18              In recordings made from the rat calyx of Held, a giant mammalian terminal, we found rest
19                                    Using the calyx of Held, a giant nerve terminal in the mouse brain
20 e, we use a gene-replacement strategy at the calyx of Held, a large CNS model synapse that expresses
21 preliminary studies of synaptogenesis at the calyx of Held, a large nerve terminal that selectively i
22 together enable high timing precision of the calyx of Held already shortly after its formation.
23                                          The calyx of Held also expresses a persistent Na(+) current
24 of a rat auditory glutamatergic synapse--the calyx of Held--and combined voltage-clamp recordings of
25                          However, unlike the calyx of Held, at the PF-->PC synapse either PKCalpha or
26 ad little influence on EPSC amplitude at the calyx of Held, but may be associated with propagation of
27 e matching of excitatory transmission in the calyx of Held by a powerful, precision inhibitory system
28                     We demonstrate here that calyx of Held (CH) innervation of its target, which form
29         We addressed this question using the calyx of Held (CH), a large nerve terminal in the audito
30                                          The calyx of Held exhibits fast glutamatergic neurotransmiss
31 ude that native mature NMDAR channels at the calyx of Held have a fast time course and reduced block
32      Recent studies of a giant synapse - the calyx of Held - have shed new light on this issue.
33  extracellular single-unit recordings at the calyx of Held in brevican-deficient mice yielded a signi
34 ion transfer in endbulbs in the VNLL and the calyx of Held in juvenile Mongolian gerbils.
35 ynaptic terminals in goldfish retina and the calyx of Held in rat auditory brainstem.
36 calcium current (IpCa) was recorded from the calyx of Held in rat brainstem slices using the whole-ce
37 rent conflict at a large nerve terminal, the calyx of Held in rat brainstem, in which recent studies
38 larger than the RRP at a nerve terminal, the calyx of Held in rat brainstem.
39 nnels, particularly P/Q-type channels at the calyx of Held in rat brainstem.
40                       We have introduced the calyx of Held in the auditory brainstem as a model syste
41 aptic transmission at a central synapse, the calyx of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid bod
42 he anterior ventral cochlear nucleus and the calyx of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid bod
43             Here, we show in synapses of the calyx of Held in vivo and hippocampal neurons in culture
44 nucleus (aVCN) and their synaptic terminals (calyx of Held) in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid bo
45 sis at the same synaptic nerve terminal, the calyx of Held, in rats.
46               Measurements of calcium at the calyx of Held indicate that deficits in synaptic modulat
47                                          The calyx of Held inputs degenerated within 3 days in cultur
48                                          The calyx of Held is a giant axosomatic terminal in the audi
49                                          The calyx of Held is a giant nerve terminal that forms a glu
50                                          The calyx of Held is an axosomatic terminal in the auditory
51 tion of synaptic vesicle (SV) release at the calyx of Held is critical for auditory processing.
52 proteins (GITs), GIT1 and GIT2, at the mouse calyx of Held leads to a large increase in AP-evoked rel
53 c transmission by activating ASIC-1as at the calyx of Held-MNTB synapse.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The ma
54 Here we investigated the excitability of the calyx of Held nerve terminal in dysmyelinated auditory b
55           We addressed this issue at the rat calyx of Held nerve terminal with capacitance measuremen
56                        Here, we find that at calyx of Held nerve terminals in the rat auditory brains
57                            We tested this in calyx of Held nerve terminals, which allow simultaneous
58 d to large specialized terminals such as the calyx of Held or hippocampal mossy fiber bouton.
59                             Using the mature calyx of Held (P16-20), we report that tissue-specific a
60 uggesting specific localization to the large calyx of Held presynaptic endings that envelop the princ
61  precisely timed depolarization of the giant calyx of Held presynaptic terminal.
62  subunits on a CaV2.1 null background at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal.
63 whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings from rat calyx of Held presynaptic terminals, our data show, for
64         We investigated the formation of the calyx of Held, probably the largest nerve terminal in th
65 econvolution analysis of transmission at the calyx of Held showed that this acceleration of the recep
66 ective disruption of this interaction in the calyx of Held synapse decreased the size of the readily
67 l nucleus of the trapezoid body at the mouse calyx of Held synapse express functional homomeric Acid-
68                                    Using the calyx of Held synapse from tissue-specific dynamin-1 kno
69                 However, recordings from the calyx of Held synapse have revealed severe frequency-dep
70  to the calcium dependence of release at the calyx of Held synapse in mice.
71 rdings and presynaptic Ca(2+) imaging at the calyx of Held synapse in rat brainstem slices.
72 h protein kinase C (PKC) mediates PTP at the calyx of Held synapse in the auditory brainstem before a
73                                          The calyx of Held synapse in the mammalian medial nucleus of
74 ds to inhibition of synaptic currents at the calyx of Held synapse in the medial nucleus of the trape
75 t astrocytes juxtaposed to the glutamatergic calyx of Held synapse in the rat medial nucleus of the t
76      We find that at the functionally mature calyx of Held synapse the Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinas
77 analyze the role of synapsins 1 and 2 in the calyx of Held synapse, allowing precise measurements of
78 es of genetic ablation of Cplx1 in the mouse calyx of Held synapse, and discovered a developmentally
79 ate the mechanism of this enhancement at the calyx of Held synapse, in which presynaptic glycine rece
80 resolved capacitance measurements at the rat calyx of Held synapse, the role of calmodulin in endocyt
81  and Ca(2+)-imaging experiments at the mouse calyx of Held synapse, to reveal the interplay between C
82        We investigated this issue at the rat calyx of Held synapse, where previous studies using whol
83 embly blocks neurotransmitter release in the calyx of Held synapse, whereas a mutant peptide that doe
84                      Here, we used the mouse calyx of Held synapse, which allows simultaneous presyna
85 orms PKCalpha and PKCbeta mediate PTP at the calyx of Held synapse, with PKCbeta contributing signifi
86 naptic vesicle exocytosis as measured in the Calyx of Held synapse.
87 currents, EPSCs, and in vivo activity at the calyx of Held synapse.
88 king a prolonged signaling mode, such as the calyx of Held synapse.
89  isoforms PKCalpha and PKCbeta in PTP at the calyx of Held synapse.
90 esent work addressed these issues at a large calyx of Held synapse.
91 ect of glutamate transporter blockade at the calyx of Held synapse.
92 measurements of synaptic transmission in the calyx-of-Held synapse from mutant mice in which syntaxin
93 nce changes and the postsynaptic EPSC at rat calyx of Held synapses in the absence or presence of tra
94                                           In Calyx of Held synapses, this mutation causes a delay and
95 tsynaptic receptor cluster at glutamatergic, calyx of Held synapses.
96  of asynchronous neurotransmitter release in calyx-of-Held synapses.
97 evelop a model of synaptic depression at the calyx of Held synaptic terminal that combines many of th
98                            At the prehearing calyx of Held, synchronous and asynchronous release is m
99    Here we study the Na+ currents of the rat calyx of Held terminal and compare them with those of po
100 itical design features that allow the mature calyx of Held terminal to fire reliably at frequencies n
101                         We have employed the calyx of Held terminal with its target, the principal ne
102 ate release during in vitro ischaemia in the calyx of Held terminal, an experimentally accessible pre
103 n received an excitatory input from a single calyx of Held terminal, and this one-to-one pattern of i
104         Using direct recordings from the rat calyx of Held terminal, we found that a fast Na(+)/K(+)-
105 in three typical forms of endocytosis at rat calyx of Held terminals by whole-cell membrane capacitan
106 rast, presynaptic receptors on glutamatergic calyx of Held terminals were composed of dispersed, homo
107                           KEY POINTS: At rat calyx of Held terminals, ATP was required not only for s
108 a-syn A53T (h-alpha-synA53T) mutation at the calyx of Held terminals, where release mechanisms can be
109  exploit the unique input-specificity of the calyx of Held to characterize NO modulation at this glut
110                             We have used the calyx of Held to investigate the role of presynaptic Kv1
111 -ready vesicles and was in sharp contrast to Calyx of Held transmission, which exhibited 100% reliabi
112 is issue at a mammalian central synapse, the calyx of Held, using a capacitance measurement technique
113                                    Using the calyx of Held, we demonstrate here a large presynaptic p
114 ge mammalian central nerve terminal, the rat calyx of Held, we report for the first time that BDNF sl
115 (ET) to the study of a central terminal, the calyx of Held, we revealed an elaborate cytoskeletal sup
116  functionally surface-scaled versions of the calyx of Held with respect to vesicle availability, rele

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