


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uences of Hst 5 binding iron not only affect candidacidal ability and proteolyic stability of Hst 5,
2                A significant decrease in the candidacidal ability of Hst 5 was observed upon iron bin
3  essential component in the Hst mechanism of candidacidal action.
4                                          The candidacidal activities of m1 (Arg-12-->Ile), m2 (Arg-12
5 to examine Hst 5 binding, translocation, and candidacidal activities.
6 ecombinant histatins were examined for their candidacidal activity and secondary structure.
7 a within the functional domain contribute to candidacidal activity and that the His are essential for
8                         Enhanced synergistic candidacidal activity at 144 h was observed over a 10-fo
9       Calcium is a potent inhibitor of Hst 5 candidacidal activity at physiological concentrations an
10 isulfide bond was required to retain optimal candidacidal activity at physiological NaCl concentratio
11 lationship of histatins with regard to their candidacidal activity by using recombinant histatin-5 an
12 cifically, C16--C16 and Hsn-5--C16 displayed candidacidal activity comparable with that of Hsn-5, whi
13 bstitutions demonstrated significantly lower candidacidal activity in both assays, while the variant
14                                  Synergistic candidacidal activity increased from 1 day to 3 days and
15 role of reactive oxygen intermediates in the candidacidal activity observed.
16  be the biologically active conformation for candidacidal activity of bactenecin peptides.
17                                          The candidacidal activity of histatins appears to be a disti
18 a2Delta mutants were highly resistant to the candidacidal activity of Hst 5, although the ssa1Delta m
19     The role of macrophage activation in the candidacidal activity of liposome-incorporated (L) ampho
20 f F- or L-amphotericin B did not augment the candidacidal activity of macrophages sensitized in vivo;
21 andidacidal in vitro, is responsible for the candidacidal activity of NO-producing macrophages.
22 oth assays, re-Hst5 displayed dose-dependent candidacidal activity that was nearly identical to that
23                                          PMN candidacidal activity was assessed by transmission elect
24 ked its first four residues showed decreased candidacidal activity, although their activity against b
25 he well-established role of NO in macrophage candidacidal activity, NO is not directly candidacidal f
26 n-5--Hsn-5 possessed significantly decreased candidacidal activity, yet all molecules retained an alp
27 understanding the biochemical basis of Hst 5 candidacidal activity.
28 at none of the multimers possessed increased candidacidal activity.
29 icromolar concentration of Hsts required for candidacidal activity.
30 2) of PG-1 or its variants further decreased candidacidal activity.
31 - or L-amphotericin B, did not enhance their candidacidal activity.
32 utrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte [PMN]) candidacidal activity.
33 ut not Th1-deficient, mice exhibited reduced candidacidal activity.
34 cans, suggesting that Lys-13 is critical for candidacidal activity.
35  activity and that the His are essential for candidacidal activity.
36 cule appears to be the functional domain for candidacidal activity.
37 nd in human salivary secretions and exhibits candidacidal activity.
38 tural requirements for eliciting appreciable candidacidal activity.
39 nce of histatin-5 are, indeed, important for candidacidal activity.
40 inin, demonstrated a significant increase in candidacidal activity.
41  same assays either lack or exhibit very low candidacidal activity.
42    Bactenecin 5 and its fragments are potent candidacidal agents against C. albicans.
43 lar volume as determined both by a classical candidacidal assay with exogenous Hst 5 and by using a g
44 Hst 5 killing, compared with intact cells in candidacidal assays.
45  respectively, which may represent the major candidacidal capacity of dialyzed parotid secretion.
46 pendent production of TNF-alpha enhances the candidacidal capacity of neutrophils, limiting fungal di
47 ge candidacidal activity, NO is not directly candidacidal for Candida albicans.
48  now report that ONOO-, in addition to being candidacidal in vitro, is responsible for the candidacid
49 ution-limited reaction of NO and O2-, is the candidacidal molecule of activated macrophages.
50 5), a 24-amino acid polypeptide, is a potent candidacidal molecule.
51                            Possible enhanced candidacidal synergy of fluconazole and human monocyte-d

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