


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and was proposed to be a sour taste receptor candidate.
2  efficacy using a broadly protective vaccine candidate.
3 r large-scale production of this HCV vaccine candidate.
4 o its selection as the preferred development candidate.
5  EC50 = 86 nM in macrophages as the clinical candidate.
6 ontend that truncated power laws are natural candidates.
7 d safety, as well as the appropriate patient candidates.
8  (causing TdP arrhythmias) potential in drug candidates.
9 can be utilized for prioritization of HCC LT candidates.
10 rus, they are not induced by current vaccine candidates.
11                         We present materials candidates.
12 for immunoprophylactic schistosomula vaccine candidates.
13 lum should be considered as possible vaccine candidates.
14  hydantoin-based marketed drugs and clinical candidates.
15 to rank, so as to predict, the disease miRNA candidates.
16 l epilepsy but requires careful selection of candidates.
17 s represent a major class of bispecific drug candidates.
18 te the mechanism of action of the identified candidates.
19 ortant in guiding the development of vaccine candidates.
20 type HA from viruses selected as the vaccine candidates.
21 ide selection criteria to rank order vaccine candidates.
22  of the most promising "true Diels-Alderase" candidates.
23 ow-frequency variants pointing to functional candidates.
24 easoned that FXR and TGR5 could be excellent candidates.
25  improve selectivity of future clinical drug candidates.
26 lasmodium invasion of mosquito midgut screen candidate 2), a Plasmodium berghei protein with structur
27 ribe the discovery of a potent FXIa clinical candidate, 55 (FXIa Ki = 0.7 nM), with excellent preclin
28                                     Clinical candidate 6 shows good potency in an IDO-1 human whole b
29  norovirus virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate adjuvanted with alum and monophosphoryl lipid
30                                      Vaccine candidates against ZIKV are coming online, but immunolog
31 rus is a safe and effective bivalent vaccine candidate and that the expression of both F and G protei
32  of access to transplantation for sensitized candidates and is used as the official measure of sensit
33 ly described genes and presentation of novel candidates and provide an overview of the diagnostic yie
34 osis has driven the development of different candidates and vaccination strategies.
35 gand that is a potential blood-stage vaccine candidate antigen; however, a naturally occurring deleti
36 evelopment, and there are presently far more candidate antigens than antigen scaffolding strategies.
37  it can be used to study polio pathogenesis, candidate antiviral drugs, and the efficacy of new vacci
38                                          The candidates are first identified by focusing on structure
39 d us to propose these compounds as promising candidates as antiparasitic agents.
40 eplication checkpoint and suggesting it as a candidate biomarker for ATR inhibitor therapy.
41 l accumulation of the complex in tumours and candidate biomarkers to analyse its effect on cells and
42       Finally, epidemiological validation of candidate biomarkers was performed in two community-base
43 eptable mismatches for sensitized transplant candidates but also to identify more suitably mismatched
44 Serotype 35B is thus a likely future vaccine candidate, but due to their previous rarity, serotype 35
45 gene expression analysis to select biomarker candidates by considering their topological differences
46 into the biological effects of insertions on candidate cancer genes.
47 ain novel antibodies typically yield several candidates capable of engaging a given target.
48                                       In the candidates, CASimK was <1 D in 22% of cases and underest
49 ase fold, a putative S1 pocket and conserved candidate catalytic residues Thr1, Asp17 and Lys32(33).
50 d geneAttribution, an R package that assigns candidate causal gene(s) to a risk variant identified by
51 pproach is to match the detected features to candidate chemical structures based on their mass and pr
52 nce of pathogenic CNVs and identify possible candidate CNVs and genes in patients with epilepsy and i
53 cs tools learn from available data to select candidate compositions that fulfil the group-theoretical
54 eir combination may facilitate the triage of candidate compounds in hit-to-lead campaigns.
55 Subsequent biochemical assays identified two candidate compounds with nearly identical structures tha
56                 We cloned sabaeus CD4 and 10 candidate coreceptors.
57 t population for ZIKV treatment, therapeutic candidates could be developed through a 2-stage path.
58  to identify putative pathogenic variants in candidate disease genes for tooth agenesis in 10 multipl
59 ng from specific, patient-derived alleles of candidate disease genes.
60  candidate phylum Fermentibacteria (formerly candidate division Hyd24-12).
61 X BINDING FACTOR 3 (GBF3) were identified as candidate drought stress response genes and the role of
62                         Maraviroc (MVC) is a candidate drug for HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
63 mine 123 (DHRh 123) was selected as the lead candidate due to its sensitivity and reproducibility.
64 ethods are needed to identify promising drug candidates earlier in the drug development process.
65                               Therefore, the candidate effectors list in this article provides both a
66                           This Ebola vaccine candidate elicited anti-Ebola antibody responses.
67 f acquisition of DNA methylation targeted to candidate enhancers active in liver cells, enriched for
68 unctions over short timescales and provide a candidate entry point toward a better understanding of c
69 araburkholderia xenovorans LB400 as the best candidate enzyme for metabolizing carbamazepine.
70                                              Candidate eQTL analyses in in LCLs in the Hutterites sug
71 d in Escherichia coli, and eight of the nine candidates exhibited high-affinity binding to human chem
72 rends in listing status, justifications, and candidate factors were measured.
73 nchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a promising candidate for a cell-based therapy.
74 tibodies and therefore an attractive antigen candidate for a pediatric RSV subunit vaccine.
75 ate that: a) VSP-51 can serve as a promising candidate for anti-diabetic drug discovery; and b) provi
76 ristics and could, therefore, be a promising candidate for application in food and bio-industries.
77 spin waves or magnon spintronics a promising candidate for beyond-CMOS wave-based computation.
78 ophilicity, thus making this scaffold a good candidate for drug development.
79 a potent Pin1 inhibitor provides a promising candidate for HCC targeted therapy because Pin1 is overe
80        Conclusion:(64)Cu-CBP7 is a promising candidate for in vivo imaging of pulmonary fibrosis.
81 erization and may be a potential therapeutic candidate for Kawasaki disease vasculitis and other IL-1
82  tested in clinical trials, STAT3 might be a candidate for molecular targeted therapies of SSc.
83 Nf@Ag6 sensor electrode could be a potential candidate for the detection of H2O2.
84 ion potential, N2 has long been considered a candidate for the elusive "energy-coupling" site in comp
85 olid organ regardless of the priority of the candidate for the kidney allograft.
86              Spin fluctuations are a leading candidate for the pairing mechanism in high temperature
87     This oxygen species is the most probable candidate for the slowly exchanging substrate water in t
88 tivated immune cells have made it a rational candidate for the targeted treatment of immune-mediated
89 nts further preclinical evaluation as a drug candidate for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis.
90 est that myricetin might be a potential drug candidate for the treatment of T2DM as a GLP-1R agonist.
91                 Cortistatin emerges as a new candidate for the treatment of the clinical manifestatio
92 binding domain of IGFBP-1 may be a promising candidate for therapeutic development in the field of in
93                                      A clear candidate for this input is the head direction cell syst
94 al work identified depletion of ATR as a top candidate for topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) inhibitor synthetic
95 n, we identify canonical Wnt signalling as a candidate for transducing mechanical forces into joint c
96 timized conjugation chemistry is a promising candidate for treatment of obesity.
97  staging and risk stratification, and select candidates for adjuvant therapies.
98 ow the PPI network can be used to prioritise candidates for analysis.
99                              One of the main candidates for anchoring titin in the Z-disk is the acti
100 tients 70 years or younger who are potential candidates for autologous stem cell transplantation.
101 et microfluidics is among the most promising candidates for capturing and processing thousands of ind
102 d stable ventilator settings may be suitable candidates for early antibiotic discontinuation.
103 chalcogenides are considered to be promising candidates for flexible and transparent optoelectronics
104 association with eGFR slope were selected as candidates for follow-up and secondarily tested for asso
105 e any gene but FOXI2, FANK1 and GLRX3 remain candidates for further investigation.
106 o understand which patients can be potential candidates for GRPR-based imaging or targeted therapy, w
107 i earth elements, AE-122) is one of the best candidates for high-field-magnet applications because of
108 19 genes that were either known or are novel candidates for ID.
109 metabolic stability and to identify suitable candidates for in vivo efficacy evaluation.
110 e newly synthesized doped CQWs are excellent candidates for LSCs.
111 rs (PWFA) offer both, making them attractive candidates for next-generation colliders.
112 the investigating of possible vector control candidates for paratransgenic control approach.
113 st deleteriousness scores making those prime candidates for phenotype-causal polymorphisms.
114 PNNs) enwrapping PV+ cells are long-standing candidates for playing such a role, yet their precise co
115  surveillance programs at an early stage are candidates for potentially curative therapies (local abl
116 on domain have emerged as bona fide clinical candidates for reactivating the tumor suppression functi
117                      We then used these lead candidates for ROC analysis and found multiple biomarker
118                                 For example, candidates for schizophrenia were enriched for antipsych
119 High-quality optical microcavities are prime candidates for sensing applications because of their abi
120                       The CTFs are potential candidates for separations, photocatalysis and for energ
121                          One group of likely candidates for signal transduction to the circadian cloc
122 ot receive initial radiotherapy for DCIS are candidates for subsequent BCS if they experience a secon
123 these compounds can be regarded as promising candidates for the design of multi-target disease-modify
124 tic prediction and provide more supplemental candidates for the discovery of biomarkers.
125 thesis of the two most likely diastereomeric candidates for the structure of 5 solidified its (3R,6S,
126 ading compounds represent viable preclinical candidates for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
127 (SGLT2) inhibitors are highly promising drug candidates for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus
128 omic distributions that make them attractive candidates for therapeutic pain relief.
129 der how genetic variation affects off-target candidates for these loci.
130 ing analysis, and identified novel molecular candidates for TM formation and function.
131  experienced centres in patients who are not candidates for traditional awake DBS or prefer the aslee
132 ndent protein kinase 1 (CpCDPK1) are leading candidates for treatment of cryptosporidiosis-associated
133 osed model-based reinforcement learning as a candidate framework.
134                  We experimentally validated candidates from two sets of plant-associated genes: one
135                                              Candidate gene and genome-wide linkage studies have not
136 transcription factor PRRX1 could be a strong candidate gene as it is expressed in the pulmonary veins
137                                     Instead, candidate gene associations with striatal D2R were dimin
138        Our findings identify RCL1 as a novel candidate gene for depression and offer insights into me
139           A recent analysis of 25 historical candidate gene polymorphisms for schizophrenia in the la
140                               More than 1000 candidate-gene association studies on genetic susceptibi
141 is, we identify associations between several candidate genes and agronomically important traits.
142 ncorporated 38 inherited arrhythmia syndrome candidate genes and another 33 genes not previously inve
143 d with other sources of evidence to identify candidate genes and biomarkers that would contribute sub
144 arative transcriptomics analyses to identify candidate genes and relevant pathways common to KT and S
145 script profiling experiments have identified candidate genes associated with QTL.
146 h DNMs or rare inherited mutations in the 67 candidate genes exhibited significantly lower intelligen
147           We show that across all traits the candidate genes for mean phenotype values and plasticity
148                             We evaluated ten candidate genes found in six clusters of strongly associ
149                                              Candidate genes from these pathways were validated at th
150                          Genomic regions and candidate genes identified in the present study provide
151   To confirm a cardiovascular role for these candidate genes in vivo, we used morpholinos to reduce S
152 actions associated with SSR resistance, with candidate genes involved in a wide range of processes in
153 e-specific and shared data sets of known and candidate genes involved in cancer.
154                    We identified a number of candidate genes involved in the ABA signaling pathway, a
155 n studies revealed 28 GWAS hits in potential candidate genes likely to affect traits of agricultural
156 ing problems of function prediction, finding candidate genes of diseases, protein-protein interaction
157 oak outer bark, which unveils new regulatory candidate genes of phellem development.
158 ave investigated DNA methylation of selected candidate genes or a very small fraction of genomic CpG
159 scriptome under high light exposure revealed candidate genes that could be involved in critical yet m
160           As a result, we prioritized 67 ASD-candidate genes that exhibited significantly higher prob
161  most studies identify only small numbers of candidate genes that pass the conventional significance
162 esulted in the identification of a set of 26 candidate genes that were resequenced in 132 independent
163                       Variants within the 20 candidate genes were extracted from exome-sequencing dat
164 five autoimmune diseases, we prioritised 245 candidate genes with a median distance from peak signal
165 nd reliable tool that can infer dominance of candidate genes with high sensitivity and specificity, m
166 st QTLs detected reside within the region of candidate genes with various functions, thus confirming
167                                              Candidate genes, including cell type-specific transcript
168  organism can be efficiently constructed and candidate genes, such as Xa21 in rice, can be accurately
169 proteins and that they have potential target candidate genes.
170 onformation data and reports the most likely candidate genes.
171 were not driven by variation in dopaminergic candidate genes.
172 ade searching for risk-causative variants in candidate genes; therefore, more complex genetic and epi
173           We used gene targeting to validate candidate genetic factors.
174                           Methods We curated candidate genetic variants from previously published stu
175 enic endothelium followed by screening of 26 candidate haematopoietic stem-cell-specifying transcript
176 unit approach; however, many subunit vaccine candidates have had limited efficacy in settings of mala
177 suboptimal immunogenicity of malaria vaccine candidates have slowed the development of a Plasmodium f
178 e-scale RNA interference screens to identify candidate host factors.
179 ttracted significant attention as anticancer candidates; however, only a few of them have been report
180 recovered patients), and 24 heart transplant candidates (HTx)-and 97 healthy controls performed a max
181  of the 13 in the collection of mutants) are candidate hypo-competition alleles, and we confirmed the
182 ing reported ID genes and 30 affecting novel candidate ID genes.
183 s observed at VRN1 Characterization of these candidates identified sequence and expression variation
184                 With few Schistosoma vaccine candidates in clinical trials, unexplored antigens from
185               The screen identified multiple candidates in many cell signaling pathways that were abl
186             Among pediatric liver transplant candidates in the US, children who died or were delisted
187 e kidney donation necessary to support donor candidates in well informed decision-making requires gro
188 Ns, and identifies potential PanIN biomarker candidates including Neuromedin U, a circulating peptide
189 nt has several features for an ideal vaccine candidate, including significantly reduced neuroinvasive
190 enic potential in mice, we found that NetSig candidates induce tumors at rates that are comparable to
191                        With more than 56,000 candidate interactions, BioPlex 2.0 contains more than 2
192  conformation, and a current leading vaccine candidate is the BG505 DS-SOSIP variant, comprising two
193 s to organoboranes, the synthesis of current candidates is generally limited by a need for highly red
194                            Kidney transplant candidates (KTCs) must provide informed consent to accep
195                                              Candidates listed with LABMELD scores were compared with
196  DENV challenge model to better evaluate the candidate live attenuated dengue vaccines.
197                                              Candidate lncRNAs related to metastasis, such as HAND2-A
198 , we have identified and characterized 8,603 candidate lncRNAs.
199 d effective filter that can detect incorrect candidate locations and eliminate them before invoking c
200 gramming algorithms and (ii) the majority of candidate locations in the reference genome do not align
201 104 Mb of the D subgenome, and identified 19 candidate loci for fiber-quality-related traits through
202                         These findings offer candidate markers to monitor the therapeutic efficacy of
203 trengthened steel is one of the most popular candidate materials for the first wall/blanket applicati
204 osion during pulsed heat loading between PFC candidate materials will ensure that future fusion devic
205                These results suggest a novel candidate mechanism linking histone modifications to hES
206 rk of life, statistically out-performs other candidate mechanisms, and is the only mechanism to produ
207 in humans, and we demonstrate that promising candidate medical countermeasures may not completely cle
208 on in the absence of or after treatment with candidate medical countermeasures.
209 arameter adjustment and visual inspection of candidate microRNAs.
210                            We tested several candidate miRNA-deletion mutants post gamma-irradiation
211 new method and an R package, to easily infer candidate miRNA-mRNA target interactions that could be f
212 ermined the circulating levels of 7 selected candidate miRNAs in 14 LTxR with AR, 7 with BOS, and com
213                                         Four candidate miRNAs were identified during the initial scre
214     From these lists, we can find co-TFs for candidate motifs.
215 the progression of PTSD, yet also identified candidate MRs driving the disease progression in the inn
216 motif RNA, the longest unresolved riboswitch candidate, naturally sense and respond to guanidine.
217 t permits the network to crystallise, and so candidate network-forming chemistries such as amide that
218                         We demonstrated that candidates not previously implicated in ciliary biology
219 A PfUIS3 was coadministered with the vaccine candidate P. falciparum thrombospondin-related adhesion
220 not provide sufficient information to select candidate paper substrates for fluorophore-labeled assay
221 r to cause disease, but to be certain that a candidate pathogen actually causes disease, it is necess
222 NETRIN1 signaling pathway is identified as a candidate pathway for MDD and should be explored in furt
223 few investigated HB patients, and identifies candidate patients eligible for treatment.
224 ning receptor-binding affinities, with three candidate peptides retaining full cardiovascular activit
225                               New allergenic candidates, phosphoglycerate mutase and phosphoglucomuta
226                                              Candidate phyla (CP) are broad phylogenetic clusters of
227  representative of the widespread uncultured candidate phylum Fermentibacteria (formerly candidate di
228                                              Candidate predictors consisted of epidemiologic and clin
229 ectrometry of stool samples identified novel candidate protein biomarkers for CRC screening.
230 locus, PSS1 In this study, we identified six candidate PSS1 genes by comparing single-nucleotide poly
231 responds strongly to gamergate extract and a candidate queen pheromone component.
232              Relatedly, the vast majority of candidate regulatory elements have yet to be functionall
233 ional profiling and identified several novel candidate retinotectal guidance molecules.
234       The predictors were used to generate a candidate risk score (CRS).
235 ive crossmatch as a function of a transplant candidate's unacceptable HLA antigens.
236  regulatory network inference and facilitate candidate selection for experimentation, we developed an
237           Based on their chromatin profiles, candidate sequences can be classified into four subcateg
238 l study sets, the alterations of these three candidate serum biomarker proteins could support the dia
239 tify the Hedgehog (HH) paracrine system as a candidate signaling cascade.
240                             In total 156,362 candidate SNPs are studied, and the phenotypes of 64 pop
241                                 By modifying candidate SNPs in transgenic flies, we show that the lar
242 pported the four phylogeographical groups as candidate species.
243      Detailed functional analysis of the top candidate splicing factor, Ptbp1, revealed that it is a
244 gorithms enumerate a combinatorial number of candidate structures to compute the Global Minimum Energ
245 rial biogenesis and metabolism regulation as candidate substrates of mOGT, including leucine-rich PPR
246 ion of cardiomyopathy genes as well as other candidate SUD genes in molecular autopsy analyses.
247 susceptibility genes, including OBFC1, a new candidate susceptibility gene for low-grade and borderli
248 gulatory biofeatures at each locus predicted candidate susceptibility genes, including OBFC1, a new c
249  method can automatically rule out illogical candidate synonyms.
250 ual and emotional behaviors, and is a likely candidate system for the integration of behavior with th
251 -4/11-mediated inflammation, TcpB might be a candidate target for developing drugs against LPS-induce
252 arcinogenesis and highlight ASXL3 as a novel candidate target for SCLC therapy.
253 ature also provides information on potential candidate target genes for future treatment efforts in o
254 ties toward the identification of novel drug candidates, targets, and more in general innovative ways
255 f BN nanosheets makes them a more attractive candidate than graphene for several applications, for ex
256            Apelin-13 is a powerful inotropic candidate that could be considered as an alternative non
257 ed by miRNAs, among which miR-352 is a novel candidate that negatively regulates arteriogenesis, meri
258 d an effective ST2 neoglycoconjugate vaccine candidate that was identified using a medicinal chemistr
259 gated the budding yeast proteome to identify candidates that function in tRNA nuclear export.
260 e and adaptive immune system represent prime candidates that impact on the pathogenesis of immune-med
261 ous vaccine candidate, we developed four new candidates that incorporate modifications to the PIV5 ba
262 metastatic capacity and highlight RHAMM as a candidate therapeutic target for treating advanced prost
263 N-alpha2beta1-JAG1-NOTCH signaling axis as a candidate therapeutic target in glioma patients.
264                     We discuss the two major candidate therapeutic targets to lower amyloid-beta in a
265 ate for H7N9 vaccine immunogens, a promising candidate therapeutic, and a tool for exploring mechanis
266 , we identify gene expression signatures and candidate therapeutics that could improve the treatment
267 ic and management strategies, we discuss the candidate therapies, i.e., hydroxychloroquine, rituximab
268                  Yet relative to other qubit candidates, they possess shorter superposition lifetimes
269 0.75 Ga0.25 As-Nb system can be an excellent candidate to achieve topological phase and to realize hy
270 e activin signaling pathway is an attractive candidate to fulfill such a role.
271  electrolyte (SSE) is considered a promising candidate to realize all solid state lithium (Li) metal
272 e reason for such poor translation from drug candidate to successful use is a lack of model systems t
273 sy environment, suggesting that it is a good candidate to take advantage of stochastic resonance.
274 s devised to allow the efficacy of different candidates to be directly compared and determine the min
275 hile the role of MS in translating biomarker candidates to clinical diagnostics is less pronounced.
276 icans and 8.4% of African Americans, and are candidates to contribute to obesity susceptibility in hu
277 ee different AMA1-DiCo-based malaria vaccine candidates to develop a vaccine cocktail.
278 rate production of recombinant reoviruses as candidates to enhance therapeutic potency.
279 l cardiologists may secure the best possible candidates to the field of cardiology.
280 e attempt of medicinal chemists to stabilize candidates toward cytochrome P450 activity, which increa
281 ATP2), encoded by Slc27a2, but not the other candidate transporters CD36 and free fatty acid receptor
282 oncogenomics, we have found that KANK1 was a candidate tumor suppressor gene (TSG) for human MPNSTs.
283  beings shows that a prophylactic mRNA-based candidate vaccine can induce boostable functional antibo
284 or coronary vessel were identified from >200 candidate variables, including 109 biomarkers.
285                                   The set of candidate variants are selected based on studies in any
286         Concurrently, the status 1A inotrope candidate waitlist outcomes improved substantially.
287  [HCV] genotype 1a) gpE1/gpE2 (E1E2) vaccine candidate was previously shown by our group to protect c
288                    A preclinical development candidate was selected for which extensive in vitro and
289              To improve our previous vaccine candidate, we developed four new candidates that incorpo
290 o identify novel blood-stage malaria vaccine candidates, we constructed a library of 1,827P.
291  the efficacy of antimycobacterials and drug candidates, we subjected Nos2 (-/-) mice with TB to mono
292               Serum protein levels for these candidates were measured in a 2-step manner in a screeni
293   PfSPZ-CVac is a highly efficacious vaccine candidate; when we are able to optimize the immunization
294        These include kidney, heart, and lung candidates who are highly-allosensitized.
295                                          LTx candidates with 2 or 3 muscle deficits (42%) compared wi
296                             Liver transplant candidates with advanced renal dysfunction and HCC may b
297 d with worse 3-year outcomes, especially for candidates with high allocation priority.
298 entified 1768 DD livers exported to regional candidates with MELD scores >/=35 who were transplanted
299                                              Candidates with similar urgency experience varying oppor
300                               Newly proposed candidate Zika virus vaccines might or might not succeed

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