


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he solutes behind, adding to the mass of the cantilever.
2  of explosive vapors using a nanoporous TiO2 cantilever.
3 grated into an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever.
4  of a microchanneled atomic force microscopy cantilever.
5 to the protein construct through a compliant cantilever.
6 ezoelectric polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) cantilever.
7  of forces that can be applied with a single cantilever.
8 g, and the full force can be measured by the cantilever.
9 th 18.4-48.9pg mass load on the MIP modified cantilever.
10 inding causes surface stresses that bend the cantilever.
11  limited by the mechanical properties of the cantilever.
12 dependent of the nature of attachment to the cantilever.
13  field and reducing the spring constant of a cantilever.
14 tical microscopy and measuring forces on the cantilever.
15 tes from the viscous damping of the dithered cantilever.
16 at is pulled with a relatively large bead or cantilever.
17 m Coh using an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever.
18 ed by the Euler-Bernoulli theorem for linear cantilevers.
19 e to those needed for linear carbon nanotube cantilevers.
20 ontrolled attachment of single live cells on cantilevers.
21 e do not cause significant deflection of the cantilevers.
22 zation of unspecific protein adsorption onto cantilevers.
23 ning probe systems that rely on conventional cantilevers.
24  arrays assembled on atomic-force-microscope cantilevers.
25 ging modes, which often work best with stiff cantilevers.
26  hybrid nematic liquid crystal network (LCN) cantilevers.
27 d attachment kinetics of biomolecules on the cantilevers.
28 vers as compared to that for control peptide cantilevers.
29 tors and an array of microfabricated silicon cantilevers.
30 at of state-of-the-art piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers.
31 n artefacts conflict with the use of smaller cantilevers.
32  for accurate calibration of rectangular AFM cantilevers.
33 5 or 8 microsensors culled from a group of 5 cantilever, 5 capacitor, and 5 calorimeter transducers c
34 e differential response between two adjacent cantilevers (a sensing/reference pair) is utilized to de
35  method that consists of measuring the local cantilever activity and deflection in a feedback generat
36 ration microscopy (SPAM), in which the TMAFM cantilever acts as an accelerometer to extract tip-sampl
37 ve fabricated a silicon-compatible thin-film cantilever actuator with a single flexoelectrically acti
38  on an analysis of ringing signal of the AFM cantilever after detaching the AFM probe from the sample
39  thin (~5 nm) tip by amorphous carbon to the cantilever allows us to image the surface structure of l
40 rm stability of AFM achieved using gold-free cantilevers allows folding-unfolding reactions of alpha/
41 ins between an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever and a glass surface using HaloTag anchoring a
42  the dithering of an atomic force microscope cantilever and a single molecule attached to its end sys
43 ndicular to the filament axis: a deflectable cantilever and a stationary beam.
44 h only the tip conducting was used as an AFM cantilever and a working electrode in a three-electrode
45 obe that combines a sideways-mounted elastic cantilever and an optical-lever detection module with au
46 After adhering bacteria to the end of an AFM cantilever and approaching surfaces of mica, gold, or po
47 n principle, applicable to many parallelized cantilever and cantilever-free scanning probe molecular
48 ibronectin-patterned atomic-force microscope cantilever and coverslip.
49 -susceptible and drug-resistant targets on a cantilever and demonstrated significant differences in m
50 ically attach to the atomic force microscope cantilever and form a consistent pulling geometry to obt
51 ect transistor (MOSFET) into the base of the cantilever and recording decreases in drain current with
52 ent electrostatic effect between the AFM tip/cantilever and sample surface can occur.
53 ong electrostatic effect between the AFM tip/cantilever and sample surface, regardless of contact and
54 licated because of the collision between the cantilever and samples.
55  adhesion of biomolecules to a surface and a cantilever and, for proteins, the integration of the tar
56 n with IFM function, we used microfabricated cantilevers and a high resolution imaging system to stud
57 rochemical characterization of nonconductive cantilevers and appropriate use for closed systems.
58 ntly varying the mechanical stiffness of the cantilevers and collagen matrix revealed that cellular f
59                         Using nanofabricated cantilevers and newly developed high-resolution detectio
60 y, which combines the use of colloidal probe cantilevers and of a bioinspired polydopamine wet adhesi
61 buffer solutions using Lorentz force excited cantilevers and present a careful comparison between mec
62      Explosive particles were mounted on AFM cantilevers and repeatedly brought in and out of contact
63 omega(r)/m(C), where m(C) is the mass of the cantilever), and this notion has motivated scaling of bi
64 bundle of actin filaments against an elastic cantilever, and a 2-d cell undergoing wave-like protrusi
65 n films are integrated on microfabricated Si cantilevers, and they are operated in a non-linear regim
66 objects can be brought into contact with the cantilever anywhere along its length, which considerably
67                        Motion of the bilayer cantilever architecture results from the huge spontaneou
68 ction effects from finite sized or patterned cantilevers are exploited.
69                                          The cantilevers are fabricated using a complementary metal o
70 d by measuring the deflection of the probes' cantilever arms.
71                                  On an eight-cantilever array chip, four cantilevers were coated with
72                                          The cantilever array coated with a range of thiolated ligand
73     A multiplex capillary coating method for cantilever array creation is demonstrated and validated
74      Even with impressive recent advances in cantilever array design, such arrays tend to be highly s
75                   The detection limit of the cantilever array sensor is as low as 0.2 nM, which is co
76                  It is demonstrated that the cantilever array sensors can be used as a powerful tool
77 ar concentrations based on a microfabricated cantilever array.
78                                              Cantilever arrays have been used to monitor biochemical
79      Such effects are readily generalized to cantilever arrays, and allow transmission detection of m
80 l wall precursor analogues (mucopeptides) on cantilever arrays, with 10 nM sensitivity and at clinica
81 e developed a metrology using piezoresistive cantilevers as force-displacement sensors coupled to a f
82                  Here, we use nanomechanical cantilevers as surface-stress sensors, together with equ
83 e using silica beads attached to the AFM tip-cantilever assembly, which were functionalized by coupli
84 s achieved by simultaneously driving the DCF cantilever at its resonant frequency in one dimension an
85 h a temporal resolution much faster than the cantilever bandwidth, determined by the modulation frequ
86 les prepared on a rigid substrate by using a cantilever based molecule deposition tool, and we tested
87                                              Cantilevers based on polycrystalline diamond surfaces ar
88 nds are discernible at macroscopic scales in cantilever-based bending measurements of Pt thin films u
89 hanical signal is ubiquitous for DNA, making cantilever-based detection a widely useful and complemen
90                 We present a fully automated cantilever-based method for highly precise and sensitive
91 ography-overcomes the throughput problems of cantilever-based scanning probe systems and the resoluti
92        However, increasing the throughput of cantilever-based scanning probe systems while maintainin
93        Scanning probe microscopies (SPM) and cantilever-based sensors generally use low-frequency mec
94     Fracture mechanics concepts using double cantilever beam configuration were used to characterize
95 tu scanning electron microscopy based double cantilever beam test, allowing to directly view and meas
96 tu scanning electron microscopy-based double cantilever beam test, thus enabling viewing and measurem
97  model in which the neck region behaves as a cantilevered beam.
98 dicate 1) the primary cilium is not a simple cantilevered beam; 2) the base of the cilium may be mode
99 es resonance frequency and quality factor of cantilever beams immersed in a fluid to the viscosity an
100 surements were also made on two-dimensional, cantilevered beams and curved beams, each with intersect
101 asuring the modal response (at resonance) of cantilevered beams with embedded nanocomposite films.
102 mpression/tension stress trajectories of the cantilevered beams, and (3) trabecular tracts typically
103 erimentally determined data obtained via the cantilever bending method.
104                  The flow rate effect on the cantilever bending response is also discussed.
105                                          The cantilever bending was specific toward glucose, but not
106 mobilized probe molecules on microfabricated cantilevers; binding causes surface stresses that bend t
107 (QIM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) with cantilevers biofunctionalized by sialyl-Lewis(x) (sLe(x)
108 n this study, we use a mass-change sensitive cantilever biosensor and a probe, 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyet
109                                          The cantilever biosensor was immobilized with a 27-base DNA
110 btained from 15 microsensors comprising five cantilever, capacitor, and calorimeter devices coated wi
111 tial measurements using an in-situ reference cantilever coated with a nonspecific sequence of DNA.
112 d monolayers (SAMs), using in situ reference cantilevers coated with nonionizable hexadecanethiol SAM
113 hanges in the resonance frequency (mass) and cantilever deflection (adsorption stress).
114  -120 and -40 mV resulted in a linear upward cantilever deflection equivalent to an increase in membr
115                       In both reactions, the cantilever deflection is qualitatively detected from the
116 tection, compression, and storage of the raw cantilever deflection signal in its entirety at high sam
117                   Modeling this bending as a cantilever deflection with uniform loading requires accu
118 ipids in bilayer, resulted in an increase in cantilever deflection.
119         This allows simultaneous imaging via cantilever deflections in normal AFM force feedback mode
120                           We show here novel cantilever designs that express torsional and lateral mo
121 erhydrophobic substrates having membrane and cantilever designs with stiffness 0.5-7630 N/m.
122                                            A cantilever device based on competitive binding of an imm
123 scalable surface-acoustic-wave- (SAW-) based cantilevered device for portable bio-chemical sensing ap
124          A microcantilever array sensor with cantilevers differentially functionalized with self-asse
125 s (RPs) and produce bending responses of the cantilevers due to analyte-induced surface stresses.
126                        The illumination of a cantilever edge causes an asymmetric diffraction pattern
127 assisted adsorption of Br onto a gold-coated cantilever, either in its pristine state or previously c
128 d perpendicularly to and from the stationary cantilever, eliminating the need to attach them to a car
129 lated the forces of the T cell using the AFM cantilever, even these actin-inhibited T cells became ac
130 e have been estimated for the polymer-coated cantilevers exposed to volatile organics in water.
131 yses, suggest that the SH2 domain moves in a cantilever fashion with respect to the small lobe of the
132  optimal excitation voltage that enables the cantilever fluctuations to fully sample the shape and de
133 and tuning of the physical properties of the cantilever for optimized AFM dynamic mode operation.
134 ding of micro-mechanical transducers such as cantilevers for atomic force microscopy.
135  to be used for coating exceptionally large, cantilever-free arrays that can pattern with electrochem
136                                         This cantilever-free dot-matrix nanoprinting will enable the
137                         The concept of using cantilever-free scanning probe arrays as structures that
138                    The recent development of cantilever-free scanning probe arrays has allowed resear
139 plicable to many parallelized cantilever and cantilever-free scanning probe molecular printing method
140 nting using polymer pen lithography (PPL), a cantilever-free scanning probe-based technique that can
141                            Here, we report a cantilever-free SPL architecture that can generate 100 n
142     Here we describe a low-cost and scalable cantilever-free tip-based nanopatterning method that use
143 e approach, which relies on detecting either cantilever frequency or phase, we used it to detect elec
144  lineshape and the magnitude of the observed cantilever frequency shift as a function of field and ca
145 single and multiple T4P on retraction of the cantilever from the surfaces could be described using th
146 omplex, and T-shaped atomic force microscope cantilevers functionalized with complementary probe DNAs
147  optical feedback of atomic force microscope cantilevers has been used to modify their response chara
148 polymeric macro- and microscopic systems and cantilevers have been developed to image forces at inter
149       Nanoelectromechanical systems based on cantilevers have consistently set records for sensitivit
150                                    The novel cantilevered hybrid actuator characterised by light-weig
151 n the literature for the case of an uncoated cantilever in a viscous liquid medium and the case of a
152 scous liquid medium and the case of a coated cantilever in air or in a vacuum.
153 (Mg(1)/(3)Nb(2)/(3))O(3)-32PbTiO(3) (PMN-PT) cantilever in deionized water environment.
154  and coagulation factor VIII captured on the cantilever in the presence of competing stresses from th
155                                          The cantilevers in MCAs are differentially coated on one sid
156                          While the reference cantilevers in the array are functionalized with 6-merca
157                                  The sensing cantilevers in the array are functionalized with self-as
158 rrays of MCs (different ligands on different cantilevers in the array) are used in conjunction with p
159                        Results show that the cantilever-in-mass metamaterial is capable of mitigating
160  constituent material to create a 3D printed cantilever-in-mass metamaterial with negative effective
161 n-mass unit cell model is transformed into a cantilever-in-mass model using the Bernoulli-Euler beam
162 c/mechanical metamaterials is exhibited by a cantilever-in-mass structure as a proposed design for cr
163                   An analytical model of the cantilever-in-mass structure is derived and the effects
164                  The porous structure of the cantilever increases its thermomechanical sensitivity as
165 locally perturbed by atomic force microscopy cantilever indentation, and distal displacements are mea
166                            The sensor uses a cantilevered indicator pin that responds to plate bendin
167 his capability by modifying a 40 x 18 mum(2) cantilever into one terminated with a gold-coated, 4 x 4
168            In the waiting-time protocol, the cantilever is held at a fixed distance above the surface
169  the constant-pulling-velocity protocol, the cantilever is moved at finite velocity away from the sur
170 bration of the atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever is of fundamental importance for quantifying
171 ction AFM-in which the compliance of the AFM cantilever is removed.
172 a/beta protein, NuG2, by using low-drift AFM cantilevers is demonstrated.
173 rresponding thermal force noise for the best cantilevers is ~5.10(-19) N Hz(-1/2) at millikelvin temp
174         By patterning nanoscale wells onto a cantilever, its surface area is increased by 2 orders of
175  dissipation related to the dithering of the cantilever itself (i.e., to the change of boundary condi
176 included splinting implants together with no cantilever load, restoring the patient with a mutually p
177 nically and inductively, indicating that the cantilever magnet is not an appreciable source of spin-l
178                                   We present cantilever magnetometry measurements performed on mesosc
179                          Unlike conventional cantilever mass sensors, our sensors retain a uniform ma
180 kely are elevated by a non-thermal, flexural cantilever mechanism which is perhaps the most clearly e
181 The direction and amplitude of motor-induced cantilever motion was tuneable via control of buffer pH
182                  Validation of the developed cantilever nanosensor was performed in air with dip-and-
183 g membrane-coated silica spheres attached to cantilevers of an atomic-force microscope.
184 e of state-of-the-art single-crystal silicon cantilevers of similar dimensions by roughly an order of
185 xtures are demonstrated across the RP-coated cantilevers of the array.
186  is fabricated from a single-crystal silicon cantilever on a transmission electron microscope grid by
187                                          The cantilevers on the MC array were differentially coated o
188 hored piezoelectric excited millimeter-sized cantilever (PAPEMC) sensor with a sensing area of 1.5 mm
189 oated piezoelectric-excited millimeter-sized cantilever (PEMC) sensor of 6-mm2 sensing area was fabri
190      Piezoelectric-excited, millimeter-sized cantilever (PEMC) sensors having high-mode resonance nea
191 sing piezoelectric-excited, millimeter-sized cantilever (PEMC) sensors.
192 elaxation times (T (1)) as short as a single cantilever period.
193                        A reference, uncoated cantilever permitted reliable subtraction of background
194                   The reported peptide-based cantilever platform represents a new analytical approach
195 cer cells in conjunction with nanomechanical cantilever platform.
196 e detected as nanometer-scale movements of a cantilever positioned on top of the neurohypophysis.
197  cells were plated onto arrays of deformable cantilever posts for 2-24 h.
198                                          New cantilever probes for combined scanning electrochemical
199 nt frequency (-Deltaomega(r)) of a classical cantilever provides a sensitive measure of the mass of e
200 e force spectrum that can be probed, and the cantilever recoil after unfolding may mask the presence
201 te whose formation is otherwise prevented by cantilever recoil.
202  designed to compare the time to survival of cantilever resin-bonded fixed partial dentures and conve
203 investigated for both exciting and measuring cantilever resonance in various environments (vacuum, ai
204               Further, the general theory of cantilever resonance is discussed including fluid-struct
205                Similarly, details of dynamic cantilever response at sub-microsecond time scales, high
206 detection and closed loop bias feedback, the cantilever response is down-sampled to a single measurem
207           The theoretical framework relating cantilever response to the viscosity and mass density of
208              Bacterial adsorption inside the cantilever results in changes in the resonance frequency
209                          We highlighted this cantilever's biological utility by first resolving a cal
210 MFS data quality is degraded by a commercial cantilever's limited combination of temporal resolution,
211  the deflection sensitivity and subsequently cantilever's spring constant were the main sources of er
212  using white-noise excitation to enhance the cantilever's thermal fluctuations.
213 r frequency shift as a function of field and cantilever-sample separation.
214 trate that the standard resolution limits of cantilever sensing in dynamic mode can be overcome with
215 trated using a novel asymmetrically anchored cantilever sensor and a commercially available antibody.
216                                          The cantilever sensor detects mass-changes through shifts in
217                                          The cantilever sensor shows a good linear relationship betwe
218 mprinted polymer (MIP) based micromechanical cantilever sensor system that has high specificity, fast
219 ing to the results obtained, micromechanical cantilever sensor system worked linearly for the concent
220                                          The cantilever sensor-based microRNA assay provides competit
221                                Piezoelectric cantilever sensors are shown to exhibit sensitive and se
222  Current progress on the use of dynamic-mode cantilever sensors for biosensing applications is critic
223 rface Acoustic Wave devices, micro- and nano-cantilever sensors, gene Field Effect Transistors, and n
224 using gold (Au)-coated dynamic piezoelectric cantilever sensors.
225 es include a quartz crystal microbalance and cantilever sensors.
226 otube domains, or layered lamina or multiple cantilevered sheets).
227 rocantilever, the resonance frequency of the cantilever shifts in proportion to the chemical nature o
228  analytes on a functionalized surface of the cantilever shifts the resonant frequency of a SAW-genera
229 ng applications to date with focus given to: cantilever size (milli-, micro-, and nano-cantilevers),
230 nging from approximately 1 kHz to 10 MHz and cantilever size ranging from millimeters to nanometers.
231 obilize membrane receptors on nanomechanical cantilevers so that they can function without passivatin
232  experiments by changing the temperature and cantilever spring constant, and analyzed the results in
233 at different temperatures and with different cantilever spring constants enabled a more effective com
234  bio-bot consisted of a 'biological bimorph' cantilever structure as the actuator to power the bio-bo
235                                          The cantilever structure was seeded with a sheet of contract
236 evers, surface modification of the glass and cantilever substrates with a DETA SAM, a serum-free medi
237 -based alignment method that repositions the cantilever such that it is located directly above the mo
238 w that the area per receptor molecule on the cantilever surface influences ligand-receptor binding an
239 ajor techniques are employed: fabrication of cantilevers, surface modification of the glass and canti
240 f competing stresses from the top and bottom cantilever surfaces.
241                            The deflection of cantilever systems may be performed by an indirect elect
242 iosensor was optimized regarding the type of cantilever, temperature and exchange of media; in combin
243 robe, that uses a micropipette as a flexible cantilever that can aspirate at its tip a bead that is c
244 sing an atomic force microscope (AFM) with a cantilever that was modified with an Aplysia cell adhesi
245 es surface stress that causes bending of the cantilevers that is detected as tip deflection using an
246 nhanced Raman spectra obtained from adjacent cantilevers that were functionalized with different thio
247 o: cantilever size (milli-, micro-, and nano-cantilevers), their geometry, and material used in fabri
248                In the present work, resonant cantilevers, thermally excited in an in-plane flexural m
249  several designs of bio-bots by changing the cantilever thickness.
250 chniques we integrated a microbead on an AFM cantilever thus realizing a system to efficiently positi
251 ents of all cohesins from ScaA with a single cantilever, thus promising improved relative force compa
252  molecules are covalently attached to an AFM cantilever tip and desorbed from hydrophobic self-assemb
253 ce for quantifying the force between the AFM cantilever tip and the sample.
254 ies on the use of antibodies tethered to the cantilever tip of an AFM probe to detect cognate antigen
255         We have created a specially designed cantilever tip that allows these interaction forces to b
256 re the change in thermal fluctuations of the cantilever tip with and without its coupling to a rigid
257 hanges in particle position, relative to the cantilever tip, to determine the electrophoretic mobilit
258                                        Using cantilever tips with different cross-linker lengths, we
259 rbed molecules using IR radiation causes the cantilever to bend due to temperature changes originatin
260 ria using infrared radiation (IR) causes the cantilever to deflect in proportion to the infrared abso
261 quivocally assign steps in deflection of the cantilever to membrane states during the SNARE-mediated
262  necessary to passivate the underside of the cantilever to prevent unwanted ligand adsorption, and th
263 l is attached to the atomic force microscopy cantilever to quantify the forces that drive cell-cell a
264       We relate the observed deflection of a cantilever to the changes in the surface free energy of
265 upling of the mechanical motion of a diamond cantilever to the spin of an embedded nitrogen-vacancy c
266              The SCPN is stretched by an AFM cantilever to unfold mechanically, which allows measurin
267 ce spectroscopy approach curves with tipless cantilevers to determine the actomyosin cortical tension
268 simple method for fabricating conducting AFM cantilevers to image pore structures at high resolution
269 rray, rather than tips mounted on individual cantilevers, to deliver inks to a surface in a "direct w
270                                              Cantilever torque magnetometry is used to elucidate the
271 gin of the observed friction domains using a cantilever torsion microscopy in conjunction with angle-
272  liquid-phase sensing applications, resonant cantilever transducers vibrating in their in-plane rathe
273 ies in liquids and indicate the potential of cantilever-type mass-sensitive chemical sensors operatin
274                  This translates to apparent cantilever-type stiffness at the tip of the lever of 0.3
275 ine polyethylene nanofiber is deflected by a cantilever under an atomic force microscope.
276  to obtain mechanical vibrations on the PVDF cantilever under small thermal gradient.
277  10(6) times larger than that of traditional cantilever using planar surfaces.
278           Liquid-phase operation of resonant cantilevers vibrating in an out-of-plane flexural mode h
279 ith relatively high quality factors, such as cantilevers vibrating in vacuum, can show characteristic
280                               Nanomechanical cantilever vibration is driven by photothermal excitatio
281                         Detection of 127 MHz cantilever vibrations is demonstrated with a thermomecha
282                               A micron-sized cantilever was used to extract membrane tethers from cel
283 onolayer binding of the MIP nanoparticles on cantilevers was provided by EDC/NHS activation.
284 y binds to SK channels, to the tip of an AFM cantilever, we are able to detect binding events between
285      On an eight-cantilever array chip, four cantilevers were coated with binding peptide (NHFLPKV-GG
286 ad zirconate titanate (PZT) millimeter-sized cantilevers were designed with two types of anchor asymm
287                                        These cantilevers were fabricated using a two-step anodization
288                 For experiments, tipless AFM cantilevers were functionalized with PMMA microspheres a
289 hnique, where latex beads affixed on silicon cantilevers were used as the force transducer, we extrac
290                                Free-standing cantilevers, which directly translate specific biochemic
291 g for the static behavior of rectangular AFM cantilevers, which reveals that the three-dimensional ef
292 resented antigenic stimulation using the AFM cantilever while simultaneously imaging with optical mic
293                 By using a custom-fabricated cantilever with a 4 microm-diameter nickel tip, we achie
294 these cells when indented by an atomic force cantilever with a pyramidal tip, is also very sensitive
295 atomic force microscope uses a force-sensing cantilever with a sharp tip to measure the topography an
296                                            A cantilever with an attached microsphere is forced to osc
297 success rates, especially when designed as a cantilever with only 1 retainer.
298             Recently, we modified commercial cantilevers with a focused ion beam to optimize their pr
299 nical measurements of single-crystal diamond cantilevers with thickness down to 85 nm, thickness unif
300 on indirect oscillation of soft, nonmagnetic cantilevers, with spring constants <1 N m(-1).

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