


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 P was determined to be 1-8 muM (0.58-4.6 mug/capacitor).
2 circuit elements (for example, inductors and capacitors).
3  complement the prevalent voltage-controlled capacitor.
4  and cause the film to behave as a "perfect" capacitor.
5 light-emitting diode and to charge a storage capacitor.
6 iased Josephson-junction qubits coupled by a capacitor.
7 icroF phase-1 than for the 60-microF phase-1 capacitor.
8 xcept for waveforms with a 30-microF phase-1 capacitor.
9  a device utilizing three electrodes and one capacitor.
10  that requires only three electrodes and one capacitor.
11 gy requirements compared with the 120-microF capacitor.
12 erated electricity was charged into a 100muF capacitor.
13  forms a mechanical oscillator and a tunable capacitor.
14 sity compared to the traditional oxide-based capacitors.
15 oute, rivaling expensive RuO2 or MnO2 pseudo-capacitors.
16 ties of carbon-based electrical double-layer capacitors.
17 improving the energy density of carbon-based capacitors.
18  experiments of electrochemical double-layer capacitors.
19 similar to electrical conductors, diodes and capacitors.
20 evices such as batteries and electrochemical capacitors.
21 gest their potential for high energy density capacitors.
22 ycles) when it is applied in electrochemical capacitors.
23  activated gold interdigitated electrodes of capacitors.
24 erature stability in ferroelectric thin-film capacitors.
25 acitance nodes in a network of resistors and capacitors.
26 t elements, such as resistors, inductors and capacitors.
27 iO3 /SrRuO3 (SRO/BTO/SRO) ferroelectric (FE) capacitors.
28 gh specific power in electrical double layer capacitors.
29  repeating our calculations for Pt/SrTiO3/Pt capacitors.
30 agnetic storage media, nanopores and silicon capacitors.
31  2 separate and fully (95% tilt) discharging capacitors.
32 arge waveforms for 150-microF and 600-microF capacitors.
33 can be achieved with approximately 90-microF capacitors.
34 or conventional capacitors and > 1 for small capacitors.
35 ed as the electrode for Li-ion batteries and capacitors.
36 energy storage devices such as batteries and capacitors.
37 icance in design of high performance ceramic capacitors.
38                                              Capacitors 1 microm2 show a doubling of the remanent pol
39 Ts) for biphasic waveforms from conventional capacitors (140 microF. tau s = 7.1 +/- 0.8 ms) and very
40 croF. tau s = 7.1 +/- 0.8 ms) and very small capacitors (40 microF. tau s = 2.0 +/- 0.2 ms).
41 and phase-2 leading-edge voltages with small capacitors (60 and 20 microF) for external defibrillatio
42                                      Battery/capacitor abnormalities (4085 malfunctions [23.6%]) and
43                        Aluminum electrolytic capacitors (AECs) are widely used for alternating curren
44 er, the compatibility of this biobased redox capacitor allows the in situ monitoring of the productio
45                                   Dielectric capacitors, although presenting faster charging/discharg
46 te between two electrodes and a double layer capacitor, an electron-transfer resistor, and a Warburg
47 nzyme fuel cell was connected with a 100 muF capacitor and a power boost converter as a charge pump.
48                             With advances in capacitor and battery technology coupled with improved l
49                  The film behaves as a redox capacitor and does not offer resistance to charge transf
50 rsued for applications in nanoelectronics in capacitor and memory devices, energy storage, and high-f
51  are well approximated by a sum of the ideal capacitor and plane sheet times, representing the time f
52 lator (PIAD) (with no battery or discharging capacitor and powered transcutaneously by radio-frequenc
53 son with clinical crossover studies of small-capacitor and standard-capacitor waveforms.
54 nt passes through the solution behaving as a capacitor and the capacitance is not very dependent on t
55  passive circuit elements: the resistor, the capacitor and the inductor.
56 nd applications in many fields such as super capacitors and "low k di-electric" systems.
57 -duration ratio is < or = 1 for conventional capacitors and > 1 for small capacitors.
58 ts remain far below those of electrochemical capacitors and below the levels required for many applic
59 moelectrics and fast-ion conductors in super-capacitors and fuel cells.
60 orted values for metal-insulator-metal micro-capacitors and is more than one order of magnitude highe
61 tive electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors and lithium-ion batteries and new perspective
62                              Electrochemical capacitors and lithium-ion batteries have seen little ch
63 Existing dielectrics for high-energy-storage capacitors and potential new capacitor technologies are
64 mes higher than conventional electrochemical capacitors and power delivery approximately 10 times hig
65 electric material has been incorporated into capacitors and thin film transistors (TFTs).
66 nsors culled from a group of 5 cantilever, 5 capacitor, and 5 calorimeter transducers coated with 1 o
67  15 microsensors comprising five cantilever, capacitor, and calorimeter devices coated with five diff
68 indicator, sustainably charging a commercial capacitor, and powering a smart watch.
69 percapacitors, pseudocapacitors, lithium-ion capacitors, and hybrid supercapacitors tested under the
70                Passive components-inductors, capacitors, and resistors-perform functions such as filt
71 include lumped devices such as inductors and capacitors, and wave-based devices such as transmission
72 ceramics are promising materials for tunable capacitor applications.
73 ocomposite materials for high energy density capacitor applications.
74                                              Capacitors are a mainstay of electronic integrated circu
75            In CDI, pairs of porous electrode capacitors are electrically charged to remove salt from
76 ditionally, quasi-solid-state flexible micro-capacitors are fabricated with promising result on energ
77 ge-discharge time of electrical double layer capacitors are largely determined by how fast the electr
78 eforms when 2 separate and fully discharging capacitors are used.
79    Supercapacitors (or electric double-layer capacitors) are high-power energy storage devices that s
80  a self-powered glucose biosensor by using a capacitor as the transducer element.
81       By using polycrystalline ferroelectric capacitors as a model system, we now report quantitative
82                 The use of 2 separate output capacitors avoids these limitations and may allow wavefo
83                         Also, if employed in capacitor banks, the recovery process will ensure that t
84 e first simulations of electric double-layer capacitors based on carbon nanotube forests modeled full
85 ng potential window (OPW) of electrochemical capacitors based on formulating the ionic-liquid (IL) el
86 ric performance electrochemical double layer capacitors based on high density aligned nano-porous mic
87                              Electrochemical capacitors based on the reduced GO showed an ultrahigh r
88   We demonstrate that, if designed properly, capacitor-based waveform-selective metasurfaces more eff
89 epresent the substrate of the diffusion as a capacitor being charged through a resistor after the rap
90 on phase-1 pulse characteristics in a single-capacitor biphasic waveform.
91                                       Single-capacitor biphasic waveforms (3/1 ms) were delivered thr
92  both groups were not superior to 140-microF-capacitor biphasic waveforms.
93                              An evolutionary capacitor buffers genotypic variation under normal condi
94 ace N electrons of charge e onto a cryogenic capacitor C, and the resulting voltage change DeltaV was
95 ox cycling with this catechol-chitosan redox capacitor can amplify electrochemical signals for detect
96 omenon holds promise for a new generation of capacitors capable of restoring their properties after t
97 cially marketed AEDs for rhythm analyses and capacitor charge.
98                            By monitoring the capacitor charging frequencies, which are influenced by
99 grinum showed that the ribbon behaves like a capacitor, charging with vesicles in light and dischargi
100 ring the reflection from a resonant inductor-capacitor circuit in which the tunnel junction is embedd
101 sitive and selective glucose sensor based on capacitor circuit that is capable of selectively sensing
102 oors for implementation of biofuel cells and capacitor circuits for medical diagnosis and powering th
103 e microwave sensor in a form of interdigital capacitor coated with T4 bacteriophage gp37 adhesin.
104                              Electrochemical capacitors, commonly known as supercapacitors, are impor
105                                              Capacitors constructed with these electrodes could be sm
106 equency of the charge/discharge cycle of the capacitor corresponded to the oxidation of glucose.
107                         Different numbers of capacitors could be used in the MPPC for various energy
108 roups, a biphasic waveform from a 140-microF-capacitor defibrillator was also evaluated, and both sho
109              In group 1, with the 300-microF-capacitor defibrillator, the leading-edge voltage and en
110 ly than biphasic waveforms with a 300-microF-capacitor defibrillator.
111 r a transvenous lead system and a 300-microF-capacitor defibrillator.
112                                        Using capacitor devices with symmetric and uniform interfacial
113 haracterization of Co(foil)/h-BN/Co(contact) capacitor devices.
114 g sequential 7.5/2.5-ms biphasic shocks with capacitor discharge waveforms for 150-microF and 600-mic
115 ts of the periplasm, they represent a Ca(2+) capacitor discharged at low pH by stretch-activated plas
116 tral-atom circuit analogous to an electronic capacitor discharged through a resistor.
117                        Electric double-layer capacitors (DLCs) can have high storage capacity, but th
118     Li ion battery (LIB) and electrochemical capacitor (EC) are considered as the most widely used en
119                     Although electrochemical capacitors (ECs), also known as supercapacitors or ultra
120 ium-ion batteries (LIBs) and electrochemical capacitors (ECs).
121            Research in electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) and rechargeable batteries is converg
122 ric characteristics of electric-double layer capacitors (EDLCs) are determined by their capacitance w
123                 Electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs) employing ionic liquid electrolytes a
124 e to batteries, electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs) have emerged as an important electric
125                 Electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs), or supercapacitors, rely on electros
126                  Here we present an Atlantic capacitor effect mechanism to suggest that the Atlantic
127 favourable background state for the Atlantic capacitor effect, giving rise to enhanced biennial varia
128 g metal-free ORR catalyst for fuel cells and capacitor electrode materials.
129 els function as stretchable circuit wires or capacitor electrodes with a 2 mum linewidth and 1 mum sp
130 h of which are comparable to electrochemical capacitor electrodes.
131 ond experiment the three electrode pads, one capacitor encircling waveform achieved shock success rat
132                 Electrochemical double-layer capacitors exhibit high power and long cycle life but ha
133 itial experiments on a metal-insulator-metal capacitor fabricated with an ordered three-dimensional g
134  energy stored within, and recoverable from, capacitors fabricated from these materials is significan
135                        However, field-effect capacitors fabricated using amorphous silicon suffered f
136 sk genetic variation and act as evolutionary capacitors, facilitating the origin of novel adaptive ph
137 esome observation that the membrane resistor-capacitor filter could limit high-frequency acoustic act
138 ever, somatic motility can overcome resistor-capacitor filtering by the basolateral membrane and deli
139 emitting diode and metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor, first built on thin active layers and then tr
140 ge role, glycogen may also serve as a carbon capacitor for glycolysis during the exponential growth o
141 remodeling functions is that Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution by masking epigene
142 nd provide the first evidence for HSP90 as a capacitor for morphological evolution in a natural setti
143  These findings suggest that Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution through epigenetic
144 aveforms in group 1, except for a 20- microF capacitor for phase 2.
145 on of the role of phloem tissue as a dynamic capacitor for water storage and transfer and its contrib
146  is subsequently rectified and stored within capacitors for applications such as wireless and self-po
147 he optimal combinations of fully discharging capacitors for defibrillation were 60/20 and 60/30 micro
148 -array radar, and three-dimensional trenched capacitors for dynamic random access memories.
149  the applicability of metal-dielectric-metal capacitors for energy storage applications.
150 which have diverse applications ranging from capacitors for power grids and electric vehicles to musc
151   The development of ultrathin ferroelectric capacitors for use in memory applications has been hampe
152 l, they suggest a model akin to a "molecular capacitor" for clocking organogenesis in S. asiatica.
153 on of various gases, for the construction of capacitors, for sensing, for the preparation of metal-co
154 voltage change was achieved by switching two capacitors from parallel to series mode at phase reversa
155 ment and use of electrochemical double-layer capacitors, fuelled by the availability of new electrode
156                               Release of the capacitor function of Hsp90, such as by environmental st
157 pporting an epigenetic mechanism for Hsp90's capacitor function, whereby reduced activity of Hsp90 in
158                                Ferroelectric capacitors have been successfully integrated with silico
159                                   Dielectric capacitors have the highest charge/discharge speed among
160 nately, most experiments on thin-film SrTiO3 capacitors have yielded capacitance values that are orde
161                          A new hybrid Li ion capacitor (HyLIC), which combines the advantages of LIB
162                                    The HSP90 capacitor hypothesis holds that interactions with HSP90
163 imilar proteins enabled a direct test of the capacitor hypothesis.
164 le indicated that the internal barrier layer capacitor (IBLC) mode made a major contribution to the h
165 g the electrochemical cell as a resistor and capacitor in series.
166 tor performed as well as the 90/ 22.5-microF capacitor in the experimental waveform.
167 lement or replace batteries and electrolytic capacitors in a variety of applications.
168 ophasic and biphasic waveforms with the same capacitors in both phases except for waveforms with a 30
169 date dielectric material for the memory-cell capacitors in dynamic random access memories; and Pb(Zr1
170 ay enable broader applications of dielectric capacitors in energy storage, conditioning, and conversi
171 re is a growing need for high energy density capacitors in modern electric power supplies.
172 ly reported values for metal-insulator-metal capacitors in porous templates.
173  in principle be provided by electrochemical capacitors--in particular, pseudocapacitors.
174                               Redox-enhanced capacitors increase specific energy by using redox-activ
175 hium-air batteries, flow batteries and super-capacitors integrated with a photo-charging component.
176 pplied, the voltage across the ferroelectric capacitor is found to be decreasing with time--in exactl
177     The principal example of an evolutionary capacitor is Hsp90, a molecular chaperone that targets a
178            One limitation of electrochemical capacitors is their low energy density and for this reas
179 cation and characterization of two promising capacitor-less memory architectures.
180 s that have battery-level energy density and capacitor-level cycling stability and power density.
181 ch combines the advantages of LIB and Li ion capacitor (LIC), is proposed.
182 gated polymer molecule that is embedded in a capacitor-like device while simultaneously modulating th
183 RL1-mediated CEF, we suggest that PGRL1 is a capacitor linked to the evolution of the PSII subunit S-
184 gy storage devices including electrochemical capacitors, lithium- and sodium-ion batteries, and lithi
185                                The 50-microF capacitor lowered energy requirements compared with the
186                                Thus, smaller capacitors may allow reduction in device size without sa
187   Switching mechanisms known as evolutionary capacitors mean that the amount of heritable phenotypic
188 of modern electrocatalysis, optoelectronics, capacitors, metamaterials and memory devices.
189                           Multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) are widely used in consumer electronic
190                                      A leaky-capacitor model related to the dielectric properties of
191 tudinal element approach leads to a resistor-capacitor model, which can be used to simplify the mixin
192 tailor the properties of high energy density capacitor nanocomposites.
193  with a carbon-based electrical double layer capacitor, nearly ideal electrode properties such as hig
194 an Ohm's law analogy of the leaf as an ideal capacitor, neglecting the resistance to flow between cel
195 form was a truncated monophasic pulse from a capacitor of 150 microF.
196  electrolyte ions in real time for a working capacitor of standard geometry.
197 ates the pyroelectric charge on the top-gate capacitor of the graphene channel, leading to TCRs up to
198              Biphasic waveforms with phase-2 capacitors of 1/3 times that of phase 1 provided the hig
199 c/metal multilayers for functional thin film capacitors on plastic substrates.
200                            Unlike dielectric capacitors or cavity-based microphones that respond to s
201 l applications in future such as stretchable capacitors or conductors, sensors and oil/water separato
202 rated with schottky diodes as well as either capacitors or inductors, selectively absorb short or lon
203 passive circuit elements, such as inductors, capacitors or resistors, the design and realization of a
204 , photodetectors, radio frequency inductors, capacitors, oscillators, and rectifying diodes.
205           The reverse was true for 40-microF capacitors (P = .0008).
206                             The 60/15-microF capacitor performed as well as the 90/ 22.5-microF capac
207                                 Evolutionary capacitors phenotypically reveal a stock of cryptic gene
208 ranslates classical AGP function as a Ca(2+) capacitor, pollen tube guide and wall plasticizer into a
209    For 90-microF, 120-microF, and 150-microF capacitors, predicted stored-energy DFTs were 3% to 8%,
210 s of this 'inductance'-like behaviour from a capacitor presents an unprecedented insight into the int
211 ne-the gating charge-by measuring electrical capacitor properties of membrane-embedded proteins.
212       Aqueous redox-enhanced electrochemical capacitors (redox ECs) have, however, performed poorly d
213  stored energy is well modeled by a parallel capacitor resistor circuit with a time constant of 5.3 m
214                             It consists of a capacitor, resistors, amplifiers, logic circuitry and el
215  paper, we present screen-printed inductors, capacitors, resistors and an RLC circuit on flexible pla
216 al originated from the surface barrier layer capacitor (SBLC).
217       This WCB chip comprised of an array of capacitor sensors made of gold interdigitated microelect
218 patients (60%) perceived the 1.5-J 50-microF capacitor shock as more painful, whereas three (30%) per
219 eas the dual-current pathway with 150-microF capacitor shocks had a significantly lower energy thresh
220 ite direction to which voltage for a regular capacitor should change.
221                          Conclusions-Phase-2 capacitor size plays an important role in reducing defib
222                       In this range, phase-2 capacitor size was more critical for the 30-microF phase
223 so called ultracapacitors or electrochemical capacitors, store electrical charge on high-surface-area
224 h based on a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor structure embedded in a silicon waveguide that
225 orming first-principles calculations on four capacitor structures based on BaTiO(3) and PbTiO(3), we
226 r their applications in high-storage-density capacitor structures such as dynamic random access memor
227  gold metal-insulator-semiconductor (Au-MIS) capacitor structures.
228 rgy storage elements such as electrochemical capacitors (super and pseusocapacitors) on a variety of
229 -energy-storage capacitors and potential new capacitor technologies are reviewed toward realizing the
230 rovements in defibrillation waveforms and in capacitor technology.
231 study a commercially manufactured multilayer capacitor that displays strain-mediated coupling between
232 edox-cycling reactions with a biobased redox capacitor that is fabricated by grafting redox-active ca
233 er than the low-voltage aluminum electrolyte capacitors that are typically used in electronic devices
234           The electrical energy is stored in capacitors that could power micro- and nanoelectronic de
235 phene with interdigitated microelectrodes of capacitors that were biofunctionalized with E. coli O157
236 ollable banks of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors that, via a discrete-time feedback loop that
237 with a reserve of binding energy (resistance capacitor) that yields a dramatically improved resistanc
238 ayer hybrid devices, such as transistors and capacitors, that contain insulating components.
239                     BaTiO3 is widely used in capacitors, thermistors, displays, and sensors owing to
240 to aqueous and organic electric double-layer capacitors, this system enhances energy by factors of ca
241 2 N mechanical force and it charged a 10 muF capacitor to 10 V in 25 s.
242 functions at a threshold length as a genetic capacitor to facilitate accumulation of variation elsewh
243     This device does not have a battery or a capacitor to store energy and is activated by transferri
244 article in a composite polymer/ferroelectric capacitor to study the behavior of a three-dimensional v
245              Adding a ferroelectric negative capacitor to the gate stack of a MOSFET may offer a prom
246 ted to a stepped-up power and charged to the capacitor to the voltage of 1.8 V.
247 e modified by configuration of resistors and capacitors to enable fast response, and a home-built sys
248 pically employed for electrical double-layer capacitors to improve gravimetric energy storage capacit
249 ere, we use large-area high-quality graphene capacitors to study behavior of the density of states in
250                      The network of inductor-capacitor transmission lines is designed to experimental
251 ntrol of ferromagnetism in MOS ferromagnetic capacitors up to 100 K.
252                              Electrochemical capacitors using difluoromethane show outstanding perfor
253 mental capacitances of electric double-layer capacitors utilizing carbon nanotube forests or carbide-
254 alues (30, 60, and 120 microF) and 3 phase-2 capacitor values (0=monophasic, 1/3, and 1.0 times the p
255 itor values (30 and 60 microF) and 5 phase-2 capacitor values (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 microF) were te
256 ic waveforms from a combination of 2 phase-1 capacitor values (30 and 60 microF) and 5 phase-2 capaci
257  9 waveforms from a combination of 3 phase-1 capacitor values (30, 60, and 120 microF) and 3 phase-2
258 ocks given from six electrode pads and three capacitors versus encircling overlapping shocks given fr
259                                     Use of a capacitor was found to be an effective way to prevent vo
260 ess rates comparable with the six-pad, three-capacitor waveform; at 18-49 J, success rates were 45+/-
261 over studies of small-capacitor and standard-capacitor waveforms.
262                   In this work, field-effect capacitors were replaced by amorphous hydrogenated silic
263 ce changes thus observed with graphene based capacitors were specific to E. coli O157:H7 strain with
264                                          Two capacitors were tested (60/15 microfarads [microF] and 9
265                      Two separate 60- microF capacitors were used in each phase.
266 0=monophasic, 1/3, and 1.0 times the phase-1 capacitor) were tested.
267  the interaction network act as evolutionary capacitors which allows their binding partners to explor
268 ification and characterization of phenotypic capacitors - which act as switches of the degree of robu
269 pping conductivity of the lateral network of capacitors, which models two-dimensional insulators, and
270 re might exist a large class of evolutionary capacitors whose effects on phenotypic variation complem
271        Here we demonstrate a single nanowire capacitor with a coaxial asymmetric Cu-Cu(2)O-C structur
272  7.5/2.5-ms biphasic shock from a 150-microF capacitor with those for a dual-current pathway system (
273 ogalactan glycoprotein-calcium (AGP-Ca(2+) ) capacitor with tip-localized AGPs as the source of tip-f
274    Defect-engineered graphene flexible pouch capacitors with energy densities of 500% higher than the
275                    The demand for dielectric capacitors with higher energy-storage capability is incr
276 lectronic and ionic resistances and produced capacitors with RC time constants of less than 200 micro
277               Integration of electrochemical capacitors with silicon-based electronics is a major cha
278                        Biomembranes are thin capacitors with the unique feature of displaying phase t
279                                 Using planar capacitors with vacuum gaps of 60 nm and spiral inductor

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