


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 acterium of the head louse Pediculus humanus capitis and the body louse P. h. humanus.
2 hat innervate the flexor neck muscle, rectus capitis anterior (RCA), in the adult cat.
3       By using Southern blot analysis, an S. capitis gene, designated sdrX, that contained sequence m
4 common staphylococcal strains (S. aureus, S. capitis, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis, S.
5                   Staphylococcus capitis (S. capitis) has been implicated in a large proportion of co
6 s the first MSCRAMM protein identified in S. capitis.
7 strated to be expressed on the surface of S. capitis.
8 entify potential therapeutic targets, the S. capitis genome was probed for the presence of genes enco
9 e recombinant A domain of SdrX and viable S. capitis expressing SdrX.
10 n the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and splenius capitis (SPL) muscles of eight patients with rotational
11                               Staphylococcus capitis (S. capitis) has been implicated in a large prop
12 terminal region of ALE-1 from Staphylococcus capitis EPK1.
13                                        Tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton tonsurans remains to be a
14                                        Tinea capitis is of public health importance because of its tr
15 ions as certain dermatophytoses (i.e., tinea capitis) are more frequent in children than adults.
16 clinical information was available had tinea capitis.
17 ans is the major pediatric pathogen in tinea capitis, causing disparate disease presentations.
18 ermoscopy may enhance the diagnosis of tinea capitis and be of help to better understand some pathoge
19 to evaluate the dermoscopic aspects of tinea capitis at high magnification (x150) and its diagnostic
20 soudanense, which are common causes of tinea capitis in parts of Africa and West Asia, have only rare
21  suggesting an increasing incidence of tinea capitis in some areas and increasing clinical failure ra
22 surans is now the most common cause of tinea capitis in the United States.
23 nces in the diagnosis and treatment of tinea capitis include a renewed interest in the use of the cot
24 fectious diseases, the epidemiology of tinea capitis is in a constant state of flux and varies consid
25 s" as a typical dermoscopic feature of tinea capitis observed at low magnification (x10).
26 that have investigated the response of tinea capitis to griseofulvin, the mainstay treatment for this
27 g new medications for the treatment of tinea capitis, including terbinafine, itraconazole, and flucon
28  striking increase in the incidence of tinea capitis, particularly among African-Americans.
29                         Infection with tinea capitis in childhood is a common, age-old problem that c
30 yte isolates obtained from a worldwide tinea capitis trial were compared to their susceptibilities to

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