


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ional domestication selection (adaptation to captivity).
2  (pigeons can live approximately 20 years in captivity).
3 than expected from studies of individuals in captivity.
4 ting that migratory condition was induced in captivity.
5 onalities were consistent in the wild and in captivity.
6 s and experimental work on toothed whales in captivity.
7 o comparing only a few species and mainly in captivity.
8 oss-species transfer from sooty mangabeys in captivity.
9 ch is a clear demonstration of adaptation to captivity.
10 sted in brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) kept in captivity.
11 deficiency viruses (SIVs) in the wild and in captivity.
12 wild populations and demographic events post-captivity.
13 r the breeding of this threatened species in captivity.
14 or their offspring during two generations in captivity.
15 larized light for orientation when tested in captivity.
16 infection with hepatitis B or C virus during captivity.
17 s develop colon cancer after 2 to 5 years of captivity.
18  identified in cotton-top tamarins (CTTs) in captivity.
19 arger than those observed in this species in captivity.
20  CI 8.4-36.9) of those who managed to escape captivity.
21 icially extinct, a fourth persisting only in captivity [2].
22 , replicated across all great ape species in captivity [9-17] and chimpanzees in the wild [18, 19].
23 ns has contracted during >100 generations in captivity, a hypothesis consistent with the accordion mo
24                                     Overall, captivity and artificial breeding influenced the gut mic
25                                         Both captivity and artificial breeding influenced the structu
26 esults of ordination analysis, influences of captivity and artificial breeding were greater than that
27 tions of steelhead trout that were reared in captivity and bred in the wild after they were released.
28 sands of enslaved Africans managed to escape captivity and establish lasting communities, such as the
29 r the management of orangutan populations in captivity and in the wild, and underscore the flexibilit
30               These results demonstrate that captivity and lifestyle disruption cause primates to los
31   The three successful bats were all born in captivity and socialized to humans early in life, wherea
32 reat tits Parus major temporarily taken into captivity and subsequently followed up their reproductiv
33                Although lack of sociality in captivity appears to mediate domestication, the underlyi
34 esearch effort has established that birds in captivity are capable of orienting toward the direction
35 een considered important when populations in captivity are used as models of wild ones.
36                The study examined effects of captivity, artificial breeding and life stage on gut mic
37 e rod-shaped morphologies when released from captivity at a rate consistent with the theoretical pred
38  early 2000s, and currently survives only in captivity, at least two lines of evidence suggest that t
39 from a colony of cotton-top tamarins held in captivity between 1968 and 1995.
40 o selection on traits that are beneficial in captivity but severely maladaptive in the wild.
41 a progressive manner as has been observed in captivity, but instead abruptly became active during the
42 hether providing memory-based experiences in captivity can maintain hippocampal attributes comparable
43 ults demonstrate that a single generation in captivity can result in a substantial response to select
44 ases of aging under premodern conditions, in captivity, chimpanzees present a lower incidence of canc
45 f returning adult offspring) when spawned in captivity compared with wild fish spawned under identica
46              What remains unclear is whether captivity directly affects hippocampal architecture and
47                 Studies of over 1100 NGRs in captivity, fed normal chow, revealed that most of these
48  Portuguese mainland coast and maintained in captivity for one year feeding on artificial diet showed
49 al measure, evolvability, between nature and captivity for the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciat
50 rely "spontaneously" point, although apes in captivity frequently acquire pointing, both with the ind
51 hat animal size, seasonal changes as well as captivity had an influence on the number of proliferatin
52 including published human data, we show that captivity has a parallel effect on the NHP gut microbiom
53 y occur as populations move from nature into captivity has been considered important when populations
54 anzees, both in their natural habitat and in captivity, has brought these apes socially, emotionally
55 PH population, four individuals were born in captivity in European zoos and hosted a strikingly low d
56 us forms of ill treatment and torture during captivity in terms of their relative psychological impac
57 thropogenic forces such as domestication and captivity, in which diets and natural life histories are
58    Many selective pressures are disrupted in captivity, including social behavioral networks.
59 dinarily sexually reproducing vertebrates in captivity, including some birds, reptiles and sharks [1-
60 etween wild and captive birds contributed to captivity-induced changes in Hp volume in females while
61                     Maintaining pangolins in captivity is a significant challenge, in part because li
62 ogical health of nonhuman primates living in captivity is essential, since many experiments and behav
63 ial selection, inbreeding, and adaptation to captivity, is of limited use for the study of fitness-dr
64                                              Captivity may affect hippocampal anatomy and this may be
65    We propose that the benign environment in captivity may decrease the intensity of inbreeding depre
66         Further, memory-based experiences in captivity may not be sufficient to maintain hippocampal
67 se reported for wild koalas, suggesting that captivity may not compromise koala microbial health.
68 t the notorious rapid death of chameleons in captivity may, for some species, actually represent the
69 llow perch (Perca flavescens) were raised in captivity on commercial food pellets and then their diet
70  trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were raised in captivity on food pellets and then shifted to a diet of
71 een a wild-captured individual and a born-in-captivity one.
72 ls converge when they are housed together in captivity or form social bonds in the wild.
73 lytica; naturally infected baboons raised in captivity possess serum IgA antibodies to the same four
74                                     Although captivity reduced the number of newborn cells in general
75                 Our results demonstrate that captivity reduces hippocampal volume relative to the rem
76 nuclei have been found in several species in captivity, results on seasonal changes in the song nucle
77 genomic impact of approximately 110 years of captivity, revealing reduced heterozygosity, increased i
78                                       During captivity, ropes, ratchet handcuffs, leg irons, or stock
79    Polar lipids (PL) were less influenced by captivity since the fatty acids profile was more stable.
80                         Ill treatment during captivity, such as psychological manipulations, humiliat
81 nct in the wild in the 1960s but survived in captivity, thanks to major conservation efforts.
82 inctive signature microbiota in the wild, in captivity they lose their native microbes and become col
83                                           In captivity this is observed as a gradual transition of da
84 rough 18 days posthatch and later exposed in captivity to a photoperiod shift simulating an autumn mi
85 ppocampi of 10 colonial tuco-tucos housed in captivity under a variety of social conditions.
86                            When brought into captivity, wild animals can adapt to domestication withi
87 ), which is the shortest-lived vertebrate in captivity with a median life span of 4-6 months.
88 ved vertebrate species that can reproduce in captivity, with a median life span of 9-11 weeks for the
89 aken to test whether seasonal changes and/or captivity would influence the proliferation of cells in

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