


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 vities of the full-length protein, while the carboxy-terminal 143 residues contain a nuclear localiza
2                                          The carboxy-terminal 223 residues of the CD163 molecule are
3 ructed to specify a truncated gD lacking the carboxy-terminal 29 amino acids.
4 we use knock-in mice expressing NLRC4 with a carboxy-terminal 3xFlag tag to identify phosphorylation
5 nin-binding domain of BmpA was mapped to the carboxy-terminal 80 amino acids.
6                         Here we identify the carboxy-terminal acidic tail of the yeast lipin Pah1p as
7 biquitin-like (Ubl) proteins in two steps by carboxy-terminal adenylation and thioester bond formatio
8 tment and the tagging of nascent chains with carboxy-terminal Ala and Thr extensions ("CAT tails").
9 ditionally, Rqc2 modifies stalled NCs with a carboxy-terminal, Ala- and Thr-containing extension-the
10 -dependent ubiquitination and Rqc2p-mediated Carboxy-terminal Alanine and Threonine (CAT) tail elonga
11  the beta(2)AR and Gs involve the amino- and carboxy-terminal alpha-helices of Gs, with conformationa
12           Numerous studies indicate that the carboxy-terminal alpha5 helix of Galpha subunits partici
13 the finding that the removal of merely three carboxy-terminal amino acids compromised Nab3's function
14 underscoring, in particular, the role of the carboxy-terminal amino acids in the folding of thioredox
15 from classical IgE by the replacement of two carboxy-terminal amino acids with eight novel residues t
16 d just N-terminal to the basic domain, and a carboxy-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix referred to as
17 s a metalloproteinase catalytic domain and a carboxy-terminal ancillary domain, the latter determinin
18 s to protein storage vacuoles is mediated by carboxy terminal and internal sorting determinants (ISDs
19  citrullination of the resulting peptides at carboxy-terminal arginine residues, which were identifie
20 ne gingipains, followed by citrullination of carboxy-terminal arginines by bacterial PAD.
21             IRF4 binds DNA weakly owing to a carboxy-terminal auto-inhibitory domain, but cooperative
22                                          The carboxy-terminal binding protein (CtBP)-interacting prot
23  hotspots, requiring the repair functions of carboxy-terminal binding protein (CtBP)-interacting prot
24 ion between MRN and the tandem breast cancer carboxy-terminal (BRCT) repeats in 53BP1, and is accompa
25 s of post-translational modifications of the carboxy-terminal CAAX motifs (where C is cysteine, A is
26 S effector TRP120 is conjugated to SUMO at a carboxy-terminal canonical consensus SUMO conjugation mo
27 pped a key functional domain of TNPO3 to the carboxy-terminal cargo-binding domain.
28 an amino-terminal alpha-helical region and a carboxy-terminal caspase-like catalytic domain.
29                                          The carboxy-terminal catalytic domain is a class I terpenoid
30                   SPAK possesses a conserved carboxy-terminal (CCT) domain, which recognises RFXV/I m
31                  We have previously isolated carboxy-terminal cdc28(CST) mutants that are temperature
32 ted to impaired bone metabolism as increased carboxy-terminal collagen cross-link-1 levels and alkali
33 pha), and bone metabolism (osteocalcin [OC], carboxy-terminal collagen crosslinks [CTX], and N-termin
34 was dimerized through a naturally-occurring, carboxy-terminal cysteine.
35 cripts to produce a channel with a truncated carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain.
36                                              Carboxy-terminal deletion of 32 amino acids in the beta-
37 ) RNA requires additional phosphorylation of carboxy-terminal Dicer residues (S1728 and S1852).
38  SAMP1 and SAMP2, with a beta-grasp fold and carboxy-terminal diglycine motif similar to ubiquitin, t
39                            The 38-A amino-to-carboxy-terminal distance of Ub stresses the Bn monomer,
40 throughout its amino terminus but not in the carboxy-terminal DNA binding domain.
41                       Here, we show that the carboxy-terminal DNA-binding/dimerization domain of LANA
42  and show that this interaction requires the carboxy-terminal DNA-binding/dimerization domain of Z an
43 ces encoding the signal peptide (SS) and the carboxy-terminal domain (CT) of beta-lactamase, and clon
44 purified CDK8 in vitro for RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) and histone H3 substrates.
45 ng seven alpha-helices and a beta-hairpin, a carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) comprising four alpha-heli
46                        The RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) consists of tandem Y(1)S(2
47  isomerizing peptide bonds within the pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) heptapeptide repeat (YSPTS
48 n and processing, and the role of the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) in regulating these proces
49 man immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) CA carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) is essential for CA-CA int
50            We focused on acetylations of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of alpha because of its re
51 dentified SEM-5 as able to interact with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of EGL-15, a domain that i
52                              In mammals, the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase (Pol) II
53                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (RNAP
54 i-subunit complex stably associated with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (RNAP
55                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the core protein of hep
56                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RN
57 the failure to phosphorylate serine 2 in the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RN
58 2)-Pro(3)-Thr(4)-Ser(5)-Pro(6)-Ser(7) in the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest RNA polymer
59       Posttranslational modifications of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
60                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the RNA polymerase II (
61 , polymerase II (Pol II), and phospho-Ser(2) carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) Pol II to the IFN-stimulat
62 inase 9 (CDK9) recruitment and phospho-Ser 2 carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) RNA polymerase (Pol) II fo
63 mplekin in a ternary complex with the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) Ser 5 phosphatase Ssu72 an
64 its, a core that binds UPF1 and a protruding carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) that binds the SMG1 kinase
65 n of the amino-terminal domain (NTD) and the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) was found to be essential
66 is its long C-terminal extension, called the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
67 s Pol II around the Rpb4-Rpb7 stalk near the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
68                  We recently showed that the carboxy-terminal domain (Cterm) of human mt-leucyl tRNA
69 nteracting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain 2 (CITED2), a gene that mediates
70 terminant of the N-M interaction maps to the carboxy-terminal domain 3 of the N protein.
71 using a recombinant OcXII harboring only the carboxy-terminal domain and this part did not exhibit an
72                                     The Elp1 carboxy-terminal domain contains a highly conserved argi
73 eletions in the highly conserved hydrophobic carboxy-terminal domain disrupted both protein function
74 emical and functional studies, that the Srs2 carboxy-terminal domain harbours tandem receptor motifs
75  and involving a region of the middle domain/carboxy-terminal domain interface previously suggested t
76 utionarily restrictive catalytic core domain-carboxy-terminal domain linker regions.
77  proteins-and each RP chaperone binds to the carboxy-terminal domain of a specific Rpt.
78 present data suggesting that the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domain of amphiregulin plays an importa
79                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of DNTTIP1 has a structure relat
80                        Here we show that the carboxy-terminal domain of EED specifically binds to his
81 ding of activated CheY to FliM displaces the carboxy-terminal domain of FliG (FliGC) from FliM, modul
82 between FMRP and Ca(V)2.2 occurs between the carboxy-terminal domain of FMRP and domains of Ca(V)2.2
83 ugh a virus-specific interaction with the p6 carboxy-terminal domain of Gag.
84 owed selective competitive inhibition of the carboxy-terminal domain of human somatic ACE providing e
85   We determined the crystal structure of the carboxy-terminal domain of human SRAP and found that it
86 onse (UPR) and autophagy in B cells, and the carboxy-terminal domain of LMP1 activates cellular signa
87 lls, the apoptosis required the UPR, and the carboxy-terminal domain of LMP1 blocked this apoptosis.
88            These findings illustrate how the carboxy-terminal domain of LMP1 supports survival of B c
89 ruited to origins by an essential, conserved carboxy-terminal domain of Mcm3 that interacts with and
90                    Our results show that the carboxy-terminal domain of N protein, N3, is necessary a
91  thereby facilitating phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of Pol II.
92 is model suggested that POA binds within the carboxy-terminal domain of ribosomal protein S1 (RpsA) a
93 gulates transcription by phosphorylating the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II.
94  Sub1 influences Spt5 phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of RNAPII largest subunit by the
95 t the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, upon binding to the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha subunit of the chan
96                            We found that the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest Pol II subunit wa
97  juxtaposes transcription factor IIH and the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of Pol II
98                        The RVA PDE forms the carboxy-terminal domain of the minor core protein VP3 (V
99                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of the paused polymerase large s
100                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of the receptor shows an extensi
101 binding motifs and instead is similar to the carboxy-terminal domain of the yeast spliceosome protein
102                            The intracellular carboxy-terminal domain of US28 contains residues critic
103 tion results in premature termination of the carboxy-terminal domain of VIR, resembling McClintock's
104                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of YTHDF2 selectively binds to m
105 n with an amino-terminal GTPase domain and a carboxy-terminal domain predicted to be embedded in the
106 tructed an HCMV recombinant virus encoding a carboxy-terminal domain truncation mutant of US28, FLAG-
107                     Phosphorylation within a carboxy-terminal domain, designated the hydrophobic moti
108 -sensing and pore domains, and a cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domain.
109 is activated and phosphorylates Cdc10 at its carboxy-terminal domain.
110  and increased ubiqutination within the Rbp1 carboxy-terminal domain.
111  novel interaction between tRNA and the Elp1 carboxy-terminal domain.
112 nal epitope that requires both the amino and carboxy terminal domains of GPC3.
113 s secreted by T9SSs typically have conserved carboxy-terminal domains (CTDs) belonging to the TIGRFAM
114 cretion of numerous other proteins that have carboxy-terminal domains associated with targeting to th
115  catalytic core domain flanked by amino- and carboxy-terminal domains essential for the concerted int
116                                              Carboxy-terminal domains line the central ion pore, and
117                               The amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of E2 each form immunoglobulin-
118 arged regions conserved in the J-domains and carboxy-terminal domains of each J-protein class, and ar
119 ht about by alterations in the cysteine-rich carboxy-terminal domains of the ligands.
120 d amino-terminal and the leucine-rich repeat carboxy-terminal domains of Tmod.
121     These include rotation of the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains relative to each other, and a m
122 of phosphorylation in the amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal domains that are positioned to alloster
123 l as alpharetroviruses by providing critical carboxy-terminal domains to the intasome core that canno
124 and STING interacted directly, through their carboxy-terminal domains, to promote STING dimerization,
125 ngage the core structure via their integrase carboxy-terminal domains.
126 ing of peptides for MHC class I loading, but carboxy-terminal editing is thought to be due to proteas
127                The peptide is located on the carboxy-terminal end of a 52-amino acid precursor protei
128 on coded a truncated protein that lacked the carboxy-terminal end of the VWF protein.
129  amino-terminal end and hexahistidine at the carboxy-terminal end to generate CPD-MAGE-A3 in a pQE-70
130 -381 and serine-382, located in the C-linker carboxy-terminal end, which prevent KAT2 surface express
131                                        The M carboxy-terminal endodomain contains a conserved domain
132 ge, positive-strand RNA viral genome and the carboxy-terminal endodomain of the membrane protein (M).
133  Similar acidic sequences are present in the carboxy-terminal ends of all yeast lipin orthologues.
134 robably impacts Cre activity in strains with carboxy-terminal Ert2 fusion.
135     The Igf1 gene encodes mature IGF-I and a carboxy-terminal extension called the E-peptide.
136 rice, OcXII is the only gene possessing this carboxy-terminal extension.
137 ents, proIGF-IA and proIGF-IB have different carboxy-terminal extensions called the E-peptides (EA an
138  that possesses two tandem PDZ domains and a carboxy-terminal ezrin-binding domain (EBD).
139 ee energy (DeltaG) of PDZ1 and PDZ2 with the carboxy-terminal, five-amino acid residues that form the
140  the amino-terminal anchor, central core and carboxy-terminal flexible loop of Nef.
141 retase of the amyloid precursor protein beta-carboxy-terminal fragment (APP-betaCTF) constitutes the
142 its substrate, the amyloid precursor protein carboxy-terminal fragment (APP-CTF).
143 n increase of the degradation of APP and its carboxy-terminal fragment (CTF) by activation of the lys
144 aused by elevated levels of the beta-cleaved carboxy-terminal fragment of APP (betaCTF).
145        EB1 depletion or expression of an EB1 carboxy-terminal fragment that acts as a dominant-negati
146            We identify higher molecular mass carboxy-terminal fragments (CTFs) of APP, termed CTF-eta
147 spite its type II transmembrane topology and carboxy-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anch
148                                          The carboxy-terminal hairpin in the transition state of Prot
149           Its catalytic domain comprises the carboxy-terminal half (containing TM6-10) and envelops t
150                                          The carboxy-terminal half of each protomer has a large bindi
151 the lamin-A binding domain was mapped to the carboxy-terminal half of matrin-3.
152                        Adjoined to this, the carboxy-terminal half of P64 (residues 279 to 455) conta
153 7) in an atypical manner, occupying only the carboxy-terminal half of the I-A(g7) peptide-binding gro
154 on depends on a beta-propeller domain in the carboxy-terminal half of the protein, which is fused to
155  Three layers of hydrophobic residues on the carboxy-terminal half of the TM1 helices form a bottlene
156 ostly rigid body movements of the amino- and carboxy-terminal halves of SecY.
157                We therefore propose that the carboxy-terminal helicase module of Brr2p acquired a reg
158 proaches, we investigated interaction of the carboxy-terminal helicase module, in particular the carb
159 -binding domains remain in contact via their carboxy-terminal helices.
160 ween alpha helices 1 and 2 is displaced, the carboxy-terminal helix 9 is mobilized for membrane trans
161 ay across the membrane bilayer, a latch-like carboxy-terminal helix that caps the cytoplasmic gate, a
162 the "immunodominant region" (cluster I), the carboxy-terminal heptad repeat (cluster II), and the mem
163 1-associated protein-1 (Bap1) is a ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase and is frequently mutated in
164       Deleterious mutations of the ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase BAP1 found in cancers are pre
165                                    Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) is a Parkinson dis
166                 We identify highly conserved carboxy-terminal hydrophobic amino acids that function a
167 mposed of a four-helix bundle connected to a carboxy-terminal immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain through
168 s N-SH2 domain and a previously unrecognized carboxy-terminal immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activatio
169        We further identify a direct amino-to-carboxy-terminal "input-output" signaling pathway.
170 age and intracellular Ca(2+), with the large carboxy-terminal intracellular portion being responsible
171       This event leads to the release of the carboxy-terminal Jalpha helix, the biological output sig
172 ved by caspases at D1510, disassociating the carboxy-terminal kinase domain from the pore without dis
173                                          The carboxy-terminal kinase domain is located on top of this
174                              Deletion of the carboxy-terminal leucine zipper domain relaxed the const
175 a parallel 3-helix coiled-coil domain of the carboxy-terminal leucine zipper region of CNGA1 subunits
176 ese SARD (UT-69 and UT-155) also binding the carboxy-terminal ligand binding domain.
177                                            A carboxy-terminal linker connecting S6 and the cyclic-nuc
178 sortase-like system for proteolysis-coupled, carboxy-terminal lipid modification exists in bacteria (
179 18-60) showed four rimantadines bound to the carboxy-terminal lipid-facing surface of the helices, su
180 o acids between the leucine-rich repeats and carboxy-terminal low-complexity acidic region domains.
181 member of the SNF2 ATPase superfamily with a carboxy-terminal macrodomain, is encoded by an oncogene
182                              We identified a carboxy-terminal modification that is sufficient to conf
183 larify a regulatory role for the Akt-binding carboxy-terminal modulator protein (CTMP), which has bee
184 stinct from SGR in genomic location, encoded carboxy-terminal motif, and expression through plant and
185 tional requirement in vivo for the AMPKalpha carboxy-terminal NES, as transgenic Drosophila expressin
186 l transfer protein (PITP) domain linked to a carboxy-terminal nodulin domain.
187 es, chimeric proteins consisting of amino or carboxy-terminal of p85alpha and/or p85beta do not rescu
188 ontains an amino-terminal pyrin domain and a carboxy-terminal oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding
189 l-like properties, which are mediated by the carboxy-terminal P-TEFb binding domain.
190 ng motifs, and the catalytic function of the carboxy-terminal PARP domain.
191  a self-inhibited conformation, in which its carboxy-terminal PDZ ligand interacts with PDZ2.
192  1 adaptor protein (NOS1AP), which encodes a carboxy-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide syn
193 hat target the degradation of p53 and have a carboxy-terminal PDZ ligand that is required for stable
194               Finally, we found that the DAT carboxy-terminal PDZ-binding motif was required for DAT
195 eceptor (beta2-AR), through their respective carboxy-terminal PDZ-recognition motifs, individually in
196 ex with a fully phosphorylated 29-amino-acid carboxy-terminal peptide derived from the human V2 vasop
197 al sequence, the protein was identified as a carboxy-terminal peptide of the acute phase protein seru
198 tsZ, referred to here as the CCTP (conserved carboxy-terminal peptide), is required for the interacti
199 d in place through interactions with the two carboxy-terminal periplasmic domains of FimD, a binding
200                            Our work uncovers carboxy-terminal phosphorylation-independent noncanonica
201                                          The carboxy-terminal portion of HOIP adopts a novel fold tha
202       In the structure of the complex of the carboxy-terminal portion of Na(v)1.5 (CTNa(v)1.5) with c
203 n active-like state, bound to NTS(8-13), the carboxy-terminal portion of NTS responsible for agonist-
204                                     Next the carboxy-terminal portion of Ssp2 forms a complex with Sm
205                   Mena bound directly to the carboxy-terminal portion of the alpha5 cytoplasmic tail
206  This clearly shows that ArtA is involved in carboxy-terminal post-translational processing of the S-
207 M148, M149, and M150, all of which include a carboxy-terminal PRANC domain which closely resembles a
208 e range of potential substrates that undergo carboxy-terminal processing.
209                                          The carboxy-terminal proline-rich domain of DAZAP1 interacts
210 e tissue growth factor (CTGF), procollagen I carboxy-terminal propeptide (PICP), amino-telopeptide of
211 is intensity (assessed by procollagen type I carboxy-terminal propeptide [PICP]), impaired insulin se
212 he characterization of two novel enzymes for carboxy-terminal protein modification provides novel ins
213  in a100 kDa N-terminal product and a 60 kDa carboxy-terminal protein.
214 ralizing epitopes have been found within the carboxy-terminal receptor binding domains (RBDs) of TcdA
215 ntains an amino-terminal oxygenase domain, a carboxy-terminal reductase domain, and an intervening ca
216 lt in radical physicochemical changes in the carboxy terminal region.
217 AS) domain and a PAS-cap domain, whereas the carboxy-terminal region contains a cyclic nucleotide-bin
218 cleolar (NoLS) localization signals near the carboxy-terminal region of AAP2 (amino acid positions 14
219 rowth inhibitory activity resides within the carboxy-terminal region of CdiA (CdiA-CT), and that CdiI
220 inus, or deletion of regions in the internal carboxy-terminal region of E protein, led to virus atten
221                            The intracellular carboxy-terminal region of each subunit contains several
222 an E3 ligase substrate adaptor DCAF1 and the carboxy-terminal region of human SAMHD1.
223  activities or interactions specified by the carboxy-terminal region of ICP0 significantly contribute
224                                          The carboxy-terminal region of KCNH channels contains a cycl
225  an extended alpha-helix from the disordered carboxy-terminal region of nucleoprotein-core links nucl
226                                    While the carboxy-terminal region of S-layer glycoproteins, consis
227 s that a lipid is covalently attached to the carboxy-terminal region of the S-layer glycoprotein, our
228                     Antibodies to the 19-kDa carboxy-terminal region referred to as MSP1(19) inhibit
229 e positional homology across species for the carboxy terminal regions and relative positional homolog
230      Here, we sample internal repetitive and carboxy terminal regions from all extant species of the
231 ns or deletions in the amino-terminal or the carboxy-terminal regions of the E protein were generated
232  function, distinct roles for the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions of the ExbD periplasmic domain
233 Fli1 protein (Fli1(DeltaCTA)) that lacks the carboxy-terminal regulatory (CTA) domain.
234 chromes consist of a photosensory core and a carboxy-terminal regulatory domain.
235                           (iii) However, the carboxy-terminal repeat in the VEEV HVD is indispensable
236 y to phosphorylated DOR (pDOR) at the SER363 carboxy-terminal residue, and demonstrated its response
237  acid composition and charge at the six most carboxy-terminal residues.
238 fs in Slx5 to aid in substrate targeting and carboxy-terminal RING domains in both Slx5 and Slx8 for
239 calized to their biological substrate when a carboxy-terminal RNA recognition motif domain binds tigh
240 -terminal helicase module, in particular the carboxy-terminal Sec63-2 domain, with the splicing RNA h
241 ) is 35% identical in sequence with a 31-mer carboxy-terminal sEGFR peptide and exhibits an approxima
242 d with Bacillus subtilis spores expressing a carboxy-terminal segment (TcdA26-39) of C. difficile tox
243 odification entails duplicating an amino- or carboxy-terminal segment of the protein and appending it
244 hesis in a transient-transfection assay, the carboxy-terminal segment was crucial for virus replicati
245 634) located within the unique 78-amino acid carboxy-terminal sequence of sEGFR.
246  RGRR), both of which are present within the carboxy-terminal sequence of the cytokine.
247 e amino acid sequence DDDDK identical to the carboxy-terminal sequence of the FLAG epitope.
248 roxisomal targeting signal-1 (PTS1), a short carboxy-terminal sequence specifically recognized by the
249 tion of its amino-terminal sequence with its carboxy-terminal sequence.
250      Cellular alpha-tubulin can bear various carboxy-terminal sequences: full-length tubulin arising
251 family showed decreased phosphorylation at a carboxy-terminal serine which is predicted to cause clos
252 m substrates have been proposed to contain a carboxy-terminal signal sequence that is necessary and s
253      Several PPR proteins in plants harbor a carboxy-terminal small-MutS-related (SMR) domain, but th
254 a novel tyrosine phosphorylation site in the carboxy-terminal Src Homology 3 (SH3) (SH3C) domain of t
255         Pre-fusion gp41 encircles amino- and carboxy-terminal strands of gp120 with four helices that
256 itioned in the groove between the amino- and carboxy-terminal subdomains of RCK1, whereas the low-aff
257  residues for DNA binding in cGAS as well as carboxy terminal tail domain for transducing signals in
258                             We show that the carboxy-terminal tail (CTT) of PC1 is released by gamma-
259 ying its FAD-binding pocket with a conserved carboxy-terminal tail and burying its PER-binding interf
260 lf-driven through interactions between K14's carboxy-terminal tail domain and two regions in the cent
261  large number of multiple KSP repeats in the carboxy-terminal tail domain, which are phosphorylation
262   Here we investigate the negatively charged carboxy-terminal tail domains (CTTs) of alpha- and beta-
263 lving serine residues 324 and 325 within the carboxy-terminal tail of CXCR4.
264 P4, has previously been shown to bind to the carboxy-terminal tail of MTA1.
265                                          The carboxy-terminal tail of TFAM is essential for activatio
266  demonstrate that the connecting segment and carboxy-terminal tail of the beta4 cytoplasmic domain in
267 dentify serine residue 1166 (Ser1166) in the carboxy-terminal tail of the NMDAR subunit GluN2B to be
268 his activation requires histidine 711 in the carboxy-terminal tail of TRPV5.
269                                          The carboxy-terminal tail of ubiquitin is locked into an act
270 oth alpha- and beta-tubulin proteins possess carboxy-terminal tail regions (CTTs) that are negatively
271                      CRYs contain a variable carboxy-terminal tail that appends the conserved PL homo
272 with the extracellular face, rather than the carboxy-terminal tail, of the receptors.
273  (CP) in the mature proteasome, with the Rpt carboxy-terminal tails inserting into pockets of the alp
274        The posttranslational modification of carboxy-terminal tails of tubulin plays an important rol
275 investigate the inhibition effect of tubulin carboxy-terminal tails using peptide sequences of alpha-
276  the tubulin and specifically depends on the carboxy-terminal tails.
277   Uric acid, C-reactive protein, galectin-3, carboxy-terminal telopeptide of collagen type I, and end
278 nd VSV-DeltaM-Mtc) encoding M protein with a carboxy-terminal tetracysteine tag (Mtc) in place of the
279                                          The carboxy-terminal thioesterase (TE) domain determines the
280 e-pair region in the final exon of the gene, carboxy-terminal to the phosphatase catalytic domain.
281 action with Rb1 maps to a domain immediately carboxy-terminal to the T-box and enhances Tbx2 DNA bind
282 l products expressed through the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal Toll/IL-1 domain.
283 oplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by a single carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD).
284 ane proteins are 'tail-anchored' by a single carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain that cannot access
285 hough secondary-structure analyses predict a carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain.
286                        Before insertion, the carboxy-terminal transmembrane domains of tail-anchored
287 bend/rotation about a central residue in the carboxy-terminal transmembrane segment.
288 rane-proximal domain relative to that of the carboxy-terminal transpeptidase domain indicate interdom
289 We found that unlike full-length SAA2.2, the carboxy-terminal truncated SAA2.2 (SAA2.2DeltaC) did not
290                   Furthermore, expression of carboxy-terminal-truncated VE-cadherin increases the num
291                                            A carboxy-terminal truncation in the NS1 protein compromis
292  levels, and overexpression of PC1 but not a carboxy-terminal truncation mutant increased ciliary PC2
293 ease domain of P3 and the domains within the carboxy-terminal two-thirds of PB2 are completely rearra
294 ignal-dependent dephosphorylation of an H2AX carboxy-terminal tyrosine phosphate (Y142).
295  is initiated by an E1 enzyme that catalyzes carboxy-terminal Ub adenylation, thioester bond formatio
296 ith STAT3 and p300 to transactivate, whereas carboxy-terminal unphosphorylated Smad3 interacts with S
297  describe a new recombinant PRV expressing a carboxy-terminal VP26-mCherry fusion.
298 plex interacts with tubulin monomers via the carboxy-terminal winged-helix domain of Ska1, providing
299 on in the neural crest is dependent upon its carboxy-terminal WR domain.
300 ure with an amino-terminal coiled-coil and a carboxy-terminal zinc binuclear cluster.

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