


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and Pol II phosphorylated at serine 5 of the carboxy-terminal domain.
2 obic membrane domain, and a long hydrophilic carboxy-terminal domain.
3 nce in protein regulation also reside in the carboxy-terminal domain.
4 ry effects identified two residues in Sis1's carboxy-terminal domain.
5  by distinguishing amino acid changes in the carboxy-terminal domain.
6  specific signal peptide present in the Reln carboxy-terminal domain.
7  with the Arp2/3 complex through a conserved carboxy-terminal domain.
8 criptional repression mediated by the XTcf-3 carboxy-terminal domain.
9  novel interaction between tRNA and the Elp1 carboxy-terminal domain.
10 Crk, Fyn, and others; and a highly conserved carboxy-terminal domain.
11  homology RNA-binding domains and an unusual carboxy-terminal domain.
12 e transmembrane domains and an intracellular carboxy-terminal domain.
13 -sensing and pore domains, and a cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domain.
14 is activated and phosphorylates Cdc10 at its carboxy-terminal domain.
15  and increased ubiqutination within the Rbp1 carboxy-terminal domain.
16  its catalytic domain, but rather within the carboxy-terminal domain.
17 ngage the core structure via their integrase carboxy-terminal domains.
18 n between FtsZ and ZipA occurs through their carboxy-terminal domains.
19 nteracting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain 2 (CITED2), a gene that mediates
20  clustered charged-to-alanine mutants in the carboxy-terminal domain 3 of N protein.
21 terminant of the N-M interaction maps to the carboxy-terminal domain 3 of the N protein.
22 n response to CCL5, indicating that the US28 carboxy-terminal domain also regulates agonist-dependent
23                             A highly charged carboxy terminal domain and consensus phosphorylation si
24 e conserved heptapeptide repeats in the Rpb1 carboxy-terminal domain and is mediated principally by t
25 t and Val149 --> Met) are located within the carboxy-terminal domain and maintain or improve packing
26 using a recombinant OcXII harboring only the carboxy-terminal domain and this part did not exhibit an
27  at the domain interface, with Cys217 of the carboxy terminal domain, and we suggest that these two c
28 lus subtilis ortholog YxiN have similar 75aa carboxy-terminal domains, and both proteins are specific
29 roteins, we find that sequences in the human carboxy-terminal domain are critical for telomere mainte
30 cretion of numerous other proteins that have carboxy-terminal domains associated with targeting to th
31      These data support a model in which the carboxy-terminal domain binds hairpin 92 to target the p
32 ge lambda nascent mRNA transcripts while the carboxy-terminal domain binds RNA polymerase and arrests
33 ST-amino-terminal domain (N-term or NTD)/GST-carboxy-terminal domain (C-term or CTD) intramolecular a
34 sense mutation occurs outside this conserved carboxy-terminal domain, closely upstream of an SIP1 (SM
35 n to target to the Golgi apparatus through a carboxy-terminal domain containing a conserved tyrosine
36 re, the cell line lex1/lex2, which lacks the carboxy-terminal domain containing the phosphorylated re
37 otein that has a unique amino-terminus and a carboxy-terminal domain containing two ankyrin-repeat mo
38 /alpha sandwich that binds OOHL, whereas the carboxy-terminal domain contains a helix turn helix DNA-
39                                     The Elp1 carboxy-terminal domain contains a highly conserved argi
40  a "kelch" type beta-propeller fold, and the carboxy-terminal domain contains a repeat of a fibronect
41  anticipated, the enzyme contains amino- and carboxy-terminal domains corresponding to the DNA-recogn
42 ces encoding the signal peptide (SS) and the carboxy-terminal domain (CT) of beta-lactamase, and clon
43 proteins are kinases which phosphorylate the carboxy terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (Pol
44   Cyclin T1/CDK9 complexes phosphorylate the carboxy terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (RNAP
45 purified CDK8 in vitro for RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) and histone H3 substrates.
46 ng seven alpha-helices and a beta-hairpin, a carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) comprising four alpha-heli
47                        The RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) consists of tandem Y(1)S(2
48  isomerizing peptide bonds within the pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) heptapeptide repeat (YSPTS
49 ame phosphorylated at serines 2 and 5 in its carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) heptapeptide repeats (YSPT
50 n and processing, and the role of the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) in regulating these proces
51 man immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) CA carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) is essential for CA-CA int
52     Although Bur1 can phosphorylate the Rpb1 carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) kinase in vitro, it has no
53            We focused on acetylations of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of alpha because of its re
54 dentified SEM-5 as able to interact with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of EGL-15, a domain that i
55                               Ess1 binds the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of pol II and is thought t
56                 This inhibition requires the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of Pol II.
57                 Truncation of the regulatory carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA pol II disrupts tra
58 vents that are all stimulated in vivo by the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA Pol II.
59                              In mammals, the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase (Pol) II
60 i-subunit complex stably associated with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (RNAP
61                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (RNAP
62 sential for P-TEFb to hyperphosphorylate the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II and m
63 air which has been found associated with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II holoe
64 nd P-TEFb are both able to phosphorylate the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II, but
65 s/trans isomerase (PPIase) that binds to the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II.
66 litates transcription by phosphorylating the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II.
67 ment of capping enzyme to the phosphorylated carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II.
68 on of capping enzyme with the phosphorylated carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II.
69  phosphorylation of the heptad repeat of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNAPII.
70 ly with inhibition of phosphorylation in the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNApolII, as well as wi
71 biochemical approach, we have identified the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of Rpb1, the largest subun
72                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the core protein of hep
73                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RN
74 the failure to phosphorylate serine 2 in the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RN
75 2)-Pro(3)-Thr(4)-Ser(5)-Pro(6)-Ser(7) in the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest RNA polymer
76 ating Ser2 of the heptapeptide repeat of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
77 mably mediated by its phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
78  as a protein kinase that phosphorylates the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
79 or b (P-TEFb) through phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
80                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
81       Posttranslational modifications of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of
82 ach complex are known to bind pol II via the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit, Rp
83                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the RNA polymerase II (
84                                          The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the RNA polymerase II (
85 g reactions through interactions between the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the RNAP II largest sub
86 anylyltransferase Cgt1 cocrystallized with a carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) peptide composed of four S
87 gated the role of RNA polymerase II (pol II) carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) phosphorylation in pre-mRN
88 , polymerase II (Pol II), and phospho-Ser(2) carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) Pol II to the IFN-stimulat
89 lation of a heptapeptide repeat known as the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) present in the largest sub
90 inase 9 (CDK9) recruitment and phospho-Ser 2 carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) RNA polymerase (Pol) II fo
91 mplekin in a ternary complex with the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) Ser 5 phosphatase Ssu72 an
92 gest subunit of Pol II contains a repetitive carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) that becomes highly phosph
93 its, a core that binds UPF1 and a protruding carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) that binds the SMG1 kinase
94 n of the amino-terminal domain (NTD) and the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) was found to be essential
95 y consist of an approximately 100-amino acid carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) with two helix-turn-helix
96 hosphorylates the RNA polymerase II (RNApII) carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) within the transcription i
97 five SRB genes, identified as suppressors of carboxy-terminal domain (CTD)-truncation mutants; produc
98 s Pol II around the Rpb4-Rpb7 stalk near the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
99 the RNA polymerase II large subunit (Pol II) carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
100 he phosphorylated form of the RNA polymerase carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
101 is its long C-terminal extension, called the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD).
102 s secreted by T9SSs typically have conserved carboxy-terminal domains (CTDs) belonging to the TIGRFAM
103 e differences between HDAC1 and HDAC2, their carboxy-terminal domains (CTDs) were deleted, which led
104                  We recently showed that the carboxy-terminal domain (Cterm) of human mt-leucyl tRNA
105                     Phosphorylation within a carboxy-terminal domain, designated the hydrophobic moti
106      In contrast, transfection of the ErbB-2 carboxy-terminal domain did not induce apoptosis.
107 ishes NPK1 activity, and the presence of the carboxy-terminal domain diminishes the kinase activity.
108 eletions in the highly conserved hydrophobic carboxy-terminal domain disrupted both protein function
109  catalytic core domain flanked by amino- and carboxy-terminal domains essential for the concerted int
110 t of two residues in the L3 loop of the Smad carboxy-terminal domain establish the specificity of rec
111 avin dinucleotide, which binds to a distinct carboxy-terminal domain, fails to alter FAC-RED complexe
112 n that functions in flagellar assembly and a carboxy-terminal domain (FliG-C) that functions specific
113                                          The carboxy-terminal domain forms a hydrophobic pocket which
114                                            A carboxy-terminal domain from HDHB confers cell cycle-dep
115 o yield a protein that retained a 57-residue carboxy terminal domain fused to the catalytic core.
116 stabilize the protein and are located in the carboxy-terminal domain generally slow the rate of foldi
117 of the beta-promoter revealed that a smaller carboxy-terminal domain generated an open promoter confi
118 emical and functional studies, that the Srs2 carboxy-terminal domain harbours tandem receptor motifs
119                                          The carboxy-terminal domain has DNA-binding activity coincid
120 lial monocyte-activating polypeptide II-like carboxy-terminal domain has potent leukocyte and monocyt
121 americ ring formed by the amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal domains, have been deleted; an asymmetr
122 cription, whereas phosphorylation within the carboxy-terminal domain II is necessary for replication.
123 results indicate that phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain II residues of P protein are req
124 o examine the role of phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain II residues of the P protein in
125 trate for the first time that the 57-residue carboxy-terminal domain in CCTalpha participates in lipi
126 se-resistant domain and a protease-sensitive carboxy-terminal domain in N-218 MLN64 is similar to the
127         The role of specific residues in the carboxy-terminal domain in transcription termination wer
128 via one transmembrane domain with amino- and carboxy-terminal domains in the cytoplasm and periplasm,
129          The nucleotide-binding loop and the carboxy-terminal domain, including the suspected catalyt
130 B protein (CSB) or overexpression of the p53 carboxy-terminal domain induces fragility of the same lo
131  of assembly not driven by the strong capsid carboxy-terminal domain interactions that characterise c
132  and involving a region of the middle domain/carboxy-terminal domain interface previously suggested t
133 f serine residues 151 and 153 within a novel carboxy-terminal domain is critical for function in vivo
134 lyses of stable cell lines revealed that the carboxy-terminal domain is necessary to prevent the shut
135 er GCN5-related N-acetyltransferases but the carboxy-terminal domain is not.
136 ndrogen receptor (AR), ligand binding to the carboxy-terminal domain (LBD) regulates transcriptional
137                                              Carboxy-terminal domains line the central ion pore, and
138 utionarily restrictive catalytic core domain-carboxy-terminal domain linker regions.
139 f the carboxy terminus of Rad9 and that this carboxy-terminal domain may be a specific requirement fo
140                                          The carboxy terminal domain of NuMA binds MTs, allowing a Nu
141 ranscription activation domain of Gal4p, the carboxy terminal domain of Tcn1p directed strong calcine
142 nal epitope that requires both the amino and carboxy terminal domains of GPC3.
143      We have studied the contribution of the carboxy terminal domains of lipid-free apoE isolated fro
144  proteins-and each RP chaperone binds to the carboxy-terminal domain of a specific Rpt.
145                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of A20, composed of seven C2/C2
146 present data suggesting that the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domain of amphiregulin plays an importa
147 s in TNNI2 that are predicted to disrupt the carboxy-terminal domain of an isoform of troponin I (TnI
148                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of apo(a) containing 6 type-4 kr
149                             Furthermore, the carboxy-terminal domain of Bee1p greatly stimulated the
150               Interestingly, deletion of the carboxy-terminal domain of Bee1p neither abolished the l
151 e present the X-ray crystal structure of the carboxy-terminal domain of Brd4 in complex with HPV-16 E
152                             In contrast, the carboxy-terminal domain of Cbl, when attached to Grb2 SH
153                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of DNTTIP1 has a structure relat
154                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of Dp140 is identical to that of
155                     The approximately 25 kDa carboxy-terminal domain of Drosophila Hedgehog protein (
156 specifically interact with the intracellular carboxy-terminal domain of EAAT4 and modulate its glutam
157                                     Both the carboxy-terminal domain of EEA1 (residues 1098-1411) and
158                        Here we show that the carboxy-terminal domain of EED specifically binds to his
159 ding of activated CheY to FliM displaces the carboxy-terminal domain of FliG (FliGC) from FliM, modul
160 between FMRP and Ca(V)2.2 occurs between the carboxy-terminal domain of FMRP and domains of Ca(V)2.2
161 ugh a virus-specific interaction with the p6 carboxy-terminal domain of Gag.
162                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of gp5 is a triple-stranded beta
163 n of Rad51 by Chk1 or phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of hBRCA2 by Chk1 or Chk2 plays
164 oint kinases Chk1 and Chk2 phosphorylate the carboxy-terminal domain of hBRCA2, a protein involved in
165 histone variant that is 62% identical to the carboxy-terminal domain of histone H3 [4,5] and that res
166 w, with the use of crystallography, that the carboxy-terminal domain of human Dnmt3L interacts with t
167 owed selective competitive inhibition of the carboxy-terminal domain of human somatic ACE providing e
168   We determined the crystal structure of the carboxy-terminal domain of human SRAP and found that it
169 the amino-terminal domain is more similar to carboxy-terminal domain of I-DmoI and to I-CreI, with in
170                                 Finally, the carboxy-terminal domain of I-DmoI is smaller and has a m
171            IME2-DeltaC241, which removes the carboxy-terminal domain of Ime2, exacerbated the smk1-2
172                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of IN alone retained its interac
173                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of Int (75-356) is responsible f
174     This interaction takes place through the carboxy-terminal domain of Lig4p and is required for Lig
175 ost proteins, and nonrepeat sequences in the carboxy-terminal domain of LigB show only weak interacti
176 onse (UPR) and autophagy in B cells, and the carboxy-terminal domain of LMP1 activates cellular signa
177 lls, the apoptosis required the UPR, and the carboxy-terminal domain of LMP1 blocked this apoptosis.
178            These findings illustrate how the carboxy-terminal domain of LMP1 supports survival of B c
179 -transferase with the catalytically inactive carboxy-terminal domain of LPL did not activate CT despi
180 -transferase with the catalytically inactive carboxy-terminal domain of LPL that partially blocked LP
181 ruited to origins by an essential, conserved carboxy-terminal domain of Mcm3 that interacts with and
182             This analysis indicates that the carboxy-terminal domain of Mei3 is sufficient for functi
183 ne residues 983 and 985 contained within the carboxy-terminal domain of Mga2p120 are Rsp5p-directed U
184                    Our results show that the carboxy-terminal domain of N protein, N3, is necessary a
185 n1, which directly and selectively binds the carboxy-terminal domain of NR3A through its NPF motifs a
186 nus of Nischarin preferentially binds to the carboxy-terminal domain of PAK1 when the kinase is in it
187 interdomain connector loop (IDCL) and of the carboxy-terminal domain of PCNA in Apn2 binding and foun
188 tion via phosphorylation of cyclin H and the carboxy-terminal domain of Pol II.
189  thereby facilitating phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of Pol II.
190  domain (IR1-M) and SUMO-1 conjugated to the carboxy-terminal domain of RanGAP1.
191 is model suggested that POA binds within the carboxy-terminal domain of ribosomal protein S1 (RpsA) a
192                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of RIP3, like that of RIP, could
193         FCP1, a phosphatase specific for the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II),
194   The transcriptional cdks phosphorylate the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II, facilitati
195 on factor b (P-TEFb) hyperphosphorylates the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II, permitting
196 gulates transcription by phosphorylating the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II.
197 endent upon the phosphorylation state of the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II.
198  Sub1 influences Spt5 phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of RNAPII largest subunit by the
199 study described herein demonstrates that the carboxy-terminal domain of RNase E has little structure
200                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of RNase E may thus act as a fle
201 y may be involved in an interaction with the carboxy-terminal domain of Rns.
202 of the interdomain connector loop and of the carboxy-terminal domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae prol
203             Interaction occurred between the carboxy-terminal domain of schwannomin isoform 2 and the
204                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of Sec10p does not interact with
205                              The cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domain of SpoIIE contains a serine phos
206 vitro transcription assays indicate that the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha subunit (alpha-CTD)
207                   Subsequent analysis of the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha subunit (alphaCTD)
208  the interacting surfaces of MarA and of the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha subunit of RNAP (al
209 t the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, upon binding to the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha subunit of the chan
210 n between calmodulin and a novel site in the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha1A subunit of P/Q-ty
211                             Inclusion of the carboxy-terminal domain of the core protein modifies the
212    Slob is a novel protein that binds to the carboxy-terminal domain of the Drosophila Slowpoke (dSlo
213      Slob, a novel protein that binds to the carboxy-terminal domain of the Drosophila Slowpoke (dSlo
214 a2 that lacks the long alternatively spliced carboxy-terminal domain of the isozyme.
215                                    Using the carboxy-terminal domain of the large subunit of RNA poly
216                            We found that the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest Pol II subunit wa
217  juxtaposes transcription factor IIH and the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of Pol II
218 n basal transcription by phosphorylating the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA po
219                   An interaction between the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA po
220                         For example, the CTD carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA po
221 ix additional mutations all clustered in the carboxy-terminal domain of the MID1 protein.
222                        The RVA PDE forms the carboxy-terminal domain of the minor core protein VP3 (V
223                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of the paused polymerase large s
224 eraction between Ceg1 and the phosphorylated carboxy-terminal domain of the Pol II largest subunit.
225 e for HPV-11 capsid formation, much like the carboxy-terminal domain of the polyomavirus VP1 protein.
226 major homology region (MHR), lies within the carboxy-terminal domain of the protein.
227                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of the receptor shows an extensi
228  in dbp5 mutant strains are dependent on the carboxy-terminal domain of the RNA pol II largest subuni
229                  Some activators contact the carboxy-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase alpha subu
230 binding motifs and instead is similar to the carboxy-terminal domain of the yeast spliceosome protein
231    Models for the binding of the 200-residue carboxy-terminal domain of two mutants of apolipoprotein
232             This analysis indicated that the carboxy-terminal domain of UBF, which is necessary for t
233 (RRMs) and a SPOC domain, a highly conserved carboxy-terminal domain of unknown function [5-7].
234                            The intracellular carboxy-terminal domain of US28 contains residues critic
235 tion results in premature termination of the carboxy-terminal domain of VIR, resembling McClintock's
236 s one molecule of the Vps protein Vps22, the carboxy-terminal domain of Vps36 and two molecules of Vp
237                                          The carboxy-terminal domain of YTHDF2 selectively binds to m
238                 Here we demonstrate that the carboxy-terminal domain of YxiN is sufficient to confer
239 stent with a chaperone activity in which the carboxy-terminal domain of YxiN tethers the protein to t
240 ric and heterooligomeric ENaCs, although the carboxy-terminal domains of beta- and gamma-ENaC subunit
241 Dkk domains and chimeric Dkks shows that the carboxy-terminal domains of both Dkks associate with LRP
242 vity assays demonstrate that both amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of BSP contribute to restoratio
243 rowth factors depends on distinct amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of CBP, respectively.
244                               The amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of E2 each form immunoglobulin-
245 ion of cells in culture, both the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of E3L were required for full p
246 arged regions conserved in the J-domains and carboxy-terminal domains of each J-protein class, and ar
247                               The amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of IDE (IDE-N and IDE-C, respec
248                               The amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of mitochondrially encoded cyto
249 ilaments possess side arms that comprise the carboxy-terminal domains of neurofilament middle and hea
250  and ADA2b, respectively, with AD1, AD2, and carboxy-terminal domains of p53.
251 transfer measurements between the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of RuBisCO.
252                                The conserved carboxy-terminal domains of SMADs are sufficient for ind
253                               The amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of the 21.5-kD sieve element-sp
254 ht about by alterations in the cysteine-rich carboxy-terminal domains of the ligands.
255 s to functionally substitute in vivo for the carboxy-terminal domains of the NS1 protein.
256 leavage at additional sites in the amino and carboxy-terminal domains of the protein.
257 d amino-terminal and the leucine-rich repeat carboxy-terminal domains of Tmod.
258 t on preinitiation complex assembly and Ser5 carboxy-terminal domain phosphorylation for optimal asso
259 lling polymerase II (Pol II) recruitment and carboxy-terminal domain phosphorylation on the IL-8 and
260 han does wild-type US28, indicating that the carboxy-terminal domain plays an important role in regul
261 n with an amino-terminal GTPase domain and a carboxy-terminal domain predicted to be embedded in the
262                    PKBR-1 has a kinase and a carboxy-terminal domain related to those of Akt/PKB, but
263     These include rotation of the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains relative to each other, and a m
264                                          The carboxy-terminal domain resembles the ubiquitous cellula
265 NMR assignments were obtained for the entire carboxy-terminal domain (residues K100-I190).
266 lation of Raf-1 at serine 338 and within the carboxy-terminal domain, resulting in an electrophoretic
267 erevisiae Arp2/3 complexes bound to the WASp carboxy-terminal domain reveal asymmetric, oblate ellips
268                     S11 contains an extended carboxy-terminal domain rich in basic amino acids, which
269 amino-terminal RNA recognition motif and two carboxy-terminal domains rich in serine-arginine (SR) di
270  the RNA polymerase holoenzyme alpha subunit carboxy-terminal domain (RNAP alphaCTD) and stimulate tr
271 ad2/Smad4/FAST-1 complex to DNA; through its carboxy-terminal domain, Smad4 provides an activation fu
272 the highly exposed alpha-helix 2 of the Smad carboxy-terminal domain specify the interaction with the
273                     Substitutions within the carboxy-terminal domain supported identification of RscS
274  have been identified within the cytoplasmic carboxy terminal domain that activates NF-kappaB.
275 tions of Int are apportioned between a large carboxy-terminal domain that cleaves and ligates DNA at
276 eceiver domain linked by a small region to a carboxy-terminal domain that contains an amino acid sequ
277 mediated by the human protein TAP requires a carboxy-terminal domain that directly interacts with com
278 bunits, a highly charged inter-region, and a carboxy-terminal domain that encodes a functional PP2C.
279                     F-box proteins contain a carboxy-terminal domain that interacts with substrates a
280 hogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, has a carboxy-terminal domain that is an E3 ubiquitin ligase.
281  and p20C/EBPbeta bind to SRF in vitro via a carboxy-terminal domain that probably does not include t
282 of phosphorylation in the amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal domains that are positioned to alloster
283  IcsA is anchored in the outer membrane by a carboxy-terminal domain (the beta domain), such that the
284 at Thr75 is the first residue of the minimal carboxy-terminal domain, thereby identifying a specific
285 of traR, and the resulting protein lacks the carboxy-terminal domain thought to constitute the DNA-bi
286 l as alpharetroviruses by providing critical carboxy-terminal domains to the intasome core that canno
287 and STING interacted directly, through their carboxy-terminal domains, to promote STING dimerization,
288 tructed an HCMV recombinant virus encoding a carboxy-terminal domain truncation mutant of US28, FLAG-
289 mily of traffic ATPases revealed a conserved carboxy-terminal domain unique to family members which a
290                                          The carboxy-terminal domain unique to SJ170 was previously s
291                                          The carboxy-terminal domain was required only for homodimeri
292                                         This carboxy-terminal domain was sufficient to repress a hete
293 in many chromatin-associated proteins, and a carboxy-terminal domain which identifies it as a member
294  in phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain, which in turn affects recruitme
295                                  A conserved carboxy-terminal domain, which is required for the IFN r
296 n containing the Taxol-binding site, and the carboxy-terminal domain, which probably constitutes the
297  the two Moody proteins differ in their long carboxy-terminal domains, which are generated by use of
298 o-terminal DNA-binding domains but different carboxy-terminal domains, which enable them to bind spec
299 anscripts that encode proteins with modified carboxy-terminal domains, while the mitochondrial isozym
300                                          The carboxy-terminal domain, whose function is unknown, is a

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