


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lt in radical physicochemical changes in the carboxy terminal region.
2 nd three in sub-domain VIII), and two in the carboxy terminal region.
3 -turn-helix DNA binding motif located in the carboxy-terminal region.
4 calization signals were mapped to ataxin-7's carboxy-terminal region.
5  two LIM domains with regular spacing in the carboxy-terminal region.
6  half of the enzyme and does not require the carboxy-terminal region.
7 e an amino-terminal region and differ in the carboxy-terminal region.
8 n protease susceptibility in the central and carboxy-terminal regions.
9  to a lesser extent, in both the central and carboxy-terminal regions.
10 ted between structurally distinct amino- and carboxy-terminal regions.
11 domain, as well as conserved motifs in their carboxy-terminal regions.
12 ino acids 2003 to 2212 of CBP, which we call carboxy-terminal region 2 (CR2), as the minimal region f
13  assay, we show that vIRF-1 also targets the carboxy-terminal region (aa 1623 to 2414) of the transcr
14 us in vitro experiments showed that the Cet1 carboxy-terminal region (amino acids 265 to 549) carries
15 minants of antifungal activity reside in the carboxy-terminal region (amino acids 31-45) of MsDef1.
16 d with either full-length mKsr-1 or only its carboxy-terminal region, an inhibition of serum-stimulat
17 e positional homology across species for the carboxy terminal regions and relative positional homolog
18 ember of the TBP family that has a conserved carboxy-terminal region and DNA-binding domain virtually
19        The HAT activity of SRC-1 maps to its carboxy-terminal region and is primarily specific for hi
20 vation domains of both proteins map to their carboxy terminal regions, and we note that the activatio
21                               The amino- and carboxy-terminal regions are characterized by several po
22        In contrast, the conserved amino- and carboxy-terminal regions are inactive.
23 (Ser) and one threonine (Thr) residue in the carboxy-terminal region as phosphorylation sites (RRS(23
24  to 299; AD2, aa 300 to 355) were within the carboxy-terminal region, as analyzed by using GAL4:Neuro
25 e central region of epsin binds AP-2 and its carboxy-terminal region binds Eps15.
26 respects, including its catalytic domain and carboxy-terminal region, both of which are essential for
27 homologous to other nuclear receptors in its carboxy-terminal region, but it lacks the characteristic
28 HO) cells of full-length SJ170 or its unique carboxy-terminal region caused mislocalization of Eps15,
29 AS) domain and a PAS-cap domain, whereas the carboxy-terminal region contains a cyclic nucleotide-bin
30                               A second, more carboxy-terminal region (domain 2) was identified betwee
31 Despite a high degree of conservation in the carboxy-terminal region (e.g., putative functional domai
32 ng domains and an extensively phosphorylated carboxy-terminal region enriched in repeating Arg-Ser di
33  a truncated TBP protein containing only the carboxy-terminal region failed to induce either the tRNA
34      Here, we sample internal repetitive and carboxy terminal regions from all extant species of the
35                                              Carboxy-terminal region immunocytochemistry reveals that
36 adherin; beta-catenin and plakoglobin bind a carboxy-terminal region in a mutually exclusive manner,
37 ique amino termini but that contain a common carboxy-terminal region including DNA-binding and ligand
38 tructure demonstrates the mutual exchange of carboxy-terminal regions including BH2 (Bcl-2 homology 2
39  direct binding of cyclic nucleotides in the carboxy-terminal region is allosterically coupled to ope
40                                    Thus, the carboxy-terminal region is not required for nuclear loca
41                      A chimera, in which the carboxy-terminal region (Leu861-COOH) of the Na+,K(+)-AT
42 heir immunoreactivity in both the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions may reflect differences in amyl
43 al sequence of the mature Env, within the SU carboxy-terminal region, near putative receptor binding
44 HIV-1 strain HXB2), which corresponds to the carboxy terminal region of gp120, have been undertaken.
45 ppears to be downregulated by the receptor's carboxy-terminal region of 98 amino acids, a region that
46 d amino acid sequence is homologous with the carboxy-terminal region of a nucleopore complex protein.
47 acid sequence showed 96.8% identity with the carboxy-terminal region of a yeast nucleopore complex pr
48 cleolar (NoLS) localization signals near the carboxy-terminal region of AAP2 (amino acid positions 14
49 nsus motif was also present in the conserved carboxy-terminal region of all type A and B retroviral e
50                                          The carboxy-terminal region of another, ORF14, which is pred
51          The TULP proteins share a conserved carboxy-terminal region of approximately 200 amino-acid
52                        Here we show that the carboxy-terminal region of BRCA2, which interacts direct
53 -associated protein, as interacting with the carboxy-terminal region of c-Myb.
54                 In this study, we identify a carboxy-terminal region of CBP (and p300) that strongly
55 rowth inhibitory activity resides within the carboxy-terminal region of CdiA (CdiA-CT), and that CdiI
56 inus, or deletion of regions in the internal carboxy-terminal region of E protein, led to virus atten
57                            The intracellular carboxy-terminal region of each subunit contains several
58                                          The carboxy-terminal region of each toxin was most effective
59 n to form oligomers when introduced into the carboxy-terminal region of gB monomers lacking this doma
60 in-mediated endocytosis and depends upon the carboxy-terminal region of GluR2/3.
61 arities suggest that Bdf1 corresponds to the carboxy-terminal region of higher eukaryotic TAF(II)250
62 ta indicate that sequence differences in the carboxy-terminal region of human and chicken transferrin
63 an E3 ligase substrate adaptor DCAF1 and the carboxy-terminal region of human SAMHD1.
64  activities or interactions specified by the carboxy-terminal region of ICP0 significantly contribute
65 ponsible for the functional integrity of the carboxy-terminal region of IEP86 between amino acids 344
66                                          The carboxy-terminal region of KCNH channels contains a cycl
67      Our findings provide a function for the carboxy-terminal region of ligase IV and suggest that BR
68                                          The carboxy-terminal region of LIN-14 contains an unusual ex
69  screen and found an interaction between the carboxy-terminal region of mKsr-1 and mitogen-activated
70 uction of deletion derivatives made from the carboxy-terminal region of Ndk.
71 ing in truncating mutations that deleted the carboxy-terminal region of Notch1 containing negative re
72  an extended alpha-helix from the disordered carboxy-terminal region of nucleoprotein-core links nucl
73                                          The carboxy-terminal region of P.69 pertactin incorporates a
74                  Surprisingly, the remaining carboxy-terminal region of p27kip1 (p27C) actually induc
75                                          The carboxy-terminal region of p300, which binds to E1A, was
76 g with cellular transcription factors to the carboxy-terminal region of p300.
77               p300 acetylates Lys-382 in the carboxy-terminal region of p53, whereas PCAF acetylates
78 lysis of the PpsR mutants confirmed that the carboxy-terminal region of PpsR (residues 400 to 464) is
79 is physical contact between the 5'SS and the carboxy-terminal region of Prp8 reflects a functional re
80           This interaction required the same carboxy-terminal region of pTRS1 that is necessary to re
81 iated by the effector domain of TC21 and the carboxy-terminal region of RalGDS.
82                                    While the carboxy-terminal region of S-layer glycoproteins, consis
83                              Mutation of the carboxy-terminal region of SM revealed a region that is
84                                          The carboxy-terminal region of SMRT contains CoRNR box motif
85 y a transcriptional repression domain in the carboxy-terminal region of the Drosophila Ultrabithorax
86                     This region includes the carboxy-terminal region of the ectodomain and the predic
87 s indicated a major role for the charge-rich carboxy-terminal region of the endodomain.
88                 Here we demonstrate that the carboxy-terminal region of the essential latent antigen,
89 he HCF-1(N) subunit, which associates with a carboxy-terminal region of the HCF-1(C) subunit that is
90 dent difference in sigma3 cleavage rate to a carboxy-terminal region of the ISVP-bound protein.
91                          Clones encoding the carboxy-terminal region of the lobster ryanodine recepto
92 ertants of MDelta2 revealed mutations in the carboxy-terminal region of the N protein that compensate
93 est that the main biological function of the carboxy-terminal region of the NS1 protein of influenza
94 helicase ATP-binding site or deletion of the carboxy-terminal region of the protein reduced the abili
95 tein beta-sheet surface, and reorganizes the carboxy-terminal region of the protein to maximize surfa
96 e NDV V protein appears to be located in the carboxy-terminal region of the protein, a region implica
97 tants localized the inhibitory domain to the carboxy-terminal region of the protein.
98                     cDNA clones encoding the carboxy-terminal region of the RalGDS protein were isola
99 s that a lipid is covalently attached to the carboxy-terminal region of the S-layer glycoprotein, our
100 ptor binding domain, discrete regions of the carboxy-terminal region of the surface subunit (SU), or
101 everal lines of evidence indicating that the carboxy-terminal region of the tumor suppressor protein
102 more than one instability determinant in the carboxy-terminal region of the wild-type protein, which
103            Sequence analysis revealed that a carboxy-terminal region of this protein, which we have t
104 erpes gestationis sera) and the other in the carboxy-terminal region of this protein.
105                                          The carboxy-terminal region of TRAFs (the TRAF domain) is re
106 properties of transportin and found that the carboxy-terminal region of transportin could, by itself,
107 3L replication, deletion mutants affecting a carboxy-terminal region of TRS1 that is not required for
108                                    The basic carboxy-terminal region of U2A' interacts with the RNA s
109                                          The carboxy-terminal region of UBF is necessary for transcri
110 yrosines found in the bidentate motif in the carboxy-terminal region of V-SEA.
111                       We now report that the carboxy-terminal region of Vpr (amino acids 73 to 96) co
112 ct between the GTPase-binding domain and the carboxy-terminal region of WASP proteins.
113 tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain in the carboxy-terminal region of XAP2 was similar to the third
114                                    Thus, the carboxy-terminal regions of both the SERCA1 and the Na+,
115 ed by shuffling amino-terminal, central, and carboxy-terminal regions of phyB and phyD.
116  reported interaction between the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions of the alpha-subunit.
117 ns or deletions in the amino-terminal or the carboxy-terminal regions of the E protein were generated
118  function, distinct roles for the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions of the ExbD periplasmic domain
119 alyzing mutations that map in the linker and carboxy-terminal regions of the paired domain, and for m
120                     Antibodies to the 19-kDa carboxy-terminal region referred to as MSP1(19) inhibit
121 tiana tabacum), the maize proteins contain a carboxy-terminal region related to the inhibitory domain
122 ast two distinct domains: a highly conserved carboxy-terminal region required for binding to the amin
123 6 suggests that it contains (1) a disordered carboxy-terminal region that associates with HCF, Oct-1,
124 erved motifs and an identical 147-amino-acid carboxy-terminal region that contains a 60-amino-acid bH
125  binding and nuclear localization, Rev has a carboxy-terminal region, the activation domain, whose in
126 erminal two-thirds of gpA, separate from the carboxy-terminal region where mutations affecting the pr
127 o acid alignment showed conserved amino- and carboxy-terminal regions which flank a variable region.
128 bic heptad repeats located at the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions which have been proposed to for
129  domains of PDE2, PDE5 and PDE6 as well as a carboxy-terminal region with homology to the catalytic r
130 domains of LIN-14 are dispensable and that a carboxy-terminal region within exons 9 to 13 is necessar

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