


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 main but not the actin-binding motifs in its carboxyl terminus.
2  signals from the Abl SH2 domain but not the carboxyl terminus.
3 tracellular loop and GFP was attached to the carboxyl terminus.
4 y a mutant Col XVII protein truncated at its carboxyl terminus.
5 in D1a and D1b proteins that differ in their carboxyl terminus.
6 binding site of the opposite protomer at its carboxyl terminus.
7 t the amino terminus and a VWA domain at the carboxyl terminus.
8 t the amino terminus and a SPRY motif at the carboxyl terminus.
9 , as well as global changes extending to its carboxyl terminus.
10 residues in the third intracellular loop and carboxyl terminus.
11 sphorylation on two tyrosine residues of its carboxyl terminus.
12 ylation of specific tyrosine residues in the carboxyl terminus.
13  second loop, the first loop, and lastly the carboxyl terminus.
14  the amino terminus and two in tandem at the carboxyl terminus.
15 alled progerin, which is farnesylated at its carboxyl terminus.
16 the exposure of neutralizing epitopes in the carboxyl terminus.
17 nters on a single residue serine 829, in the carboxyl terminus.
18 main that precedes the proteasome-activating carboxyl terminus.
19 cytoplasmic amino terminus and a periplasmic carboxyl terminus.
20  a functional serine/threonine kinase at its carboxyl terminus.
21 e sequences revealed a 60% similarity at the carboxyl terminus.
22 ptides with proline or hydroxyproline at the carboxyl terminus.
23 as by a stretch of basic residues within its carboxyl terminus.
24 al Trp residues near either the amino or the carboxyl terminus.
25 alpy reduced by 50% following removal of the carboxyl-terminus.
26 -range interactions with the extramembranous carboxyl-terminus.
27 uctural roles for the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) carboxyl-terminus.
28  the first extracellular loop domain and its carboxyl-terminus.
29 to the specific LLKIL motif found within the carboxyl terminus (1).
30 otein between cells is mediated by the Eomes carboxyl terminus (456-692).
31 gerin retains a farnesyl lipid anchor at its carboxyl terminus, a modification that is thought to be
32 rring forms that differ in the length of the carboxyl terminus: a full-length receptor consisting of
33 n pumping, however, truncation of the entire carboxyl-terminus accelerated the rates of M-state decay
34 le interactions near the active site and the carboxyl terminus account for functional differences bet
35 hree NSP family members, binds the p130(cas) carboxyl terminus, adjacent to a bipartite p130(cas) Src
36 )R) functionality, we screened the GABA(B)R2 carboxyl terminus against a recently created proteomic a
37                                 The extended carboxyl terminus allows for regulatory input by scaffol
38 tion of a helix extending toward the peptide carboxyl terminus and docking within the receptor amino
39 g T. cruzi topoisomerase-II truncated at the carboxyl terminus and examined activity at centromeres a
40 ibrary with the rat AT(1A) receptor (AT(1)R) carboxyl terminus and identified GABARAP, a protein invo
41                We generated antisera to this carboxyl terminus and identified immunoreactivity in fai
42 on and alanine substitution mutations in the carboxyl terminus and identify critical residues between
43 generate a prenylcysteine methylester at the carboxyl terminus and modulate protein targeting and fun
44 pe serine peptidase inhibitory domain at the carboxyl-terminus and one or more unique N-domains prece
45  terminus), MsgB (middle portion) and MsgC1 (carboxyl terminus), and to three variations of MsgC1 (Ms
46 ane helices followed by a long intracellular carboxyl terminus, and earlier work demonstrated that th
47 hat G alpha subunit sequences outside of the carboxyl terminus are important for cell movement and de
48  revealed that Phe residues within the UL20p carboxyl terminus are involved in the regulation of cyto
49 id binding domain-like II (SBDL II) near the carboxyl terminus, as the site of [125I]IACoc insertion.
50 h full-length CaSR, suggesting that the CaSR carboxyl terminus between residues Thr(868) and Arg(898)
51 y receptor phosphorylation, primarily in the carboxyl terminus but also in the cytoplasmic loops, and
52 n potential phosphorylation sites within its carboxyl terminus but their role on desensitization, bet
53 d at multiple lysine residues at the extreme carboxyl terminus by CBP/p300 in response to genotoxic a
54     Phosphorylation of serine 369 in the KOR carboxyl terminus by G-protein receptor kinase 3 (GRK3)
55 a cluster of numerous serine residues in its carboxyl terminus by protein kinase A and subsequently b
56 r samples treated in (18)O-water, two at the carboxyl terminus by trypsin during hydrazide coupling a
57 ind that the interaction of STIM1 with Orai1 carboxyl terminus (C terminus) and the STIM1 K-domain ar
58 intrinsically disordered region (IDR) at the carboxyl-terminus (C-tail) executes its functions.
59 n is the class I binding domain, whereas the carboxyl terminus can be referred to as the degradation
60                                 The Na(v)1.2 carboxyl terminus caused faster inactivation in the Na(v
61 n in the Na(v)1.3 backbone, and the Na(v)1.3 carboxyl terminus caused slower inactivation in the Na(v
62 e tetratricopeptide motifs, and involves the carboxyl terminus coiled coil in survivin with critical
63 er characterize the role of the Vt strap and carboxyl terminus (CT) in actin binding, Vt self-associa
64                                          The carboxyl terminus (CT) of connexin 32 has been reported
65 n of either the full-length (FL) or just the carboxyl terminus (CT) of p130Cas in mammary epithelial
66 ugh phosphorylation at specific sites in the carboxyl terminus (CT) of the Cx43 protein.
67 as increased in A2BR chimeras where the A2BR carboxyl terminus (CT) was replaced or fused with the A2
68 tion between Nedd4 (WW1-3 domains) and Cx43 (carboxyl terminus (CT)).
69 nders GBM cells resistant to TMZ through its carboxyl terminus (CT).
70                          Interactions of the carboxyl-terminus (CT) and cytoplasmic loop (CL) domains
71 enaturation demonstrated that removal of the carboxyl-terminus decreased protein stability.
72         A 179-amino-acid region spanning the carboxyl terminus (designated EC; amino acids 192 to 394
73 BA(B)R and requires the GABA(B)(1a) proximal carboxyl terminus domain to inhibit Cav2.2 channels.
74 o variants within its functionally important carboxyl terminus domain: E287K and G297S.
75  deletion mutation occurring within the EGFR carboxyl-terminus domain (CTD), in addition to identifyi
76                   Moreover, Kunitz-2 and the carboxyl-terminus domains mediate interaction of Desmola
77 nsible for processing Atg8 proteins near the carboxyl terminus, exposing a conserved glycine.
78 lated protein 4 (NEDD4), homologous to E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus family E3 ubiquitin ligase, is a novel
79 e identify the HECT (homologous to the E6-AP carboxyl terminus) family E3 ubiquitin ligase, UBR5, as
80 ntial serologic responses to recombinant Msg carboxyl terminus fragments (MsgC1, MsgC3, MsgC8, and Ms
81 plex virus 1 (HSV-1) viral glycoproteins gD (carboxyl terminus), gE, gK, and gM, the membrane protein
82  to the amino terminus (GFP-GluR3) or to the carboxyl terminus (GluR3-GFP).
83            Removal of the distal half of the carboxyl-terminus had no effect on light-activated proto
84                              Deletion of the carboxyl-terminus had no effect on purple membrane (PM)
85 the tumor suppressor Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus (HECT) domain and Ankyrin repeat conta
86 ere we show that the Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus (HECT) domain containing ubiquitin lig
87 demonstrate that the Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus (HECT) domain E3 ubiquitin ligase, Hec
88 with an E3 ubiquitin ligase homology to E6AP carboxyl terminus (HECT) domain.
89 ch the amino terminus of EWS is fused to the carboxyl terminus, including the DNA binding domain, of
90 teracting domains in KLF5 were mapped to its carboxyl terminus, including the PY motif of KLF5 and it
91 ere detected: an antiparallel amino terminus-carboxyl terminus interaction between alpha-synuclein mo
92 that trypsin-catalyzed (18)O exchange at the carboxyl terminus is in many instances inhomogeneous/inc
93 d V166E rClC-K1 demonstrated that the distal carboxyl terminus is necessary for slow cooperative gati
94 es with NAD(+) binding affinity and that the carboxyl terminus is required for assembly of a dimer of
95  binding and protection assays in vitro, the carboxyl terminus is required for important functions in
96 (v)1.2 and Na(v)1.3, we demonstrate that the carboxyl terminus is responsible for the differences.
97                                     The CaSR carboxyl terminus is the chief determinant of intracellu
98 lts indicate that Cx43, and specifically its carboxyl terminus, is crucial for signaling mechanisms p
99  type II membrane protein with its catalytic carboxyl terminus located in the Golgi lumen.
100    A CaSR chimera containing the mGluR1alpha carboxyl terminus matures completely (half-time of appro
101  required for degradation, while the helical carboxyl terminus mediates its attachment to proteins.
102                          To describe how the carboxyl terminus modifies the regulation by barttin we
103 am from the nucleotide sequence encoding the carboxyl terminus (nucleotides 637-1149).
104 rrying abgAB with a hexahistidine tag on the carboxyl terminus of AbgB and subsequent metal affinity
105 or an interaction between a residue near the carboxyl terminus of alpha-factor (position 11) and one
106                Purified Nedd4 recognizes the carboxyl terminus of alpha-synuclein (residues 120-133)
107                   Because GAPDH binds to the carboxyl terminus of alpha-tubulin, we characterized the
108 een the proline and the phenylalanine at the carboxyl terminus of Ang II.
109 molecular interaction assay reveals that the carboxyl terminus of APC interacts with the matrix regio
110 vel ceramide binding domain (C20zeta) in the carboxyl terminus of aPKC.
111 tiary structure predictions suggest that the carboxyl terminus of Asp2 resembles the catalytic region
112 ophagosome targeting sequence] domain at the carboxyl terminus of Barkor.
113                                          The carboxyl terminus of BRCA1 contributes significantly to
114 in vivo and in vitro work has implicated the carboxyl terminus of BRCA1 in transcriptional stimulatio
115 n as a binding partner for the intracellular carboxyl terminus of CaR.
116                   These established that the carboxyl terminus of CCK resides at the external surface
117 , an interaction with Cak1 is needed via the carboxyl terminus of Cdc28.
118 uggest that the di-arginine motif within the carboxyl terminus of Cdc42 is necessary for this GTPase
119 ptide motifs found within the intracellular, carboxyl terminus of chemokine receptor CXCR2 has been s
120 but also exposes a degron-like region at the carboxyl terminus of Chk1 to an Fbx6-containing SCF (Skp
121               This finding suggests that the carboxyl terminus of chromatin-loaded MCM3 may be seques
122 8-RFC that is produced by interaction of the carboxyl terminus of Ctf18 with the Ctf8 and Dcc1 subuni
123 soform of protein kinase C (PKCdelta) to the carboxyl terminus of Cx43.
124  the type 1 PDZ-binding motif (QDTRL) in the carboxyl terminus of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regul
125                                          The carboxyl terminus of DACH1 was necessary and sufficient
126 tion that is mediated through binding of the carboxyl terminus of DHHC5 and the PDZ3 domain of PSD-95
127 in bacterial proteasomal ATPases, buries the carboxyl terminus of each protomer in the central channe
128 4) 62+/-8%), and Cys(5) labeled those in the carboxyl terminus of ECL2 and ECL3 (Gln(348), 100%; Ile(
129 ng adaptor molecule (STAM)] was fused to the carboxyl terminus of EGFR, was generated.
130                  Inducible expression of the carboxyl terminus of either Set1A or Set1B decreases ste
131 re we demonstrate that 35 amino acids of the carboxyl terminus of flagellin triggered inflammasome ac
132 GAL)); Gal80p, a repressor that binds to the carboxyl terminus of Gal4p and inhibits transcription; a
133                   Deletion of 28 aa from the carboxyl terminus of gB (gBDelta28syn) caused extensive
134 infectious on 293 cells, indicating that the carboxyl terminus of gB is not essential for either viri
135                  These results show that the carboxyl terminus of gD and the full-length gE, either a
136 chanistically, a proline-rich segment in the carboxyl terminus of GILZ physically binds the p65 subun
137 etween specific receptor residues within the carboxyl terminus of GLP1 and its receptor as normally d
138 y investigate the relative importance of the carboxyl terminus of glycoprotein D (gD) in the presence
139 altered by Gbetagamma sequestration with the carboxyl terminus of GRK2.
140             Our results demonstrate that the carboxyl terminus of hClC-Kb is not part of the binding
141 t result in truncations of the intracellular carboxyl terminus of hClC-Kb.
142 Lastly, we show that either the amino or the carboxyl terminus of HDAC7 is sufficient for transcripti
143                                          The carboxyl terminus of highly Ca(2+)-permeable CNGA3 expre
144 ains and to an intracellular domain near the carboxyl terminus of HR2.
145    We investigated the role of the E3 ligase carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) in
146          Proteomic analysis reveals that the carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) in
147 ession of two distinct ubiquitin E3 ligases, carboxyl terminus of HSC70-interacting protein (CHIP) or
148                                          The carboxyl terminus of hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) ub
149 -chaperone HSP70 and the ubiquitin E3 ligase carboxyl terminus of HSC70-interacting protein (CHIP).
150                                    Using the carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein as a mode
151           Using an engineered version of the carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein ubiquitin
152 dular human E3 ubiquitin ligase called CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein) by repla
153                                        CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein) is a U-b
154                     Here, we show that CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein), a U-box
155 In addition, we demonstrate that an E3 CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsp70 interacting protein) interact
156                        Here we show that the carboxyl terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP) bi
157  of ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligase (E3) carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP) we
158                                          The carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP), a
159  colleagues show that a cochaperone protein, carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP), i
160   Our previous studies have implicated CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein) as a co-
161 ified ubiquitinating system containing CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein) as the E
162                   The ubiquitin ligase CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein) regulate
163 ffect of a potent molecular chaperone, CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein), on alph
164 ains that bind a common acceptor site at the carboxyl terminus of Hsp90.
165                     Certain mutations in the carboxyl terminus of HSV-1 glycoprotein B (gB) and in th
166  in the identification of key regions in the carboxyl terminus of IglE that are required for intracel
167  an acidic epitope tag placed at the extreme carboxyl terminus of integrase, near the target site for
168 a3.1 by phosphorylating histidine 358 in the carboxyl terminus of KCa3.1.
169                            UNG2 binds to the carboxyl terminus of LANA and retains its enzymatic acti
170                                          The carboxyl terminus of LANA interacts with the F-box and W
171 ntify Brd4 as an interacting protein for the carboxyl terminus of LANA on mitotic chromosomes and sug
172                                 Further, the carboxyl terminus of Lin28 is necessary for interaction
173 n adhesin recognition site is present in the carboxyl terminus of LR.
174 om malaria and circulating antibodies to the carboxyl terminus of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1).
175 reated a rat monoclonal antibody against the carboxyl terminus of mouse GPIHBP1 and used that antibod
176                                          The carboxyl terminus of MPER has the sequence LWYIK and app
177 orylation sites (Ser-725 and Ser-732) in the carboxyl terminus of murine MCM3 (mMCM3) and that ATM ph
178 he Na channel, the IQ-CaM interaction in the carboxyl terminus of Na(V)1.5 is latent under physiologi
179  We identify an ER-targeting sequence at the carboxyl terminus of native WLS that is critical for ER
180                                    Thus, the carboxyl terminus of NK1R is the structural basis for di
181 ntified an actin retroposon insertion at the carboxyl terminus of one of the ancestral POTE paralogs.
182       Furthermore, deletion of the conserved carboxyl terminus of ORF45 in the KSHV genome drasticall
183                                          The carboxyl terminus of p17 is necessary for interaction wi
184              Two discrete regions within the carboxyl terminus of p53 are essential for nucleolar loc
185 abilized cells requires sequences within the carboxyl terminus of p53.
186  variations in the details of docking of the carboxyl terminus of peptide ligands within this cleft,
187  have identified an invariant residue in the carboxyl terminus of PKC that mediates the binding to Hs
188 nts revealed that amino acids 686-726 in the carboxyl terminus of plakophilin-1 are required for its
189 n together, this study demonstrates that the carboxyl terminus of podocin/MEC-2 has to be placed at t
190 the LCMT-1 active-site pocket recognizes the carboxyl terminus of PP2A, and, interestingly, the PP2A
191                               ACE edited the carboxyl terminus of proteasome-produced MHC class I pep
192 und by yeast two-hybrid analysis to bind the carboxyl terminus of protocadherin 15 CD3, a tip link pr
193 s implicate TM3 and a second region near the carboxyl terminus of PS1 aminoterminal fragment in media
194 m cells, involved two helical domains at the carboxyl terminus of Ric-8A.
195 ith viral protein kinases phosphorylates the carboxyl terminus of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in vitro
196 ted through a direct interaction between the carboxyl terminus of sdk-1 and specific PDZ domains of M
197                       In the best model, the carboxyl terminus of secretin was found to bind in a gro
198                                          The carboxyl terminus of SPAK (amino acids 316-548) pulls do
199  amino terminus of CNGA3 specifically to the carboxyl terminus of stereocilia tip-link protein CDH23
200                       Notably, the cytosolic carboxyl terminus of STIM1 is sufficient to activate SOC
201  that this action of Gbetagamma requires the carboxyl terminus of the 25-kDa synaptosome-associated p
202  protein kinase A site at serine 1928 on the carboxyl terminus of the alpha1C subunit; however, the f
203 luorescent protein (YFP) was tethered to the carboxyl terminus of the alpha2A adrenergic receptor (al
204        The structural models showed that the carboxyl terminus of the ancestral sequence is more heli
205 which the C domain of EiAPR was fused to the carboxyl terminus of the APS reductase from Pseudomonas
206 a common polymorphism, positioned within the carboxyl terminus of the Bbeta-chain of the molecule.
207 tted from the PDZ-associated scaffold in the carboxyl terminus of the beta(1)-AR to Ser(312) in the 3
208 1 PDZ-binding sequence (ESKV) at the extreme carboxyl terminus of the beta(1)-AR, which is mediated b
209 KAP79, and PKA form a ternary complex at the carboxyl terminus of the beta(1)-AR.
210 inase A anchoring protein-79 (AKAP79) to the carboxyl terminus of the beta(1)-AR.
211 ntified tyrosine residues 292 and 422 at the carboxyl terminus of the beta-chain as the principal sit
212 he tyrosine kinase c-Src associated with the carboxyl terminus of the beta3 cytosolic tail.
213 (2+) sensing EF hand-like (EFL) motif in the carboxyl terminus of the channel.
214  protein (PfCSP), were fused in frame to the carboxyl terminus of the ClyA gene (clyA::t-csp) in gene
215 nstrated that fusing the heptapeptide to the carboxyl terminus of the FSHbeta subunit resulted in an
216 f Gbetagamma-specific scavengers-namely, the carboxyl terminus of the G protein-coupled receptor kina
217 us and discovered that removing the proximal carboxyl terminus of the GABA(B)(1a) subunit significant
218          Four RXXR motifs are present at the carboxyl terminus of the HBeAg precursor, with the first
219                                          The carboxyl terminus of the Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP
220  acid residues Ser(895) and Val(1075) in the carboxyl terminus of the human calcium receptor (hCaR),
221       These experiments demonstrate that the carboxyl terminus of the LHX3 transcription factor is no
222 entification of phosphorylation sites in the carboxyl terminus of the minichromosome maintenance prot
223                Cleavage of the intracellular carboxyl terminus of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) rec
224 a homologous 60-amino acid region within the carboxyl terminus of the Na(v)1.2 and the Na(v)1.3 chann
225 66 whereas residues in the center and at the carboxyl terminus of the peptide interact only weakly if
226 l step in this pathway is methylation of the carboxyl terminus of the prenylated protein by isoprenyl
227 traproline sequence (Pro293-Pro296) near the carboxyl terminus of the protein.
228  the protein is located 16 residues from the carboxyl terminus of the pyruvoyl-containing alpha chain
229 ith PDZ scaffolds by a point mutation to the carboxyl terminus of the receptor dramatically decreased
230 the presence of phosphorylation sites on the carboxyl terminus of the receptor; kinase activity of G
231           A highly immunogenic region in the carboxyl terminus of the rhBZLF1 protein containing over
232               To investigate the role of the carboxyl terminus of the UL20 protein (UL20p) in cytopla
233                            Insertions in the carboxyl terminus of the UL28 protein were found to inte
234 ial signaling properties attributable to the carboxyl terminus of this receptor by using stably trans
235 dition of this 19-amino acid sequence to the carboxyl terminus of Trf confers full acceptor activity
236  show that phenylalanine residues within the carboxyl terminus of UL20p are involved in the regulatio
237     The deletion of six amino acids from the carboxyl terminus of UL20p caused an approximately 1-log
238 he addition of an ER retention signal at the carboxyl terminus of UL20p forced the ER retention of gK
239 o amino acid changes cause retraction of the carboxyl terminus of UL20p from the intracellular space.
240 he role of phenylalanine residues within the carboxyl terminus of UL20p, since aromatic and hydrophob
241 found the second WW domain of SMURF1 and the carboxyl terminus of USP9X critical for this interaction
242               We additionally found that the carboxyl terminus of Vps32/CHMP4B plays a key role in re
243                     However, the role of the carboxyl-terminus of ADAMTS13 in substrate recognition r
244        The findings indicate that the distal carboxyl-terminus of alpha1C plays an important role in
245                Although it is known that the carboxyl-terminus of bound-form Lpp is located in the pe
246 al domain of Cx32, and palmitoylation at the carboxyl-terminus of Cx32.
247 ing Cx43 with ACT1, a peptide mimetic of the carboxyl-terminus of Cx43, accelerates fibroblast migrat
248 tivity, and lentiviral overexpression of the carboxyl-terminus of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2
249 urs at two distinct cysteine clusters in the carboxyl-terminus of GluN2A and GluN2B subunits that dif
250  a cluster of cysteines in the middle of the carboxyl-terminus of GluN2A and GluN2B, leads to an incr
251 yubiquitin) chains are formed by linking the carboxyl-terminus of one Ub (ubiquitin) subunit to eithe
252 interact directly in mammalian cells via the carboxyl-terminus of p53 and the DNA-binding domain of D
253 ed of the amino-terminus of Rem and the core/carboxyl-terminus of Rad inhibited L-type current withou
254  the amino-terminus of Rad fused to the core/carboxyl-terminus of Rem inhibited L-type current with a
255 somal activity, suggesting that the extended carboxyl-terminus of this cofactor confers suboptimal bi
256        The effects of mutating the GABA(B)R2 carboxyl terminus on receptor stability and signaling we
257 g specific charged residues in the channel's carboxyl terminus or in the PDZ domain converts the sele
258 e limiting membrane of the endosome with its carboxyl terminus oriented to the cytoplasm.
259 ragment (A1-F92) as well as multiple smaller carboxyl-terminus peptides ranging from 17 to 26 amino a
260 on to substrates, ADP-ribosylation of the Ub carboxyl terminus precludes ubiquitylation.
261 spheres with Cx43 mutants revealed that Cx43 carboxyl terminus prevents neuronal maturation.
262  more pronounced after the truncation of the carboxyl terminus proximal to the IQ motif (Na(V)1.5(Del
263     Intriguingly, the truncation of the PafE carboxyl-terminus resulted in the robust binding of PafE
264 utionarily conserved serine residue near the carboxyl terminus (Ser-883 in Xenopus).
265 ted approximately in the middle of the UL20p carboxyl terminus substantially enhanced cytoplasmic env
266 ductase, which has a joint Trx domain at the carboxyl terminus, termed NTRC.
267 TFPI is associated with lipoproteins and its carboxyl terminus (TFPIct) has been shown to be a ligand
268 esidue PDZ-ligand binding motif (PBM) at the carboxyl terminus that can function as a virulence deter
269 s contains a four-amino-acid sequence at its carboxyl terminus that is termed the PDZ-binding motif (
270 fied a novel phosphorylation site in the CBP carboxyl terminus that mediated association with AP-1 si
271 nt mutations also identified residues in the carboxyl terminus that regulated recovery from channel d
272             An intracellular mutation in the carboxyl terminus that slowed recovery of P2X1 receptor
273 mically to identify residues in the receptor carboxyl terminus that were phosphorylated upon agonist
274        Both of the IAP variants lacked the 2 carboxyl terminus thrombospondin type 1 repeat (TSR) and
275 en targeting the intracellular loops and the carboxyl terminus to investigate how specificity is enco
276 mino terminus to Orai1 enabled access of its carboxyl terminus to Orai1 and activation of Ca(2+) infl
277 rent F box protein that uses a domain at the carboxyl terminus to recognize substrates [1, 2].
278  observed when LBR-TD is extended toward its carboxyl terminus, to include an area rich in Ser-Arg re
279 D) and glutamic acid (E) as well as the free carboxyl terminus, to their corresponding methyl esters.
280                              In summary, the carboxyl terminus TSR sequence is important for cleaving
281 g new gene) and HECT (homologous to the E6AP carboxyl terminus) types shed light on their enzymatic a
282 nstrate that a HECT (homologous to the E6-AP carboxyl terminus) ubiquitin ligase, Smurf2, is required
283       Interaction of GABARAP with the AT(1)R carboxyl terminus was further substantiated using GST pu
284                                          The carboxyl terminus was subject to the most change and may
285                          Substitution of the carboxyl terminus was sufficient for converting Nox4 int
286        The extramembranous and intracellular carboxyl-terminus was deleted by insertion of premature
287 antigenic epitopes from either the amino- or carboxyl terminus were characterized with Als2cr4 recomb
288 h an unexpected epsilon-glycinylglycinyl-Lys carboxyl terminus when the site of linkage is Lys48.
289 g sequence that is involved in orienting the carboxyl terminus, which binds the catalytic iron.
290  p53 is subject to lysine methylation at its carboxyl terminus, which has been shown to repress p53's
291 ue fragment of the Ca(V)1.2 alpha(1) subunit carboxyl terminus, which includes a tandem of the pre-IQ
292 s it has an exceptionally long intracellular carboxyl terminus, which is predicted to be mainly disor
293 t would generate a unique 34 amino acid (aa) carboxyl terminus while maintaining the remaining struct
294 a cholesterol through the interaction of its carboxyl terminus with lipoproteins and heparan sulfate
295 n 2 (D-AKAP2/AKAP10), which interacts at its carboxyl terminus with protein kinase A and PDZ domain p
296 igomerization of CCK receptors tagged at the carboxyl terminus with Renilla luciferase or yellow fluo
297 h the exclusion of exon 3 generates a unique carboxyl terminus with specific anti-apoptotic functions
298 a, a self- and tumor Ag, was modified at its carboxyl terminus with the invariant chain-derived Ii-Ke
299 sphorylation of AQP2 at various sites in its carboxyl terminus, with Ser-256 phosphorylation critical
300 P processing of CCL16-(1-97) in its extended carboxyl terminus yields two products, CCL16-(8-77) and

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