


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 palmitylated at two cysteine residues in its carboxyl terminal region.
2 osphatidylinositol anchoring sequence on the carboxyl terminal region.
3 ms, coupling efficiency is controlled by the carboxyl-terminal region.
4 resulted in the truncation of the receptor's carboxyl-terminal region.
5 of COP1, which is known to interact with the carboxyl-terminal region.
6 )alpha, G(o)alpha, and G(i)alpha through its carboxyl-terminal region.
7 e the DNA-binding domain is localized to the carboxyl-terminal region.
8  half of the intracellular kinase domain and carboxyl-terminal region.
9  the catalytic domain, the P domain, and the carboxyl-terminal region.
10  in the amino-terminal region and 481 in the carboxyl-terminal region.
11 e tyrosine phosphorylated (NPXY) site in the carboxyl-terminal region.
12 ptides bind using alternative anchors in the carboxyl-terminal region.
13 atalytic triad D,D(35)E and the nonconserved carboxyl-terminal region.
14 RNA, but this structure showed little of the carboxyl-terminal region.
15  c-Jun specifically at the chromatin via its carboxyl-terminal region.
16 mino-terminal region but are variable at the carboxyl-terminal region.
17  Ser569, and Ser570 (major sites) within the carboxyl-terminal region.
18 nuclear export sequence (NES) present in its carboxyl-terminal region.
19  antigen (PCNA, POL30) reside at the extreme carboxyl-terminal region.
20 )CX(11)HX(3)C-type zinc finger motifs at its carboxyl-terminal region.
21 d five putative transmembrane domains in the carboxyl-terminal region.
22  are enclosed between the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions.
23 F90 are highly similar, they differ in their carboxyl-terminal regions.
24 s of ACK-2 and ACK-1 occur in the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions.
25  using a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-sAC carboxyl-terminal region (1399aa-1608aa) fusion protein
26              To identify the residues in the carboxyl-terminal region 260-299 of human apolipoprotein
27 een the DH domain (residues 162-351) and the carboxyl-terminal region (501-790) of MyoGEF can inhibit
28               To investigate the role of the carboxyl-terminal region (52 amino acids) of the monocyt
29  region (AF-1) and the second located in the carboxyl-terminal region (AF-2).
30       Deletion experiments indicate that the carboxyl-terminal region (amino acid residues 296-393) o
31 -450) of CBP specifically interacts with the carboxyl-terminal region (amino acids 286-551) of NF-kap
32                       GPS2 bound to both the carboxyl-terminal region (amino acids 575-735) and the m
33  myogenic conversion mapped to a hydrophobic carboxyl-terminal region and did not require either the
34 tsZ homologues, RepX harbours a highly basic carboxyl-terminal region and exhibits GTP-dependent, non
35  an internal 12-amino acid deletion near the carboxyl-terminal region and was abundantly expressed in
36 rmed by circumscribed regions of Sestd1 (the carboxyl-terminal region) and Dact1 (the amino-terminal
37           Ldb1 binds LIM domains through its carboxyl-terminal region, and can form homodimers via it
38 riptional activation domain of Xlim-1 to its carboxyl-terminal region, and characterized the interact
39           These results demonstrate that the carboxyl-terminal region, and in particular residue Ile2
40 e a BLUF domain containing a slightly longer carboxyl terminal region (AppA17-133) shows that Trp104
41 ucts showed that both the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions are PKA substrates in vitro.
42 r catalytic activity from the amino- and the carboxyl-terminal regions as well as characterized the f
43 pha chain cleavage was shown to occur in the carboxyl terminal region at Arg572 and beta chain cleava
44 four distinct lysine residues located in the carboxyl-terminal region but not two other lysine residu
45 ys showed that phosphorylation of the MyoGEF carboxyl-terminal region by aurora B kinase interfered w
46 alized the beta-binding domain of alpha to a carboxyl-terminal region by quantifying the interaction
47  swapped the variant residues located in the carboxyl-terminal region by site-directed mutagenesis.
48 ; middle region (M), residues 17-36; and the carboxyl-terminal region (C), residues 58-77.
49 y related E3 proteins that share a conserved carboxyl-terminal region called the Hect domain.
50                    Peptides derived from the carboxyl-terminal region (called C-peptides) potently in
51 structure, the linker between the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions can also be seen, snaking down
52  a conformation change may take place in the carboxyl-terminal region coincident with the dimer to fi
53           Since MDMX-S lacks the central and carboxyl-terminal regions contained within full-length M
54 structure, the amino-terminal region and the carboxyl-terminal region containing the cyclic nucleotid
55                               The 36 residue carboxyl-terminal region containing the distal box 3 seq
56 Galpha(i2) and Galpha(i3) indicated that the carboxyl-terminal region containing the four GPR motifs
57 Sim domain, the p300-binding domain, and the carboxyl-terminal region (containing the PR-binding site
58                                 Although the carboxyl-terminal region contains regulatory PEST sequen
59               These results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal region corresponding to amino acid res
60 uster of five surface alpha-helices, and the carboxyl-terminal region (CTR), and cooperative interact
61 owed that exogenous expression of the MyoGEF carboxyl-terminal region decreased the invasion activity
62 n, mapping the growth-inhibitory domain to a carboxyl-terminal region encompassing the bZIP domain (a
63 one RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain and a carboxyl-terminal region enriched in serine/arginine dip
64 p was an integral membrane protein, with its carboxyl-terminal region exposed to the cytosol.
65 mong known TRP structures, together with the carboxyl-terminal region, forms a large two-layered cyto
66 py and truncation analysis revealed that the carboxyl-terminal region functions in apoA-V lipid bindi
67                                          The carboxyl-terminal region has also been identified as the
68  sequence homology between this domain and a carboxyl-terminal region in auxilin, a DnaJ-like protein
69 ated on tyrosine and serine sites within the carboxyl-terminal region in cells.
70  be applicable to understand the role of the carboxyl-terminal region in superfamily 4 DNA helicases
71 in have implicated the cytoplasmic loops and carboxyl-terminal region in the binding and activation o
72 t of Net2p interacts with Fis1p, whereas the carboxyl-terminal region interacts with both Dnm1p and F
73        Furthermore, expression of the MyoGEF carboxyl-terminal region interfered with RhoA localizati
74                         We conclude that the carboxyl-terminal region is essential for regulating PTE
75         We previously demonstrated that this carboxyl-terminal region is important for maintaining it
76 of the normal factor IX, suggesting that the carboxyl-terminal region is neither directly involved in
77 zation involving hydrophobic segments in the carboxyl-terminal region is required for activation of G
78 carbohydrate binding domain within the Eomes carboxyl-terminal region is sufficient for transfer and
79 peptide repeats in conserved positions and a carboxyl-terminal region known as the thioredoxin-like d
80 terminal sequence Cys128-Ser172, whereas the carboxyl-terminal region Leu173-Pro291 was ineffective.
81 nding to heterologous binding partners and a carboxyl-terminal region mediating co-assembly with exis
82                           The scFv binds the carboxyl terminal region of alpha-synuclein, suggesting
83 man mu opioid receptor was shown to bind the carboxyl terminal region of human filamin A, a protein k
84               Three basic amino acids in the carboxyl terminal region of LpL were mutated, yielding a
85 c region (yeaA) of Escherichia coli, and the carboxyl terminal region of pilB, a transcription factor
86 termination codon results in deletion of the carboxyl terminal region of the LHX3 protein, which is c
87                            The intracellular carboxyl terminal region of these two proteins contains
88                                 The variable carboxyl terminal region of topoisomerase-II has a major
89 caused by deletion of a glutamic acid in the carboxyl terminal region of torsinA.
90 Abl demonstrates that amino acids within the carboxyl terminal region of v-Abl bind JAKs through a di
91 nti-sera to synthetic peptide analogs of the carboxyl terminal regions of each subtype.
92 py (AFM) analysis, while an scFv binding the carboxyl-terminal region of Abeta (residues 29-40) did n
93 eptides corresponding to segments within the carboxyl-terminal region of acid sphingomyelinase demons
94 st two-hybrid screen was performed using the carboxyl-terminal region of ADAMTS-1 as bait.
95 ve been identified in the frequently deleted carboxyl-terminal region of APC; loss of these phosphory
96 proximately 340 residues, 39% identical in a carboxyl-terminal region of approximately 850 residues,
97                     We used a peptide of the carboxyl-terminal region of AtABP1 as a tool.
98 ns, we have determined that sequences in the carboxyl-terminal region of beta-arrestin2 are important
99 undles with another fractional domain in the carboxyl-terminal region of beta-spectrin (Cbeta region)
100  or Gbeta gamma subunits (transducin and the carboxyl-terminal region of bovine G-protein-coupled rec
101                  Runx2 bound directly to the carboxyl-terminal region of C/EBPdelta itself, and its a
102            The binding of Abl to the extreme carboxyl-terminal region of Cbl unmasks the binding site
103 3 has been shown to directly interact with a carboxyl-terminal region of CBP for recruitment of the c
104 al structure reveals that amino acids in the carboxyl-terminal region of CDR(H)3 form a surface regio
105                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of CITED2 forms an extended str
106  either with antibodies to the intracellular carboxyl-terminal region of Cx40 (residues 340 to 358) o
107 evious findings from our laboratory that the carboxyl-terminal region of D-LDH is largely exposed to
108                 Furthermore, cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal region of DFF-45/ICAD, which is necess
109                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of Dmp2 protein (60 residue % S
110         The other, rvWF445-733, included the carboxyl-terminal region of domain D3, preceding A1, and
111 ain disulfide bonds, which form loops in the carboxyl-terminal region of each of the chains.
112  that very similar epitopes may exist in the carboxyl-terminal region of each protein whereas the Ipa
113  and N-linked oligosaccharides in a critical carboxyl-terminal region of ECL2 control retroviral util
114 charide clustered close to the others in the carboxyl-terminal region of ECL2.
115 nked oligosaccharides in mASCT1 occur in the carboxyl-terminal region of extracellular loop 2 (ECL2),
116                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of factor IX (residues 403-415)
117 on between the alpha5 helix and the adjacent carboxyl-terminal region of Galpha(t).
118  PAK1 phosphorylation site to the inhibitory carboxyl-terminal region of GEF-H1.
119                    TRIP8b interacts with the carboxyl-terminal region of HCN channels and regulates t
120 ther deletion analysis demonstrated that the carboxyl-terminal region of HDA6 and the bromo-adjacent
121               Deletion of the highly charged carboxyl-terminal region of HDAC1 also decreased its dea
122 UGT2 chimeric proteins demonstrated that the carboxyl-terminal region of HUGT2 contains a catalytic d
123                         We observed that the carboxyl-terminal region of hVIP is critical for its int
124  IKK complex activity through its binding to carboxyl-terminal region of IKKalpha and IKKbeta, termed
125 the amino-terminal ring finger motif and the carboxyl-terminal region of K5 were necessary for IFN-ga
126  the ET (extraterminal) domain of Brd4 and a carboxyl-terminal region of LANA previously implicated i
127                     Mutations in the extreme carboxyl-terminal region of Lcb1p also disrupted heterod
128 Unexpectedly, we found that the unstructured carboxyl-terminal region of Mps1 plays an essential role
129  response was preferentially directed to the carboxyl-terminal region of MSP1a, which stimulated high
130 er, our findings suggest that binding of the carboxyl-terminal region of MyoGEF to its DH domain acts
131 revious genetic analysis showed that a short carboxyl-terminal region of Nab3 is functionally importa
132                 While it is evident that the carboxyl-terminal region of natural peptide ligands bind
133 ed a highly conserved acidic sequence at the carboxyl-terminal region of Nef sharing striking similar
134                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of NHE-RF, downstream of the PD
135 d both the Src-binding domain and a flanking carboxyl-terminal region of p130(Cas).
136 ously unidentified protein that binds to the carboxyl-terminal region of p160 coactivators, enhanced
137 mino-terminal region of p300 distinct from a carboxyl-terminal region of p300 required for binding to
138 ned the GAL4 DNA binding domain fused to the carboxyl-terminal region of p65 (amino acids 286-551).
139 -terminal domain of Pol32 interacts with the carboxyl-terminal region of PCNA, whereas interactions o
140 ulator of G protein signaling protein 3T and carboxyl-terminal region of phospholipase C-beta1) or Gb
141 e to define a novel functional domain in the carboxyl-terminal region of PKC beta, which is involved
142 ing studies demonstrate that PG binds to the carboxyl-terminal region of PKC betaII, the same region
143                                    Thus, the carboxyl-terminal region of PP seems to be the most impo
144 ion of SV40 T-antigen, we show here that the carboxyl-terminal region of pRB is both necessary and su
145  with the spacer amino acid sequence and the carboxyl-terminal region of Rb were required for maximal
146                Progressive truncation of the carboxyl-terminal region of Rep78 did not eliminate hair
147 th RFX4_v3 protein; however, deletion of the carboxyl-terminal region of RFX4_v3 impaired the co-acti
148 naling in intact cells and document that the carboxyl-terminal region of RGS3 comprises the structura
149    Three peptide analogues of the 19-residue carboxyl-terminal region of rhodopsin (330-348) were syn
150 the negative charge due to phosphates in the carboxyl-terminal region of rhodopsin are required for t
151 e s80 kinase activity and is mediated by the carboxyl-terminal region of s80.
152 ment for a negatively charged residue in the carboxyl-terminal region of Skp2 in recognition of Cks1
153 e I WW domain-binding site (LPKY) within the carboxyl-terminal region of Spt23p that is required for
154 ylation) when chimeric enzymes contained the carboxyl-terminal region of ST8Sia IV.
155  the CREB-binding domain of CBP/p300 and the carboxyl-terminal region of Stat1 interacts with the dom
156                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of STAT3, consisting of an acid
157 sequencing and mass spectrometry, included a carboxyl-terminal region of syntaxin 1A, the cytoplasmic
158 ino acid residue within the highly conserved carboxyl-terminal region of TBP that is critical for dTA
159 mentary with the previous one, revealing the carboxyl-terminal region of TFIIB, located above the pol
160 iproliferative activity, suggesting that the carboxyl-terminal region of TFPI is responsible for this
161                  The mutation falls within a carboxyl-terminal region of Tg with high structural simi
162 SV1 glycoprotein B (gB) is homologous to the carboxyl-terminal region of the A beta peptide that accu
163  require specific contacts between C and the carboxyl-terminal region of the alpha or sigma 70 subuni
164  with the channel is an IQ-like motif in the carboxyl-terminal region of the alpha(1) subunit.
165 of the peptide-binding domain located at the carboxyl-terminal region of the avian HSPA2.
166 ction involving the c-Src SH3 domain and the carboxyl-terminal region of the beta3 cytoplasmic tail.
167 s effect depends on the presence of a unique carboxyl-terminal region of the beta6 subunit cytoplasmi
168   A synthetic polypeptide corresponding to a carboxyl-terminal region of the deduced eis protein sequ
169                      Tyr1101 lies within the carboxyl-terminal region of the EGFR among sites of rece
170  a proline/arginine-rich domain (PRD) in the carboxyl-terminal region of the enzyme.
171 paratively little is known about the extreme carboxyl-terminal region of the estrogen receptor (F dom
172                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of the gamma chain of fibrinoge
173 tralizing antibody response that targets the carboxyl-terminal region of the gp41 ectodomain.
174  N peptides themselves and likely target the carboxyl-terminal region of the gp41 ectodomain.
175 g yeast two-hybrid assays, we identified the carboxyl-terminal region of the guanine nucleotide-excha
176 ce the signal sequence and the 99-amino-acid carboxyl-terminal region of the human beta-amyloid precu
177 e recent elucidation of the structure of the carboxyl-terminal region of the hyperpolarization-activa
178  a protective immune response induced by the carboxyl-terminal region of the merozoite surface protei
179 r more of five Ser residues clustered in the carboxyl-terminal region of the mZP3 polypeptide.
180                                            A carboxyl-terminal region of the nuclear-mitotic apparatu
181 e, the Vbeta chain CDRs 1 and 2 are over the carboxyl-terminal region of the peptide, and the Valpha
182                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pum
183                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of the protein appears to play
184 y identified a 54-amino acid sequence in the carboxyl-terminal region of the protein that defines a m
185   The rapid degradation of SSAT required the carboxyl-terminal region of the protein, and the two ter
186 lation events in the cytoplasmically located carboxyl-terminal region of the protein, which could pot
187 the Sid1p kinase by binding the noncatalytic carboxyl-terminal region of the protein.
188 or an insertion of 46 amino acids toward the carboxyl-terminal region of the protein.
189                      In contrast, the distal carboxyl-terminal region of the receptor appears to down
190               These results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal region of the receptor is sterically h
191  SH3 binding domains normally present in the carboxyl-terminal region of the SOS1 protein.
192 te the carbocationic reaction cascade, and a carboxyl-terminal region of the synthase, which resemble
193                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of the tetanus toxin heavy chai
194                                          The carboxyl-terminal region of the third cytoplasmic loop o
195 bol TIAM2), with significant identity to the carboxyl-terminal region of the TIAM1 and mapped it to 6
196 n in a way that prevents the exposure of the carboxyl-terminal region of the ubiquitinated protein to
197 In this study we report six new sites in the carboxyl-terminal region of the villin core.
198 ath but instead acts as a "gating ring." The carboxyl-terminal region of these channels must hang bel
199 exons encoding two functional domains of the carboxyl-terminal region of these proteins, has been dup
200 It is likely that the more highly conserved, carboxyl-terminal region of this loop has limited surfac
201 ratricopeptide repeat domain of KLC1 and the carboxyl-terminal region of torsinA.
202 ates that amino acids 858 to 1080 within the carboxyl-terminal region of v-Abl bind Jak1 through a di
203 Finally, we provide evidence that the acidic carboxyl-terminal region of yNAP1, although dispensable
204      Together, these data demonstrate that a carboxyl-terminal region of Zta that includes the bZIP d
205 C505, providing evidence that the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of adjacent subunits are in pr
206         Using GFP chimeric constructs of the carboxyl-terminal regions of AKAP350A, a Golgi apparatus
207 noblotting with an antiserum specific to the carboxyl-terminal regions of all PDE4A proteins, compare
208                             Thus, amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of ART1 are required for trans
209 ree antibodies raised against the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of BRCA1.
210 flicting ideas regarding the location of the carboxyl-terminal regions of cross-linked gamma-chain di
211 duce structural changes in the switch II and carboxyl-terminal regions of G(alpha) ("preactivation")
212                          Both the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of IFN-tau, as identified by s
213 domain of PIAS1 bound to both the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of KLF5 and that this interact
214 titutions indicated roles for both amino and carboxyl-terminal regions of PauA and identified further
215 is complex with amino-terminal, central, and carboxyl-terminal regions of SecA integrated into the me
216 x assembly and stability and that amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of SNAP-25 may function as ind
217  cytoplasmic domain of VAMP2, and amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of SNAP-25.
218 ved residues contributed from the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of TAG (Cys4, His17, His175, a
219 tether the otherwise unstructured amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of TAG.
220  with the periodicity-ARNT-single-minded and carboxyl-terminal regions of the AHR.
221                                          The carboxyl-terminal regions of the fibrinogen Aalpha chain
222 -hairpins structure, in which the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the gp41 ectodomain are bro
223 airpins structure that brings the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the gp41 envelope glycoprot
224 ding a fusion protein between the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the mucin secreted disulfid
225 ns, although the sequences contiguous to the carboxyl-terminal regions of the NFAT family are much le
226 CL2, amino acids 133-149) and the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the third intracellular loo
227                                          The carboxyl-terminal regions of these peptides are thought
228 metric dimethylarginine modifications on the carboxyl-terminal regions of three of the canonical Sm p
229                            Unexpectedly, the carboxyl-terminal regions of TraG and Eex, which contain
230 ate the roles of the nonconserved amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of Ty3 IN.
231                           We report that the carboxyl-terminal regions of UNC-45 bound and exerted ch
232                                   Three more carboxyl-terminal regions of unknown function also show
233 -linked envelopes, whereas a deletion on the carboxyl-terminal region or on the middle repetitive uni
234 embrane association, the FERM domain and the carboxyl-terminal region participate in LRP binding.
235              These results indicate that the carboxyl-terminal region plays a critical role in the ce
236                                   All of the carboxyl-terminal region polypeptides inhibited binding
237 cid 257 (i.e., M257) and mRNA coding for the carboxyl terminal region (residues 259-382).
238 4-FBP fusion proteins we have shown that the carboxyl-terminal region (residues 448 to 644) is a pote
239  and in vivo pulldown assays showed that the carboxyl-terminal region (residues 501-790) of MyoGEF co
240 be proximal to the amino-terminus and to the carboxyl-terminal region, respectively, of bound EGF.
241  amino acids, sufficient for activity, and a carboxyl-terminal region rich in carbohydrates (183 resi
242 ipitation studies showed the alpha-actinin-4 carboxyl-terminal region specifically interacted with th
243 spanning hydrophobic regions and cytoplasmic carboxyl terminal regions that contain PPXY motifs.
244 e DNA, a middle RNA polymerase domain, and a carboxyl-terminal region that either is itself a DNA hel
245 nal domain that functions in transport and a carboxyl-terminal region that has been designated the ST
246 novel 530-amino-acid sulfotransferase with a carboxyl-terminal region that was 45 and 43% homologous
247 teract with two different regions of the HCN carboxyl-terminal region: the carboxyl-terminal three am
248 -bound Pf3 coat derivatives with an extended carboxyl-terminal region, we found that the transmembran
249 peptides derived from the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions were shown to interact, even u
250 ase IIIbetas is particularly striking in the carboxyl-terminal region, where all contain eight highly
251 nificant homology (approximately 60%) in the carboxyl-terminal region which, from the GAR transformyl
252  could trigger conformational changes in the carboxyl-terminal region, which has been implicated in s
253 lysis of E2F1 mutants identified a conserved carboxyl-terminal region, which is required for elicitin
254 cursors and the ErbBs were mediated by their carboxyl-terminal regions, which constitute distinct pro
255 lycystin-2 interacts through its cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal region with a coiled-coil motif in the
256 e (Hay-Wells syndrome) were found in the p63 carboxyl-terminal region with a sterile alpha-motif.
257 of the cDNA reveals three sequence motifs: a carboxyl-terminal region with similarity to the trypsin-
258 inding domain of E2, and 50% identity in its carboxyl-terminal region with the catalytic inner core d

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