


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e library is amino-terminally acetylated and carboxyl-terminally amidated and consists entirely of D-
2 ciated missense mutation PS2(N141I), and the carboxyl-terminally deleted PS2 construct PS2(166aa), co
3         The selective use of these ubiquitin carboxyl-terminally derived peptide probes by the ubiqui
4   In this report, we show that the ubiquitin carboxyl-terminally derived peptide probes can serve as
5                               Finally, these carboxyl-terminally derived peptide probes were shown to
6                                          The carboxyl-terminally derived Y1 antagonist 1229U91 was a
7          Receptor protein, visualized with a carboxyl-terminally directed antibody, was reduced but n
8  of LLPL were cloned into pcDNA3 to generate carboxyl-terminally tagged proteins.
9 ated using full-length (407 amino acids) and carboxyl-terminally truncated (324 amino acids) rat SP r
10            Herein we show that wild-type and carboxyl-terminally truncated (activated) Tpl-2 activate
11                             Furthermore, the carboxyl-terminally truncated as well as Phe436 and Ile4
12               Haplodeficient mice expressing carboxyl-terminally truncated Cx43 (K258stop/KO), instea
13  expressing increased levels of GATA-1 and a carboxyl-terminally truncated Epo receptor, Epo (with re
14 t to confer capsid association inasmuch as a carboxyl-terminally truncated form of the U(L)15-encoded
15  generated using apoE2, apoE3, apoE4, or the carboxyl-terminally truncated forms apoE165, apoE202, ap
16 howed that overexpression of full-length and carboxyl-terminally truncated forms of Clg morphological
17 use it is not observed in cells expressing a carboxyl-terminally truncated G-CSF receptor, which supp
18 N construct pFN delta 147, which expresses a carboxyl-terminally truncated gp160 lacking the calmodul
19 ve been shown to transduce signals through a carboxyl-terminally truncated isoform of Stat5.
20  basolateral membrane, wild type and various carboxyl-terminally truncated kidney NBC1 mutants were g
21                   Association of EGFR with a carboxyl-terminally truncated p185(neu) mutant (TAPstop)
22 nding activity of wild-type p53 but not of a carboxyl-terminally truncated p53 (p53Delta363C).
23 acid replacements within the propeptide of a carboxyl-terminally truncated stromelysin-1 (mini-SL-1)

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