コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 ect on RV size in patients after surgery for carcinoid heart disease.
2 ided valvular dysfunction is the hallmark of carcinoid heart disease.
3 nction, MCH may be the only manifestation of carcinoid heart disease.
4 ccording to the date from first diagnosis of carcinoid heart disease.
5 res and surgical management of patients with carcinoid heart disease affecting both left- and right-s
6 hould be considered for select patients with carcinoid heart disease affecting left- and right-sided
7 We reviewed 22 patients having operation for carcinoid heart disease and compared those having TV and
8 long-term prognosis of patients who develop carcinoid heart disease and the effect of cardiac surger
9 Echocardiographic features are similar to carcinoid heart disease and valvulopathy associated with
10 Serotonin is related to the progression of carcinoid heart disease, and the risk of progressive hea
13 al advice on the diagnosis and management of carcinoid heart disease as well as its surveillance.
14 d syndrome have improved, but development of carcinoid heart disease (CaHD) continues to decrease sur
16 The prognosis of patients with recognized carcinoid heart disease has improved over the past 2 dec
21 s have demonstrated a very high incidence of carcinoid heart disease (tricuspid and pulmonary insuffi
22 n patients (7 men, 4 women) with symptomatic carcinoid heart disease underwent surgery for left- and
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