


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  which we demonstrate here to be a bona fide cargo receptor.
2 ins (zymogens) with Muclin, a putative Golgi cargo receptor.
3 tures with mammalian and yeast transmembrane cargo receptors.
4 -enriched proteins in human cells, including cargo receptors.
5 tion of the distinct sequence signals on the cargo receptors.
6 involved in protein trafficking and serve as cargo receptors.
7 1p, and Bch2p), which are believed to act as cargo receptors.
8 n of retrograde trafficking of transmembrane cargo receptors.
9 th enhanced protein levels of the respective cargo receptors.
10  secreted proteins with the help of specific cargo receptors.
11 how that exit must occur by association with cargo receptors.
12  at the trans-Golgi network by transmembrane cargo receptors.
13 y autophagy utilizes a specialized cytosolic cargo receptor and a dedicated SNARE system.
14 d signaling by NSF through direct binding to cargo receptor and its ATPase activity and uncovered an
15 with the idea that APP serves as a kinesin-1 cargo receptor and that PS and BACE1 are associated with
16 lacked members of the p24 family of putative cargo receptors and contained enzymes instead of anterog
17 e' signals, the specific roles of individual cargo receptors and how disrupting cargo receptor functi
18 hagy relies on the core autophagy machinery, cargo receptors, and "eat-me" signals such as galectin-8
19 as regulators of autophagy and as autophagic cargo receptors, and reveals a basis for selective autop
20        Members of the p24 family of putative cargo receptors are proposed to contain retrograde and a
21 VTI1a colocalizes with the putative vacuolar cargo receptor AtELP on the trans-Golgi network and the
22      We examined the ability of the vacuolar cargo receptor AtELP to interact with the sorting signal
23 TGN), where it colocalizes with the vacuolar cargo receptor AtELP.
24 upon starvation, but with the acquisition of cargo receptors, autophagy has become an important cellu
25 lass I molecules associate with the putative cargo receptor BAP31.
26  results suggest that LMAN1 and MCFD2 form a cargo receptor complex and that the primary sorting sign
27 r deficiency protein 2), which encode the ER cargo receptor complex LMAN1-MCFD2.
28 ple coagulation factor deficiency protein 2) cargo receptor complex transports coagulation factors V
29 cking at the nuclear pore complex (NPC), the cargo-receptor complex moves through the aqueous pore ch
30 uclear pore complex is vulnerable to unusual cargo receptor complexes and sheds light on the importan
31 4 and PEX13 are peroxins involved in docking cargo-receptor complexes at the peroxisomal membrane, th
32 d associated with ATG8 proteins that recruit cargo-receptor complexes into autophagosomes.
33  and movement across the nuclear envelope of cargo-receptor complexes that interact with the small GT
34 rce for further dissection of autophagosomal cargo-receptor connectivity.
35  the Apg/Cvt vesicle component Aut7, the Cvt cargo receptor Cvt19, and the Apg conjugation machinery,
36 ecognize specific internalization signals on cargo receptors, either recruiting cargos into clathrin-
37 loid precursor protein (APP)-like, a kinesin cargo receptor, enhanced the severity of a Dab1 overexpr
38 ted a conditional knockout allele of the Wnt cargo receptor Evi/Gpr177/Wntless and studied mice that
39 2 form a protein complex that functions as a cargo receptor ferrying FV and FVIII from the endoplasmi
40    This work identifies NCOA4 as a selective cargo receptor for autophagic turnover of ferritin (ferr
41 normal functions of APP may be as a membrane cargo receptor for kinesin-I and that KLC is important f
42                         NCOA4 is a selective cargo receptor for the autophagic turnover of ferritin,
43 hat the MCFD2-LMAN1 complex forms a specific cargo receptor for the ER-to-Golgi transport of selected
44 serves two functions in insulin action: as a cargo receptor for the Myo1c motor, and as a signal for
45 -2/PICALM complex functions as an autophagic cargo receptor for the recognition and shipment of APP-C
46 er with the cargo molecules directly or with cargo receptors for anterograde trafficking.
47 or LMAN1 and FV/FVIII that are essential for cargo receptor formation and cargo loading in the ER.
48          Subcellular retrograde transport of cargo receptors from endosomes to the trans-Golgi networ
49 nding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cargo receptor function are described.
50 II (FVIII; F5F8D), suggesting an ER-to-Golgi cargo receptor function for the LMAN1-MCFD2 complex.
51 ndividual cargo receptors and how disrupting cargo receptor function may be important for bacterial e
52 ligomerization of LMAN1 is necessary for its cargo receptor function.
53 ong evidence that the cellular turnover of a cargo receptor, i.e., LRP, is regulated by the proteasom
54                                   LMAN1 is a cargo receptor in the early secretory pathway that is re
55 ns are believed to be bound by transmembrane cargo receptors in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) that re
56 d clathrin, activated upon ligand binding to cargo receptors, inhibited by inhibitors of dynamin, Rac
57 tg34 and the human p62, Optineurin and NDP52 cargo receptors interact with the E3-like enzyme Atg12~A
58 depends on the Ran-GTPase system to regulate cargo-receptor interactions.
59 ess (Wls, also known as Evi or Srt), the key cargo receptor involved in Wg secretion.
60       Here we describe prediction of protein cargo receptors involved in vesicle formation and protei
61               PexRD54 depletes the autophagy cargo receptor Joka2 out of ATG8CL complexes and interfe
62                   We show that the autophagy cargo receptor NBR1 suppresses viral accumulation by tar
63 racterised by sequestration of the xenophagy cargo receptor Ndp52 and its paralogue Tax1bp1, which we
64 hermore, we identify the selective autophagy cargo receptor neighbor of BRCA1 (NBR1) as a key mediato
65 bidopsis thaliana We show that the autophagy cargo receptor NEIGHBOR OF BRCA1 (NBR1) targets nonassem
66 tivates autophagy through recruitment of the cargo receptor nuclear dot protein 52 (NDP52).
67 n iron is mobilized by autophagy through the cargo receptor, nuclear co-activator 4.
68                                   Like known cargo receptors, nuclear receptor coactivator 4 (NCOA4)
69 brane protein, Cornichon-1 (CNIH), acts as a cargo receptor of proTGFalpha.
70      Previously, we identified dynactin as a cargo receptor or adaptor for cytoplasmic dynein, mediat
71 egulate the stability and trafficking of the cargo receptor p24 and the distribution of the vesicle t
72 interaction between RIG-I and the autophagic cargo receptor p62 and to mediate RIG-I degradation via
73 nhanced the interaction between p65/RelA and cargo receptor p62, thus facilitating the degradation of
74                  Here we show that the human cargo receptor p62/SQSTM-1 employs oligomerization to st
75 ntriguingly, overexpression of the autophagy cargo receptor p62/SQSTM1 in PI3K-H1047R cells is suffic
76                                The autophagy cargo receptors p62, NDP52 and Optineurin detect incomin
77                           A second autophagy cargo receptor, p62, then targeted seeded tau aggregates
78                   We also show that the PTS2 cargo receptor, Pex7, is required for Pex20 polyubiquiti
79                           Autophagy of these cargo receptors promotes non-canonical NF-kappaB signall
80        We present evidence that the putative cargo receptor protein Bap31 participates in the transpo
81 osome membrane and are thought to facilitate cargo receptor recruitment, vesicle maturation, and lyso
82 ro-TRH in the trans-Golgi network, and not a cargo-receptor relationship, is important for the downst
83 ate compartment 53 kDa protein (ERGIC-53), a cargo receptor required for glycoprotein trafficking wit
84          LMAN1 (ERGIC-53) is a key mammalian cargo receptor responsible for the export of a subset of
85  coat proteins accumulates in the absence of cargo receptors, suggesting that disruption of hsc70 act
86 e rescued by overexpression of the conserved cargo receptor Tango1 and partially rescued by supplemen
87  interface with the outer COPII coat and the cargo receptor Tango1/cTAGE5.
88 conclude that Erv14 functions as a canonical cargo receptor that couples membrane proteins to the COP
89 (ERGIC-53) and MCFD2 form a Ca(2+)-dependent cargo receptor that cycles between the endoplasmic retic
90 i targeting of Rud3p also requires Erv14p, a cargo receptor that cycles between the endoplasmic retic
91 known physiological role, as a non-canonical cargo receptor that directly binds to core autophagy pro
92           Gpr177 (Evi/Wls) is a Wnt-specific cargo receptor that is required for the secretion of Wnt
93                   Selectivity is achieved by cargo receptors that detect substrate-associated "eat-me
94 neral, selectivity is achieved by autophagic cargo receptors that link the cargo to autophagosomal me
95           Selective autophagy is mediated by cargo receptors that link the cargo to the isolation mem
96 tophagy and compare the "eat-me" signals and cargo receptors that mediate autophagy of bacteria and b
97 raditionally, they had been regarded as mere cargo receptors that promote the endocytosis and lysosom
98 Cargo specificity is conferred by autophagic cargo receptors that selectively link the cargo to the a
99 of Muclin fulfils the requirement of a Golgi cargo receptor to bind to regulated secretory proteins u
100 r has evolved to antagonize a host autophagy cargo receptor to counteract host defenses.
101 ecognized by specialized secretory autophagy cargo receptor TRIM16 and that this receptor interacts w
102                            These include the cargo receptor UNC-33/CRMP2, the cargo adaptor protein U
103 ins of members of the p24 family of putative cargo receptors were shown to bind to coatomer, the coat
104 ditional cargo diversity is achieved through cargo receptors, which include the Erv14/Cornichon famil

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