


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the fatty acid transport molecule palmitoyl carnitine.
2 respectively (P<0.05), but did not change in Carnitine.
3              Proposed to study intravenous L-carnitine.
4  as four vitamins, uric acid, creatine and l-carnitine.
5 nvulsants (topiramate), coenzyme Q-10, and L-carnitine.
6 odes the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of carnitine.
7 d study consisted of oral ingestion of 3 g l-carnitine.
8 pecies, acetylcarnitine and 3-hydroxybutyryl-carnitine.
9 t of imTG, imNEFA-palmitate and im-palmitoyl-carnitine.
10 sed serum concentrations of lysine and C10:2 carnitine.
11 fection or by dietary supplementation with l-carnitine.
12 al hydroxylation step in the biosynthesis of carnitine.
13 d decreased levels of circulating fatty acyl-carnitines.
14 roved in both arms compared with baseline (L-carnitine: -0.96, 95% CI, -1.32 to -0.60; placebo: -1.11
15 aurine, formate, citrate, 3-indoxyl sulfate, carnitine, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate, TMAO and acetate) and 8
16                          3-Hydroxyisovaleryl carnitine (3HIA-carnitine) increases in response to the
17  plasma concentration of 3-hydroxyisovaleryl carnitine (3HIA-carnitine) results from impairment in th
18 80 g carbohydrate (Control, n=6) or 1.36 g L-carnitine + 80 g carbohydrate (Carnitine, n=6).
19 droxybutyryl-carnitine, decreased isovaleryl-carnitine (a leucine catabolite), and decreased tricarbo
20 , which play a role in brain development, 3) carnitine, a conditionally essential nutrient with an im
21                                            L-carnitine, a popular complementary and alternative medic
22 bolism by intestinal microbiota of dietary L-carnitine, a trimethylamine abundant in red meat, also p
23 equired to stimulate insulin-mediated muscle carnitine accretion.
24 hydrate+protein could inhibit chronic muscle carnitine accumulation.
25 produced by the mitochondrial matrix enzyme, carnitine acetyltransferase (CrAT).
26                                              Carnitine acetyltransferase catalyzes the reversible con
27  resonance spectroscopy to determine whether carnitine acetyltransferase facilitates carbohydrate oxi
28 ing the olefinic partner, the synthesis of a carnitine acetyltransferase inhibitor, which contains a
29 al acetyl-CoA from pyruvate dehydrogenase to carnitine acetyltransferase.
30                           We determined that carnitine acyl-carnitine translocase (CACT; Slc25a20) is
31 9, previously reported to be a mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine- or ornithine-like carrier, has
32 :0, C16:0) or with palmitate with or without carnitine acyltransferase inhibition by mildronate.
33 CoA-dependent enzymes that also includes the carnitine acyltransferases CrAT, CrOT, and CPTs.
34                                     Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is a natural compound involved in neuron
35                       We noted that acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC, a cofactor of cPT1 and cPT2) prevented t
36 nist AICAR or the antioxidant agent acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR) restored SIRT3 expression and activity
37                                 Standardized carnitine along with 65 synthesized, standardized acylca
38 ites from a range of chemical classes (e.g., carnitines, alpha-amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, pho
39 ort and oxidation of long chain fatty acids, carnitine also functions as an acyl group acceptor that
40                         The determination of carnitine and acyl-carnitines can provide important info
41                                              Carnitine and acylcarnitines were not transported by SLC
42                      Twelve weeks of daily l-carnitine and carbohydrate feeding in humans increases s
43        Here we determined the influence of L-carnitine and carbohydrate feeding on energy metabolism,
44  dietary phosphatidylcholine, choline, and L-carnitine and CVD risk.
45   Several new functions or metabolic uses of carnitine and improvements in assessment of carnitine st
46  of PCoA concentration, in the presence of L-carnitine and malate, were performed.
47 ntation of higher- vs lower-molecular-weight carnitine and phosphatidylcholine family members in spec
48 al efficiently identifies the best dose of L-carnitine and provides clear guidance regarding whether
49  with improved tissue and systemic levels of carnitine and short chain acylcarnitine, increased beta-
50 mitochondrial biomarkers (lactate, pyruvate, carnitine and ubiquinone) were significantly different b
51 -cells led to the accumulation of fatty acyl-carnitines and enhanced IS.
52 ylcarnitines glutaryl carnitine, octenedioyl carnitine, and adipoyl carnitine (median change, 6.19 [-
53 lin sensitivity, we identified C22:1-CoA, C2-carnitine, and C16-ceramide as the best classifiers.
54 for discriminating choline, acetylcholine, L-carnitine, and glycine betaine effectively.The choline-b
55 aline, proline, serine, histidine, creatine, carnitine, and suberylglycine were identified as possibl
56 nary ammonium compounds such as stachydrine, carnitine, and trimethylglycine.
57 cluding those of the organic cation, organic carnitine, and unknown substrate transporter subfamilies
58 h as phospholipids, amino acids, bile acids, carnitines, and fatty acids and their derivatives.
59 ds, ceramide phosphates, sterol lipids, acyl carnitines, and glycerides) being detected in rat liver
60  preliminary evidence validating plasma 3HIA-carnitine as a novel biomarker of biotin deficiency in h
61 lighting the potential value of supplemental carnitine as a therapy and diagnostic tool for metabolic
62                                       Plasma carnitine AUC was greater after carbohydrate+protein con
63                                       Plasma carnitine AUC was greater after carbohydrate+protein con
64 ngs strongly support the premise that muscle carnitine availability is a primary regulator of fuel se
65  data firmly support the premise that muscle carnitine availability is a primary regulator of fuel se
66     Serum insulin concentration, net forearm carnitine balance (NCB; arterialized-venous and venous p
67     The insulin-mediated increase in forearm carnitine balance with carbohydrate consumption was acut
68 gulating thermogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and carnitine biosynthesis and transport.
69 X chromosome and encodes the first enzyme in carnitine biosynthesis, 6-N-trimethyllysine dioxygenase.
70  role as an enzyme cofactor for collagen and carnitine biosynthesis.
71 ction, secondary metabolism (fragrance), and carnitine biosynthesis.
72  esters and diminished hepatic expression of carnitine biosynthetic genes.
73           Rates of pyruvate and palmitoyl-DL-carnitine (both including malate) ROS production were si
74 thod for the determination of free and total carnitine, butyrobetaine, and acylcarnitines is presente
75  over 12 weeks in Control, they increased in Carnitine by 20%, 200% and 6%, respectively (P<0.05).
76 l circumstances because quantitation of 3HIA-carnitine by this method has several technical advantage
77                          Dietary intake of L-carnitine can promote cardiovascular diseases in humans
78      The determination of carnitine and acyl-carnitines can provide important information about inher
79 ncluding phosphatidylcholine, choline, and L-carnitine, can enter into a microbial metabolic pathway
80 e determination of the concentration of free carnitine, carnitine esters and the carnitine precursors
81 duce its precursor trimethylamine (TMA) from carnitine, choline, or choline-containing compounds.
82 obetaine antiporter belonging to the betaine/carnitine/choline transporter family of secondary transp
83 improvements were noted in some studies with carnitine, co-enzyme Q10 and B-vitamins.
84                         The mean plasma 3HIA-carnitine concentration increased with depletion (P < 0.
85      These results indicate that plasma 3HIA-carnitine concentration increases with biotin deficiency
86 tine during storage suggest that plasma 3HIA-carnitine concentration is likely to be a useful indicat
87                                  Plasma 3HIA-carnitine concentrations were greater than the upper lim
88 abolism, divergences in free fatty acids and carnitine conjugated lipid levels, and altered beta-oxid
89  gain in the rat, whereas it depleted muscle carnitine content (all moieties), increased whole-body c
90 ompared to control, meldonium depleted total carnitine content (all P < 0.001), reduced carnitine tra
91                   Increasing skeletal muscle carnitine content represents an appealing intervention i
92 A content was 65% lower, and long-chain acyl-carnitine content was 80 to 90% lower.
93 ng in humans increases skeletal muscle total carnitine content, and prevents body mass accrual associ
94 n nonvegetarians to maintain a normal tissue carnitine content.
95 s a homotrimeric antiporter that exchanges l-carnitine (CRN) with gamma-butyrobetaine (GBB) across th
96 oncentrations, increased beta-hydroxybutyryl-carnitine, decreased isovaleryl-carnitine (a leucine cat
97 uding fructose intolerance, xanthinuria, and carnitine deficiency.
98     A separate analysis of patients who were carnitine-deficient at baseline did not show statistical
99  then demonstrate that cntAB is essential in carnitine degradation to TMA.
100 ough the impact of meldonium-mediated muscle carnitine depletion on whole-body fuel selection, and mu
101 is and tissue uptake, although the impact of carnitine depletion on whole-body fuel selection, muscle
102 ctions and pathways strongly associated with carnitine depletion were identified.
103  TMAO levels in mice fed a high-choline or L-carnitine diet.
104  (NCB; arterialized-venous and venous plasma carnitine difference x brachial artery flow), and carnit
105   Consistent with this prediction whole body carnitine diminution was identified as a common feature
106 tine difference x brachial artery flow), and carnitine disappearance (Rd) and appearance (Ra) rates w
107 that the pooled estimate is independent of L-carnitine dose (slope: -0.30; 95% CI: -4.19, 3.59; p = 0
108 nts in assessment of carnitine status impact carnitine dosing recommendations.
109                                              Carnitine dosing will likely be customized for patients
110 le volume requirement, and stability of 3HIA-carnitine during storage suggest that plasma 3HIA-carnit
111                            The addition of l-carnitine enabled the metabolic channeling of acyl-CoA t
112 ositive effect, thus chiral recognition of l-carnitine enantiomers is extremely important in biologic
113 predicted to occur via a putative (18)F-FPIA carnitine-ester.
114 tion of the concentration of free carnitine, carnitine esters and the carnitine precursors is require
115 d muscle total carnitine (P < 0.001) and all carnitine esters.
116 s and tissue uptake, and accelerates urinary carnitine excretion, although the impact of meldonium-me
117 y and type 2 diabetes but requires chronic L-carnitine feeding on a daily basis in a high-carbohydrat
118 ting mitochondrial membrane potential with l-carnitine-fostered dendrite at the expense of synapse fo
119 maintained by biosynthesis and absorption of carnitine from the diet.
120 er, vegetarians obtain negligible amounts of carnitine from their diet.
121  transporter (CaiT) is an ion-independent, l-carnitine/gamma-butyrobetaine antiporter belonging to th
122                                              Carnitine has been investigated in many biochemical, pha
123                                              Carnitine has one asymmetric carbon giving two stereoiso
124  the CBS domain of the ATPase subunit of the carnitine importer OpuC.
125 loped and published for the determination of carnitine in foods, dietary supplements, pharmaceutical
126       In conclusion, increasing muscle total carnitine in healthy humans can modulate muscle metaboli
127 LC-MS/MS method for the quantitation of 3HIA-carnitine in plasma and present preliminary evidence val
128 nts of phosphatidylcholines, oleic acid, and carnitine in plasma, possibly reflecting a higher intake
129  retention observed after a single dose of l-carnitine in vegetarians was not attributable to increas
130 ocortisone did not affect the levels of acyl carnitines in either group.
131                    Furthermore, fasting acyl carnitines in obese TG mice were decreased, indicating t
132 lso were uncoupled when exposed to palmitoyl-carnitine, in part as a result of increased reactive oxy
133            For each subject, the plasma 3HIA-carnitine increased approximately 3-fold from Study Day
134 ine whether the plasma concentration of 3HIA-carnitine increases significantly in marginal biotin def
135          3-Hydroxyisovaleryl carnitine (3HIA-carnitine) increases in response to the decreased activi
136 -carnitine infusion with hyperinsulinemia, l-carnitine infusion in the presence or absence of hyperin
137 5% increase (P < 0.05) in muscle TC during l-carnitine infusion with hyperinsulinemia, l-carnitine in
138 xcretion was 55% less in vegetarians after l-carnitine ingestion.
139                      These results implicate carnitine insufficiency and reduced CrAT activity as rev
140            Accordingly, we hypothesized that carnitine insufficiency might contribute to mitochondria
141  nondysmorphic autism; that abnormalities of carnitine intake, loss, transport, or synthesis may be i
142  muscle TC and reduced capacity to transport carnitine into muscle than do nonvegetarians, possibly b
143 responsible for transporting long-chain acyl-carnitines into the mitochondria for beta-oxidation.
144 tions of taurine (a major organic osmolyte), carnitine (involved in fatty acid transport), and two ma
145                                            l-Carnitine is a vitamin-like amino acid derivative, which
146     These studies provide evidence that 3HIA-carnitine is an early and sensitive indicator of margina
147 are confirmed in larger studies, plasma 3HIA-carnitine is likely to be an important indicator of biot
148 IS, showing that beta-oxidation of palmitoyl-carnitine is not required for its stimulation of IS.
149 oline, phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), and l-carnitine, is elevated in chronic kidney diseases (CKD)
150 ive, rapidly acting antidepressant, acetyl-l-carnitine (LAC) in the drinking water opposed the direct
151 modulating histone acetylation with acetyl-L-carnitine (LAC) or acetyl-N-cysteine (NAC) rapidly incre
152  an epigenetic and energetic agent, acetyl-l-carnitine (LAC, oral administration), rapidly rescued th
153 lucose, glycogen, leucine, valine, creatine, carnitine, lactate, nucleosides) were increased.
154                                            l-Carnitine (LC) exerts beneficial effects in arterial hyp
155                                        Serum carnitine level increased with ALC but remained stable w
156                           The octadecadienyl carnitine level was higher in HBV-associated cirrhosis g
157                                     Plasma L-carnitine levels in subjects undergoing cardiac evaluati
158 nd metabolism in the TCA cycle, amino acids, carnitine, lipids, and bile acids.
159                However, whereas muscle total carnitine, long-chain acyl-CoA and whole-body energy exp
160 arnitine, octenedioyl carnitine, and adipoyl carnitine (median change, 6.19 [-3.37 to 14.18], 2.72 [-
161 ng-chain acylcarnitine metabolite (palmitoyl carnitine; median change, 7.83 [-5.64 to 26.99]; false d
162  period, which is entirely consistent with a carnitine-mediated increase in muscle long-chain acyl-gr
163 -dependent regulation of CACT and fatty acyl-carnitine-mediated regulation of IS.
164            In order to get more insight into carnitine metabolism and synthesis, a sensitive analysis
165 ated gene cluster proposed to be involved in carnitine metabolism in representative genomes of the hu
166 sis and glycerophospholipid metabolism and L-carnitine metabolism in the development of CRF.
167     These data suggest that dysregulation of carnitine metabolism may be important in nondysmorphic a
168 ular and biochemical mechanisms underpinning carnitine metabolism to TMA in human microbiota and assi
169 l group of Rieske-type proteins in microbial carnitine metabolism.
170  number of available Lp(a)-targeted drugs, L-carnitine might be an effective alternative to effective
171 ) or 1.36 g L-carnitine + 80 g carbohydrate (Carnitine, n=6).
172 d miR-378*, previous studies have implicated carnitine O-acetyltransferase and MED13 in metabolic syn
173      Among the many targets of these miRNAs, carnitine O-acetyltransferase, a mitochondrial enzyme in
174 terminal domain with significant homology to carnitine O-acyltransferase (cAT).
175 egulation of fatty acid oxidation, including carnitine O-octaniltransferase, carnitine palmitoyltrans
176  diphosphate (d), succinate (S) and octanoyl carnitine (O) were one- to twofold higher in eWAT of old
177 hort-chain dicarboxylacylcarnitines glutaryl carnitine, octenedioyl carnitine, and adipoyl carnitine
178           We aimed to assess the impact of L-carnitine on plasma Lp(a) concentrations through systema
179  dietary supplementation with TMAO or either carnitine or choline reduced in vivo reverse cholesterol
180  This is associated with increased palmitoyl-carnitine oxidation and increased reactive oxygen specie
181  to control, meldonium depleted muscle total carnitine (P < 0.001) and all carnitine esters.
182                                      Maximal carnitine palmitolytransferase 1 (CPT1) activity remaine
183 g mitochondrial biogenesis and expression of carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT1a), a metabolic enz
184 carboxylase, up-regulated gene expression of carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1, and down-regulated st
185 D36 and fatty acid mitochondrial transporter carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1.
186                                  Because the carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1a (CPT1a) is a protein
187 the expression of the fatty-acid transporter carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1c, which was recently l
188 pertrophied hearts coincides with a shift of carnitine palmitoyl transferase I from muscle to increas
189                            Acutely increased carnitine palmitoyl transferase I in normal rodent heart
190 key genes of fatty acid oxidation, including carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1, and the integral tran
191 cid beta-oxidation due to down-regulation of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-II (CPT-II), decreased a
192          Mutation in the neuronal isoform of carnitine palmitoyl-transferase (CPT1C) gene.
193 6 on mitochondrial acylcarnitine carrier and carnitine-palmitoyl-transferase 1 gene expression, two k
194 tradiol inhibited hypothalamic expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT1a and CPT1c) and pyr
195 iminished the T(3) induction of the Pdk4 and carnitine palmitoyltransferase (Cpt1a) genes.
196      We reported that T(3) induces genes for carnitine palmitoyltransferase (cpt1a), pyruvate dehydro
197  complex I was associated with a decrease in carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (cPT1) and cPT2 levels.
198                                   The enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1), which is anchor
199 ated with changes in ACSL1 (R(2) = 0.39) and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (R(2) = 0.30) expressio
200 nthase, acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase 2, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 alpha) in both WT and A
201 phorylated acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 in the liver.
202 ated receptor alpha and induction of hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1, suggesting increased e
203 , cg01082498, and cg09737197) in intron 1 of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) were strongly
204 onent of mitochondrial fatty acid transport, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), as a direct H
205 e in malonyl-CoA levels and desinhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), which increas
206 cy of NOX4 resulted in reduced expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), which is a ke
207 ation of transmembrane domain 2 (TM2) of rat carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (rCPT1A), to elucidate
208 metabolism genes acyl coenzyme A oxidase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A in livers of alcohol-f
209 hosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and CPT-1a (carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a) genes.
210                                       CPT1a (carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a) in the liver mitochon
211 n, including carnitine O-octaniltransferase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A, hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehyd
212 tor-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1alpha (CPT1alpha).
213 oactivator 1alpha, uncoupling protein 1, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1alpha, were increased by
214  malonyl-CoA with simultaneous inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b and 2) catalyze the pa
215 in amino acids (BCAA) and fatty acids (e.g., carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1B).
216                   The brain-specific isoform carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C (CPT1C) has been impli
217  of the constituents of the AMPAR complex is carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C (CPT1C), a brain-speci
218 tochondrial long-chain fatty acid oxidation, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 (CPT2), on muscle and h
219 t in the heart, but the liver isoform (liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase I [L-CPT1]) is elevated i
220                                       Muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase I is predominant in the h
221 Adv.cmv.L-CPT1 infusion (P<0.05), but muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase I was unaffected.
222                        Finally, knockdown of carnitine palmitoyltransferase IA in an AML patient-deri
223             Remarkably, 30 does not activate carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT-1) nor induces in
224                                              Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT1) is a rate-limiti
225 quent treatment of mice for 4 weeks with the carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 inhibitor, oxfenicine (
226             Using a skeletal muscle-specific carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 KO model, we show that
227                                   Similarly, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 was inhibited after rep
228 lcohol-induced liver injury due to increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, phosphorylated 5'AMP-a
229 imiting for glucose oxidation and suppresses carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1B (CPT-1B), a key enzyme
230 nction and altered lipid metabolism and that carnitine palmitoyltransferases (CPT) have a major role
231 the metabolic channeling of acyl-CoA through carnitine palmitoyltransferases (CPT-1/2) and attenuated
232 ty, namely choline/phosphatidylcholine and L-carnitine, participate in the development of atheroscler
233  of nondysmorphic autism cases; and that the carnitine pathway may provide a novel target for therapy
234 tine supplementation resulted in significant carnitine plasma level increase by week 4.
235                               The endogenous carnitine pool in humans is maintained by biosynthesis a
236                           ABSTRACT: The body carnitine pool is primarily confined to skeletal muscle,
237              Ninety-five percent of the body carnitine pool resides in skeletal muscle where it plays
238  of free carnitine, carnitine esters and the carnitine precursors is required.
239 hepatic amino acid, fatty acid, taurine, and carnitine profiles.
240 (enriched in fat, phosphatidylcholine, and L-carnitine) promote inflammation and atherosclerosis thro
241        The addition of long-chain fatty acyl-carnitines promoted IS from rat insulinoma beta-cells (I
242                           Uric acid (urate), carnitine, prostaglandins, conjugated sex steroids, cGMP
243                     Recent evidence suggests carnitine requirements increase under conditions of sust
244                                   Diminished carnitine reserves in muscle of obese rats was accompani
245 ation of 3-hydroxyisovaleryl carnitine (3HIA-carnitine) results from impairment in the leucine catabo
246                 Thus, the greater whole-body carnitine retention observed after a single dose of l-ca
247  the acyl-CoA cosubstrate specificity in the carnitine series.
248                 Nutrition supplementation of carnitine should be 2-5 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1) and be adm
249             Pharmacologic supplementation of carnitine should be 50-100 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1) and be
250 at levels of import of the compatible solute carnitine show an inverse correlation with intracellular
251 ntial nutrient with an important role in the carnitine shuttle for the metabolism of fatty acids and
252 1 gene expression, two key components of the carnitine shuttle system, were also investigated, allowi
253 re transporter CbcWV also interacts with the carnitine-specific SBP CaiX (K(m), 24 microM) and the be
254 tryptic digest of bovine serum albumin and a carnitine standard mixture.
255 felong (12 month) high fat diet, compromised carnitine status corresponded with increased skeletal mu
256  carnitine and improvements in assessment of carnitine status impact carnitine dosing recommendations
257  A nonhydrolyzable ether analog of palmitoyl-carnitine stimulated IS, showing that beta-oxidation of
258 ans was not attributable to increased muscle carnitine storage.
259 tabolites derived from dietary choline and L-carnitine, such as trimethylamine N-oxide and betaine, h
260 ficant reduction of Lp(a) levels following L-carnitine supplementation (WMD: -8.82 mg/dL, 95% CI: -10
261 his study was to determine the efficacy of L-carnitine supplementation as a treatment for fatigue in
262                             One week of oral carnitine supplementation conferred partial metabolic re
263                       Four weeks of 2 g of L-carnitine supplementation did not improve fatigue in pat
264                            Chronic dietary L-carnitine supplementation in mice altered cecal microbia
265 s were randomly assigned to treatment with L-carnitine supplementation or placebo.
266                                            L-carnitine supplementation resulted in significant carnit
267 normalities were reversed by 8 weeks of oral carnitine supplementation, in concert with increased tis
268 ovement in fatigue or other outcomes after L-carnitine supplementation.
269 date the clinical value and safety of oral L-carnitine supplementation.
270 gests a significant Lp(a) lowering by oral L-carnitine supplementation.
271 hearts, OXPHOS gene expression and palmitoyl-carnitine-supported mitochondrial function were reduced
272 2-trimethylhydrazinium)-propionate) inhibits carnitine synthesis and tissue uptake, although the impa
273    KEY POINTS: Meldonium inhibits endogenous carnitine synthesis and tissue uptake, and accelerates u
274 ) mice with mildronate, a drug that inhibits carnitine synthesis, eliminates acylcarnitines and impro
275                           Basal plasma total carnitine (TC) concentration, 24-h urinary TC excretion,
276 biota are responsible for TMA formation from carnitine, the underpinning molecular and biochemical me
277 and for monitoring the biochemical effect of carnitine therapy.
278 olved in cardiac metabolism: coenzyme Q10, l-carnitine, thiamine, and amino acids, including taurine.
279 gans or vegetarians following ingestion of L-carnitine through a microbiota-dependent mechanism.
280 rial design for evaluating the addition of L-carnitine to the treatment of vasopressor-dependent sept
281            We determined that carnitine acyl-carnitine translocase (CACT; Slc25a20) is a direct targe
282                             In contrast, the carnitine transporter (CaiT) is an ion-independent, l-ca
283  TC excretion, muscle TC content, and muscle carnitine transporter [organic cation transporter 2 (OCT
284 l carnitine content (all P < 0.001), reduced carnitine transporter protein and glycogen content, and
285                            Meldonium reduced carnitine transporter protein expression across muscles
286         We identified a choline, betaine and carnitine transporter, designated Cbc, from Pseudomonas
287 eramide phosphoethanolamines, sphingomyelin, carnitines, tyrosine derivates and panthothenic acid.
288         We tested the hypothesis that muscle carnitine uptake is elevated in vegetarians compared wit
289                                CaiX-mediated carnitine uptake was reduced by CbcX and BetX only when
290  approximately 170 mU/L; to stimulate muscle carnitine uptake) or at a fasting concentration ( approx
291 ating to fuel metabolism were upregulated in Carnitine vs. Control after 12 weeks, with 'insulin sign
292 ondrial respiration supported by palmitoyl-l-carnitine was significantly lower in POAF patients and r
293                Plasma concentrations of 3HIA-carnitine were measured on days 0, 14, 28, 35, and 50 by
294 mate and the fatty acid derivative palmitoyl-carnitine were observed.
295  the dopamine pathway, protein kinase A, and carnitines were found to be involved in the regulation o
296 tidylcholines, two diglycerides and two acyl-carnitines were significantly altered in AAI treated rat
297  which play a role in brain development; low carnitine, which is essential for beta-oxidation of fatt
298 conversion of gamma butyrobetaine (GBB) to l-carnitine, which is involved in the generation of metabo
299 consisted of a 5-h intravenous infusion of l-carnitine while circulating insulin was maintained at a
300 .29, -7.72, p < 0.001) but not intravenous L-carnitine (WMD: -2.91 mg/dL, 95% CI: -10.22, 4.41, p = 0

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