


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt in many angiosperms during genesis of the carpel.
2 ate stigmatic crests are conspicuous on each carpel.
3 plants is the female reproductive organ, the carpel.
4 egg cells are buried within the ovary of the carpel.
5 ation of petals into sepals and stamens into carpels.
6 nversions of petals to sepals and stamens to carpels.
7 l sepal-petal-stamens and fourth whorl sepal-carpels.
8 ), a gene that specifies abaxial identity in carpels.
9 ers consisting almost entirely of sepals and carpels.
10 uired for development of petals, stamens and carpels.
11  from a gynoecium that consists of two fused carpels.
12 apacity to make branches and result in extra carpels.
13 ally to ensure proper differentiation of the carpels.
14 orls of stamens, and an indefinite number of carpels.
15 uced organs in place of petals, stamens, and carpels.
16 ivity also results in an increased number of carpels.
17 the formation of specific tissues in ectopic carpels.
18 e fourth (innermost) whorl is made up of two carpels.
19 gions produced flowers with more stamens and carpels.
20 ttern of 5 sepals, 5 petals 5 stamens, and 2 carpels.
21 rs have 4 sepals, 4 petals, 6 stamens, and 2 carpels.
22 nd more than five spirally arranged separate carpels.
23  hundreds of individual apocarpous (unfused) carpels.
24 sions of petals into sepals and stamens into carpels.
25 stamens and staminodia were transformed into carpels.
26 nt in anthers and pollen tube passage in the carpels.
27 ls, and a perianth distinct from stamens and carpels.
28  three whorls of sepals surrounding abnormal carpels.
29  produces flowers comprising only sepals and carpels.
30 hibit supernumerary stamens but usually lack carpels.
31 nto female gametophyte-bearing organs termed carpels.
32 edundantly with other factors in stamens and carpels.
33 meristems, and within developing stamens and carpels.
34 tem to be maintained after the production of carpels.
35 vity and promotes development of stamens and carpels.
36                   Specifically, we show that carpel abortion acts downstream of organ identity and re
37 derived aspects of maize flower development: carpel abortion and floral asymmetry.
38 y, including the evolution of the angiosperm carpel and anatropous bitegmic ovule.
39 ling, globulin expression, fruit dehiscence, carpel and epidermal development.
40           Although the processes involved in carpel and fruit morphogenesis are not well understood,
41 y homology to CRABS CLAW, a gene involved in carpel and nectary development in Arabidopsis.
42 elopment and that SYD is required for proper carpel and ovule development.
43 red for organ formation during embryo, leaf, carpel and ovule development.
44 rm radiations are identified: (i) the closed carpel and showy radially symmetrical flower, (ii) the b
45 um majus, predominantly in vascular tissues, carpels and anthers.
46 that bnq3 mutants have pale-green sepals and carpels and decreased chlorophyll levels, suggesting tha
47 hat has homeotic conversions of stamens into carpels and lodicules into palea/lemma-like structures.
48 floral meristems, and in developing stamens, carpels and ovules.
49 s did show cell abnormalities in stamens and carpels and produced extremely small fruit-like organs d
50               Female flowers have five fused carpels and ten arrested stamen primordia.
51 pe with respect to both primary (stamens and carpels) and secondary (petals) sexual traits.
52 exclusively expressed in leaves, stamens and carpels, and briefly in petal primordia.
53 eed yield include short filaments, defective carpels, and dysfunctional pollen grains.
54 ired for abaxial identity in both leaves and carpels, and encodes a nuclear-localized protein in the
55 lant sexual reproduction because stamens and carpels are absent from ag mutant flowers.
56                             These individual carpels are arranged in a spiral pattern on the subtendi
57                                              Carpels are essential for sexual plant reproduction beca
58 hich homeotic transformations from sepals to carpels are found in flowers derived from old terminatin
59                 The margins of the two fused carpels are meristematic in nature and give rise to plac
60 ering plants, the sexual organs (stamens and carpels) are composed almost entirely of somatic cells,
61 ans (integuments) and a model that considers carpels as analogs of complex leaves.
62 unction during the maturation of stamens and carpels, as well as in their early development.
63 ith one additional petal, sepal, stamen, and carpel at each of the four whorls, respectively, thus un
64 nd found to be a ridge with the fourth whorl carpels at the summit and the first whorl transverse sep
65 are required to specify petals, stamens, and carpels because these organs are converted into sepals i
66 ressed early in floral development, controls carpel cell number, and has a sequence suggesting struct
67 , which also affects the formation of stamen-carpel chimera due to fon1 mutations.
68  grains that contain male gametes, while the carpels contain the ovules that when fertilized will pro
69 etals and stamens are missing and sepals and carpels develop in their place.
70 lopment, C-genes are required for stamen and carpel development and floral determinacy, and D-genes w
71                                Activation of carpel development by STM is independent of LEAFY and WU
72 form crucial functions specifying stamen and carpel development in the flower and controlling late fr
73 (Ts6) and tasselseed4 (ts4) mutations permit carpel development in the tassel while increasing merist
74 ts shown here of light quality perception on carpel development lead us to speculate on the potential
75 t the phenotype is either independent of the carpel development program or that fdh-1 mutations activ
76  is provided by the restoration of wild-type carpel development to spt mutants by low red/far-red lig
77 al function of CRC lies in the regulation of carpel development, it may have been co-opted as a regul
78 loral C-function, which specifies stamen and carpel development, played a pivotal role in the evoluti
79                The essential role for STM in carpel development, together with its previous reported
80 SHP genes are responsible for AG-independent carpel development.
81  inhibited carpel fusion to complete loss of carpel development.
82 of the SAM, and have also been implicated in carpel development.
83 nome-wide expression during early stamen and carpel development.
84 AG activity indicates that an AG-independent carpel-development pathway exists.
85 ets OsETTIN1 and OsETTIN2 redundantly ensure carpel differentiation.
86 tion under short days, adaxialize leaves and carpels, disrupt the phyllotaxis of the inflorescence, a
87 nitially perfect but abort either stamens or carpels during their development, indicating that sex de
88 fication of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) during the early steps of flower development.
89 nct organ types (sepals, petals, stamens and carpels), each of which may be a modified leaf.
90  including defects in petal polar expansion, carpel elongation, and anther and ovule differentiation.
91                   Angiosperms are defined by carpels enclosing ovules, a character demonstrated in th
92                                        Since carpel epidermal derivatives manifest both of these prop
93        In Arabidopsis thaliana, mutations in CARPEL FACTORY (CAF), a Dicer homolog, and those in a no
94                      A new recessive mutant, carpel factory (caf), converts the floral meristems to a
95            The previously described roles of CARPEL FACTORY in the development of Arabidopsis embryos
96 N1, and demonstrate its identity to the CAF (CARPEL FACTORY) gene important for normal flower morphog
97    Mutation of an Arabidopsis Dicer homolog, CARPEL FACTORY, prevents the accumulation of miRNAs, sho
98 f carpel initiation, a phenocopy for loss of CARPEL FACTORY/DICER LIKE1, indicating that miRNA is cri
99 ponent of the spectacular diversification of carpel (flower and fruit) form and reproductive cycles i
100      Here, we characterized floral organs in carpels (foc), an Arabidopsis mutant with a Ds transposo
101                           In addition, extra carpels form in female florets and ovule tissue prolifer
102  rise to a floral phenotype in which ectopic carpels form.
103 ed mechanisms in plant organs that, like the carpel, form within the shade of surrounding tissues.
104 ome overrides female development to suppress carpel formation and promote stamen development.
105 e KNOX gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) induces carpel formation and promotes homeotic conversion of ovu
106  organogenesis and repress key regulators of carpel formation.
107 ding to the previously identified stamen and carpel functions for GRCD1 and GRCD2, two partially redu
108 HEC1 interacts with SPATULA (SPT) to control carpel fusion and that both transcription factors restri
109 formation of placental tissues and inhibited carpel fusion to complete loss of carpel development.
110 are small follicles formed from conduplicate carpels helically arranged.
111 patterns were examined in perianth, stamens, carpel, hypanthial tube and corona tissue.
112 ified previously as regulators of stamen and carpel identities and floral determinacy because the rec
113 required for the specification of stamen and carpel identities and for the proper termination of stem
114                                   Stamen and carpel identities are specified by the combinatorial act
115 dopsis floral meristem to specify stamen and carpel identity and to repress further proliferation of
116 , whose members typically promote stamen and carpel identity as well as floral meristem determinacy.
117 gene and as such ultimately depends upon the carpel identity gene AG for proper gene expression.
118 l feature IbAG appears to specify stamen and carpel identity, but is not sufficient to specify merist
119 ity, stunting or weak transformation towards carpel identity.
120 s to the development of petals, stamens, and carpels in addition to sepals and that it plays an impor
121  perianth in Nuphar, and between stamens and carpels in Persea.
122 ermination occurs through abortion of female carpels in the tassel and arrest of male stamens in the
123  the boundary between stamens in whorl 3 and carpels in whorl 4, as superman mutants exhibit supernum
124 roliferation of numerous petals, stamens and carpels indicating loss of floral determinacy.
125       In flowers, phv1 causes reiteration of carpel initiation, a phenocopy for loss of CARPEL FACTOR
126 r indicate a specific requirement for STM in carpel initiation, as further supported by the loss of l
127 sulted in homeotic conversion of stamens and carpels into sepaloid organs and loss of flower determin
128                                          The carpel is the female reproductive organ of flowering pla
129     In Arabidopsis, congenital fusion of two carpels leads to the formation of an enclosed gynoecium.
130 pidermal cells were ectopically expressing a carpel-like program.
131 ls and petals, and conversion of sepals into carpel-like structures that grew into fruits and ripened
132  that preceded the origin of the true closed carpel, long styles, multiseeded ovaries, and, in monoco
133 gynoecium consists of two congenitally fused carpels made up of two lateral valve domains and two med
134 ere, we show that a mechanism that regulates carpel margin development in the model flowering plant A
135 r double mutants, failed to establish normal carpel margin meristem (CMM) and its derivative tissues,
136 nce meristem (IM), floral meristem (FM), and carpel margin meristem (CMM).
137 iptional insight into the development of the carpel margin meristem in Arabidopsis.
138   In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the carpel margin meristem is a vital meristematic structure
139 of the medial ovary domain that contains the carpel margin meristem, a vital female reproductive stru
140 female reproductive tissues derived from the carpel margin meristem.
141 female reproductive tissues derived from the carpel margin.
142 een leaves and showed green anthers, central carpels, mature pods, and seeds during senescence.
143 ards differing significantly in others, like carpel number and petal length.
144 anscription factor (fasciated) that controls carpel number during flower and/or fruit development.
145 n of adult vegetative traits, an increase in carpel number, and produce abnormal spacing of flowers i
146 ii) AG homologs are expressed in stamens and carpels of most basal angiosperms, in agreement with the
147             On the other hand, the basipetal carpels of the 35S::XAL2 lines lose determinacy and main
148 e homeotic conversion of sepals into petals, carpels, or stamens, depending on the genetic context.
149 horl of sepals surrounding a fourth whorl of carpels, or three whorls of sepals surrounding abnormal
150 ncreased fruit size chiefly due to increased carpel ovary cell number.
151 l somatic sectors were observed in siliques, carpels, petals and sepals while stemlike organs (filame
152 face metabolites of different flower organs (carpels, petals, and sepals) were profiled for the first
153 controlling cell proliferation in stamen and carpel primordia and in ovules during flower development
154 two congenitally fused, laterally positioned carpel primordia bisected by two medially positioned mer
155    AGL1 expression at the tip of the growing carpel primordia, along the margins of the ovary valves
156 ained in stamen primordia, but excluded from carpel primordia, as well as vegetative tissues.
157 S-box family that is expressed in stamen and carpel primordia.
158 o a complex pattern within petal, stamen and carpel primordia.
159 er development, specification of stamens and carpels requires the AGAMOUS gene.
160  to be one half of a sepal and one half of a carpel, respectively.
161 tamens are partially converted to sepals and carpels, respectively.
162 n may be involved in evolutionary control of carpel shape.
163       Female gymnosperm cones and angiosperm carpels share conserved genetic features, which may be a
164 t program or that fdh-1 mutations activate a carpel-specific developmental program downstream of the
165 -dependent manner, suggesting that AGL1 is a carpel-specific gene and as such ultimately depends upon
166 chromosome that is genetically linked to the carpel-suppressing locus.
167 d identify the gene that was affected by the carpel-suppressing mutation that was involved in the evo
168 etermining loci on the Y chromosome, one for carpel suppression, one for early stamen development, an
169 ve similar phenotypes, with more stamens and carpels than either fon1 or clv single mutants.
170 member, display ectopic formation of adaxial carpel tissues only when the functions of other genes, s
171 s the reproductive tract, develop within the carpel to facilitate the journey of the pollen tube.
172 g three whorls of sepals surrounding fertile carpels, two whorls of sepals with a diminished third wh
173 nd promoted the development of supernumerary carpels under water-stress conditions.
174 nd, frequently, the premature rupture of the carpel valves.
175 earing microsporangia of the anthers and the carpel walls of the gynoecium, which enclose the ovules.
176 differentiation of adaxial cell types in the carpel walls, and in the establishment of the correct nu
177 nd promotes homeotic conversion of ovules to carpels when ectopically expressed in flowers, as previo
178 entified transcripts are found in stamens or carpels, whereas few genes are predicted to be expressed
179 in, is involved in maintenance of the stamen/carpel whorl boundary (the boundary between whorl 3 and
180                             In the sepal and carpel whorls the smallest sectors of marked and unmarke
181  embryos resulting from crosses of wild-type carpels with PRL::GUS pollen do not stain and are phenot
182 entric whorls of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels, with each of these floral organ types having a

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