


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  Genome-Wide Association Studies (NHGRI GWAS Catalog).
2  sources in indexed JSON-encoded flat files (catalogs).
3  tens of thousands of functions in the human catalog.
4 criptional alterations are more difficult to catalog.
5 n the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) catalog.
6  the application of INRICH on the NHGRI GWAS catalog.
7 entally obtained, single-base resolution CGI catalog.
8 ized as sunscreens in the Amazon.com, online catalog.
9 d larger than cohorts used for previous gene catalogs.
10  of studies and results than comparable GWAS catalogs.
11 considerably higher quality than in previous catalogs.
12 A that only recently has been identified and cataloged.
13 ts substrate, Gag, have not been extensively cataloged.
14  and doubled the total number of transcripts cataloged.
15 es in which PS ASOs are active, or inactive, cataloged.
16                                      We also cataloged 144 unique phosphopeptides on known OCT4 inter
17 g 2 (Msh2) by mutagenizing, identifying, and cataloging 26 deleterious mutations in 23 amino acids.
18                                           We cataloged 28 Nephila spidroins, representing all known o
19                                           We cataloged 809 polymorphic Alu elements mapping to 1,159
20 a cell lines and two non-myeloma cell lines, cataloging a total of 57 potent multiple myeloma surviva
21 etabolomic speciation, and loadings analysis catalogs a marked change in metabolic phenotype.
22 mutant primary macrophages to systematically catalog all of the genes bound by (cistromes) and transc
23 p://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/viruses/ and catalogs all publicly available virus genome sequences a
24 ition to the SNP-trait association data, the Catalog also publishes a quarterly diagram of all SNP-tr
25 ng novel ways for users to interact with the Catalog and changes to the curation infrastructure.
26 formation Center for Protein Sequence (MIPS) catalog and complexes derived from the Saccharomyces Gen
27                                   This viral catalog and functional analyses provide a necessary foun
28 (GOLD) is a comprehensive online resource to catalog and monitor genetic studies worldwide.
29               This study further expands the catalog and properties of organic salts for inexpensive,
30 tablish a comprehensive antibiotic resistome catalog and to obtain co-occurrence patterns between ARG
31 t the computational level by comprehensively cataloging and characterizing its cellular building bloc
32 e samples reduces the material available for cataloging and introduces a bias toward the earlier stag
33                                       Course catalogs and archival sources show that lectures on ethi
34 n genome-wide significant SNPs from the GWAS catalog, and are also more likely to be tissue specific
35 ession data, Genome-Wide Association Studies catalog, and text-mined knowledge, to discover disease-d
36 cribes how to use the viral protein families catalog ( approximately 7 h) and recommended filters for
37                  Some features of the global catalog are improbable in retrospect, but so are some fe
38  and instructions for creating user-specific catalogs are provided.
39               Complementing the genomic data catalogs are those associated with phenotypes and diseas
40 4), and reclassified 69% of genetic variants cataloged as disease causing in mutation databases to va
41              This variation is rapidly being cataloged at the sequence level, but careful dissection
42           We report that deep sequencing can catalog bacterial species in mixed specimens from which
43  of 3D structures translated into 3D graphs, cataloged based on the connectivity between their second
44  offers several new functions including read cataloging based on genome annotation, optional seed reg
45                                           We catalog binding of TFs at coding genes and microRNA prom
46 c information on tumors from 50 cancer types cataloged by the International Cancer Genome Consortium
47                                          The Catalog can be accessed via a tabular web interface, via
48                                         This catalog can function as a critical addition to the pre-e
49                            We systematically catalog cancer genes and show that genes vary extensivel
50                                           To catalog cell types in an unbiased way, we profiled gene
51 ls have provided the tantalizing prospect of cataloging cell type diversity and developmental dynamic
52 ents, making it suitable for discovering and cataloging chromosomal translocations associated with sp
53 Med, Web of Science, Embase and the NIH GWAS catalog complemented by data extraction from pre-existin
54                                          The catalog contains 93% of a Lingulodinium EST dataset depo
55                                         This catalog contains more genome-wide significant eQTLs per
56 ng PennCNV, an algorithm for identifying and cataloging copy numbers for individuals based on a hidde
57                       The range of available Catalog data has also been extended with structured ance
58 be used to predict earthquakes starting from catalog data.
59                              Protein cluster cataloging defined pelagic upper-ocean viral community p
60                                       HippDB catalogs every protein-protein interaction whose structu
61                      Initial optimization by catalog followed by iterative parallel synthesis guided
62 tablished transcriptomes provide a reference catalog for further detailed studies on human spermatoge
63 es and alleles and serves as a comprehensive catalog for mouse models of human disease.
64 and validated a prototypic reverse diagnosis catalog for the MMR gene MutS Homolog 2 (Msh2) by mutage
65 ovide an online conditional cis eQTL mapping catalog for whole blood, which can be used to lookup eQT
66                                     Existing catalogs for the human gut microbiome are based on sampl
67 ta Release 24 (Q1-Q17 DR24) planet candidate catalog from NASA's Kepler mission, specifically compari
68                                      Several catalogs from commonly used annotation sources and instr
69  the number of genome-wide significant loci, catalog functional insights, and enhance our understandi
70                                      In eQTL catalogs, gene expression is often strongly associated w
71 lar to the human gut microbiome, >99% of the cataloged genes are bacterial.
72                                              Cataloging genes expressed in Acropora palmata, a founda
73  collaborative studies around the globe have cataloged genomic and epigenomic alterations in gliomas
74 ntrast, whole-genome sequencing reproducibly cataloged genomic variants (131,424 different single nuc
75                                          The catalog has a high reliability rate (85-90% averaged ove
76                           The NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog has provided data from published genome-wide ass
77 le eQTL (expression quantitative trait loci) catalogs have become available that can help understand
78 3 probands (69.6%) presented with previously cataloged human genetic disorders and/or defined CNV hot
79 From this we established the integrated gene catalog (IGC) comprising 9,879,896 genes.
80                                The resulting catalog illustrates the diversity of sensory types and t
81           Here, we analyze the Japan seismic catalog in natural time from January 1, 1984 to March 11
82 Much work remains to complete the mutational catalog in primary tumors and across the natural history
83 s and term relations that were initially not cataloged in GO, a number of which have now been added b
84    Expression of an oncogenic mutant of GIV (cataloged in TCGA) that cannot be phosphorylated by AMPK
85 5) to the enzyme reannotation of 396 genomes cataloged in the ENSEMBL database.
86 lysis, and the final autopsy report were all cataloged in the Johns Hopkins Post-mortem CIED Registry
87                 When applied to the IGC gene catalogs in human gut microbiome ( approximately 10M gen
88                                          The Catalog includes 1751 curated publications of 11 912 SNP
89                                         This catalog includes all previously identified glomerular co
90                                          The catalog includes close-to-complete sets of genes for mos
91 data from the literature and our joint study catalog includes data from over 100 studies in 11 organi
92 sents a number of recent improvements to the Catalog, including novel ways for users to interact with
93 ntestinal microbiota has begun to shift from cataloging individual members of the commensal community
94  decomposition of a cancer genome's mutation catalog into mutations consistent with such signatures c
95                           The genome feature catalog is generated by the integration of computational
96 quently, the completeness of a species' gene catalog is measured using a set of marker genes that are
97  A large part of functional genomics' public catalogs is based on ChIP-seq data.
98  STITCH and STRING are sister databases that catalog known and predicted drug-protein interactions an
99 nted by functional information from the GWAS Catalog, libraries of transcription factor binding sites
100    The results provide the first genome-wide catalog linking gene promoters to their long-range inter
101 Distinct differences in the cellular protein catalog may reflect the dynamic role and high energy req
102 f 99 individuals from present-day Lebanon to catalog modern Levantine genetic diversity.
103 Transcriptomic analysis of these neurons now catalogs molecules involved in signaling and ectosome bi
104 e we exploited this property to sequence and catalog more than 10 million mutations in the protein-co
105 p to 13 vertices (~260 nucleotides), thereby cataloging more than 10 times as many secondary structur
106 oth within the groups comprising the ~11,200 cataloged morphospecies of eukaryotic plankton and among
107       The field of metabolomics continues to catalog new compounds, but their functional analysis rem
108 diction supported by RNA-seq data produced a catalog of 1703 predicted microRNAs, 18,882 long noncodi
109 ng Project and compared this data set with a catalog of 197 previously published rare variants report
110                         With a comprehensive catalog of 3,915 mammalian EGs, we provide compelling ev
111 mation to create a phased "Platinum" variant catalog of 4.7 million single-nucleotide variants (SNVs)
112 n this study, we present the first reference catalog of 682 high-confidence lncRNAs based on analysis
113 ic effort to produce a comprehensive genomic catalog of all cultured Bacteria and Archaea by sequenci
114 ads to both the human reference genome and a catalog of all possible splicing events developed from t
115 the inclusion of microRNA knockouts to MGD's catalog of alleles and phenotypes, the addition of video
116        In addition, we provide a genome-wide catalog of allelic expression imbalance, which is also e
117                       We generated a genomic catalog of almost 200 LASV sequences from clinical and r
118 the National Human Genome Research Institute catalog of associations to generate instrumental variabl
119 vides links to pathway information, the ZINC catalog of available compounds, and other resources.
120 oupled to the virtually unlimited commercial catalog of available starting materials bodes well for i
121 e sets to produce an automatically generated catalog of biological processes.
122 between protein domains, presents a complete catalog of both structurally resolved and predicted inte
123 way suggests that we are far from a complete catalog of cancer drivers.
124               Finally, we provide OncoNAT, a catalog of cancer-related genes with significant antisen
125              We created the largest existing catalog of canine genome-wide variation and compared it
126      It not only extends the most up to date catalog of circRNAs but also provides a thorough express
127                         These data provide a catalog of copy-number associated gene dependencies and
128 complete genome assembly and creating a full catalog of correctly predicted genes.
129                                          The catalog of dCIN genes presented here provides a candidat
130                         Its legacy will be a catalog of discoveries sufficient for computing planet o
131 s required for moving toward a more complete catalog of disease-related genes and variants.
132                   This study also provides a catalog of diverse exRNAs useful for biomarker discovery
133 l hydrolase, expanding an already impressive catalog of enzymes involved in polysaccharide metabolism
134              Our study provides an annotated catalog of erythroid lncRNAs, readily available through
135 ranscriptome resource and produced the first catalog of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) in
136 ific collaboration to create a comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human genome, and
137  its third phase of creating a comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human genome.
138        These results provide a comprehensive catalog of functional non-coding regulatory variants tha
139                        This study provides a catalog of gene expression changes in human pancreatic i
140 rtium is creating a genome- and phenome-wide catalog of gene function by characterizing new knockout-
141                      MGD maintains a unified catalog of genes and genome features, including function
142              Here we present a comprehensive catalog of genes important for meiosis in the fission ye
143                                         This catalog of genes reveals human orthologs known to be rec
144 es of initiation and provide a comprehensive catalog of genes targeted for silencing by this methyltr
145 (+) cells and true beta cells and provides a catalog of genes whose manipulation may convert hPSC-INS
146 for genes from PHI-base, an expertly curated catalog of genes with experimentally verified pathogenic
147                MGD maintains a comprehensive catalog of genes, functional RNAs and other genome featu
148 biology in the context of knowing the entire catalog of genetic alterations.
149                                 We present a catalog of genetic variants regulating gene expression (
150  investigations by providing a comprehensive catalog of genetic variation.
151              Construction of a near-complete catalog of HERV-T fossils in primate genomes allowed us
152 e data requires a comprehensive, genome-wide catalog of high-confidence variants called in a set of g
153                                To extend the catalog of human core and context-dependent fitness gene
154 ociation Predictions) database, an extensive catalog of human genetic associations mapped to effector
155                              A comprehensive catalog of human immune phenotypes could provide a funct
156          In order to construct an up-to-date catalog of human snoRNAs we have combined data from vari
157                                 Although the catalog of known AS events has grown ever since, novel t
158  sequencing efforts have vastly expanded the catalog of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) with varying e
159                                    While the catalog of mammalian transcripts and their expression le
160                   This provided an extensive catalog of metabolites and their spatiotemporal cobehavi
161                 As a result of the expanding catalog of metagenomic viral sequences, there exists a n
162 ing data from 461 samples into a coordinated catalog of microRNA expression.
163 oject and 1000 Genomes Project resulted in a catalog of millions of single nucleotides and insertion/
164    In conclusion, this work provides a novel catalog of mouse ESCs-expressed lincRNAs with the relati
165                      This study enhances the catalog of multiple sclerosis risk variants and illustra
166                Genome science has achieved a catalog of mutations and informative SNPs.
167                    We generated an extensive catalog of nascent and steady-state transcripts in Arabi
168                                 Overall, our catalog of neuronal subclasses provides new understandin
169                      Furthermore, using this catalog of newly discovered lncRNAs, we show that PAX5,
170 ined with in situ hybridization to develop a catalog of nox1, nox2/cybb, nox5, and duox expression in
171 des, collective studies have unveiled a full catalog of nucleoporins (Nups) that comprise the NPC, st
172 a range of different organisms, to provide a catalog of nucleosome positioning signals in promoters a
173   Our study provides the first comprehensive catalog of parent-of-origin expression status for X-link
174 hies, it is of high importance to generate a catalog of primary cilia proteins.
175 Chip and qPCR, this workflow offers a robust catalog of protein-DNA binding events with improved spat
176  The database of 3D interacting domains is a catalog of protein-protein interactions for which a high
177 tabase of 3D interacting domains (3did) is a catalog of protein-protein interactions for which a high
178 onal Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Catalog of Published Genome-Wide Association Studies (GW
179 the National Human Genome Research Institute Catalog of Published Genome-Wide Association Studies (NH
180 e National Human Genome Research Institute's Catalog of Published Genome-Wide Association Studies ide
181  automated mathematical analysis to derive a catalog of realistic Turing networks.
182 yses of the human gut microbiome depend on a catalog of reference genes.
183                    Achieving a comprehensive catalog of retinal cell types now appears within reach,
184                        These data expand the catalog of Rkr1 substrates and highlight a previously un
185  controlled by an expanding, yet incomplete, catalog of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), many of which la
186 aft sequence makes available a comprehensive catalog of sequence differences between the CB4856 and N
187                    This article introduces a catalog of several hundred free video courses of potenti
188 ural network analyses approach to identify a catalog of small molecules dependent on the colibactin p
189                                 We provide a catalog of SNPs that show high levels of differentiation
190  from short reads, we report a comprehensive catalog of somatic structural variations and the mechani
191 of chromatin states, we uncover an extensive catalog of SOX10 targets genome-wide.
192 sing new genomic technologies, has started a catalog of specific microbiome composition and its corre
193  discovery of a large but previously unknown catalog of splicing variations in human populations.
194                                 We produce a catalog of super-enhancers in a broad range of human cel
195                     We outline the extensive catalog of superlattices prepared to date using hydrocar
196         Using the high-resolution earthquake catalog of Taiwan between Jan 1994 and Feb 2009, we illu
197 could diagnose CMV status from the resulting catalog of TCRbeta sequences with high specificity and s
198                                    Using the catalog of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we developed
199 ovo database, which provides a comprehensive catalog of the DNMs identified in neuropsychiatric disor
200                         To define a complete catalog of the genes that are activated during mouse scl
201             In this mini-review we present a catalog of the molecular machines and an inventory of th
202 is custom chip provides a more comprehensive catalog of the most promising candidate variants by pick
203                             We established a catalog of the mouse gut metagenome comprising approxima
204 types are highly concordant with the current catalog of the National Institute of Standards and Techn
205 cant gains rely on obtaining a comprehensive catalog of the neurons and associated GAL4 lines that ar
206 ification of loci into chromatin types and a catalog of the positions of chromatin loops.
207         We report the compilation of a large catalog of transcription factor-binding sites across Bac
208 mbl gene annotation provides a comprehensive catalog of transcripts aligned to the reference sequence
209                             Using this large catalog of transposed genes, we detected accelerated seq
210                  Collectively, we expand the catalog of ubiquitylation targets in Arabidopsis and sho
211            Assigning functional roles to the catalog of uncharacterized phosphorylation sites is a ke
212                   In this study, we report a catalog of variants detected by a whole exome sequencing
213                          The density of this catalog of variation allowed us to construct high-resolu
214                             More than just a catalog of worldwide genome projects, GOLD is a manually
215 ll types and organisms should accelerate the cataloging of enhancers and understanding how transcript
216 cing of the human genome, and its associated cataloging of human genetic variation and technological
217 ulture in the laboratory, which can confound cataloging of members and understanding of how communiti
218 ng these molecular defects allows an initial cataloging of molecular pathways that lead to hereditary
219                 A challenge to comprehensive cataloging of mosaic mutations and their consequences is
220 iations with variation in the connectome and cataloging of neurophenotypes promise to transform our u
221 ge-scale mutagenization, identification, and cataloging of residues of MMR genes critical for MMR gen
222           We describe recent progress in the cataloging of somatic genetic and genomic alterations, a
223            Recent genome-wide studies in the cataloging of somatic mutations in cancer have identifie
224 racterization of copepod transcripts and the cataloging of the complete set of 79 eukaryotic cytoplas
225                                    A careful cataloging of the genomic alterations and their response
226 onucleotide microsatellites, allowing a full cataloging of the true targets of MSI in colorectal canc
227                                          The cataloging of the vascular plants of the Americas has a
228  applications, not the least of which is the cataloging of variant splice isoforms of protein-coding
229            Despite continual progress in the cataloging of vertebrate regulatory elements, little is
230 arge-scale studies have created genome-scale catalogs of DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs), which d
231   Our results demonstrate that comprehensive catalogs of GxE interactions are indispensable to thorou
232 d indicate the need to develop more complete catalogs of HOCs from various marine environments.
233  frenetic pace, resulting in massively large catalogs of human genomic variation.
234                            We have generated catalogs of lncRNA species expressed in human and murine
235 generation of high-resolution, comprehensive catalogs of somatic alterations in cancer genomes.
236 las (TCGA), which is now routinely compiling catalogs of somatic mutations from hundreds of paired tu
237                                     Accurate catalogs of structural variants (SVs) in mammalian genom
238 ch combines multiple reference sequences and catalogs of variation.
239 read barcode provides a convenient method to catalog polyol analytes.
240 , available at http://nonb.abcc.ncifcrf.gov, catalogs predicted non-B DNA-forming sequence motifs, in
241  acids can be removed from either end of the cataloged protein structure before converting it from a
242               The knotting complexity of the cataloged proteins is presented in the form of a matrix
243                                  The new CGI catalog provides a comprehensive and integrated list of
244 ished Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Catalog provides a publicly available manually curated c
245                                The resulting catalog provides a tractable list for experimental follo
246                                         This catalog provides a useful reference for future studies.
247                                We previously cataloged putative autocrine/paracrine signaling loops i
248 ry properties for pre-B cells, and provide a catalog reference for the epigenetic changes that occur
249                                        These catalogs rely on peak calling algorithms that infer prot
250 d in vitro analysis of mutants listed in the catalog revealed both recessive and dominant-negative ph
251 rom Chinese and Danish individuals using the catalog revealed country-specific gut microbial signatur
252  matter." Here, we introduce an algorithm to catalog RiPP biosynthetic gene clusters and chart geneti
253           RAG was first reported in 2004 for cataloging RNA secondary structure motifs using graph re
254 optimized these ligands through an analog-by-catalog search that yielded compound 4, which binds to P
255 manually curated data management system that catalogs sequencing projects with associated metadata fr
256                                This expanded catalog should facilitate quantitative characterization
257                           The number of GWAS catalog SNPs identified as eQTL in the conditional analy
258 scale genomic analyses of human cancers have cataloged somatic point mutations thought to initiate tu
259 mputational discovery and classification, we catalog SR proteins in 20 model organisms, with a focus
260 GAC cis-elements in the upstream sequence to catalog StBEL5 target genes.
261 fining and enhancing the existing annotation catalogs, such as the Gene Ontology (GO) database.
262 nd indels (99.92%) and add a validated truth catalog that has 26% more SNVs and 45% more indels.
263 ctices from metagenomics research to rapidly catalog the bacterial composition of clinical specimens
264            SB mutagenesis has thus helped to catalog the cooperative molecular mechanisms driving BRA
265           The objective of this review is to catalog the differences observed in the nomenclature use
266                                           To catalog the diversity and abundance of halogenated organ
267              While major efforts continue to catalog the genomic events associated with human cancer,
268 lopment of large-scale sequencing efforts to catalog the human microbiome.
269         Metabolomic approaches have begun to catalog the metabolic disturbances that accompany CKD, b
270 trometry (MS) or RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) to catalog the proteins and RNA associated with sites of ac
271    The creation of structured resources that catalog the relationships between drugs and genes would
272        There has been an intensive effort to catalog the species and genetic content of this microbia
273                                           We cataloged the cis elements in embryonic stem cells and f
274                       In this study, we have cataloged the isomerization reactions known to occur in
275                          In the database, we cataloged the various names, orthologs and gene identifi
276 development and provide a community resource cataloging the abundance and phosphorylation status of t
277 focus on emerging themes from recent studies cataloging the diversity of ERV LTRs acting as important
278 ODE Project have made tremendous progress in cataloging the genomic binding patterns of DNA-associate
279                The first half of this review catalogs the identification and diversity of DNA modific
280 ologs that are difficult to detect, and thus catalogs the largest number of evolutionary links among
281   In summary, this high-throughput technique catalogs the potential phosphorylation substrates of mul
282 ic Site Atlas (CSA) published in 2004, which catalogs the residues involved in enzyme catalysis in ex
283 decades, but there have been few attempts to catalog their scope or effectiveness.
284 sted as critical in such a reverse diagnosis catalog, there is a high probability that the correspond
285   Therefore, it is important to identify and catalog these events.
286                                     Here, we catalog this heterogeneity and use it to identify functi
287 , exome and sequencing studies, allowing the Catalog to adapt to the needs of evolving study design,
288 ng and de novo assembly of an expressed gene catalog (transcriptome) from the giant horsetail (Equise
289                               A recent study cataloging variation in continental African populations
290 o combine and retrieve annotation from these catalogs via the command-line interface.
291 sing the multicolor flip-out technique and a catalog was created of the neurons, their morphologies,
292 te the value of such a more complete variant catalog, we conducted a GWAS meta-analysis of kidney fun
293 (NHGRI) genome-wide association study (GWAS) catalog, we determined that 528 unique sQTLs were signif
294            With a high-resolution earthquake catalog, we observe propagating foreshocks leading to th
295 eported in the Genome-Wide Association Study Catalog were annotated, 78% as mQTL and 31% as eQTL in L
296 such trait-associated SNPs have already been cataloged, which we believe form a great resource for ge
297                                         This catalog will serve as a foundation for the development o
298 t even with large sample sizes, rare variant catalogs will be largely incomplete.
299 o generate an ocean microbial reference gene catalog with >40 million nonredundant, mostly novel sequ
300                       Combining our enhancer catalog with gene expression profiles and open chromatin

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