


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mosome 15, together with a high-quality gene catalogue.
2 s from the NIH genome-wide association study catalogue.
3  the most commonly searched biomarkers to be catalogued.
4 tiny fraction of neuronal diversity has been catalogued.
5 llected and their clinicopathologic features catalogued.
6 r profiles, including a CHADS(2) score, were catalogued.
7 he full repertoire of effectors has not been catalogued.
8 ith gestational period and birth weight were catalogued.
9 s were obtained from both, and symptoms were catalogued.
10 , and listening to new songs in online music catalogues.
11 nd pharmaceutical compilations, and chemical catalogues.
12 ke occurrence rates obtained from seismicity catalogues.
13                    Of the 2,200 gene fusions catalogued, 1,435 consist of genes not previously found
14 ecific for each plasmid, and by using PCR we catalogued 11 linear and 2 circular plasmids from 49 clo
15 has been advanced by the human gut reference catalogue(3,4).
16                            We systematically catalogued 32 unique prenyltransferases and 167 unique s
17 f the functional pathways found in the human catalogue, 96% are present in the pig catalogue, support
18                    In the SNPSTR database we catalogue a relatively new type of compound genetic mark
19 g, is a novel online resource systematically cataloguing a comprehensive pan-genome of all microbial
20 eat effort has been put into identifying and cataloguing aberrantly expressed miRNAs in leukaemia, ve
21                                           We catalogued AEs from parental reports, daily symptom diar
22 s yielded a major revision to the yeast gene catalogue, affecting approximately 15% of all genes and
23                             In this work, we catalogue age-related gene expression changes in nine ti
24                In this Review, we attempt to catalogue all clinically-relevant helminthiases that hav
25    Using the reference human genome, we have catalogued all triplet repeats in genic regions.
26 he human intergenic and intronic regions and catalogued all variable-length patterns with identically
27 s an international consortium with a goal of cataloguing all the functional elements in the human gen
28 (ALFRED, the ALlele FREquency Database) that catalogues allele frequency data for a wide range of pop
29 mics technology have expanded our ability to catalogue allelic variants in large sets of candidate ge
30 ific annotation for the 1000 Genomes variant catalogue and are distributed as an online resource (all
31  PPI datasets annotated with MIPS Functional Catalogue and Gene Ontology labels.
32 lysis of gene expression (SAGE) technique to catalogue and measure the relative levels of expression
33 d by computer and brain scientists, seeks to catalogue and openly disseminate the data from published
34 entification of a large fraction of our gene catalogue and their physical chromosomal position.
35                                      We have catalogued and characterized 54,462 individual CNVs, 77.
36 allowing network interactions to be robustly catalogued and conserved network components and features
37 alpha-GAL can lead to Fabry disease, we have catalogued and plotted the locations of 245 missense and
38 s aeruginosa uses to obtain iron and towards cataloguing and characterizing many of the genes and gen
39 c markers drive variation in RNA-processing, cataloguing and classifying alleles that change the affi
40  expressed sequence tag projects are rapidly cataloguing and cloning the genes of higher organisms, i
41 mbination of BLAST annotation, gene ontology cataloguing and disintegrin-motif searching.
42 e driven to industrial scale the generation, cataloguing and modelling of nucleic acid and polypeptid
43 quencing (RNA-seq) has become a standard for cataloguing and monitoring RNA populations.
44 ne the challenges inherent to the systematic cataloguing and phylogenetic analysis of tissue features
45 mate; for this, we use the MIPS localization catalogue, and adapt recent results on the localization
46 pic effects of eSNPs from the published GWAS catalogue, and mapped enrichment in regulatory regions f
47 lished, wtRVs circulating in the region were catalogued, and importations of wtRVs into a number of c
48 residues exert on the rate of deamidation is catalogued, and the impact that deamidation can have on
49 allel approach, deep mutational scanning, to catalogue antibody escape mutations.
50 s are going extinct rapidly, while taxonomic catalogues are still incomplete for even the best-known
51 d area of occupancy in a steep cliff, and is catalogued as Critically Endangered by IUCN.
52 Volpe Rossa, Mentuonico, Olivella Nera, were catalogued as purebred V. vinifera.
53 tions for the compilation of a comprehensive catalogue, as well as for the subsequent application to
54 ntial and transitional phases of growth were catalogued, as were differences associated with culturin
55  The current stage of "van Leeuwenhoek"-like cataloguing, as well as functional analyses, will likely
56                     The archive has not been catalogued but this biographical account of his life and
57  of its components, cutin and wax, have been catalogued, but few functional or genetic correlations h
58                           All RNA motifs are catalogued by graph vertex number (a measure of sequence
59                               HIV-1 epitopes catalogued by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
60 lely on the distribution of folding domains, catalogued by their number of wrapping defects, best des
61                            Enormous sequence catalogues can be collected; they must now be related to
62                                       Such a catalogue cannot be constructed by computational annotat
63  approach for accurately and comprehensively cataloguing chimeras within a sample using paired-end tr
64                                              Cataloguing cholesterol-binding sites is a vital step in
65                           Recent progress in cataloguing common genetic variation has made possible g
66                            By systematically cataloguing conserved metabolite peaks prior to data ana
67 prehensive pig gut microbiome gene reference catalogue constitutes a logical continuation of the rece
68                 The second, and new, section catalogues current reports of parental origin of de novo
69 ce members were charged with comprehensively cataloguing current organ access activities and organizi
70 Here we report high coverage methylomes that catalogue cytosine methylation in all contexts for the m
71                                          The catalogued data and the public P. acnes Sybil database p
72 two novel genes by in situ hybridisation and catalogue dorsal gland promoter element-containing effec
73  insertions and demonstrate how this variant catalogue enables further deciphering of known associati
74 abase is an on-line relational database that catalogues evolutionary and drug-related sequence variat
75 thogen-Host Interactions database (PHI-base) catalogues experimentally verified pathogenicity, virule
76 (PHI-base) is a web-accessible database that catalogues experimentally verified pathogenicity, virule
77 primary literature would automate systematic cataloguing, facilitate the monitoring of usage, and pro
78 a comprehensive non-redundant reference gene catalogue for metagenomic studies, including the abundan
79 associated genera, and their encoded genetic catalogue for modifying carbohydrates and proteins.
80  work describes a finished sequence and gene catalogue for the chromosome, which represents just over
81 e energies for all MMP pairs were succinctly catalogued for individual probes, subsites, and correlat
82 expression of 119 cell surface molecules was catalogued for three prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP,
83  be easily reproduced among laboratories and catalogued for unambiguous comparison.
84 s that could be reused for each product, the catalogue formed the basis of a set of semistructured in
85                         These data provide a catalogue from which to develop markers for better diagn
86                       Using somatic mutation catalogues from 560 breast cancer whole-genome sequences
87 pression pattern surveys or somatic mutation catalogues from tumour cells.
88 sions associated with glioma progression, we catalogued fusion transcripts by RNA-seq of 272 gliomas.
89                                           We catalogued gene expression in mouse SG neurons from embr
90  Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Network recently catalogued gene sequence and expression data for a colle
91 ticated and provide a variety of options for cataloguing gene activities and interactions.
92                     In this chapter, we have catalogued genes for resistance to plant viruses and hav
93      We report cis-eQTL signals for 23.1% of catalogued genome-wide association study hits for adult-
94                                A substantial catalogue has been compiled for these products character
95 a of DNA sequence changes in tumour mutation catalogues have the potential to identify the mutagens,
96          These findings demonstrate that our catalogue holds valuable information on locations in the
97 enic mutations in melanoma have been largely catalogued; however, the order of their occurrence is no
98 AS approach, to a point where our ability to catalogue human variation far outstrips our ability to b
99 ndicates significant changes in E. coli gene catalogue in Il10(-/-) mice, with changes mostly driven
100                 miRNA target sites have been catalogued in databases based on experimental validation
101 e enabling these changes to the genome to be catalogued in detail.
102 s were prepared from 928 annotated sequences catalogued in Flavitrack.
103 al analysis of the exon and intron sequences catalogued in IDB as well as data concerning intron pene
104 l variation extends the pattern of variation catalogued in the 1000 Genomes and Exome Sequencing Proj
105                    Over 15% of the data sets catalogued in the Gene Expression Omnibus Database invol
106  mutations associated with inherited disease catalogued in the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD, Au
107 tudies (GWASs) have sparked interest in gene cataloguing in the context of aging and age-related cond
108  mutations in these collagen genes have been catalogued, in hopes of understanding the molecular etio
109   The Web-based virtual biorepository strain catalogue includes well-characterized gram-positive and
110 alogue of Microorganism (GCM) gathers strain catalogue information and provides a data retrieval, ana
111          Given the complexity of cancer, the catalogue is far from complete yet.
112     BARCdb, the Biobanking Analysis Resource Catalogue, is a freely available web resource, listing e
113       Recent screening studies have begun to catalogue ISGs with antiviral activity against several R
114 the molecular basis for such differences, we catalogued micro (mi)RNA and mRNA expression differences
115 ZB/B1NJ, NZW/LacJ, RF/J, SEA/GnJ and ST/bJ), cataloguing molecular variation within and across the st
116                    The Rfam database aims to catalogue non-coding RNAs through the use of sequence al
117  a bench-stable, commercial entity (Aldrich, catalogue number L510092) that is facile to install on a
118  radio source 3C 84 in NGC 1275 (New General Catalogue number) are reported.
119 inbred strains, we developed a comprehensive catalogue of 103,798 polymorphic TE variants.
120 nt experimental work by many laboratories, a catalogue of 2290 proteins found in whole saliva has bee
121  and various IBD-models), create a profiling catalogue of 3D-stereomicroscopic abnormalities and demo
122                               Using a larger catalogue of 540 volcanoes observed for 3 years, we demo
123                                          The catalogue of all BMDA/BMDAP genes and relevant literatur
124 ge is now set for work generating a complete catalogue of all histone modifications associated with v
125 y that are aimed at creating a comprehensive catalogue of all the genes responsible for the initiatio
126 open the doors to a vast and rapidly growing catalogue of allosteric catalysts for applications in th
127  produced for the first time a comprehensive catalogue of altered transcription factor activities in
128             Here, we present a comprehensive catalogue of approximately seven million single nucleoti
129 or their experiment, and makes HipSci's rich catalogue of assay data easy to discover and reuse.
130 dividuals from twin families, to establish a catalogue of between-individual variation in DNA methyla
131  the feasibility of creating a comprehensive catalogue of cancer genes, we analysed somatic point mut
132 synaptic and spine plasticity and presents a catalogue of candidate 'LTP miRNAs'.
133 se models, providing the first comprehensive catalogue of chromosomal aberrations in cancer GEMMs.
134 , rat and dog genomes to create a systematic catalogue of common regulatory motifs in promoters and 3
135  and annotations into a single, high quality catalogue of curated regulatory information.
136                      At its core is a shared catalogue of data collections, for each of which an indi
137                            The addition of a catalogue of de novo mutations that show a parent-of-ori
138 effective system is needed for refining this catalogue of differentially abundant microbes and to all
139        We can anticipate having a systematic catalogue of DNA changes in the lineage leading to human
140                            Despite a growing catalogue of E5-specific host interactions, little is un
141       This review aims to offer the reader a catalogue of ELPs, their various applications, and poten
142         This paper significantly expands the catalogue of fully sequenced laboratory mouse strains an
143 panding it dramatically to survey the entire catalogue of gene transcripts in a lymphoid cell.
144 nteen fungal genomes to create a genome-wide catalogue of gene trees that determine precise orthology
145 quencing of a genome is a complete, accurate catalogue of genes and their products, primarily messeng
146                                Comprehensive catalogue of genes that drive tumor initiation and progr
147                                      A broad catalogue of genetic mutations enable data from whole-ge
148 d-omic data represent the most comprehensive catalogue of genetic variation across a global collectio
149                                     Our rich catalogue of haploid methylomes across multiple tissues
150                      We develop an extensive catalogue of human DNA methylomes at base resolution to
151  genome, significantly expanding the current catalogue of human enhancers and highlighting the role o
152 bine 1000 Genomes genotypes and an extensive catalogue of human functional elements to investigate th
153 mphatic vasculature and explain why a select catalogue of human GATA2 mutations results in lymphedema
154           These data dramatically expand the catalogue of human gene enhancers that have been charact
155                                         This catalogue of human genetic diversity contains an average
156           Our study provides a comprehensive catalogue of human heart enhancers for use in clinical w
157 Initiative (HipSci) isf establishing a large catalogue of human iPSC lines, arguably the most well ch
158                         Our study provides a catalogue of human MRP pseudogenes, which will be useful
159            Using this dataset, we expand the catalogue of known ACC driver genes to include PRKAR1A,
160 from five European populations to expand the catalogue of known human HLOF mutations; after stringent
161 provided an unprecedented resource and a new catalogue of lncRNAs potentially involved in the regulat
162  mainly descriptive in nature, essentially a catalogue of loci that were changed to varying degrees i
163                                       Global Catalogue of Microorganism (GCM) gathers strain catalogu
164 n DNA-sequencing technologies has provided a catalogue of millions of DNA variants in the human popul
165                                  We used our catalogue of molecular changes in patients with carbamyl
166 ven mutagenesis will provide a much enlarged catalogue of mouse mutations and phenotypes for future g
167                                 Mapping of a catalogue of mutational data onto the structure shows a
168 e used to systematically dissect the complex catalogue of mutations identified in cancer genome seque
169 o create a comprehensive, publicly available catalogue of NGOs providing surgery in LMICs.
170 m the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) catalogue of NHGRI, National Institutes of Health.
171                     These results expand the catalogue of nonproteolytic functions of ubiquitin recep
172 enome sequencing to assemble a comprehensive catalogue of over 1300 Snf2 family members.
173 re we report a map of structure made using a catalogue of peculiar velocities.
174                                         This catalogue of point mutants reveals that basic domain ami
175 fewer species should look to the size of the catalogue of potential causes of speciation shared by a
176  to hypoxia in the microarrays and provide a catalogue of predicted HIF-1 targets.
177  resources to achieve the most comprehensive catalogue of protein sequences and functional annotation
178  function, we sought to generate a proteomic catalogue of proteins specifically interacting with TFII
179                                          Our catalogue of putative polymorphic repeats within transcr
180                       Our results extend the catalogue of regions associated with lung adenocarcinoma
181 hrocyte invasion, malaria parasites export a catalogue of remodeling proteins into the infected cell
182 e business models and a shared, high-quality catalogue of resistance mutations are needed to ensure t
183 are the 5'-processing enzymes, completes the catalogue of RNases involved in maturation of Escherichi
184                                          The catalogue of salivary proteins is a compilation of twent
185 jective of this manuscript is to introduce a catalogue of salivary proteins that are altered secondar
186 n human populations, assembling an extensive catalogue of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in c
187              We present a manually annotated catalogue of site-specific transcription factors (TFs) i
188 connectivity map (SPIED/CMAP), to generate a catalogue of small molecules that can be used to manipul
189                                          The catalogue of somatic mutations from a cancer genome bear
190 me person, providing the first comprehensive catalogue of somatic mutations from an individual cancer
191      By combining the mutational data in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) and th
192                                          The catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) is the
193  (PDB) along with the mutational data in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), Graph
194 ta Bank (PDB) and the mutational data in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), Quart
195 ith large genomic datasets obtained from the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer database, inclu
196                                  COSMIC, the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer is a high-resol
197                                  COSMIC, the Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer is the world's
198 nstitutes (Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia and Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) revealed marke
199  data in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer, our algorithm
200  Andreas fault system using a well-populated catalogue of space-borne synthetic aperture radar data.
201                Our vision is of an extensive catalogue of standardized, characterized DNA parts that
202                            We present here a catalogue of structural changes that signal a perfusion
203          We establish a high-quality curated catalogue of SVs in the genomes of a worldwide library o
204 leotide polymorphism profiles, and provide a catalogue of synonymous cell lines.
205 ion of SAGE/GLGI can be used to complete the catalogue of the expressed genes in human and in other e
206                            Here we present a catalogue of the genetic influences on DNA methylation (
207 cell function, we have compiled an extensive catalogue of the mitochondrial proteome using highly pur
208                                We compiled a catalogue of the mutations associated with HPV-positive
209                                          The catalogue of the nuclear, mitochondrial and endosymbiont
210                   OriDB provides a web-based catalogue of these confirmed and predicted S.cerevisiae
211  training materials and courses, including a catalogue of trainers and course organizers, and an anno
212 stablished by RNA sequencing a comprehensive catalogue of transcripts in germinal vesicle and metapha
213               Taken together, this molecular catalogue of TSC serves as a resource into the origin of
214 d consequences of MSI, and our comprehensive catalogue of tumour-type-specific MSI loci will enable p
215 r rational vaccine design and establishing a catalogue of vaccine technology platforms that would be
216 ference Panel (AGRP), the first whole-genome catalogue of variants and phased haplotypes in people of
217 e association signals promises to expand the catalogue of variants responsible for serum lipid variat
218                   Together, we provide a new catalogue of variants to bridge the gap between genotype
219 e for serum lipid variation and, with a full catalogue of variants, we may develop a panel of polymor
220                        Overall, this updated catalogue of XCI across human tissues helps to increase
221                         The analysis of rich catalogues of genetic variation from population-based se
222                     Systematic, high-quality catalogues of LOF variants present in the genomes of hea
223 epresent the first description of regulatory catalogues of normal precursor cells for different ovari
224 on, we are rapidly moving toward genome-wide catalogues of oomycete effectors.
225 ) has undergone rapid development, extensive catalogues of SNPs across the genome have been construct
226  proteomics include the creation of detailed catalogues of the protein components in a single sample
227 ces for 17 laboratory mouse strains and rich catalogues of variants.
228 native approaches but enables more efficient cataloguing of functional and disease-relevant epigeneti
229 e models, gene and protein discovery and the cataloguing of genetic mutations have each allowed us to
230                                         This cataloguing of human and animal host cell factors allows
231                    Our analysis includes the cataloguing of minor genetic variations between the chro
232 d by insertional mutagenesis, but systematic cataloguing of mutations would further increase their ut
233  has also been adapted for the discovery and cataloguing of natural polymorphisms, a method called Ec
234                            Beyond the simple cataloguing of signaling events compartmentalized by the
235 pment of genotyping technology and extensive cataloguing of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) ac
236                           Here, we performed cataloguing of the predicted prophage sequences from the
237 neglect, often to our cost, the curation and cataloguing of the processes that we use to integrate an
238  through functional genomics and large-scale cataloguing of tumour mutations.
239   The sequencing of the human genome and the cataloguing of variants across human genomes are the ena
240 g of the milk microbiome has been limited to cataloguing OTUs and computation of community diversity.
241 e functions, we used immunohistochemistry to catalogue peripheral cell types and innervation of the s
242 tabase iPfam, available at http://ipfam.org, catalogues Pfam domain interactions based on known 3D st
243 eral large-scale efforts have systematically catalogued protein-protein interactions (PPIs) of a cell
244 s remains unknown because of difficulties in cataloguing proteins from mammalian primary cilia.
245                                          The catalogue provides remarkable insights into the forces t
246                                      We also catalogue recent descriptions of novel arteriopathic syn
247                             Reference Strain Catalogue (RSC) maintains a database of strains listed i
248 ctive, the seed-and-extend approach needs to catalogue seeds from virtually every substring in the da
249 tion Center for Protein Sequences Functional Catalogue seem to be less conserved with sequence, proba
250 tional HapMap Consortium to characterize and catalogue segregating deletion variants across the human
251                                  This review catalogues several types of slippage errors, presents th
252 r inclusion in the human protein-coding gene catalogue should be revised as part of the ongoing human
253 e protein ET dynamics onto the calibrated ET catalogue shows that SCPZnI3 undergoes a switch in the e
254     By comparing to matched germline DNA, we catalogued somatic alterations at multiple scales, inclu
255                                      We also catalogue structural variants, including 3.4 million ins
256  human catalogue, 96% are present in the pig catalogue, supporting the potential use of pigs for biom
257 lored in the Ontology Design Patterns public catalogue that has been created based on the documentati
258                                          The catalogues that are being produced are key resources for
259 y due to missing mutations in the resistance catalogues that the respective tools employed for data i
260 s of various tracheal intubation techniques, catalogue the complications of children with difficult t
261      We evaluated a variety of end points to catalogue the effects of long-term inhalation exposure,
262                                           We catalogue the expression profiles of 40,064 genes, 65,16
263                                 We sought to catalogue the genetic features of CNS-derived HIV-1 by a
264 53 is modified, we used mass spectrometry to catalogue the posttranscriptional modifications of the p
265                                           We catalogue the relative strength of selection on each gen
266                                           We catalogued the genes expressed in two gastric adenocarci
267                                Thus, we have catalogued the molecular events underlying cell death in
268                                      We have catalogued the protein kinase complement of the human ge
269                           In this manner, we catalogued the relative distribution of > 54% of the pre
270                                           We catalogued the Ro60-associated RNAs in human cell lines
271    Recent large-scale omics initiatives have catalogued the somatic alterations of cancer cell line p
272                                      We have catalogued the spectrum of integrin subunit expression b
273                                 We have also catalogued the treatments used in studies published betw
274 the 1000 Genomes Project Phase 1 study, have catalogued the vast majority of common SNPs, many of the
275                                  One section catalogues the current literature on imprinted genes in
276                   This review classifies and catalogues the effector secretome of oomycetes.
277                     This observational study catalogues the overlap in metabolites between matched br
278 arch community would benefit from a resource cataloguing the available HIV mutation literature.
279 g of human chromosomes is a prerequisite for cataloguing the full repertoire of genetic variation.
280 lted in the availability of a wealth of data cataloguing the genetic, epigenetic and transcriptional
281                                              Cataloguing the identity and differential abundance of a
282                     This is the first report cataloguing the metabolites present across mouse and hum
283 uman genome sequence is an important step in cataloguing the molecular hardware that supports the pro
284 novel signalling motif as a key signature in cataloguing the parasite secretome.
285                                        While cataloguing the profiles based on the known biotypes, al
286 , no comprehensive schemes are available for cataloguing the range and diversity of RNA's structural
287 cts have added fresh impetus to this goal by cataloguing the raw genetic data behind human DNA variat
288  profiling H3K27ac is a comprehensive way of cataloguing the set of active enhancers in mammalian cel
289 lly colonize mammals (the microbiota) and in cataloguing the universe of the genes they carry (the mi
290 al polymorphism in the human genome has been catalogued, the kinetics of underlying change remain lar
291   Although tRNA modifications have been well catalogued, the precise functions of many modifications
292 ight the molecular details of IFN signaling, catalogued their pleiotropic effects on cells, and harne
293 r the past several decades have meticulously catalogued these loops, and labeled them according to th
294                            We have used this catalogue to calculate objective metrics of pathogenicit
295 enic chromatin, currently the most extensive catalogue, to 132 proteins for functional analysis.
296 iased sequence reads covering >98% of 86,158 catalogued typeable single-nucleotide polymorphism loci.
297 man genes are alternatively spliced and have catalogued up to 30,000 alternative splice relationships
298 ough the development of a multi-kingdom gene catalogue, which was used to uncover genetic signatures
299                    This large human proteome catalogue will complement available human genome and tra
300                                          Our catalogue will enhance future studies into structural va

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