


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1               Additionally, we show that the catalytic 18B7 antibody increases release of capsular po
2                                    The rapid catalytic ability of the chalcogel-supported Pt nanopart
3 onds by reaction with hydrosilanes under the catalytic action of potassium tert-butoxide alone.
4         Promoters enhance the performance of catalytic active phases by increasing rates, stability,
5 ideal model system for investigating the HER catalytic activities as a function of the phase evolutio
6 etic routes have made it possible to explore catalytic activities of a variety of single supported at
7 e performance of the CDNs is followed by the catalytic activities of the constituents and by compleme
8 (Ub) and Ub-like modifiers (Ubls) harbor two catalytic activities that are required for Ub/Ubl activa
9 e oxides, e.g. MnO2, have shown laccase-like catalytic activities, and are thus promising for polluta
10 lossal magnetoresistance to photovoltaic and catalytic activities.
11 m those with altered dynamics and diminished catalytic activities.
12 N's stability, subcellular localization, and catalytic activity affect neuronal growth.
13 nal-group Lewis basicity typically depresses catalytic activity and co-monomer incorporation.
14 e N-terminal non-catalytic CD1 regulates the catalytic activity and consequently, biological function
15  DeltacobB mutant reduces intracellular TopA catalytic activity and increases negative DNA supercoili
16                      LlPC has high intrinsic catalytic activity and is not sensitive to acetyl-CoA ac
17 e that reacts with lysine residues inhibited catalytic activity and labeled four lysines; mutagenesis
18               However, the trade-off between catalytic activity and long-term stability represents a
19 NA interference (RNAi) is known for its high catalytic activity and target selectivity; however, the
20 ies increasingly support iron as the site of catalytic activity but differ with respect to the releva
21                        Interestingly, PARP-1 catalytic activity drops precipitously during the first
22           Ru-loaded LaScSi shows outstanding catalytic activity for ammonia synthesis, with a turnove
23 rface of the MOF, the construct shows a high catalytic activity for hydroisomerization of n-hexane, a
24 mechanisms determining substrate binding and catalytic activity formed the basis of diverse binding a
25 with a conserved dynamic pattern and optimal catalytic activity from those with altered dynamics and
26 s/oxMWCNTs showed excellent peroxidease-like catalytic activity in hydrogen peroxide-Amplex red (AR)
27                                              Catalytic activity is imparted by a conserved novel E3 l
28 Procedures to define kinetic mechanisms from catalytic activity measurements that obey the Michaelis-
29 enhancement effect did not require the known catalytic activity of CheR, but did involve a binding in
30                                Targeting the catalytic activity of CK2 using the next-generation smal
31                                Measuring the catalytic activity of immobilized enzymes underpins deve
32 s showed that they are not essential for the catalytic activity of Pah1 and its physiological functio
33         This work also demonstrated that the catalytic activity of Pah1 is required but is not suffic
34                                          The catalytic activity of PARP1 is not required for the init
35 e unique porous holey nanostructure and high catalytic activity of the cathode, the as-prepared Li-CO
36 xycamphor was formed quantitatively, and the catalytic activity of the enzyme was not impaired by exp
37 PRMT paralog, TbPRMT1(PRO), is essential for catalytic activity of the TbPRMT1(ENZ) subunit.
38 -damage response proteins by impairing SIRT2 catalytic activity or protein levels but not its localiz
39 for mRNAs, and requires both RNA binding and catalytic activity to promote neurodevelopment and preve
40                        Importantly, although catalytic activity was essential for Pck1 function, Pck2
41 the as-prepared biosensor has 7 folds higher catalytic activity with lower oxidation potential toward
42 orescence at 584nm being used to monitor the catalytic activity).
43  (Grb14) is an inhibitor of insulin receptor catalytic activity, highly expressed in the liver.
44 phosphomimetic S1777D substitution disrupted catalytic activity, most likely by causing an electrosta
45  used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to separate catalytic activity-dependent and independent functions o
46  substrate binding via this site enhances NA catalytic activity.
47 enses nucleosome arrays independently of its catalytic activity.
48 ive DNA-binding cleft that are essential for catalytic activity.
49 ted kinases from receptors lacking intrinsic catalytic activity.
50 dent (i.e., height-dependent) enhancement in catalytic activity.
51  The regulation of VEGF by IPMK requires its catalytic activity.
52 s easily recycled without noticeable loss of catalytic activity.
53 -amino-acid N-terminal 'loop' region and its catalytic activity.
54 hr(507)) phosphorylation is not required for catalytic activity.
55 pression of CD26, but was independent of its catalytic activity.
56 glioblastoma) cells, while maintaining their catalytic activity.
57 d nanoparticle aggregation, inhibiting their catalytic activity.
58 l Noyori-type catalysts leads to detrimental catalytic activity.
59 s within the enzyme that critically regulate catalytic activity.
60 uld explain how phosphorylation could enable catalytic activity.
61  the amount of charge on the atoms and their catalytic activity.
62 equire two sites on the same DNA for optimal catalytic activity.
63 rrogate their roles in substrate binding and catalytic activity.
64 ined partially functional independent of its catalytic activity.
65 d beta precursor proteins and modulating PS1 catalytic activity.
66 disulfide-bonded heterohexamers in which the catalytic ADP-ribosyltransferase subunit is activated wh
67     Yet, a significant spectrum of powerful, catalytic alterations of complex natural products now ex
68                               Furthermore, a catalytic amount of 2-norbornene (20 mol %) to mediate t
69 nides) into corresponding benzamides using a catalytic amount of I2 and TBHP as the green oxidant via
70 ibit multiple HKs by targeting the conserved catalytic and ATP-binding (CA) domain.
71 of widespread importance for their magnetic, catalytic and other properties.
72 orylation of HSL and Plin1 and the levels of catalytic and regulatory subunits of PKA were increased
73      By critical examination of the reported catalytic and spectroscopic evidence, we propose differe
74                             The existence of catalytic antibodies has been known for decades.
75  reaction, while employment of a cooperative catalytic approach through inclusion of a hydrogen bond
76 is was enabled by exclusively regioselective catalytic arene-norbornene annulation (CANAL) between di
77 cross this interface, one monomer supplied a catalytic arginine to the opposing subunit, greatly acce
78 or the efficiency of drug conjugation with a catalytic assay.
79               Key features include the first catalytic asymmetric cyclopropanation of allene, mediate
80 iates of the cascade reaction and an initial catalytic asymmetric example that generates a carbon ste
81 o-, diastereo-, and regioselectivity through catalytic asymmetric fluoroenolate alkylation with allyl
82 (+)-cryptoconcatone H were assembled through catalytic asymmetric methodologies: Krische allylation,
83                        This process utilizes catalytic base and proceeds under mild conditions (CH3CN
84 priately positioned active site residue as a catalytic base leads us to propose an atypical water-med
85 GMC enzymes, the conserved His447 is not the catalytic base that deprotonates the substrate in ChOx.
86 ydrolyzed, confirming the TE domain as a key catalytic bottleneck.
87 -field organometallic compounds that promote catalytic C-C bond formation.
88 oring proteins (AKAPs) confers location, and catalytic (C) subunits phosphorylate substrates.
89 he molecular basis of how the N-terminal non-catalytic CD1 regulates the catalytic activity and conse
90                Although the overall fold and catalytic center are conserved relative to other NPPs, a
91  of mixed-valence Ti(3+)/Ti(4+) intermediate catalytic centers revealed by electron spin resonance (E
92 fine turning the electronic structure of the catalytic centers, hence their activity and selectivity.
93 sure traps the Gag cleavage sites within the catalytic cleft of protease.
94                                 An efficient catalytic combination of [Pd(OAc)2]3-boronate-PCy3-enabl
95 governs the HNH nuclease to regulate overall catalytic competence.
96 t requires understanding its structure under catalytic conditions.
97 ipase had Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and catalytic constant (kcat) of 0.30mM and 2.16s(-1), respe
98 and HIV integrase predominantly involves the catalytic core domain (CCD) and the C-terminal domain (C
99 ibitor binding at the dimer interface of the catalytic core domain but at the same time markedly impa
100 eaf (clf) allele, carrying a mutation in the catalytic core of PRC2, strongly enhanced the clf phenot
101 2 endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase (EEP) catalytic core.
102 ansformation represents the first example of catalytic couplings between unsaturated hydrocarbons and
103 trochemical double layer as well as enhanced catalytic currents due to a higher number of immobilised
104 olve the redox and protonation events in the catalytic cycle and determine their intrinsic thermodyna
105            The turnover-limiting step in the catalytic cycle for hydroboration of the internal alkene
106 e PR --> F transition is the first step in a catalytic cycle that requires proton transfer from the b
107 lysis methodology suggested two steps in the catalytic cycle were involved as turnover determining.
108 late group allows water to bind early in the catalytic cycle, allowing intramolecular proton-coupled
109 ta-ketone intermediates assembled during the catalytic cycle.
110 tial Diels-Alderases; however, whether their catalytic cycles involve a concerted or stepwise cycliza
111   This methodology simultaneously uses three catalytic cycles to achieve hydridic C-H bond abstractio
112                    This work showcases a new catalytic cyclization reaction using a highly Lewis acid
113                                        While catalytic cyclodehydrogenations typically occur in a dom
114                                  We report a catalytic deamidative phosphorylation of a wide range of
115 o examine recent research on the capture and catalytic degradation of chemical warfare agents such as
116                The reaction is mediated by a catalytic dirhodium-bound nitrene species that first beh
117                RNA-cleaving DNAzymes are the catalytic DNAs discovered the earliest, and they can cle
118                                 We fused the catalytic domain (DHPH domain) of the RhoA activator ARH
119 are dichain toxins, comprising an N-terminal catalytic domain (LC) disulfide bond linked to a C-termi
120 rate-binding domain immediately precedes the catalytic domain and has tight associations with it.
121                           In particular, the catalytic domain and the RNA-binding domain can move aro
122 w that an N-terminal fragment comprising the catalytic domain can interact both with itself and with
123 ggesting a role for Set1A independent of its catalytic domain in ESC self-renewal.
124 y exposed protein surface extending from the catalytic domain in the C terminus of A3G to its N termi
125 he complex, including one in which the VPS34 catalytic domain is dislodged from the complex but remai
126            To mediate repair, we exploit the catalytic domain of Adenosine Deaminase Acting on RNA (A
127 tructural studies showed that the C-terminal catalytic domain of human A3B has a tightly closed activ
128 d zinc-associated Cys-X-X-Cys motif near the catalytic domain of the protein, decreases SIRT6 deacety
129  Lyn was nullified by point mutations of Lyn catalytic domain or Src homology 2 (SH2) or SH3 domains
130 vealed that DddY contains a cap domain and a catalytic domain with a Zn(2+) bound at its active site.
131                           We find that a non-catalytic domain within Cas9, REC3, recognizes target co
132 ansmitting the hormone binding signal to the catalytic domain.
133  the available crystal structure of the GtfC catalytic domain.
134  is a zinc metalloprotease consisting of two catalytic domains (N- and C-).
135 catalytic site characteristic of minimal PLP catalytic domains.
136 approximately 80% sequence identity in their catalytic domains.
137               These two processes, i.e., the catalytic effect at the water interface and the differen
138 te as one of the key components of the large catalytic effect.
139                           BiFae1B showed low catalytic efficiencies for both substrates.
140 three single-subunit RNAPs measured from the catalytic efficiencies of correct and all possible incor
141   These clones possess 100-140 fold enhanced catalytic efficiency compared to hASNase1.
142  exhibits a more than three-fold increase in catalytic efficiency compared to the Pt loaded carbon sp
143                                 However, the catalytic efficiency decreases for larger multiprotein c
144 e site amino acid trio in determining OleTJE catalytic efficiency in alkene production and in regulat
145                             BiFae1A showed a catalytic efficiency of 12mM s(-1) on para-nitrophenyl-a
146                                          The catalytic efficiency of Li3CARS to produce 3-carene was
147 label-free quantitation is used to ascertain catalytic efficiency values for individual peptide subst
148 rea of these materials and hence improve the catalytic efficiency.
149 nal contacts with protein substrates enhance catalytic efficiency.
150 riments show how the potential dependence of catalytic electron flow comprises frequency-dependent an
151                                              Catalytic enantioselective addition of N-heteroarenes to
152                             A method for the catalytic enantioselective arylboration of alkenylarenes
153                                     By using catalytic enantioselective Cu-boryl addition to alkenes
154 tic strategy was successfully applied to the catalytic enantioselective syntheses of enantiopure (S)-
155     This Perspective presents an overview of catalytic enantioselective transformations that allow co
156                                            A catalytic, enantioselective version of this NCAL process
157 on metalation, into single-site, metal-based catalytic "engines" to power the micromotors with chemic
158 carbolines was accomplished by utilizing the catalytic enolate arylation reaction of ketones in conju
159                     These studies illuminate catalytic features of mutations found in the majority of
160 the protein environment for re-adjusting the catalytic features of the H-cluster in individual enzyme
161                                          The catalytic footprint of the grain boundary is commensurat
162 that the Ubl2 domain is not required for the catalytic function of MERS PLpro in vitro.
163  that Fe2+ can indeed substitute for Mg2+ in catalytic function of these enzymes.
164 Fs as materials in which several single-site catalytic functions can be combined within one framework
165 persion, which in turn severely limits their catalytic functions.
166 drial editing: stimulatory, which requires a catalytic glutamate for most of the targets except for t
167 5% of wild-type transport activity, when the catalytic glutamate of the canonical nucleotide binding
168                           In addition to the catalytic H-cluster, CpI contains four accessory iron-su
169 est that symmetrical engagement of the Rad50 catalytic head domains with ATP bound at both sites is i
170 r arms which, in the presence of hemin, form catalytic hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzymes with peroxidase ac
171 eries, the overpotential and Tafel slope for catalytic HER are both directly correlated with the elec
172 rotection of their benzylated derivatives by catalytic hydrogenation.
173  standard 26S proteasomes, releasing the 20S catalytic immunoproteasome.
174 al cell (EC) biology, we generated mice with catalytic inactivation of one SHIP2 allele selectively i
175 nables "ate" complex formation and overcomes catalytic inhibition by halide ions.
176 ypes of Top2-targeting anticancer drugs, the catalytic inhibitor dexrazoxane (ICRF187) and mechanisti
177 haC fragment is unable to form the conserved catalytic interface that was thought to be essential for
178 (2) C-H) and amines (N-H) in the presence of catalytic iodine is reported.
179 er, it remains poorly understood how the non-catalytic ISWI subunits BAZ1A and BAZ1B might contact ch
180   For that, the ionomer present in the anode catalytic layer of the DMFC is partially replaced by an
181 resolution shows a large displacement of the catalytic lysine (Lys163) in domain 2 away from the acti
182 ning the reaction thermodynamics and thereby catalytic mechanism and activity.
183 a Pseudomonas MDC and give insights into its catalytic mechanism and function.
184 mutational, kinetic and modeling analyses, a catalytic mechanism involving leaving group stabilizatio
185 aches have revealed critical features of its catalytic mechanism.
186     Emphasis is placed on reaction types and catalytic mechanisms that showcase both the chemical div
187                               We propose two catalytic mechanisms to account for our experimental res
188 s as an essential prerequisite for proposing catalytic mechanisms.
189 esis analyses, provide explanations of their catalytic mechanisms.
190 ter treatment, industrial separations and as catalytic membrane reactors.
191 ionalize MOF surfaces with a wide variety of catalytic metal-oxo species.
192 ern energy transfer from plasmonic metals to catalytic metals remain unclear.
193     Despite efforts to combine plasmonic and catalytic metals, the physical mechanisms that govern en
194                             Enantioselective catalytic methods allowing the addition of both a nucleo
195 ylation reactions, which are of relevance to catalytic methylarene (di)borylation, are reported.
196 r study implicates a critical role for Set1A catalytic methyltransferase activity in regulating ESC d
197 in we demonstrate the essential roles of the catalytic Mg(2+) for the active state formation and stab
198 esidues extending in an ordered array as the catalytic microenvironment, which shows significant este
199  CAD combined with enzyme kinetic data and a catalytic model supported by site-directed mutagenesis a
200 ls a dynamic bi-lobal architecture, with the catalytic N-terminal DHH domain linked to the substrate
201       This approach was further developed to catalytic O-transfer from N2O to Si-H bonds.
202 duced and emitted from the M1 crystals under catalytic operating conditions, without compromising str
203 essary step for the redox transformation via catalytic or direct oxidation pathways.
204 tion of organic substrates as well as in the catalytic oxidation of water that evolves molecular oxyg
205                           The improvement in catalytic performance is due to the activity enhancement
206  further pi-delocalization that improves the catalytic performance of both catalysts.
207  The CoO/hi-Mn3 O4 demonstrates an excellent catalytic performance over the conventional metal oxide-
208 FeN-supported Fe3 Pt catalysts show superior catalytic performance to the state-of-the-art ORR cataly
209 n has been proposed to be beneficial for its catalytic performance, but the role of sulfur vacancies
210  electronic and surface chemistry effects on catalytic performance.
211 ace, resulting in poor kinetics and negative catalytic performance.
212                Apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide (APOBEC) 3 proteins have been iden
213 monstrate that apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide 3 expression and editing function
214 onstrated that apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide 3A (A3A) and A3G expression levels
215     The apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like APOBEC3A and APOBEC3B have em
216                                          The catalytic power of Au(I) in BC stems from a combination
217                    These findings reveal the catalytic process of TMA oxidation by marine bacterial T
218                                         This catalytic process proceeds under low pressure and mild c
219 metric C-H activation or within a variety of catalytic processes).
220 method could also be useful to analyze other catalytic processes.Electrocatalysis offers important op
221         These P450 17A1 and 17A2 mutants had catalytic profiles more similar to each other than did t
222 tions between the structural, electronic and catalytic properties of ceria-metal interfaces.
223 rong metal support (Pd:TiO2) interaction and catalytic properties offered by the Pd nanoparticle cata
224 rol the surface features, thereby tuning the catalytic property of the material.
225 In this report, we disclose a very efficient catalytic protocol for site-specific deuteration of PUFA
226 lusters, and that the Hox-->HredH(+) step of catalytic proton reduction in CaI proceeds by a proton-d
227         The reaction was assumed to generate catalytic quantities of S-acylthiosalicylamides as elect
228 e residues cause an 18,000-fold reduction in catalytic rate in vitro and large-scale trinucleotide (G
229 ion were designed to consume products of the catalytic reaction in order to push the equilibrium and
230                                          The catalytic reaction of ethyl 3-(trimethylsilyl)propiolate
231                     A very large spectrum of catalytic reactions has been successfully disclosed, and
232                    A rapidly emerging set of catalytic reactions involves intermediates that contain
233 supported metal nanoparticles have different catalytic reactivity and that the adsorption of reactive
234 which in turn shapes the ligand geometry and catalytic reactivity of Zn(2).
235 ally react with them without addition of any catalytic reagent.
236 -trans interconversions and only one case of catalytic redox function are seen.
237     For vehicles with OEM DPFs and Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems, PNEFs under highway driving
238 shadow further interdisciplinary impacts for catalytic remodeling of natural products, including cont
239 ngineering and design have expanded nature's catalytic repertoire to functions that are new to biolog
240 ted mutagenesis of RadH was used to identify catalytic residues and provide insight into the mechanis
241 that CSmetaPred_poc is able to rank putative catalytic residues at lower (better) ranked positions, w
242        Importantly, median predicted rank of catalytic residues is the lowest (best) for CSmetaPred_p
243 a putative S1 pocket and conserved candidate catalytic residues Thr1, Asp17 and Lys32(33).
244                          Nonetheless, simple catalytic routes to new heterocyclic cores are infrequen
245  terms that reflect the proficiencies of the catalytic site and the electron transfer pathway in each
246 dicts that this protease adopts a fold and a catalytic site characteristic of minimal PLP catalytic d
247 tionships Knockdown of GAPDH1 expression and catalytic site disruption validate the essentiality of G
248                                        Using catalytic site mutants to create Rad50 dimers with only
249  via targeted amino acid substitution in the catalytic site of the C-terminal nucleotide binding doma
250 een them was lost upon mutation of the AtMC1 catalytic site, and that the AtMC1 prodomain was not req
251 s of lentil peptides and residues of the ACE catalytic site.
252 atin-like subdomain of PNPLA1 containing the catalytic site.
253 pn11, which controls ubiquitin access to its catalytic site.
254 ineating the structures and functions of the catalytic sites in two MMOs: soluble methane monooxygena
255 s nSH2 to release its autoinhibition of p110 catalytic sites.
256  with three equivalents of B(OPh)3 to form a catalytic species that contains a boroxinate core with t
257 ng Cu catalyst electrodes with unprecedented catalytic stability toward CO2 reduction.
258 ctional mechanism, little is known about the catalytic state of the Cas9 HNH nuclease domain, and ide
259 s this shortcoming a new, photoredox-Ni dual catalytic strategy for the cross-coupling of tertiary or
260 nase 1 (PCK1), and the glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit (G6PC).
261 s the alpha-isoform of protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit (PP1alpha) and eIF2alpha to assemble a
262 loenzyme consisting of protein phosphatase-1 catalytic subunit (PP1c) and MP target subunit-1 (MYPT1)
263 ions of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) catalytic subunit alpha gene (PIK3CA) are frequent in en
264 DNAJB1) to the protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha gene (PRKACA) has been repeatedl
265 sociate with distinct surfaces of the larger catalytic subunit and influence the enzymatic properties
266 ly later in life, and this involves PKA, its catalytic subunit Calpha, and the Wnt/beta-catenin pathw
267 re, we describe a unique role for the orphan catalytic subunit CcoN4 in colony biofilm development an
268 other features of PKA signaling for reducing catalytic subunit diffusion and increasing recapture rat
269 fering with the association of ADA2 with the catalytic subunit GCN5.
270  incorporates two different paralogs of each catalytic subunit into active proteasomes.
271 ase-activating Sli15/INCENP scaffold and the catalytic subunit Ipl1/Aurora B.
272 ere we show that ATM is hyperactive when the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-P
273 c mutations in PIK3CA, the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of PI3K, PI3K inhibitors have yielded
274 the stem cell population, RNF2, the dominant catalytic subunit of PRC1, activates transcription of Sa
275 ocalization and substrate specificity of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c) is dic
276  overexpressors of KIN10 (AKIN10/SnRK1.1), a catalytic subunit of SnRK1.
277         In addition to its known role as the catalytic subunit of the gamma-secretase complex, select
278         In addition to its known role as the catalytic subunit of the gamma-secretase complex, select
279              Brahma-related gene 1 (Brg1), a catalytic subunit of the mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin-rem
280 eningiomas exhibit upregulation of EZH2, the catalytic subunit of the PRC2 complex, as well as the E2
281                  Activation of NOX4 requires catalytic subunit p22(phox), which is upregulated follow
282 ory subunit, facilitating the access of PP2A catalytic subunit to CK1varepsilon and its activation, w
283       PI3KC3-C1 consists of the lipid kinase catalytic subunit VPS34, the VPS15 scaffold, and the reg
284 rative multibranching contacts with the PP2A catalytic subunit, selective for the unmethylated tail a
285 study the activity and role of the different catalytic subunits of the proteasome in different plant
286                       The new arrangement of catalytic subunits suggests that the mechanism of ATP ge
287 precedented direct and alpha-stereoselective catalytic synthesis of deoxyglycosides from glycals.
288      Here, we describe a photoredox-assisted catalytic system for the direct reductive coupling of tw
289 s of this process will aid the design of new catalytic systems and their real-world applications.
290 or the recently developed dual Ni/photoredox catalytic systems proposed to involve high-valent organo
291 d drug discovery, particularly applicable to catalytic systems where questions related to homogeneous
292 ds multivariate correlations for two diverse catalytic systems with unique non-covalent interactions
293  the characterization of electrochemical and catalytic systems.
294 phases and therefore amenable to homogeneous catalytic transformations.
295 at predominantly interact with the invariant catalytic triad of the protease.
296  active site, the C2 domain greatly enhances catalytic turnover.
297 tracked complexes or is ejected from RNAP by catalytic turnover.
298  by a simultaneous combination of horizontal catalytic vapor-liquid-solid growth and vertical facet-s
299 structural units for improved performance in catalytic water splitting.
300 -700 mV in DMF measured at the middle of the catalytic wave).

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