


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 orescence at 584nm being used to monitor the catalytic activity).
2 d nanoparticle aggregation, inhibiting their catalytic activity.
3 ined partially functional independent of its catalytic activity.
4 the catalytic domain of USP7 and inhibit its catalytic activity.
5 roteins without any impairment of proteasome catalytic activity.
6 d beta precursor proteins and modulating PS1 catalytic activity.
7 ient provides the energy source for Patched1 catalytic activity.
8  between these states and how this modulates catalytic activity.
9 lays a key role in substrate DNA binding and catalytic activity.
10 alized enzyme reported to have extremely low catalytic activity.
11  capsule and the acid traces is required for catalytic activity.
12 1602 (7.4%) antibodies with no annotation of catalytic activity.
13  substrate binding via this site enhances NA catalytic activity.
14 n fold into tertiary structures that display catalytic activity.
15  activation of LRS can be decoupled from its catalytic activity.
16 mations are included as diagnostic tests for catalytic activity.
17 h the same alkylation may lead to beneficial catalytic activity.
18 gulation with a focus on those that modulate catalytic activity.
19 -terminal region is inhibitory and regulates catalytic activity.
20 enses nucleosome arrays independently of its catalytic activity.
21 an S359A substitution) rescues deltaKD-T507A catalytic activity.
22 whether polymerization directly alters IMPDH catalytic activity.
23 ns that increase protein solubility decrease catalytic activity.
24 nd His447Asn) cause notable decreases in the catalytic activity.
25 ive DNA-binding cleft that are essential for catalytic activity.
26 but these differences did not correlate with catalytic activity.
27 ality, strong and selective ion binding, and catalytic activity.
28 ted kinases from receptors lacking intrinsic catalytic activity.
29  stabilize pvLAAD structure and increase its catalytic activity.
30 namic changes that give rise to the observed catalytic activity.
31 at opposes the signaling consequences of its catalytic activity.
32 nanosheets to dramatically enhance their HER catalytic activity.
33 dent (i.e., height-dependent) enhancement in catalytic activity.
34 unit can thus be rationally tuned to improve catalytic activity.
35 ions as a regulatory switch to control TRPM7 catalytic activity.
36 ohols was completed in order to assess their catalytic activity.
37 x with GacI and significantly stimulated its catalytic activity.
38 ing function of LRS, while not affecting the catalytic activity.
39  The regulation of VEGF by IPMK requires its catalytic activity.
40 eactions, however, the complexes showed poor catalytic activity.
41  dramatically impairs both ssDNA binding and catalytic activity.
42 rotease domain, with a concomitant impact on catalytic activity.
43 s easily recycled without noticeable loss of catalytic activity.
44 -amino-acid N-terminal 'loop' region and its catalytic activity.
45 rrogate their roles in substrate binding and catalytic activity.
46 hr(507)) phosphorylation is not required for catalytic activity.
47 pression of CD26, but was independent of its catalytic activity.
48 glioblastoma) cells, while maintaining their catalytic activity.
49 l Noyori-type catalysts leads to detrimental catalytic activity.
50 s within the enzyme that critically regulate catalytic activity.
51 uld explain how phosphorylation could enable catalytic activity.
52  the amount of charge on the atoms and their catalytic activity.
53 equire two sites on the same DNA for optimal catalytic activity.
54 sable for murine viability and has druggable catalytic activity.
55 rly 60000 turnovers with no apparent loss of catalytic activity.
56 ogen evolution, exhibiting a high and stable catalytic activity.
57 lossal magnetoresistance to photovoltaic and catalytic activities.
58 members are key regulatory elements of their catalytic activities.
59                  Both intasomes have similar catalytic activities.
60  and acyl-carrier protein transferase (MdcA) catalytic activities.
61 s, which correlate COF structures with their catalytic activities.
62 m those with altered dynamics and diminished catalytic activities.
63  previously undiscovered enzyme families and catalytic activities.
64 me conformations with significantly distinct catalytic activities.
65 ivities (10.6%), kinase activities (7%), and catalytic activity (5.6%).
66          This unexpected "saturation" of the catalytic activity above approximately 50% bdc-NH2 conte
67 N's stability, subcellular localization, and catalytic activity affect neuronal growth.
68                 The CuONRs possess excellent catalytic activity, along with high stability as a solid
69 ole of Pyc in biotin regulation required its catalytic activities and could be supported by M. tuberc
70       Mechanistic studies uncovered distinct catalytic activities and reaction intermediates, which p
71                      Characterization of the catalytic activity and acidic sites as a function of PTA
72 nal-group Lewis basicity typically depresses catalytic activity and co-monomer incorporation.
73 e N-terminal non-catalytic CD1 regulates the catalytic activity and consequently, biological function
74 d DNA binding defects, which severely impair catalytic activity and correlate with presentation of di
75 ect on MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, or MMP-14 catalytic activity and did not inhibit activation of the
76 ive rise to inhibitor resistance, but retain catalytic activity and do not display cross-resistance t
77 ion does not require ERK2 phosphorylation or catalytic activity and does not involve known docking re
78 liated graphene electrodes exhibit excellent catalytic activity and durability toward hydrogen evolut
79 rdered-assemble into nanoparticles with high catalytic activity and durability.
80 g thin palladium nanoshells exhibit enhanced catalytic activity and high durability toward formic aci
81  DeltacobB mutant reduces intracellular TopA catalytic activity and increases negative DNA supercoili
82 orporation of His6-OPH in nano-OPH preserves catalytic activity and increases stability of the enzyme
83 signaling of macrophages, distinguishing its catalytic activity and intermolecular interactions.
84     TiO2 has high chemical stability, strong catalytic activity and is an electron transport material
85                      LlPC has high intrinsic catalytic activity and is not sensitive to acetyl-CoA ac
86 e that reacts with lysine residues inhibited catalytic activity and labeled four lysines; mutagenesis
87               However, the trade-off between catalytic activity and long-term stability represents a
88 nanometer scale heterogeneities that lead to catalytic activity and material deactivation.
89 tion of Arg-742 and Asp-113 is essential for catalytic activity and nuclear localization.
90  probe tomography (APT), and correlated with catalytic activity and other characterizations.
91 nal theory methods to identify the origin of catalytic activity and selectivity and the role of cocat
92 rous metal catalysts plays a crucial role in catalytic activity and selectivity.
93 s the only known OER catalyst with both high catalytic activity and stability in acidic conditions.
94           To unfold their full and optimized catalytic activity and stability, however, the nano-octa
95  properties in biosensors which go from high catalytic activity and surface area to oxygen transfer a
96 NA interference (RNAi) is known for its high catalytic activity and target selectivity; however, the
97              This review also highlights the catalytic activity and the photoinduced activation of ru
98 involving the impairment of phosphatase PP2A catalytic activity and the subsequent activation of JNK.
99 ion, the enzyme was still able to retain its catalytic activity and the surfaces were reusable in sub
100 e oxides, e.g. MnO2, have shown laccase-like catalytic activities, and are thus promising for polluta
101 , diminished exonuclease activity, defective catalytic activity, and compromised DNA processivity, ev
102 ctivating function of LRS, not affecting its catalytic activity, and demonstrate that the leucine sen
103  oxide (CoOxH-GO) possessing peroxidase-like catalytic activity, and its application for the detectio
104 e LTs with respect to substrate recognition, catalytic activity, and relative exolytic or endolytic a
105 -PTEN mutations display decreased stability, catalytic activity, and/or altered subcellular localizat
106                      The remarkably enhanced catalytic activities approaching that of benchmark Pt/C
107 lization of the UL5/UL52 subunits, but UL8's catalytic activities are not known.
108 in signal transduction processes but without catalytic activity are being identified.
109 ch receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) regulate catalytic activity are diverse and often based on subtle
110           Besides discrete active sites, the catalytic activity arising from the collective propertie
111 ideal model system for investigating the HER catalytic activities as a function of the phase evolutio
112 ences in their redox properties and improved catalytic activities as compared to the conventional ref
113                                      The OER catalytic activity as well as electrolysis energy effici
114 cture, and bonding characteristics determine catalytic activity but are not resolved for individual c
115 he isolated protein, a 45-kDa monomer, lacks catalytic activity but becomes active upon formation of
116 ies increasingly support iron as the site of catalytic activity but differ with respect to the releva
117 alanine causes significant falloffs in TIM's catalytic activity, but experiments have failed to provi
118 IDH1 mutations typically result in a loss of catalytic activity, but many also can catalyze a new rea
119 nvisioned as a key element to support a high catalytic activity by isolating the metal center, preven
120 eveals that the presence of Co(OH)2 enhances catalytic activity by promoting transformations to CoO(O
121                           The enhancement in catalytic activity by the intercalated proton is very st
122 ound that when cell membrane is present, the catalytic activity can be increased by 8-10 folds for wi
123 These findings demonstrate that E. coli TopA catalytic activity can be modulated by lysine acetylatio
124                                              Catalytic activity can be reversible switched by pH-indu
125 EGs are involved in single-organism process, catalytic activity, cell adhesion and enriched in ECM-re
126                     In the absence of METTL3 catalytic activity, cells showed delayed repair of ultra
127 f palladium in Arabidopsis dried tissues for catalytic activity comparable to commercially available
128              The processed plant biomass has catalytic activity comparable to that of commercially av
129 ther orthosteric or allosteric inhibition of catalytic activity, consistent with experimental data.
130 ntageous characteristics, including improved catalytic activity, corrosion resistance, and stability.
131 tic damage to both TGEF domains altered TRIO catalytic activity, decreasing TGEF1 activity and increa
132 l methods for determining the role of ZAP-70 catalytic activity-dependent and -independent signals in
133  used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to separate catalytic activity-dependent and independent functions o
134                            Inhibition of G9a catalytic activity disrupts DNA repair pathways and incr
135                        Interestingly, PARP-1 catalytic activity drops precipitously during the first
136 derived from MOF cavities, but also enhanced catalytic activity due to the spatial regulation of MNPs
137  These results provide new insights into how catalytic activity, electrochemical-, and thermal stabil
138 he recruitment of Tet1 and concomitantly its catalytic activity eventually leads to the displacement
139         The mechanism of inhibition required catalytic activity, except for human LINE1 (L1) restrict
140 s such, this mechanism is the only known DNA catalytic activity exploited by nature.
141 es (CNPs) contain several properties such as catalytic activity, fluorescent quencher and electrochem
142   Iron supplementation directly restores PHD catalytic activity following V-ATPase inhibition, reveal
143                                          The catalytic activity for a series of 1,3-disiloxanediols,
144           Ru-loaded LaScSi shows outstanding catalytic activity for ammonia synthesis, with a turnove
145 e their fitnesses into absolute estimates of catalytic activity for hundreds of ribozyme families.
146 a Ni(0)-->Ga(III) bond that shows remarkable catalytic activity for hydrogenating CO2 to formate at a
147 rface of the MOF, the construct shows a high catalytic activity for hydroisomerization of n-hexane, a
148 athin CoFe LDHs nanosheets exhibit excellent catalytic activity for OER with a ultralow overpotential
149  density has previously been correlated with catalytic activity for some reactions, direct evidence t
150              Autophosphorylation of Y209 and catalytic activity for substrates require Ssp2, a meiosi
151 be the relationship between active sites and catalytic activity for the electroreduction of CO2 to fu
152 nt loaded onto packed bed columns shows high catalytic activity for the room-temperature coupling of
153 mechanisms determining substrate binding and catalytic activity formed the basis of diverse binding a
154 with a conserved dynamic pattern and optimal catalytic activity from those with altered dynamics and
155 alysts, both known and, significantly, novel catalytic activities have been successfully achieved, co
156  (Grb14) is an inhibitor of insulin receptor catalytic activity, highly expressed in the liver.
157 on an engineered surface designed to support catalytic activity in air at ambient humidity.
158 revalence, function, and structural basis of catalytic activity in antibodies.
159 s/oxMWCNTs showed excellent peroxidease-like catalytic activity in hydrogen peroxide-Amplex red (AR)
160 71 variants in the active site stability and catalytic activity in order to probe the role of Y71 in
161 at this residue results in inhibition of its catalytic activity in vitro and in vivo.
162 splicing effects of FTO are dependent on the catalytic activity in vivo and are mediated by m6A.
163 oading into the RNR beta subunit and the RNR catalytic activity in yeast mutants depleted of individu
164 alyst provided superior results, in terms of catalytic activity, in comparison to catalysts generated
165 iate the HMW complex assembly and affect the catalytic activity, including one tryptophan residue W12
166 of mutant tyrosine hydroxylase with enhanced catalytic activity increased dopamine levels without dam
167 ecreasing Lewis acidity of the promoter ion, catalytic activity increases in the following order: Mo(
168                 The reversible regulation of catalytic activity is a feature found in natural enzymes
169                                  Outstanding catalytic activity is achieved as the reactant gases flo
170                       Dysregulation of their catalytic activity is associated with several human dise
171 cterization, we have shown that the enhanced catalytic activity is attributed to directional growth o
172 24) is a transmembrane metalloprotease whose catalytic activity is critical for processing lamin A on
173                            Understanding how catalytic activity is distributed across random sequence
174 S) mutant mice to demonstrate that caspase-2 catalytic activity is essential for its function in limi
175                                  Thus, RASA1 catalytic activity is essential for the function and dev
176 solid-state NMR, and their alkyne metathesis catalytic activity is evaluated.
177  Given this viewpoint, an enzyme without its catalytic activity is generally considered to be an iner
178                                              Catalytic activity is imparted by a conserved novel E3 l
179                             Importantly, the catalytic activity is maintained even after ten recycles
180                                          Its catalytic activity is triggered by a conformational chan
181 ant KLK7 (mKLK7; S195A) also showed residual catalytic activity (kcat/KM = 7.93 x 10(2) s(-1)M(-1)).
182 d by 3A4 and 3A5 suggest that the overlap of catalytic activities may reflect molecular flexibility t
183 Procedures to define kinetic mechanisms from catalytic activity measurements that obey the Michaelis-
184 rster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) and catalytic activity measurements to investigate the influ
185 phosphomimetic S1777D substitution disrupted catalytic activity, most likely by causing an electrosta
186                        We show that this new catalytic activity observed in tumors is supported by mu
187 etic routes have made it possible to explore catalytic activities of a variety of single supported at
188              The last section highlights the catalytic activities of bi- and trimetallic NPs.
189 principles calculations reveal that the high catalytic activities of Co-NGC shells are due to the syn
190 a single catalytic water is involved in both catalytic activities of LTA4H, alternating between epoxi
191 s an interplay between the catalytic and non-catalytic activities of TET1 that is essential for norma
192 e performance of the CDNs is followed by the catalytic activities of the constituents and by compleme
193                          The three different catalytic activities of the proteasome can have differen
194                                          The catalytic activities of these 12 variants ranged from 0.
195 However, the fundamental mechanism about the catalytic activity of 1T-MoS2 and the associated phase e
196  we demonstrate safe and efficacious in vivo catalytic activity of a Pd compound in mammals.
197 ture that is able to fine-tune the oxidative catalytic activity of a split DNAzyme in a highly contro
198 s on CD1 regulate the molecular assembly and catalytic activity of A3B through distinct mechanisms.
199 nships between nucleic acid interactions and catalytic activity of A3F.
200 ic speed change associated with the enhanced catalytic activity of activated motors.
201 tween dimethoate and the AgNPs inhibited the catalytic activity of AgNPs/oxMWCNTs.
202                                          The catalytic activity of AmISY thus explains the biosynthes
203                                          The catalytic activity of BChE could be irreversibly inhibit
204 nd Mn(IV) that is critical for enhancing the catalytic activity of birnessite.
205   The potential contribution of His48 to the catalytic activity of BT3686 is discussed.
206 enhancement effect did not require the known catalytic activity of CheR, but did involve a binding in
207 mide nitrogen of l-glutamine with ATP by the catalytic activity of Cj1418.
208                                Targeting the catalytic activity of CK2 using the next-generation smal
209 tes on the principle that CN(-) inhibits the catalytic activity of CoOxH-GO towards the H2O2-mediated
210 nal switch that allosterically modulates the catalytic activity of eukaryotic IMPDHs.
211 ins interact with substrates to increase the catalytic activity of EYA1.
212 ultaneously of the strong LSPR of Au and the catalytic activity of Fe toward N2 dissociation.
213 nal glycosylations are carried out utilizing catalytic activity of FeCl3.
214 g the molecular basis for the protein kinase catalytic activity of FERONIA and show promise for futur
215  theoretical calculations, comparison of the catalytic activity of graphene samples with different co
216 trate that AIPL1 significantly modulates the catalytic activity of heterologously expressed rod PDE6.
217                             Due to efficient catalytic activity of HRP mimicking-DNAzyme, the propose
218                                          The catalytic activity of human cytidine deaminase APOBEC3B
219                                Measuring the catalytic activity of immobilized enzymes underpins deve
220 2 O in the discharge cycle and underpins the catalytic activity of Li2 O decomposition in the charge
221 ediated intermolecular interactions, and the catalytic activity of Lyn are required for its accumulat
222 cal calculations indicate that the excellent catalytic activity of mesoporous FeS2 is attributed to t
223                   However, both the mediocre catalytic activity of metal oxides and the restricted 2D
224 air and trans-lesion synthesis, required the catalytic activity of METTL3 for immediate localization
225                   Methotrexate inhibited the catalytic activity of MNADK in hepatocytes and in livers
226 s work paves a new pathway for improving the catalytic activity of MoSe2 and generally MX2 -based ele
227 a combination of all four (mPDE-4A) affected catalytic activity of mPDE.
228         The synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of nonclassical iron(II) polyhydride
229 s showed that they are not essential for the catalytic activity of Pah1 and its physiological functio
230         This work also demonstrated that the catalytic activity of Pah1 is required but is not suffic
231                                          The catalytic activity of PARP1 is not required for the init
232 enetic and pharmacologic tools, we show that catalytic activity of RIPK1 directs IFN-beta synthesis i
233 ry proteins bind in the SC and reprogram the catalytic activity of RNAP, but the dynamics of these fa
234 tion geometry, although debate regarding the catalytic activity of supported single precious atom spe
235 e unique porous holey nanostructure and high catalytic activity of the cathode, the as-prepared Li-CO
236                        The stoichiometry and catalytic activity of the complex is reminiscent of the
237 the cofactor-binding subunit and carries all catalytic activity of the complex.
238 anide ions (CN(-)) significantly inhibit the catalytic activity of the CoOxH-GO nanohybrid, which all
239              A clear correlation between the catalytic activity of the dispersed Zr sites present in
240 1 and DIM-5, to control the localization and catalytic activity of the DNA methyltransferase DIM-2.
241 xycamphor was formed quantitatively, and the catalytic activity of the enzyme was not impaired by exp
242                                          The catalytic activity of the guanidinium units toward the c
243  the assembly, physical characteristics, and catalytic activity of the lambda-genome maturation compl
244  modifies the electron transfer kinetics and catalytic activity of the MoS2 nanosheet.
245 n cis- and trans-isomers, which inhibits the catalytic activity of the nanoparticles to different ext
246 peptidyl transferase inhibitors modulate the catalytic activity of the ribosome.
247 PRMT paralog, TbPRMT1(PRO), is essential for catalytic activity of the TbPRMT1(ENZ) subunit.
248  we found that THEMIS directly regulated the catalytic activity of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
249                           Yet, over time the catalytic activity of these composite particles decrease
250                The mechanism for binding and catalytic activity of this new enzyme of glutathione deg
251                                     Thus the catalytic activity of twitchin kinase has a role in vivo
252 -CDK6 kinase phosphorylates and inhibits the catalytic activity of two key enzymes in the glycolytic
253                            This unusual dual catalytic activity of vinorine hydroxylase thereby provi
254 lly and theoretically observed dependence of catalytic activity on local structure.
255 recruiting interaction but promoting maximum catalytic activity once recruited.
256                                     However, catalytic activity onsets at prohibitively negative pote
257 hows that there is nothing magical about the catalytic activities or mechanisms of naturally occurrin
258 n impede PCNA binding without affecting UNG2 catalytic activity or its RPA interaction.
259 -damage response proteins by impairing SIRT2 catalytic activity or protein levels but not its localiz
260 ion leads to a significant decrease in their catalytic activity, raising the question of the occurren
261 ling between substrate/modulator binding and catalytic activity remain to be elucidated.
262  Small-molecules that directly inhibit LOXL2 catalytic activity represent a useful option for the tre
263 d in zinc or phosphoethanolamine binding, or catalytic activity, restores colistin susceptibility of
264  gold nanoparticles (CS/GNPs) to enhance its catalytic activity, sensitivity, and limit of detection
265                                 The enhanced catalytic activity shown by AuNPs/PEDOT:PSS has been att
266 lycine at two points on this surface reduced catalytic activity significantly without disrupting the
267 ed recombinant C. neoformans ADS lyase shows catalytic activity similar to its human counterpart, and
268 0' and Tyr83') forms a stable homodimer, has catalytic activity similar to the wild type enzyme, and
269 ts in electrocatalysis because of their high catalytic activity, stability, selectivity, and 100 % at
270 d forms of recombinant IMPDH have comparable catalytic activity, substrate affinity, and GTP sensitiv
271 on of K122 on SOD1, while not impacting SOD1 catalytic activity, suppressed the ability of SOD1 to in
272      It was found that ACFL550 showed higher catalytic activity than AC550.
273  electron-donating groups exhibited a higher catalytic activity than those having electron-withdrawin
274 (Ub) and Ub-like modifiers (Ubls) harbor two catalytic activities that are required for Ub/Ubl activa
275 ide insights about the relationships between catalytic activity, therapeutic efficacy, and biocompati
276 ntaining synthetic scalability and excellent catalytic activity through physical-transformation into
277 O0.87 S0.13 /GN exhibits strongly comparable catalytic activity to and much better stability than the
278 osphorylation, and ultimately uses intrinsic catalytic activity to effect epigenetic change.
279 for mRNAs, and requires both RNA binding and catalytic activity to promote neurodevelopment and preve
280 in the carbon framework manifest in superior catalytic activity toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR
281     Transition metal phosphides exhibit high catalytic activity toward the electrochemical hydrogen-e
282 nosized materials are investigated for their catalytic activity toward the reduction of methylene blu
283 iO2-G/GCE sensor exhibited excellent electro catalytic activity towards Hx with linear range of 20muM
284    The 3DE demonstrates an unexpectedly high catalytic activity towards the HER (-0.46 V vs. SCE) upo
285 nd negative energy reporters regulate AGPase catalytic activity via intra- and interprotomer cross-ta
286                        Importantly, although catalytic activity was essential for Pck1 function, Pck2
287 polymerization, GlfT2, was produced, and its catalytic activity was evaluated.
288 gy, protein and messenger RNA stability, and catalytic activity were examined.
289 bility, whereas rapid deactivation and a low catalytic activity were observed for monometallic Ni and
290 orrelation between annealing temperature and catalytic activity, where a approximately 25 times highe
291  and the ZZ domain do not directly influence catalytic activity, whereas the BRD is essential for his
292 e as important in signal transduction as its catalytic activity, which is an antithesis to the defini
293 alysts onto electrode surfaces for enhancing catalytic activity while allowing excellent control and
294 uch synergistic effects lead to superior HER catalytic activity with an overpotential of 152 mV versu
295                  We introduce here a mode of catalytic activity with chiral H-bond donors that enable
296 ty of sigma-holes can explain the increasing catalytic activity with decreasing particle size for oth
297 tified highly active ribozymes and estimated catalytic activity with good accuracy.
298 the as-prepared biosensor has 7 folds higher catalytic activity with lower oxidation potential toward
299               Commendable enhancement in the catalytic activity with the catalytic dosage and the dur
300 etal ion engines and thereby suppressing the catalytic activity, with different chelators displaying

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