


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nH2 domain, which acts as a scaffold for the catalytic center.
2 omplex and reversibly expose and conceal the catalytic center.
3 -strand RNAs (+RNAs) and guide them into the catalytic center.
4 2 duplex and its positioning relative to the catalytic center.
5 was Gly244Val, a novel mutation close to the catalytic center.
6 the RNase H primer grip and into the RNase H catalytic center.
7 downstream from the ribonuclease H (RNase H) catalytic center.
8 f an electron transfer site distant from the catalytic center.
9 sidues and five water molecules in the PDP1c catalytic center.
10 ry domains and promotes self-assembly of the catalytic center.
11 substrate structure in order to assemble the catalytic center.
12  predicted to bind poorly at the spliceosome catalytic center.
13 hang immediately ahead of the DNA polymerase catalytic center.
14 on the opposite side of the RHbetaH from the catalytic center.
15  for INS2 in a surface cleft adjacent to the catalytic center.
16 r(337) involves direct contact with the PKAc catalytic center.
17 ith USP12 at two distinct sites far from its catalytic center.
18 at the SRD is in close proximity to the EF-G catalytic center.
19 ion complex and that occur downstream of the catalytic center.
20 oncomplementary nucleotide to the polymerase catalytic center.
21 tate analogs and therefore distinct from the catalytic center.
22 elis complex, substrate does not contact the catalytic center.
23 "thumb" domain, about 30 A from the enzyme's catalytic center.
24 ate groups can be decarboxylated at the same catalytic center.
25 can be disrupted without an effect on either catalytic center.
26 is brought to the immediate vicinity of RNAP catalytic center.
27  mutations had little or no effect on either catalytic center.
28 3 RT approximately 12-13 bp from its RNase H catalytic center.
29 tory of the template relative to the RNase H catalytic center.
30 s that contain at least one iron atom in the catalytic center.
31 text of a preorganized and solvent-excluding catalytic center.
32 channel and blocking substrate access to the catalytic center.
33 he RNA:DNA hybrid and in the vicinity of the catalytic center.
34 ace of the RNase T monomer opposite the DEDD catalytic center.
35 ng that connects the enzyme surface with the catalytic center.
36 ularly clear view of the four coppers at the catalytic center.
37 lytic cysteine in the aldehyde dehydrogenase catalytic center.
38 es, aspartate and histidine, in the putative catalytic center.
39 YP4 family of mammalian P450s and their heme catalytic center.
40 rings the two HKD domains together to form a catalytic center.
41 lymerase to displace the 3' OH away from the catalytic center.
42 the pocket (-2* subsite) that abuts onto the catalytic center.
43 fluence on the electronic environment of the catalytic center.
44 romolecular substrate binding exosite to the catalytic center.
45 241 but not Lys211 and Lys229 is part of the catalytic center.
46 ogenase reaction occurs within the hydrolase catalytic center.
47 refore positioned near or at the spliceosome catalytic center.
48  endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP) especially at the catalytic center.
49 e contributed by opposite subunits to form a catalytic center.
50 e two HKD domains together to form an active catalytic center.
51 udies support a binuclear copper site as the catalytic center.
52 urally differentiated heme that provides the catalytic center.
53 hly electrophilic single-site d(0) Zr-benzyl catalytic center.
54 by their adduction to Cys521 proximal to its catalytic center.
55 coupling between the dimer interface and the catalytic center.
56 r the active site and controls access to the catalytic center.
57  state with Glu-288 positioned away from the catalytic center.
58 inds to the enzyme in close proximity to the catalytic center.
59 nclear, undergo positional shifts toward the catalytic center.
60 onic effect of the ligand arrangement at the catalytic center.
61 s the pKa values of the acid residues at the catalytic center.
62  active leads binding to site 4, outside the catalytic center.
63 stitution, immediately adjacent to the beta' catalytic center.
64 pend on the two SH2 domains and on an intact catalytic center.
65 h predicts substrate interactions beyond the catalytic center.
66  that the enzyme has a unique bimetal Mg(2+) catalytic center.
67  cyclase complex or even a large multienzyme catalytic center.
68 cid (Glu-141), suggesting flexibility in the catalytic center.
69 l L-serine dehydratases that utilize an Fe-S catalytic center.
70 isease, target residues that are part of the catalytic center.
71 that excludes external solvent access to the catalytic center.
72 s exclusively on the nonreducing side of its catalytic center.
73 he nicotinamide ring well ordered within the catalytic center.
74 controlled at a docking site remote from the catalytic center.
75 se of a loose fit of substrates bound in the catalytic centers.
76 formational change to toggle between the two catalytic centers.
77  assembly containing six copies of all eight catalytic centers.
78 y functional sites such as binding motifs or catalytic centers.
79 relationship between these N- and C-terminal catalytic centers.
80 on of alternate activation/inhibition of the catalytic centers.
81 mational shift that does not perturb the two catalytic centers.
82  three catalytic activities but has only two catalytic centers.
83  an increased spatial separation between the catalytic centers.
84 nctionally important interaction between the catalytic centers.
85 the unnatural reactivity of transition-metal catalytic centers.
86 strates, high mobility, and stability of the catalytic centers.
87 he bulky N-methylanthraniloyl-CoA within the catalytic centers.
88 iates in the hydrophilic microenvironment of catalytic centers.
89 d to deliver multiple electrons/holes to the catalytic centers.
90 , 13 A away from the Mg(2+) positions in the catalytic centers.
91 of Fe(II) ions with O(2) at multiple di-iron catalytic centers.
92  substrate phosphorylation sequence into the catalytic center, (2) there is minimal allosteric commun
93 hates predicted to be in the vicinity of the catalytic center (A207, C208, A304, U305, and A306) with
94 hen an iron-sulfur cluster is present in its catalytic center, aconitase displays enzymatic activity;
95 ognized family of metalloproteases that have catalytic centers adjacent to or within the membrane.
96 om the helical scaffold, the position of the catalytic center along the peptoid backbone, and the deg
97 that autophosphorylation, while exposing the catalytic center, also produces a conformer less stable
98 y of first and second step substrates at the catalytic center alter efficiency of the two steps of sp
99 odulin-binding domain (CBD), which block the catalytic center and a conserved substrate-binding groov
100 gest that Cys(343) and Tyr(345) are near the catalytic center and affect the active site conformation
101 disrupting a metal-ligand interaction at the catalytic center and discovered that, when the DEAH box
102 -jaw" region of RNAP II is downstream of the catalytic center and distal to the site of RNAP II-TFIIB
103 As-an older primary domain that contains the catalytic center and interacts with the minihelix and a
104 in tandem into the DNA template ahead of the catalytic center and investigated whether they induce pa
105             Cys-110 is near the zinc-binding catalytic center and is normally buried.
106 tive to the step of subunit placement at the catalytic center and potentially to the reaction status
107 losely to the spatial separation between the catalytic center and RNase H primer grip.
108 --a relatively nonspecific activation of the catalytic center and specific selection of water as a nu
109  conformational changes to the nearby ATPase catalytic center and substrate-binding sites as well as
110 ming NTP substrates are thought to reach the catalytic center and the 3' end of the nascent RNA is li
111 tin-like gelatin binding region flanking the catalytic center and the carboxyl hemopexin-like region.
112 ed by a long-range communication between the catalytic center and the coenzyme-binding domain and poi
113 GMs contain the conserved phosphate-transfer catalytic center and the metal-ion-binding site of known
114  on the outer surface of RNAP, away from the catalytic center and the nucleic acid binding path.
115                   Trp-332, situated near the catalytic center and the nucleotide-binding area of TG2,
116          Mini-RAG1 consists primarily of the catalytic center and the residues N-terminal to it, but
117 cts with product RNA located upstream of the catalytic center and the RNA-DNA hybrid, a view consiste
118 rol the access of substrates to the embedded catalytic center and thereby modulate the outcome of che
119           Substitution of amino acids at the catalytic center and/or groove substantially improved th
120 ong-lived radical ion pair states that power catalytic centers and, consequently, the production of s
121 e CBR class that target the enzyme's complex catalytic center are attractive leads for new antimicrob
122                Although the overall fold and catalytic center are conserved relative to other NPPs, a
123 ations in or surrounding the metalloprotease catalytic center are properly assembled into CSN complex
124 cate that it is capable of forming an active catalytic center as a monomer.
125 ctive transformations at an embedded achiral catalytic center, as illustrated by the oxidative kineti
126  HP (PDB entry 2DHN), four snapshots for the catalytic center assembly along the reaction pathway can
127 uring catalysis: together, they organize the catalytic center assembly, and individually, each plays
128 on mutagenesis was performed near the diiron catalytic center at positions I100, G103, and A107 of th
129 consists of only two domains that define the catalytic center at the bottom of the nucleoside triphos
130  could aid in positioning the ribonuclease H catalytic center at the PPT/U3 junction and also provide
131  further showed that His28 and His114 in the catalytic center bind a variety of divalent metal ions w
132    The DNA minor groove is compressed at the catalytic center, bringing the two scissile phosphodiest
133 s does not contribute directly to the enzyme catalytic centers but is crucial for 10-formyltetrahydro
134 NPP), have nearly identical binuclear Zn(2+) catalytic centers but show tremendous differential speci
135 cilitate exiting of the Gla product from the catalytic center by ionic attraction.
136 tivity, probably due to the occlusion of its catalytic center by LARP7.
137 ong-range chemical environment surrounding a catalytic center can be readily achieved.
138 Finally, we show that a site remote from the catalytic center can control this checkpoint, which occu
139 template strand two nucleotides ahead of the catalytic center can interrupt DNA synthesis.
140 l relationship between its N- and C-terminal catalytic centers compared with HIV-1 RT.
141 cling [NiFe] hydrogenases harbor a dinuclear catalytic center composed of nickel and iron ions, which
142 wo electrons have to be transferred into the catalytic center, composed of heme a(3) and Cu(B), befor
143                   We noted that the oxidized catalytic center contains a Cu(II) coordinated by two Hi
144 e-phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel fold, the catalytic center contains a divalent cation-binding site
145 ituted glutathiones or by mutagenesis of the catalytic center Cys(32) to alanine.
146 ll-death-inducing activities depend on their catalytic center cysteine residues as well as caspase-li
147  that one NBS1 residue, Arg(13), sits at the catalytic center despite being on the opposite side of t
148 e in some vertebrate NP receptors, harbors a catalytic center diagnostic for guanylyl cyclases and th
149 , comprising Tyr-161 through Ser-178, of the catalytic center dimerization domain of VanS, a sequence
150 ecifically, residues 148-151 interact at the catalytic center, displacing essential metal ions, accou
151         Of the five residues targeted at the catalytic center, E159D resulted in substantial loss of
152 ucleotides reveal, at the atomic detail, the catalytic center embraced by the ATPase domain and the l
153 s to a site on fXa that is distinct from the catalytic center (exo-site).
154                                          The catalytic centers face the inner canal confining protein
155 possible conformational coupling between the catalytic center (Fe(a3)(3+)-Cu(B)(2+)) and a protein si
156           Modeling of the putative hydrolase catalytic center/folate-binding site suggested that the
157 docking site and the ATP binding site in the catalytic center for activated JNK2alpha2, and (3) the r
158 hat the Lys-72 residue of this enzyme is the catalytic center for dRP excision.
159 se as an example, we placed mutations in the catalytic center for editing at residues strongly conser
160 sites by creating mutations that disrupt the catalytic center for editing but not for aminoacylation
161 e(2+) fails to replace Mg(2+) in the RNase H catalytic center for localized generation of hydroxyl ra
162 lease domains to dimerize to form the active catalytic center for the induction of the DSB.
163  of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I houses catalytic centers for both polymerase and 3'-5' exonucle
164 erminal strand of RbcL, which stabilizes the catalytic center, for access to the Rca hexamer pore.
165  electrons per NO, which are supplied to the catalytic center from NADPH through reductase domains in
166 ubstrate recognition site, while leaving the catalytic center fully accessible.
167 s that are considered to be crucial for RNAP catalytic center function.
168                 The functional groups at the catalytic center have clearly undergone H-D exchange des
169 fine turning the electronic structure of the catalytic centers, hence their activity and selectivity.
170 sting the modifications likely disrupted the catalytic center, illustrating the significance of the H
171 dicating that they probably form the RNase T catalytic center in a manner similar to that found in ot
172 peration between the RNase H primer grip and catalytic center in achieving this cleavage.
173 alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM) or a catalytic center in copper nitrite reductase (CuNiR).
174 lows the formation of an optimally organized catalytic center in the heterodimer.
175 ta provide compelling evidence for an ATPase catalytic center in the N-terminal half of the large ter
176 might form a putative cysteine endopeptidase catalytic center in the proteolytic cleavage of AgrD at
177 imer thereby positioning the U8 close to the catalytic center in the pyrophosphatase domain of the ot
178 nal analysis allowed us to identify a unique catalytic center in this class of DNA glycosylases.
179           These results reveal a view of the catalytic center in which an inner shell of conserved nu
180  of reaction and showed that the majority of catalytic centers in this MOF are redox-accessible where
181  which carries an amino acid exchange in the catalytic center, increases the DNA methylation rate by
182        It has been hypothesized that the two catalytic centers interact functionally, perhaps by shut
183 e-deleted subunits, activity of the affected catalytic center is fully restored when the Nat1-Ard1 Na
184                                          The catalytic center is housed mainly within a (beta/alpha)8
185 hat removal of the branch structure from the catalytic center is in competition with binding of the 3
186 ransfer from reduced heme a and Cu(A) to the catalytic center is inhibited and both heme a3 and Cu(B)
187                                          The catalytic center is known to contain two Mg(2+) ions, an
188 l a (beta/alpha)(8) barrel fold in which the catalytic center is present in a long substrate-binding
189 nding of cyanide to heme a3 in this oxidized catalytic center is, however, dependent on the redox sta
190 ed that residue G121, which is 19 A from the catalytic center, is involved in catalysis, and long dis
191 ghly conserved 9 amino acid stretch in their catalytic center known as the RNase III signature motif.
192 +) forms of BFR showed that the intrasubunit catalytic center, known as the ferroxidase center, is pr
193 by positioning the RING-E2 approximately UBL catalytic center, licensing the acceptor lysine, and inf
194            The functional dimer contains two catalytic centers located at the interface between subun
195 bstrate within gamma-secretase such that its catalytic center must start proteolysis at the known ini
196     The crystal structure based model of the catalytic center of Ago2 revealed that the siRNA and the
197                                  Because the catalytic center of all Dus enzymes is conserved, it is
198 anism for CO oxidation by the C-cluster, the catalytic center of an environmentally important enzyme.
199                        We also find that the catalytic center of bRT plays an essential role in site-
200 ains a histidine motif characteristic of the catalytic center of caspase proteases of the apoptotic c
201 hesis of heme a, the prosthetic group of the catalytic center of COX.
202               The amino acids comprising the catalytic center of G6Pase include Lys(76), Arg(83), His
203                              In essence, the catalytic center of mouse 38C2, which encompasses a deep
204                                          The catalytic center of nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) consists
205                                          The catalytic center of nitrogenase, the [Mo:7Fe:9S:C]:homoc
206                   The structure of 6 and the catalytic center of one DMSO reductase isoenzyme have si
207 vidence clearly advances the notion that the catalytic center of oxygen evolution is a Mn-Ca heteronu
208 e membrane-binding (regulatory) site and the catalytic center of PLA(2), which contributes to the int
209 11p (C11) mediates RNA 3'-5' cleavage in the catalytic center of pol III during pausing.
210        To map the Mg(2+) binding site in the catalytic center of primase, we have employed the iron c
211 id residues that chelated Mg(2+) ions in the catalytic center of primase.
212 T) instead of the conserved histidine in the catalytic center of retroviral RTs such as at position 5
213 though Argonaute2 has been identified as the catalytic center of RISC, the RISC polypeptide compositi
214 acilitate the chelation of metal ions in the catalytic center of target enzymes.
215           Certain structural features at the catalytic center of TbetaR-I are characteristic of tyros
216 cent biochemical studies have identified the catalytic center of the 8 kDa domain and provided new in
217 321, and Glu-489), are predicted to form the catalytic center of the active site, where the n1 site i
218 nd 17 introns with exons 9 to 14 forming the catalytic center of the enzyme and exons 1 to 3 encoding
219 ure appears integral to the formation of the catalytic center of the enzyme and this arrangement stro
220 ated that glycine-121 which is 19 A from the catalytic center of the enzyme has large-amplitude backb
221             The binuclear site, which is the catalytic center of the enzyme, possesses two conformati
222 ng" onto the protein some 12 A away from the catalytic center of the enzyme, resulting in the creatio
223 ting to an interaction of BYK191023 with the catalytic center of the enzyme.
224 ace and the electrostatic environment in the catalytic center of the enzyme.
225 base of this loop and remotely modulates the catalytic center of the enzyme.
226 211, Lys229, and Lys241 were involved in the catalytic center of the enzyme.
227 s residue may play a role in stabilizing the catalytic center of the enzyme.
228 PS1) in its active heterodimeric form is the catalytic center of the gamma-secretase complex, an enzy
229     Three-dimensional homology models of the catalytic center of the HBV reverse transcriptase (RT)-D
230  with the dNTPase activity (D137N) or in the catalytic center of the histidine-aspartate (HD) domain
231 , the first three of which occur at a single catalytic center of the intein.
232 ion does not affect protein folding, but the catalytic center of the mutant is not fully assembled ev
233 d to facilitate the access of cyanide to the catalytic center of the oxidized bovine enzyme.
234 RNA 3' end and transcribed DNA strand at the catalytic center of the pol III elongation complex.
235 lele encoding an M435I point mutation in the catalytic center of the protease, and M2 cells produced
236  Both motifs, which are expected to form the catalytic center of the protease, overlap hydrophobic se
237 nserved amino acid, and appears to be in the catalytic center of the protein, PUS1p.
238 ole in function of peptidyl transferase, the catalytic center of the ribosome responsible for the pep
239 n allosteric link between the tunnel and the catalytic center of the ribosome.
240 consistent with an open conformation for the catalytic center of the spliceosome during first-to-seco
241 plicate Prp8 in specific interactions at the catalytic center of the spliceosome.
242 ly uncharacterized function for Brr2p in the catalytic center of the spliceosome.
243  the five residues mentioned above, form the catalytic center of this enzyme.
244      Subsequent spatial reorientation of the catalytic centers of both enzymes might facilitate the t
245 tions of FDH, suggesting that either the two catalytic centers of FDH are overlapped or the dehydroge
246              This combination allows the two catalytic centers of HIVRT to work simultaneously at sim
247         Selenocysteine (Sec) is found in the catalytic centers of many selenoproteins and plays impor
248  DNA topoisomerases, but is unrelated to the catalytic centers of other DNA or RNA polymerases.
249 further insight into the organization of the catalytic centers of the various RNases.
250                                Moreover, the catalytic centers on the nanoparticle surface were found
251 dues forming an active site, whether it is a catalytic center or interaction interface, are frequentl
252 elate to whether the iron is retained in the catalytic center or released as an oxidized product.
253 he integrin-binding site did not include the catalytic center or the M-type receptor-binding site.
254                                              Catalytic centers or protein-protein interaction domains
255 te 5' vicinity, thereby locating the RNase H catalytic center over the PPT-U3 junction, a notion stre
256 as well as two other amino acids outside the catalytic center play important roles in CSN derubylatio
257 (SABRE) of a substrate and parahydrogen at a catalytic center promises to overcome the inherent insen
258  of a diverse assortment of embedded achiral catalytic centers, promising a generation of synthetic f
259 hydroxyl radicals in 10 seconds, whereas the catalytic center required minutes to be completely folde
260               The ATP binding pocket and the catalytic center reside at the interface of the two lobe
261                                          The catalytic center resided partially in an inactive Niu-A-
262                       The CSN's derubylation catalytic center resides in its subunit 5, which in Arab
263                                 Although the catalytic center resides in the N-terminal 75-kDa subuni
264 se transcriptase thumb subdomain and RNase H catalytic center, respectively.
265  mutation (Gly64Ser) that is remote from the catalytic center results in a higher fidelity polymerase
266                    Structural details of the catalytic center revealed specific roles for individual
267  of mixed-valence Ti(3+)/Ti(4+) intermediate catalytic centers revealed by electron spin resonance (E
268 t interestingly, two mutations affecting the catalytic center (rpb1-N488D) and the homology box G (rp
269 rate and the flexible F bridge domain of the catalytic center serve as two separate ratchet devices t
270                         Further out from the catalytic center, structural features are found that may
271 olecules bind in a single orientation at the catalytic center suitable for two distinct reductions.
272 ite located approximately 30 A away from the catalytic center that anchors the N-terminus of substrat
273 row, basic channel that ends at the putative catalytic center that is completely enclosed within the
274 merases have lipase activity, they do have a catalytic center that resembles that of lipases.
275     Some aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have two catalytic centers that together achieve fine-structure d
276 -insertion site prior to its delivery to the catalytic center, the bacterial RNAPs likely recognize t
277  Two components of the RNA polymerase (RNAP) catalytic center, the bridge helix and the trigger loop
278 he RNA template moves through the telomerase catalytic center, the number of required potential Watso
279 e of these is in the highly conserved active catalytic center; the other is near the carboxyl terminu
280  allosterically alters the properties of the catalytic center, thereby predisposing the ribosome for
281 ding site is located 75 A away from the RNAP catalytic center, these results strongly indicate that R
282       The capacity for sites remote from the catalytic center to alter fidelity suggests new possibil
283 a phosphatase-like Cys(X)(5)Arg motif as the catalytic center to reduce arsenate to arsenite.
284 ssibility of an exquisite sensitivity of the catalytic center to subtle changes in substrate position
285 cally organize light-harvesting antennae and catalytic centers to achieve solar energy conversion.
286  motif and in the NYN domain proximal to the catalytic center, to bind and cleave pre-tRNA.
287 The substrate analogue extends away from the catalytic center toward the distal end of the internal c
288 s by an unusual mechanism: while leaving the catalytic center unaffected, it induces product release
289 ion initiation shifted further away from the catalytic center upon increasing the GC content of promo
290     A secondary binding site remote from the catalytic center was identified that is distinct from on
291 chanism of concerted primer synthesis by two catalytic centers was an enigma for over three decades.
292 proximately 3-6 bp behind the DNA polymerase catalytic center, was identified between amino acids 290
293 containing a His-47 --> Gln mutation (at the catalytic center) were transfected into BHK cells and ce
294 e is a possible auxiliary iron source to the catalytic center when it is lost during catalysis in a p
295 rotein particular in regions remote from the catalytic center where high conservation across protein
296 paired by the mutations, indicating that the catalytic center where O(2) is reduced is intact.
297     Linezolid binds the 50S A-site, near the catalytic center, which suggests that inhibition involve
298 ng metal-binding sites within the RNase IIIb catalytic centers, which are critical for microRNA inter
299 ng a subset of binding interactions near the catalytic center with conserved characteristic chemical
300 iron ions toward the ferritin cavity and the catalytic centers within the protein.

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