


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 utamate residue is not relevant for the PatZ catalytic mechanism.
2 tep in this strictly ordered ternary complex catalytic mechanism.
3 sferases in folds, and share a two-metal-ion catalytic mechanism.
4 to TsdA and can be inferred to use a related catalytic mechanism.
5 in coding segments uncover the two-metal-ion catalytic mechanism.
6 atures of the Fl(N5[O]) species and the EncM catalytic mechanism.
7 hii, strongly supports an active role in the catalytic mechanism.
8 mol for the slowest step in the iron(IV)-oxo catalytic mechanism.
9  binding affinity, catalytic efficiency, and catalytic mechanism.
10 ction to provide structural insight into its catalytic mechanism.
11  and implicate the cofactor oxo group in the catalytic mechanism.
12  help to understand the initial steps of the catalytic mechanism.
13 tural and spectroscopic investigation of its catalytic mechanism.
14 enzymes, showing convergent evolution of the catalytic mechanism.
15 at 14-3-3 inhibits the complex through a non-catalytic mechanism.
16 ructures illuminate important aspects of the catalytic mechanism.
17 hey operate from a basic structural fold and catalytic mechanism.
18 log Rap through an ill-defined non-canonical catalytic mechanism.
19 esidues are most consistent with a retaining catalytic mechanism.
20 cal participation of this Glu residue in the catalytic mechanism.
21 ates that has led to an understanding of the catalytic mechanism.
22 test the roles of His 141 and Asp 142 in the catalytic mechanism.
23  active site loop that were critical for the catalytic mechanism.
24  about the mode of substrate binding and the catalytic mechanism.
25 etails of the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase catalytic mechanism.
26 nctioning as the reactive nucleophile in the catalytic mechanism.
27 amino group of the donor participates in the catalytic mechanism.
28 f TRAF6 to cytosolic p62 aggregates by a non-catalytic mechanism.
29 nate diester, consistent with a nucleophilic catalytic mechanism.
30 tes providing more complete snapshots of the catalytic mechanism.
31 o used be for electrochemical studies of the catalytic mechanism.
32 , TC, with direct implications for the eIF2B catalytic mechanism.
33 ural basis for its substrate selectivity and catalytic mechanism.
34 oli, and identify key features of the likely catalytic mechanism.
35 ating that they are likely to share a common catalytic mechanism.
36 aches have revealed critical features of its catalytic mechanism.
37 ment of transient species important to their catalytic mechanism.
38 es an isomerization process within its known catalytic mechanism.
39 uggested roles for Glu-48 and His-164 in the catalytic mechanism.
40 ide chains to improve activity and probe the catalytic mechanism.
41 s as an essential prerequisite for proposing catalytic mechanisms.
42 or the RNA-based RNase P, suggesting similar catalytic mechanisms.
43 scopic and computational characterization of catalytic mechanisms.
44 nt control and a deeper understanding of the catalytic mechanisms.
45 bon bonding is critical to understanding the catalytic mechanisms.
46 t task owing to uncertainties over the exact catalytic mechanisms.
47 secutive reactions by using hitherto unknown catalytic mechanisms.
48 onserved amino acid sequences, and plausible catalytic mechanisms.
49 n, and have been shown to exhibit a range of catalytic mechanisms.
50 esis analyses, provide explanations of their catalytic mechanisms.
51  binding sites, substrate binding sites, and catalytic mechanisms.
52 as a key role in the deacylation step of the catalytic mechanism, allowing the acyl-enzyme adduct to
53 ning the reaction thermodynamics and thereby catalytic mechanism and activity.
54 esign of ligands was based on a possible SN1 catalytic mechanism and as mimics of the carbocation in
55  fundamental understanding of the formation, catalytic mechanism and degradation of active sites.
56 rk both for investigations of the class I FH catalytic mechanism and for drug design aimed at fightin
57 a Pseudomonas MDC and give insights into its catalytic mechanism and function.
58 , several mechanistic details, including the catalytic mechanism and GTP hydrolysis-driven conformati
59 roviding insight into the serine recombinase catalytic mechanism and how resolvase interacts with the
60 unctional studies in cells, we elucidate the catalytic mechanism and mode of tubulin-specific acetyla
61 up to 1.5A provide elegant insights into the catalytic mechanism and molecular basis for their three
62        However, despite extensive study, the catalytic mechanism and molecular basis of substrate rec
63 PR/MM for a semiquantitative analysis of the catalytic mechanism and nature of transition state in AP
64 tes for an atomic-level understanding of the catalytic mechanism and rational design of high-performa
65 understand the role of enzyme motions in the catalytic mechanism and recognition.
66                    Little is known about the catalytic mechanism and regulation of alarmone synthesis
67 ty analysis, these results shed light on the catalytic mechanism and substrate recognition of zgammaG
68 . fluorescens substrate, indicating a common catalytic mechanism and substrate recognition.
69                                          The catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity of a major
70                                          The catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity of cinnamo
71                                          The catalytic mechanism and the active-site fold, however, a
72  investigated to obtain further clues to the catalytic mechanism and the substrate specificity.
73 w insight into substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism and thus will aid inhibitor design.
74                   To better understand AOC's catalytic mechanism and to elucidate the structural prop
75  II introns and the spliceosome share common catalytic mechanisms and probably common evolutionary or
76 The results provide insights into the enzyme catalytic mechanisms and reveal structural snapshots of
77 le in the MACiE, EzCatDb (Database of Enzyme Catalytic Mechanisms) and SFLD (Structure Function Linka
78 ve been determined, although the structures, catalytic mechanisms, and substrate specificities of GH6
79 luble methyltransferases, and aspects of its catalytic mechanism are unknown.
80 a protein superfamily, and its structure and catalytic mechanism are unknown.
81 itude suggests the involvement of additional catalytic mechanisms as well.
82             We conclude that the most likely catalytic mechanism begins with abstraction of a hydroge
83 nts at a potential role for adenine-6 in the catalytic mechanism besides the previously identified in
84  we advanced in our understanding of the ACD catalytic mechanism by discovering that the enzyme trans
85 e synthase structure, enabled probing of the catalytic mechanism by mutagenesis, demonstrating the es
86            In this work, we investigated the catalytic mechanism by rational site-directed mutagenesi
87                                          The catalytic mechanism by which the hairpin ribozyme accele
88                                      The CAO catalytic mechanism can be divided into two half-reactio
89                         Here, we delineate a catalytic mechanism common to lecithin:retinol acyltrans
90                 The data support a two-stage catalytic mechanism consisting of (1) "catalyst oxidatio
91 nge has mostly proved ineffective because of catalytic mechanism constraints and required chaperone c
92                                         This catalytic mechanism couples together the growth of insol
93            However, the understanding of its catalytic mechanism, despite the recently determined cry
94 contains a dimetal active site involved in a catalytic mechanism distinct from that of the housekeepi
95 e-directed mutagenesis reveal aspects of its catalytic mechanism, especially retinyl moiety isomeriza
96 hen cleaving xylan, suggesting that distinct catalytic mechanisms exist for xylan and glucan cleavage
97 driving ingredient for the activation of the catalytic mechanism, followed by their geminal coupling
98 vides an insight into substrate recognition, catalytic mechanism for acetyl transfer, and features un
99                                 We propose a catalytic mechanism for alpha-N-terminal methylation.
100 e substrate Me-S-CoM and thus imply the same catalytic mechanism for both substrates.
101  for convergent evolution toward a conserved catalytic mechanism for citrate production.
102    On the basis of (77)Se-NMR experiments, a catalytic mechanism for diselenide 6 was proposed involv
103 CglI and NgoAVII enzymes may employ a unique catalytic mechanism for DNA cleavage.
104  we have characterized a reverse protonation catalytic mechanism for hSCAN-1 and determined its free
105 hese structures of APN illustrate a detailed catalytic mechanism for its aminopeptidase activity.
106 n the catalytic pathway and suggest a common catalytic mechanism for Nudix hydrolases.
107                                          The catalytic mechanism for oxidizing alcohols to carboxylat
108 ient to hydrolyze PGP, indicating a specific catalytic mechanism for PgpB in PG biosynthesis.
109 scribed, and it clearly suggests an SN2 type catalytic mechanism for the beta4GalT7 enzyme.
110 llow us to propose a pitcher-catcher type of catalytic mechanism for the isomerization.
111 ions of an unprecedented dynamic single-atom catalytic mechanism for the oxidation of carbon monoxide
112                                          The catalytic mechanism for the production of H2 and CO2 fro
113 lations were used to identify a preferential catalytic mechanism for the transformation of acetylene,
114  the active site has allowed us to propose a catalytic mechanism for these enzymes.
115                                            A catalytic mechanism for this unique enzyme is proposed.
116 [(13)C]acetate, and NMR, we investigated the catalytic mechanism for VoTPS1 and provide evidence for
117  results presented support bioorganometallic catalytic mechanisms for IspG and IspH, and open up new
118 AP/UBE3A suggest convergent evolution of the catalytic mechanisms for prokaryotic and eukaryotic liga
119  for environmental remediation, but detailed catalytic mechanisms for these enzymes are not yet known
120 covalent interaction, suggesting a different catalytic mechanism from those of other DNA glycosylases
121 ile our knowledge of the ADAR2 structure and catalytic mechanism has grown over the years, our knowle
122 serve as a general acid, but its role in the catalytic mechanism has not been established conclusivel
123                             Still, its exact catalytic mechanism has remained unclear.
124 sed on knowledge of the 3D-structure and the catalytic mechanism, (ii) combinatorial design, requirin
125  residues suggests that IcaB uses an altered catalytic mechanism in comparison to other characterized
126 n phosphorylase support the idea of a common catalytic mechanism in GT-B enzymes independent of the s
127 ing a well-defined platform for studying the catalytic mechanism in the solution phase.
128             These studies support an unusual catalytic mechanism in which an initial masked C-H bond
129                                 We propose a catalytic mechanism in which lysine-180 acts as a cataly
130 e structure of the active site, we propose a catalytic mechanism in which serine 127 plays a key role
131 C proteins transfer palmitate via a two-step catalytic mechanism in which the enzyme first modifies i
132          This unusual arrangement suggests a catalytic mechanism in which the two copies of dIII alte
133 oA synthetases supports a domain alternation catalytic mechanism in which these enzymes' C-terminal d
134  kinetic properties of the mutants suggest a catalytic mechanism in which Tyr(487) and Gly(491) work
135                                     Although catalytic mechanisms in natural enzymes are well underst
136 f DMSP cleavage, enabling elucidation of the catalytic mechanism, in which the residue Tyr271 of DddY
137         The structures reveal the underlying catalytic mechanism, in which two zinc ions activate a w
138           However, little is known about the catalytic mechanisms, including the parameters that dete
139                                 The proposed catalytic mechanism involves consecutive alkyne-carbonyl
140                                 The proposed catalytic mechanism involves two catalytic triads that p
141 l group was produced, consistent with a RedG catalytic mechanism involving hydrogen abstraction from
142 mutational, kinetic and modeling analyses, a catalytic mechanism involving leaving group stabilizatio
143 rium labeling studies, are consistent with a catalytic mechanism involving olefin-dione oxidative cou
144 afel slope of 150 mV/decade, indicative of a catalytic mechanism involving rate-limiting one-electron
145 itions, along with other data, corroborate a catalytic mechanism involving ruthenium(0)-mediated alle
146  On the basis of these results, we propose a catalytic mechanism involving substrate tautomerization,
147  the active site and analysis of kinetics, a catalytic mechanism involving two water molecules and re
148 amplitude and oxidation/reduction peaks, the catalytic mechanism is an electron-proton coupled proces
149 Sequence analysis suggests that the proposed catalytic mechanism is common for bacterial Tmms.
150      Sequence comparisons suggested that the catalytic mechanism is conserved among the bacterial hom
151 ding and catalysis and demonstrated that the catalytic mechanism is conserved between human and plant
152               This finding suggests that the catalytic mechanism is more similar to the mechanism of
153 roceeds through a four-step reaction but the catalytic mechanism is not fully understood at the atomi
154                                            A catalytic mechanism is proposed.
155 y mutagenesis studies, and a structure-based catalytic mechanism is proposed.
156                     In addition, a two-metal catalytic mechanism is proposed.
157                                          The catalytic mechanism is still unknown.
158                                        Their catalytic mechanism is unknown.
159 lativorans (ex. Mesorhizobium) sp. BNC1, its catalytic mechanism is unknown.
160                               Although their catalytic mechanism is well characterized and the cataly
161                     Furthermore, using a non-catalytic mechanism, MMP-9 promotes rounded-amoeboid 3D
162 ght on 5mC-DNA substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism of 5mC oxidation.
163 op new strategies to probe the structure and catalytic mechanism of a ribozyme.
164                     Here we have studied the catalytic mechanism of alkaline phosphatase (AP), which
165                             The hypothesized catalytic mechanism of alpha-terpineol-to-1,8-cineole co
166              The results reveals a conserved catalytic mechanism of AlucJHEH toward JH.
167 , providing further support for the proposed catalytic mechanism of AmiA.
168 er, the role of fast dynamics in the overall catalytic mechanism of an enzyme has not been addressed.
169  results provide important insights into the catalytic mechanism of archaeal DHNAs.
170      We report the crystal structure and the catalytic mechanism of Asp f3, a two-cysteine type perox
171                             To elucidate the catalytic mechanism of ATP hydrolysis by YchF, we have t
172  our findings provide fresh insight into the catalytic mechanism of AURKA, and identify a key structu
173                                          The catalytic mechanism of BACE-1 requires water-mediated pr
174                          While the iterative catalytic mechanism of bacterial NRPSs is known, it rema
175             These findings unveil a one-base catalytic mechanism of C2 deprotonation/reprotonation vi
176 ly, these data give a new perspective on the catalytic mechanism of CCoAOMTs and provide a basis for
177                        However, the detailed catalytic mechanism of CE is unclear due to the lack of
178 NA and 2',5' cGAMP provided insight into the catalytic mechanism of cGAS.
179                                          The catalytic mechanism of class A beta-lactamases is often
180 ction of the conserved residue Lys 73 in the catalytic mechanism of class A type beta-lactamase enzym
181 e structural framework and insights into the catalytic mechanism of CpsUbiX.
182                   These results document the catalytic mechanism of CYP121 and improve our understand
183  report here a detailed investigation of the catalytic mechanism of DCS using a variety of mechanisti
184   EPR-based strategies for investigating the catalytic mechanism of decarboxylation are complicated b
185 irical valence bond simulations to probe the catalytic mechanism of DFPase as well as temperature, pH
186 active strategy to understand the underlying catalytic mechanism of different edge sites and improve
187 s and provide insights for understanding the catalytic mechanism of dithiol oxidases involved in natu
188 ovide insights into the atomic structure and catalytic mechanism of DNase II.
189                                 The proposed catalytic mechanism of DNMT1 involves nucleophilic attac
190 irected mutagenesis allowed us to derive the catalytic mechanism of DrrA from the FTIR difference spe
191        Protein mass-modulated effects in the catalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate re
192 the transformation products to elucidate the catalytic mechanism of estrogens' transformation by lacc
193 nds of introns and provides insight into the catalytic mechanism of exon ligation.
194          To further our understanding of the catalytic mechanism of GHMP kinases with the purpose of
195  active site, consistent with studies of the catalytic mechanism of GlpG that suggest that TM5 serves
196                            The structure and catalytic mechanism of group II introns have recently be
197 is finding radically changes the view on the catalytic mechanism of H2O2 production by Cu-Abeta, and
198 le for histidine-162 and threonine-36 in the catalytic mechanism of HCT.
199                                 The proposed catalytic mechanism of human UGDH involves Lys(220) as g
200 ing have been shown to play key roles in the catalytic mechanism of hydrolytic NAD(P)-dependent aldeh
201 ogether, our results suggested the potential catalytic mechanism of hydroxylation by YfcM.
202           In this paper, we have studied the catalytic mechanism of L-asparaginase II computationally
203 lts have provided a new understanding of the catalytic mechanism of L-asparaginases that is in agreem
204 To date we lack structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of lariat-forming ribozymes.
205 rovide insights regarding differences in the catalytic mechanism of MIBS and the mechanisms of (+)-bo
206        The results provide insights into the catalytic mechanism of MOBC relaxases, which differs rad
207        While there is broad agreement on the catalytic mechanism of multicopper oxidases (MCOs), the
208 data highlight potential differences for the catalytic mechanism of NOHA oxidation between mammalian
209 nt new insights into the previously proposed catalytic mechanism of NOS.
210              Many questions remain about the catalytic mechanism of OxDC although it has been propose
211  stability of plausible intermediates in the catalytic mechanism of OxDC, and suggests that removal o
212             Understanding the details of the catalytic mechanism of Pgp is therefore critical to the
213 s are discussed in context of a model of the catalytic mechanism of Pgp.
214                                 To study the catalytic mechanism of phosphorylation catalyzed by cAMP
215 nsights into the product specificity and the catalytic mechanism of protein arginine methyltransferas
216 nt H(2) accumulation in the dark because the catalytic mechanism of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductas
217                                          The catalytic mechanism of RlmH enzyme is unknown.
218 tions in the SA binding site, we propose the catalytic mechanism of SGE and SAG formation and that SA
219                                          The catalytic mechanism of standard NTR involves a large con
220 , suggesting the importance of Arg-94 in the catalytic mechanism of the bc(1) complex in R. sphaeroid
221 t examines the substrate, metal binding, and catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.
222 n atoms, and computation to characterize the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.
223                        This work reveals the catalytic mechanism of the first known plant flavin mono
224 her understand the substrate specificity and catalytic mechanism of the HCT/HQT, we performed structu
225 rting point for research on the dynamics and catalytic mechanism of the HDV ribozyme and demonstrate
226 H-bond and dispersion contact as part of the catalytic mechanism of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase.
227                                          The catalytic mechanism of the organo-mediated Beckmann rear
228 nhibitors has provided new insights into the catalytic mechanism of the protease and its conformation
229 hanics (QM/MM) calculations to elucidate the catalytic mechanism of the rate-determining amine oxidat
230 lts shown here provide new insights into the catalytic mechanism of the secretion ATPase superfamily.
231 ystal structure of TPST2, which revealed the catalytic mechanism of the tyrosine sulfation reaction.
232 ntal principles of catalysis by PSII and the catalytic mechanism of the WOC.
233 the stroma and consistent with the canonical catalytic mechanism of these enzymes.
234 anges in structural dynamics with the unique catalytic mechanism of this enzyme.
235                                          The catalytic mechanism of this metal-independent glycosyltr
236  to gain insights into the structure and the catalytic mechanism of this unusual Dtrx.
237                                 However, the catalytic mechanism of this very unusual sulfur-sacrific
238 ine bacterial Tmm (RnTmm) and elucidated the catalytic mechanism of TMA oxidation by RnTmm.
239 derstanding of the substrate recognition and catalytic mechanism of Tps2 and provide a structural bas
240 n calorimetry experiments to investigate the catalytic mechanism of Trm10 in vitro.
241                                          The catalytic mechanism of Uba6 is further supported by inhi
242 ates in VAO, providing new insights into the catalytic mechanism of VAO and related enzymes that oxid
243 d the development of a detailed model of the catalytic mechanism of WaaA.
244        Our results provide insights into the catalytic mechanism of Xer recombination and a model for
245 tic performance were built for understanding catalytic mechanisms of bimetallic catalysts toward desi
246 ociated with DNA recognition by cGAS and the catalytic mechanisms of cGAMP generation.
247 es common to natural heme-containing enzymes.Catalytic mechanisms of enzymes are well understood, but
248 icantly advanced in our understanding of the catalytic mechanisms of GHs and GTs, not only the molecu
249 ural studies have focused on elucidating the catalytic mechanisms of individual multidomain proteins
250 informatic results, provide insight into the catalytic mechanisms of the Cy domain and implicate a pr
251 elis complexes, which illuminate distinctive catalytic mechanisms of the lysine adenylylation reactio
252 actor and substrate binding sites and on the catalytic mechanisms of these enzymes, comparing them wi
253 ese and mutational data, allow us to infer a catalytic mechanism operative in GlmU(Mtb).
254 n paid to improving our understanding of its catalytic mechanisms or substrate preferences.
255 RNA synthetase classes possess sophisticated catalytic mechanisms: pre-steady state bursts, significa
256                                          The catalytic mechanism proposed for the carboxylation of ox
257 nding direct support to the 'ping-pong'-like catalytic mechanism proposed for YopJ effectors.
258              The DddY structure and proposed catalytic mechanism provide a better understanding of ho
259 uitous Prx scaffold, and their structure and catalytic mechanism reconcile a plethora of partly confl
260       A controversy has arisen regarding its catalytic mechanism related to the function of the activ
261          This Review critically examines the catalytic mechanisms relevant to each specific applicati
262  conserved autoproteolysis sequence, but its catalytic mechanism remains unknown.
263  conformation, with catalytic residues and a catalytic mechanism remarkably similar to canonical prot
264 lusively by hydrogen bonds, and the proposed catalytic mechanism requires multiple proton-transfer ev
265             The reported dynamic single-atom catalytic mechanism results from the ability of the gold
266    Although these proteases use an unrelated catalytic mechanism, rotation of equivalent helices cont
267                            While the updated catalytic mechanism shares features with the serine prot
268  is a zinc-dependent metallopeptidase with a catalytic mechanism similar to that of glutamate carboxy
269  found that this enzyme follows an acid-base catalytic mechanism similar to the bacterial DHNAs, exce
270  complex, yielding seminal insights into its catalytic mechanism, substrate specificity, allosteric r
271 ong to multiple distinct classes and share a catalytic mechanism that arose through convergent evolut
272 re-guided mutagenesis, leads us to propose a catalytic mechanism that establishes LarE as a paradigm
273 ncy, providing an unusual substrate-assisted catalytic mechanism that limits efficient ubiquitin tran
274 cribed in this work suggests a novel type of catalytic mechanism that relies on the forced atomic pro
275 ubstrate binding and the two-cation-assisted catalytic mechanisms that are shared by eukaryotic C3POs
276     Emphasis is placed on reaction types and catalytic mechanisms that showcase both the chemical div
277 ay structure of NadA will help us unveil its catalytic mechanism, the last step in the understanding
278        More significantly, simplification of catalytic mechanisms through the incorporation of chemic
279 ing us with the most thorough picture of the catalytic mechanism to date.
280 t-driven model, this approach offers a novel catalytic mechanism to irreversibly inhibit protein func
281                               We propose two catalytic mechanisms to account for our experimental res
282 FPase and PON1 also likely utilize identical catalytic mechanisms to hydrolyze their respective subst
283                                          The catalytic mechanisms underlying Escherichia coli alkalin
284 s that were designed to test features of the catalytic mechanism used by the adenine glycosylase MutY
285 quantitative and detailed description of the catalytic mechanism utilized by DsbA that offers insight
286                                   A two-step catalytic mechanism was extrapolated: the catalyst trans
287                                          The catalytic mechanism was monitored by means of three two-
288                                          Its catalytic mechanism was previously proposed to involve a
289                            To understand the catalytic mechanism, we have crystallized the ternary co
290 ecifically hydrolyzed Efb via a nucleophilic catalytic mechanism were found in the blood of healthy h
291                            Insights into the catalytic mechanism were gained by using variable concen
292            ATP synthases operate by a rotary catalytic mechanism where proton translocation through t
293 omputational studies indicate a bifunctional catalytic mechanism whereby the thioimidate activates th
294 ed us to deduce a detailed and complete IspG catalytic mechanism, which describes all stages from ini
295 vance makes necessary the knowledge of their catalytic mechanism, which in the case of retaining GTs
296      However, details about the complex mIPS catalytic mechanism, which requires oxidation, enolizati
297 ficity by retaining core closure as a common catalytic mechanism while optimizing substrate-binding i
298  enzymes which share a general superfold and catalytic mechanism, while they differ in the nature of
299               Inteins display a diversity of catalytic mechanisms within a highly conserved fold that
300 core metabolic enzymes that share a fold and catalytic mechanism yet possess strict specificity for t

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