


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 3-hydroxypropenoic acid ester, followed by a catalytic reduction.
2                                              Catalytic reduction (5% Rh/alumina) of 2'-deoxyuridine,
3 om a Diesel Particulate Filter and Selective Catalytic Reduction after-treatment system (DPF-SCR) equ
4 eginning of each route due to cold selective catalytic reduction aftertreatment temperature.
5     For the diesel OSVs, which had selective catalytic reduction and diesel particulate filters, fuel
6 thyl-pent-3-enoate side chain was removed by catalytic reduction, and the remaining ester group was c
7 ctions not only to provide a hydride ion for catalytic reduction, but is also a critical structural c
8                                This suggests catalytic reduction can be competitive with increased ac
9                                          The catalytic reduction current is related to HRP amount imm
10        In the range of 0.5-400.0 microM, the catalytic reduction current of H2O2 was proportional to
11  suggests that properly calibrated selective catalytic reduction filter and lean-NOx trap after-treat
12 dine with ethyl 4-acetylbenzoate followed by catalytic reduction, hydrolysis, and standard peptide co
13 an any other just how sensitive a successful catalytic reduction is to small changes in the triamidoa
14                                 This unusual catalytic reduction occurs at a potential at which the s
15          We describe an effective method for catalytic reduction of 1 degrees alkyl sulfonates, and 1
16 eniently prepared in up to 86% yield via the catalytic reduction of 1-iodo- or 1-bromo-5-decyne by [[
17 nocomposites has also been demonstrated with catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol.
18 herichia coli (ecNrfA) previously, revealing catalytic reduction of both nitrite and hydroxylamine su
19     A new transition-metal-free mode for the catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide via bidentate inte
20 , in the growth of graphene films and in the catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
21                                          The catalytic reduction of carboxylic acid derivatives has w
22  protein scaffold and used to facilitate the catalytic reduction of CN(-) , CO, and CO2 into hydrocar
23  experimentally with examples taken from the catalytic reduction of CO(2) by iron(0) porphyrins.
24                                          The catalytic reduction of CO2 is of great current interest
25                                              Catalytic reduction of CO2 with Et3SiH was also accompli
26                                   During the catalytic reduction of diethyl ether, cationic iridium s
27 trahydro-pyridin-2(1H)-one 10 is obtained by catalytic reduction of dihydropyridin-2(1H)-one 7.
28 -) ([DPPN(3)N](3-)) that are relevant to the catalytic reduction of dinitrogen have been prepared.
29                   Since our discovery of the catalytic reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia at a single
30  then evaluated for their efficiency for the catalytic reduction of dinitrogen under conditions where
31 nd discuss the bottlenecks and challenges in catalytic reduction of dinitrogen.
32 ework of the commonly accepted mechanism for catalytic reduction of dioxygen by iron porphyrins, afte
33 rogen peroxide is mainly produced during the catalytic reduction of dioxygen with 80-84% selectivity,
34 V) oxidation state is needed to initiate the catalytic reduction of either dimethyl sulfoxide or trim
35 mimicking-DNAzyme significantly improved the catalytic reduction of H2O2 by oxidation of methylene bl
36                                          The catalytic reduction of hydrazine (N(2)H(4)) to ammonia b
37 r can support the light-driven, six-electron catalytic reduction of hydrogen cyanide into methane and
38 a higher sensitivity for the electrochemical catalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide.
39 u) serves as a catalyst or precursor for the catalytic reduction of molecular nitrogen to ammonia in
40                       The assay utilizes the catalytic reduction of nitrosothiol by mercuric cation (
41 lucidate here the mechanism of the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 (NH3-SCR) over a Fe-ZSM
42 ed in situ IR was performed during selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 on supported V2O5-WO3
43 as recently commercialized for the selective catalytic reduction of NO X with ammonia in vehicle emis
44 s a very efficient material in the selective catalytic reduction of NO(x) using ammonia (deNO(x)-SCR)
45 c reducers was observed, suggesting that the catalytic reduction of NOx increases delta(15)N-NOx valu
46 pe fractionation effects associated with the catalytic reduction of NOx.
47                                              Catalytic reduction of O(2) and H(2)O(2) by new syntheti
48            It was finally concluded that the catalytic reduction of O(2) by MP-11 adsorbed within nan
49  of NADH (0.05 V vs. Ag/AgCl) as well as the catalytic reduction of O2 and H2O2 at reduced overpotent
50 cal reactions was also demonstrated with the catalytic reduction of oxygen by MP-11.
51 le production of hydrogen peroxide through a catalytic reduction of oxygen facilitated by the complex
52                                  The electro-catalytic reduction of oxygen is reversibly inhibited by
53 ly to contain significant contributions from catalytic reduction of oxygen produced during the cataly
54 lic voltammetry (CV) and is confirmed by the catalytic reduction of oxygen.
55 e published research in the area of Pd-based catalytic reduction of priority drinking water contamina
56  for iridium reduction and the corresponding catalytic reduction of protons implies that 6 +/- 2 ions
57 plexes that are exceptionally active for the catalytic reduction of protons in aqueous solvent mixtur
58  in molecular electrochemical approaches for catalytic reduction of protons to hydrogen, focusing on
59                                              Catalytic reduction of secondary amides to imines and se
60 ey structural states of ligated SiRHP in the catalytic reduction of sulfite to sulfide.
61                Some analogs were prepared by catalytic reduction of the alkene and alkene analogs 3 a
62  azide, complete cleavage of the esters, and catalytic reduction of the azide yielded the requisite a
63                                              Catalytic reduction of the nitro group followed by react
64 yl 2-bromomethyl-4-nitrobenzoate followed by catalytic reduction of the nitro group, reductive coupli
65  by His, the resulting MoFe protein supports catalytic reduction of the nitrogenous substrate hydrazi
66                                              Catalytic reduction of the pyridine to the piperidine fo
67                             The pH-dependent catalytic reduction of trichloracetic acid was faster in
68 gly acidic solutions for the electrochemical catalytic reduction of trichloracetic acid, hydrogen per
69                                              Catalytic reduction of water contaminants using palladiu
70                               Four attempted catalytic reductions of dinitrogen with [DPPN(3)N]MoN yi
71                                        Novel catalytic reductions of tertiary and secondary phosphine
72  subsequent efficient reduction in selective catalytic reduction or lean NO(x) trap devices continues
73 lytic reduction path on the Au surface and a catalytic reduction path on the Sn surface are introduce
74 other and carry out approximately 90% of the catalytic reduction process of O(2)-H(2)O(2).
75                                          The catalytic reduction producing dihydrogen occurs at appro
76                            We found that the catalytic reduction (PtO2, H2) procedure provided the ci
77                The introduction of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) aftertreatment to meet stringe
78 s with and without the presence of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and selective noncatalytic red
79        Active centers in Cu/SSZ-13 selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts have been recently i
80 ), Cu zeolite-, and vanadium-based selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts, and ammonia oxidati
81 -based deNO(x) catalyst supporting selective catalytic reduction (SCR) chemistry.
82  and three equipped with EGR and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device were measured on two di
83 lower NOx emissions as compared to selective catalytic reduction (SCR) equipped diesel vehicles.
84 eet stringent NOx emission limits, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is increasingly utilized in sh
85 ng performance in the NH3-assisted selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of harmful nitrogen oxides and
86 d into zeolites are active for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) wit
87 e of copper redox chemistry in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO over Cu-exchanged SSZ-13
88 f lean-NOx reduction technologies, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx by NH3 over Cu- and Fe-
89 active sites, and activity for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx with NH3 are establishe
90 dration of bioalcohol, and ammonia selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx.
91  diesel particle filters (DPF) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) on heavy-duty diesel truck emi
92 ur marine residual fuel and have a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system for NO(X) abatement.
93 diesel engine equipped with a urea selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system.
94  coal, and as a by-product of urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems that are being phased-
95 esel particulate filter (DPF), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) were tested on a chassis dynam
96  trucks, two diesels equipped with selective catalytic reduction (SCR), two LNG's equipped with three
97     For vehicles with OEM DPFs and Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems, PNEFs under highway driving
98 are the result of new trucks using selective catalytic reduction systems.
99 tainability of IX, biological treatment, and catalytic reduction technologies are compared more gener
100 xhaust gas recirculation (EGR), or selective catalytic reduction with trap (SCRT).

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